antifeminism fidelbogen grandiosity mansplaining misogyny MRA straw feminists twitter

@Fidelbogen is killing it on Twitter with his antifeminist bon mots #NotReally #SeriouslyTheyreAwful

So our old friend Fidelbogen the Counter-Feminist Agent of Male Renaissance has gotten on the Twitter. And even though he hasn’t yet figured out how to replace his generic egg avatar, and has managed to amass only 44 followers (one of them me), he’s been tweeting up a storm in the last couple of days.

Indeed, he’s so proud of his recent tweets that he screenshotted a bunch of them and put them on his blog under the title Casting Your Breadcrumbs Upon the Water. (Huh. I thought the expression was “Cast your bread upon the waters.” Maybe Fidelbogen is hoping to recruit some ducks?)

Anyway, I thought I’d give his timely tweety wisdom a somewhat wider audience. I hope he won’t mind.



Can you all suggest some more Fidelbogenisms for him to post?

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11 years ago

Whoa, filo4000! Fidelbogen’s channel is something (Shadow is correct: it’s amazeballs)! This guy is impossible to satirize, I give up.
I’m listening to one of his videos called ‘thinking the unthinkable and unthinking the thinkable.” He proceeds to discuss the thinkableness of thinkability and the unthinkabledom of unthought thoughts (and vice versa). Related to feminism, of course (as pre-defined by Fidel to mean a woman who wants to eliminate all men for her sadistic womanly urges)
That’s some varsity level shit. Sadly, I think I’ll have to quit listening to his solemn ramblings because he might think he’s getting clicks for the quality of his brave hero messages.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I was wondering wtf that DA pic with all weird if X and Y did Z was a out with her and Grey fighting…something. And she doesn’t ruin everything, Raige for one seems better off!

PIN has a retirement policy? Like, people manage to retire? They have people not KIA?! Like, comboys and them only right? This is even more confusing!

Yeah, Biff’s standards don’t seem to include window locks (I guess she could probably undo it though huh?)

11 years ago

I feel like he might make more sense if I was totally tripping balls.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

And, for that matter, Biff. Mr. Beetles instead of booze. At least sometimes she’s good for him! (Of course, this is Biff, not exactly the angel Raige is!)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I…don’t. I mean, it might sound intelligent, but it wouldn’t actually make sense.

11 years ago

In my experience, reading some MRA’s shitty opinion is one of the most effective ways to almost completely ruin my high. Especially if it’s rape apologia.

11 years ago

Dear MRAs – stop harshing the planet’s buzz.

11 years ago

I’m listening to one of his videos called ‘thinking the unthinkable and unthinking the thinkable.” He proceeds to discuss the thinkableness of thinkability and the unthinkabledom of unthought thoughts (and vice versa).

He elaborated with “Luke Luck licks lakes. Luke’s duck licks lakes. Luke Luck licks lakes that Luke’s duck likes. Luke’s duck licks lakes that Luke Luck likes.”

11 years ago

“Luke Luck licks lakes. Luke’s duck licks lakes. Luke Luck licks lakes that Luke’s duck likes. Luke’s duck licks lakes that Luke Luck likes.”

You gotta admit he’s got a point there.

11 years ago

“Luke Luck licks lakes. Luke’s duck licks lakes. Luke Luck licks lakes that Luke’s duck likes. Luke’s duck licks lakes that Luke Luck likes.”

I had trouble even reading that in my head…

11 years ago

I love how his egg avatar makes it even more difficult for me to take him seriously. What an amusing fellow.

11 years ago

I’m always late enough to posts here that there are too many comments for me to read and still get anything done, but this word torturer had an amazing post on his Facebook (and probably on his website, but I’ve not yet sought my comedy there) about how rocks aren’t feminism. It was about how feminism on the surface seems to have permeated every surface and seeped into every corner, but when you truly gaze out upon the world what you see is Not Feminism. Including the natural world; including rocks. Specifically rocks.

He’s so funny. He sounds like a college freshman straining to sound intellectual during a dorm smokeout with various philosophical concepts he’s recently learned from Sophie’s World.

11 years ago

(Apologies if I’m remembering incorrectly what his examples of the Not Feminism of the majority of the human and insensate world were–and boyyy are MRAs insensate! Point: Corny Wizard-Looking Guy–but I could swear rocks were among them.)

11 years ago

I suppose the rocks comments makes sense to him, given he’s smart as a box of rocks.

Niters, all!

11 years ago

I love this exchange

somethng something sound and fury signifying nothing

11 years ago

So, what does “fidelbogen” mean? I tried Google, but all I got was this guy.

11 years ago

It’s like watching Cleverbot talk to Cleverbot!

This makes me realize how much of the semblance of content and direction in MRA conversations comes from whoever they’re arguing with. All they actually have to say is “NO U!”, but if they’re talking to a feminist (or any regular person, really) they’ll be quoting bits of meaningful conversation and the other person will be making an attempt to stay on topic. When they talk to each other, it’s just an endless repetition of things that sound like retorts.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago


I dunno what it means. I plugged it into Google Translate on the off chance it meant something.

Danish – “f in part the book”

…that sounds about right, hmm?

But more seriously, no, I have no idea what it means.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

(it’s funny because any tiny minute part of F would become a book the way he writes, you see?)


11 years ago

Does anyone else mentally pronounce his name as “fiddlebogen”? It took me ages to realize it was actually fidel, and then I wondered if he was trying to reference Castro and if that meant he was too stupid to realize that it was Che who would have been the smarter “I’m a revolutionary hero, me” choice.

11 years ago

Does anyone else mentally pronounce his name as “fiddlebogen”?

I was conflating him with another commenter based on a weird chain of dyslexia and free-association.

There’s a tedious Slymepit troll named “pitchguest” who has an icon of Batman with Mickey Mouse ears. Batman + mouse = “Die Fledermaus”, the Batman parody from the animated Tick cartoon. My brain then confused “Fledermaus” with “fidelbogen”.

How I get anything functional out of my brain is a mystery to me.

11 years ago

He’s not nearly funny enough to be Die Fledermaus.

….And now I’m trying to figure out which MRA could fill that role. One of the “if feminism isn’t stopped we’re all going to die!” ones, so maybe someone from The Spearhead.


Fidelbogen ‏@fidelbogen 11h
If you merely problematize the mythology of women’s oppression, you will be targeted or at least scrutinized. #feminism #MRA #MGTOW #avfm


Hard to take your anti-non-un-feminism seriously when you keep appropriating feminist neologisms.


I think we need to be aware that most words ending in -ize (including
marginalize and historicize) are just academic-jargon ways of expressing
simple ideas, such as feeling excluded or trying to understand the past.

When we choose -ize/jargon words rather than simple language, we’re saying
we prefer academese over a language that communicates widely to all women.

We’re also being deliberately obscure and (face it) kinda boring.

If we do that, we deserve to be marginalized (wry smile).

It’s probably a faux pas to QFT my own link, but, damn. It’s really surreal how people that claim to hate feminists so much manage to imitate all the worst parts of feminism.