feminism misogyny MRA PUA racism rape rape culture

From the mouths of trolls: Rape is unneccessary if you’ve got “game.”


So my Mighty White of You post — about the demographics of the Men’s Rights subreddit — drew the attention of Obsidian, a longtime Manosphere blogger who has been described by some of his comrades as “the Blackest Man of the Manosphere” (not that this is much of an accomplishment in that lily-white world). He stuck around for some not-terribly productive discussions of race and feminism, pickup artistry, and I can’t remember the rest because I just sort of stopped caring after a while.

But there was one thing he said — a passing remark in a long comment — that stood out to some of the commenters here, and which I thought was revealing enough to warrant highlighting in a post:

I don’t support rape for a very simple reason – because it’s not necessary. A Man with Game doesn’t need to rape anyone.

That … is not a good reason to “not support” rape.

Really, that’s probably the worst reason to “not support” rape besides “I don’t have enough time in my busy schedule to rape anyone today” or “I might muss up my new suit raping someone.”

Do you really need to search for reasons to “not support” rape beyond, you know, the idea that violating other people for your own selfish pleasure is wrong?

PUAs: Even the ones who aren’t directly advocating sexual assault have some pretty fucked up ideas about rape.

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Louise McCudden (@LouMcCudden)

So a man without game does “need” to rape people? What an asshole.

Also, this does not improve my opinion of people who talk about having “game” in general. A clever way to avoid technically having to rape people? Great. Sounds lovely.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

Hi Dave,
Thanks for the mention! Much appreciated. And, I can see how and why you’d want to change the subject, given how WHITE your own social media activity is, too. I mean, if I was calling thus and so out for being so “White of You”, and I was indeed just as White, I’d want to change the subject, too.

So, let’s discuss my actual writings, and determine if they indeed, do advocate rape, shall we?

Let’s start here: Why Is The (White) Manosphere So Fixated On Rape?

Please feel free to make the case as to how and why I’m such an advocate for rape?

This is gonna be good…


11 years ago

Who said you’re an advocate for rape? You just have a crap reason for not raping.

I don’t support rape for a very simple reason – because it’s not necessary. A Man with Game doesn’t need to rape anyone.

11 years ago

Oh, great, now we’ll never get rid of his lying ass.

11 years ago

That quote is going to become Obsidian’s “AVfM Links to Terrorism Manifesto” boilerplate, isn’t it?

11 years ago

But hellkell, it will be hours of entertainment!

11 years ago

Xen: for a certain value of “entertainment.” I guess. We’ve already been treated to much bloviating and veiled death threats in the other thread he’s shat upon.

Bob Dole
Bob Dole
11 years ago

Off-topic again, but more “baaw men don’t rule anymore”:

11 years ago

And now ObFiles has been admitted to the Kewl Kids Klub of the Manosohere; He’s made it. He finally wrote something stupid enough to get a top post at Manboobz.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

David — you may want to pop over to that thread, specifically where he suggested pecunium coffee might go well with arsenic.

11 years ago

Pecunlum coffee? I don’t think I would brew up well. But I think I shall go and get some. Maybe I’ll spice it. 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Lol, I imagine you brew well! Fucking English, that’d have been clear in Latin! (Or if I managed the possessive form of your nym)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Cinnamon and hazelnut for the spices, it’s how I do mine (liquid hazelnut creamer since it’s non-dairy and I prefer my coffee not cause me to regret it)

11 years ago

Cinnamon when brewing. Pepper on foam when making an esspresso drink.

11 years ago

And chunky, like 1/8″ pieces in the grounds.

11 years ago

For the cinnamon. Pepper is dust on the top.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I do cinnamon sugar, cuz it was already in the pantry. Maybe I’ll try grounds when I run out. But pepper? Like, the stuff that comes in packets?

11 years ago

I can see where that could be good; I mean, I like my cocoa with a pinch of cayenne in. Not that black pepper and peppers of the chili variety are very much related but hey.

11 years ago

No… not packets. Fresh ground. OMG… never eat the bitter dust that comes in a packet.

11 years ago

I’ve pretty much given up dairy, but man, do I miss it in my coffee. I’ve been making cold-brewed coffee mixed with coconut milk (with ice), and I like both coffee and coconut milk, but together–not so much. It’s REALLY bad when the coffee is hot. I’m going to have to learn to like my coffee black, I guess. (I really don’t like non-dairy creamers, they taste like sugar and petroleum to me.)

11 years ago

Unimaginative, do you do soy milk? I find it an almost, but not quite acceptable substitute for milk in tea.

11 years ago

I am curious about the racial breakdown here. We should have a poll! (Unscientific, of course, but it’d be interesting.)

11 years ago

Nope, no legumes, either. I’ve tried hemp milk (BLECH!) and almond milk ($$$$$). I tried rice milk years ago, and it wasn’t bad, but it’s grain-based, so that’s out too. (I’m doing the paleo diet, and it’s having such a beneficial effect on my digestion, skin, joints, and mental health that I’m completely okay with the slight embarrassment I feel at calling my food choices paleo).

11 years ago

No… not packets. Fresh ground. OMG… never eat the bitter dust that comes in a packet.

Freshly-ground coffee is amazing, especially when it’s homemade. One of the (minor) reasons I like to spend time with my mom and my older sister in Colorado is that they make some absolutely wonderful homemade coffee.

Also, for some reason, I’ve only recently tried eating donuts with coffee.

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