If you ever wonder what a bunch of dudes who are Going Their Own Way and totally don’t give a good gosh darn about women, nosireebob, like to talk about the most on their special Men Only No Girls Allowed We’re Totally Going Our Own Way forum, well now you don’t have to rely on the comments I so cavalierly cherry pick from their forum.
Nope, I just realized we can use SCIENCE, in the form of the tag clouds that the site puts above the various subforums, to SCIENTIFICALLY see what they talk about. If you cast your glance upwards, for example, you’ll see the tag cloud for the most active forum on the site.
Seems like these Men Going Their Own Way haven’t gone very far, huh?
I’m guessing the National Organization for Women spends less time talking about women than they do.
EDITED TO ADD: If you would prefer to hear this post read aloud by an actual Man Going His Own Way, one of them has helpfully prepared this video. It’s an uncanny impersonation, by the way. They showed me, I guess!
He does give off that vibe, doesn’t he?
I get all the peen I need so I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be a-pining for?
As a brilliant woman on Twitter once said, peen is in abundant supply and of relatively low value. This is why threatening to remove yours has very little impact – there’ll be another one coming along soon enough.
A MAN, obviously. Who’s GHOW, and THEN you’ll be sorry. YOU’RE NOT THAT SPECIAL, MARINERACHEL111!!!!111!!!!!!11 Also, misandry.
Men are more likely than women to be raped. But no one cares about that.
The number of men raping women far exceeds the number of female teachers molesting students.
And how would you know that? Women report being raped more but that doesn’t mean that men aren’t raped by women and it doesn’t mean that women aren’t raped by women.
Read the blog, I Was Raped by a Woman.
And shouldn’t all rape victims be acknowledged regardless of who is raped more?
I think Reality’s nym is deliberately ironic. His posts reflect “reality” just like reality TV is “reality”.
Reality, sorry, you’re not entitled to a debate from a bunch of strangers who never even wanted to debate you, no matter how badly you want one. Also, I was lying when I said I was sorry.
Do you actually think this blog is abotu MGTOW? And do you think the MAN who writes it or the MEN who read it are here because they’re afraid you won’t have sex with women? And what about the lesbians and asexual women here? I don’t think you thought your sick burn all the way through.
Misandairy. Diarrhoea. Heifers. Bitches. That is all.
This blog is to enhance misandry. It comes in many forms.
Not really clear on where the fear is coming into it. If some pouty loners disappear from the world, I won’t notice. If some loud, shouty whiners disappear from the world, I’ll notice that it’s quieter.
So you agree that the world would be a better place if the femi-nazis just disappeared?
No one cares about things that aren’t real. That is true. Good boy!
Teehee. Someone calling himself “Reality” said “Men are more likely than women to be raped.” Statistics are MEANINGLESS!
As a brilliant woman on Twitter once said, peen is in abundant supply and of relatively low value. This is why threatening to remove yours has very little impact – there’ll be another one coming along soon enough.
And vag is even more available since there are more women than men; therefore, vag has less value. Plenty of vags available so men can pick and choose. That’s why men don’t need to marry. Why buy the cow when you get so much milk for free? And there you have MGTOW.
Weaksauce trolling 1.5/10
Teehee. Someone calling himself “Reality” said “Men are more likely than women to be raped.” Statistics are MEANINGLESS!
When someone can’t understand statistics or they just don’t want to believe them, they will just call them meaningless. Teehee, it’s so much easier to live in your fantasy world than reality, isn’t it?
*Peeks around* Is the MGHOW gone yet?
The choice most men have traditionally offered is SUBMIT, OR DIE.
We sincerely wish they had been offering CAKE, OR DEATH. Truly, we do, but alas, that is not part of the 6000 year tradition of authoritarian asshats.
Go wipe your ass, R.
“Reality,” you seem to be having trouble going your own way, so I’ve decided to give you a little help with a ban.
It’s not men in general I have a problem with, Reality.
I have men friends, I’m romantically involved with a man, I am close to my younger brother who’s turned out to be a really phenomenally good guy, in a pretty guyly-guy sort of way, and he’s turning out to be an awesome dad.
MGTOW…. Are a special breed of men. Men who refuse to seriously engage with women. And that’s ok, if that makes you happy. Attachment = risk. The only way to avoid that is never to get involved.
I feel empty and meaningless that way, so I risk engagement, attachment, trust, love. I get hurt. Them’s the breaks.
I do not care for people who think less of me due to the way I was born.
…you are going to reply that I hate you for being born male; but I do not. I do not hate MGTOW…but they do remind me a lot of Lesbian Separatists.
I do not hate men, or you, but you might want to consider why it’s important to you to believe that I do.
They got boring fast didn’t they>
That one was not a potty trained MGTOW.
Oop, nope, guess he ain’t gonna reply…that’s ok, all that straw was making my allergies act up.
So wait, 1) where the hell do you get those numbers? That wasn’t anywhere in that source. Is that from a different study? You can’t just take random numbers and throw them out there like they mean something. So, are you trying to say that women do more housework because they work less hours outside the home; and men do less housework than women because they work more hours outside the home; and that this is terribly unfair and oppressive to men?
That’s a goddamned lie. I do too have a table.
You have never cooked a meal or washed a load of laundry in your life, have you? “Reality,” you have no fucking clue.
So, one January morning many years ago, my sister walked through the lobby of her apartment building, where someone had scrawled “Happy New Year” on the wall with shit. I kind of feel like Realistic did that here, but with a less cheerful message.
Thank you for the ban, David.
It’s amazing how hard it is for men going their own way to actually go their own way.
I’m pretty sure that at one point, he was arguing that men do MORE housework and childcare than women, AND work more outside the home. But I’m not reading through his dreck again to confirm.