feminism misogyny MRA PUA racism rape rape culture

From the mouths of trolls: Rape is unneccessary if you’ve got “game.”


So my Mighty White of You post — about the demographics of the Men’s Rights subreddit — drew the attention of Obsidian, a longtime Manosphere blogger who has been described by some of his comrades as “the Blackest Man of the Manosphere” (not that this is much of an accomplishment in that lily-white world). He stuck around for some not-terribly productive discussions of race and feminism, pickup artistry, and I can’t remember the rest because I just sort of stopped caring after a while.

But there was one thing he said — a passing remark in a long comment — that stood out to some of the commenters here, and which I thought was revealing enough to warrant highlighting in a post:

I don’t support rape for a very simple reason – because it’s not necessary. A Man with Game doesn’t need to rape anyone.

That … is not a good reason to “not support” rape.

Really, that’s probably the worst reason to “not support” rape besides “I don’t have enough time in my busy schedule to rape anyone today” or “I might muss up my new suit raping someone.”

Do you really need to search for reasons to “not support” rape beyond, you know, the idea that violating other people for your own selfish pleasure is wrong?

PUAs: Even the ones who aren’t directly advocating sexual assault have some pretty fucked up ideas about rape.

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11 years ago

…it seems like Obsidian Douche feels it’s women’s responsibility to make sure men are getting the sex they’re entitled to.

This. It is such bullshit, and yet it seems to be fairly commonplace. I think the governments-get-girlfriends guy comes from there, as well as the PUAs, rape-apologists and evo-psych idiots. “Wah wah wah, I’m not getting all the sexy sex I want so it is so mean of the eeeeebul wimmins and we are entitled to do anything to make them give it up.”

Bullshit redux. Nobody is entitled to sex. Nobody, as in nobody is entitled to sex, no matter how much they want it. Really, how hard is that to comprehend? Even this old fashioned cat can figure that out.

11 years ago

Pecunium — yeah I’m in the middle of duplicating all of it. Which would go a lot faster if THE FUCKING MAC WASN’T BEING STUPID.

An oldie but a goodie:

11 years ago

RE: guffaw-ferrets

Being part Cajun, do you cringe whenever you hear someone attempt the accent on TV? I do, and I don’t even have Cajuns in the family. (But one side IS from New Orleans.)

RE: Argenti

Not gonna lie, for the religion thing, I’ll likely just skip it, because while we were dragged to church a few times as a wee singlet, our folks were not all that religious and it never stuck at all.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Last time I tried Ubuntu on that machine I was stuck unable to access my primary OS for a week. I’ll pass. (Really, it’s just a 7~ year old laptop with one functional fan, and it’s now taking a nap before I kill it)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Skipping it works fine! Most? All? The required questions are on the first page, and most of those aren’t required. And I think economic class is one of them (I’d check, but it’s nap time), join me among the ranks of the poor!

Now to watch that video…

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Aw now, my mac’s good to me when I baby it. Abusing it with a huge page full of all this JS, not so much. Goddamned self-allocating swap space!

11 years ago

Last time I tried Ubuntu on that machine I was stuck unable to access my primary OS for a week. I’ll pass. (Really, it’s just a 7~ year old laptop with one functional fan, and it’s now taking a nap before I kill it)

That’s too bad. Did you try to boot Ubuntu Live CD from a flash drive? Installing Ubuntu that way can be a royal pain.

If you ever decide to try it again, my cousin told me that he was able to enable Ubuntu 12.04 dual boot on his awful Windows XP laptop pretty easily, and the only problem he has is that his laptop is kind of slow (although his laptop is already terrible anyway, so that’s irrelevant).

11 years ago

Yea, I thought about the abrahamic thing after I hit send…

Smart ass question: How many peach pies have you made out of freeze peaches? 1/10/100/I only ever eat peaches warm/Oh no, my freeze peaches!!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Aaliyah — how’d you guess >.<

Freeze peach! Is so in

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

Oh, by the way, I have a present for you!

11 years ago

Obsidian, on the other hand, is like a movie theater with no popcorn or soda by yourself playing Andy Warhol’s Empire and you can’t leave until it’s over. Except in this case I have every right to just not read his stuff but I just choose to.

I’m dealing with this by just scrolling right on past any time I see his name at the top of a comment. Works fairly well, but my finger is getting tired.

On accents on TV and cringing – try being Scottish. To be fair, I don’t sound Scottish either, but I can at least fake it convincingly when I want to and not end up sounding like, say, Shrek.

11 years ago

Aaliyah — how’d you guess >.<

I’ve done the Ubuntu Live CD boot at least 6 times before (3 times on different laptops), so it came to my mind immediately. =P

11 years ago

RE: CassandraSays

I can imagine! Heck, I cringe when I hear people’s attempts at a SOUTHERN accent, and they’re from the freakin’ US, so they have no excuse. (Says the man who can’t really differentiate any accents above the Mason-Dixon line.)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

SQUEE!! I’ll nag my mother for her plastic to buy a copy when she gets home (guess who lacks any sort of card?)

Also, what’s this AU warning mean?

11 years ago

Also, what’s this AU warning mean?

That you are about to enter, “THE PAUL ZONE”, where everything is on the Gold Standard.

11 years ago

RE: pecunium

Please accept this kitten in token of my lulz.

RE: Argenti

Hmmm. It means you get to choose whether it’s canon or not. In your case, I expect you’d prefer it to be canon, which means that for you, it is.

(Basically, my official stance on Biff is that he’s Schrodinger’s Trans Man; whether he’s canonically cis or trans is entirely up to the reader, since 90% of the time, it makes no difference in the story. This is one of the exceptions. For over a decade, I wrote him cis, until a friend of mine mistook him for trans, and then I realized that it pretty much required no change of anything, so why the hell not.)

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

I just saw this bit from the other thread:

“O: Should I value someone’s life more than my own?”

Yeezus H Christ, does this guy ever stop getting worse?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Considering Biff’s um, response to the topic of sex…but. Oh, that was also AU, ok then. (And really, I’d rather ignore M.D. Doing whatever the fuck she did to him with her zapping skills)

In any case, I had permission to use her Paypal account…which has $0 until a bank withdraw clears. *impatient*

26 hours awake, not tired. AAARRRGHH.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

If a guy has the means to get the kinds of sexual relationships he wants with Women, his chances of raping them go down considerably.

This is standard rape apologist bullshit.

Hint: rapists don’t rape because they want sex and can’t get it. They rape because they want *specifically* to rape.

11 years ago

It does sound like typical manosphere stupidity and ignorance when it comes to rape.

11 years ago

Smart ass question: How many peach pies have you made out of freeze peaches? 1/10/100/I only ever eat peaches warm/Oh no, my freeze peaches!!

I have some friends with peach trees and they harvested all the peaches and froze them and now they make a cobbler once or twice a week. When I’m there I can’t stop thinking “freeze peach.”

11 years ago

I only read some of his posts so I thought he had *some* misguided ideas but was still open to understanding the views of people who despise all that stuff.

This seems to be much more fundamental, though. Also, what’s “game” other than “abuse women in ways they might not immediately perceive” anyway? You still seem to be advocating for abuse as a way to get sex.

11 years ago

namegoeshere – exactly. It’s all about how to rape women while staying just outside what the law would recognise as rape. It’s about abuse, control and tormenting people. It’s about sexually expressed hate.

11 years ago

LBT: yes! I can suspend my disbelief about a lot of things for the sake of entertainment, but tend to get pissed at stuff like “terrible faked accents of any sort” and “that scene on ‘The L Word’ when Shane sprinkles weed shake straight into brownie batter instead of using canna-butter; we’re supposed to believe that someone in L.A. doesn’t know any better??”

That being said, I don’t have much claim to Cajun culture since I was raised way up north and speak very little French; also my accent is a weird combo of “Canadian”, “Appalachian Pennsylvanian”, and “Brooklyn”. Whenever I go to New Orleans, people look at me and are like “Qui t’a pres faire, ’tite* ange?” and then get really confused when they hear me talk.

11 years ago

Sorry, left out a footnote: that’s a diminutive of “petit/e” and I always forget if it’s spelled “‘tit” or “‘tite”, since the grammatical rules are different from those of continental French. Either way, it sounds like “tee”.

I can just see some MRA reading that spelled out and being like “TIt? Wait, tight?! This rocks! I can just walk up to a woman and say ‘tit’ or ‘tight’ in front of her name and claim it’s a foreign language lol, +1000 Game Points, I am sure to come off like a super-worldly alpha WHILE planting the Sex Seed in her mind, definitely gonna get laid like this.”