If you ever wonder what a bunch of dudes who are Going Their Own Way and totally don’t give a good gosh darn about women, nosireebob, like to talk about the most on their special Men Only No Girls Allowed We’re Totally Going Our Own Way forum, well now you don’t have to rely on the comments I so cavalierly cherry pick from their forum.
Nope, I just realized we can use SCIENCE, in the form of the tag clouds that the site puts above the various subforums, to SCIENTIFICALLY see what they talk about. If you cast your glance upwards, for example, you’ll see the tag cloud for the most active forum on the site.
Seems like these Men Going Their Own Way haven’t gone very far, huh?
I’m guessing the National Organization for Women spends less time talking about women than they do.
EDITED TO ADD: If you would prefer to hear this post read aloud by an actual Man Going His Own Way, one of them has helpfully prepared this video. It’s an uncanny impersonation, by the way. They showed me, I guess!
Reality, please post your study with your statistics. I would love to analyze your data, should it present itself.
Seriously. Find me a valid database with an explanation of factor levels and how the data was collected, and I shall attack it with the power of R. Statistics, particularly regression analysis, is my thing.
Frankly, statistics are much more interesting than your posts, but this blog is a good hang out when my laptop is too busy calculating. For some reason, R doesn’t appreciate having data tables that are 1024 rows and 16 columns.
SPSS would be faster, but expensive.
But, you’re way too busy doing ineffectual gotcha’s to find me these statistics, so I’ll carry on thinking you’re the epitome of failure to go your own way.
Oh, whoops. Ninja’d by David with a ban.
“Reality” wrote 2 comments that didn’t go through, then realized he was banned. He then wrote 5 more comments. Really.
If anyone wants to see them (other than Reality) I’ll let them through.
Cassandrakitty called it again. David is metaphorically vacuuming under his feet and he’s still trying to stick around.
He’s going his own way by franticly trying to post on a blog he’s been banned from.
Yeah. That makes sense.
Nobody? Nobody? Beuller?
Yes pls sir. I would like some more.
Yeah, if they’re funny.
Reality really should clean up after himself, though. I think he got spittle on the inside of my screen.
David, how do you put up with this? Though I am very glad that you do. (thanks)
Sure, if they’re entertaining.
Reality: cupcake, you’re getting the responses you deserve.
Was Reality mostly just one of those “I know you are, but what am I?” trolls who thinks re-phrasing everything with “their side” transposed with that of their “opponents” is the biggest debate checkmate ever?
I am tempted to speculate that it was drunk posting. They did not appear to know where they were or that David is not a woman.
If he’s drunk posting, he’s a mighty mean drunk.
I think you’re right, strivingally. One would think saying “no, you have cooties” over and over and over again would get boring.
…dunno…are his arguments improving post- ban?
Could someone get that angry while drunk and not smash their computer? (I have never done that)
Might be fun to see what someone says when they furiously post after being banned. Just for once.
Contrapangloss . . .
Reality pooped a lot more in this thread since you asked, but I haven’t forgotten you . . .
I used to be a librarian at Microsoft, so I felt like I couldn’t leave your question about Access books unanswered. Have you tried O’Reilly’s Missing Manual for Access? People seem to like that one. There’s also Wiley’s Access Bible.
@ nurse…ex wife smashed a keyboard once. Dunno why, I just came home to letters everywhere and one rather frightened- looking roommate. She’s a programmer…things like that can happen around her.
Grumpycat! Thanks so much! I’ll have to look those up and make them my best friends. I know Wiley did a great version for R…
You’re welcome! Good luck with it!
David, the only thing I’d like to see from reality is a good data set to run statistical analysis on for zir claims.
Anything else is ir-elephant to my life and future happiness.
The stats to play with would be fun, though.
There were no sea monsters but there were TWO species of porpoises porpoising alongside my paddleboard.
Still smells pretty shitty in here. Reality really needs to learn to poop on the potty or at least clean up after himself. Gross.
That reminds me of a statistics related story. It was something that was said in a tv show but it’s been bugging me and I haven’t had anyone to complain to…
I’ve been watching The Knick and the main doctor said something akin to “we live in wonderful times. Men have a 10 year greater life expectancy than they did a short time ago”. And I KNEW that was misleading if not flat out wrong. He was basing the idea off life expectancy at birth, but he specifically said men, not people or babies. It took me a while to find stats for life expectancy at different ages since most are life expectancy at birth but here they are – http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0005140.html. You’ll see he is right for LEaB – at the turn of the 20thC LEaB improved dramatically, but LEa20 isn’t nearly so good for using in speeches about how great surgeons are.
Sorry for the rant – LE is just one of those statistics that seems to be misused a lot.