manginas MGTOW

Science Proves that Men Going Their Own Way Don’t Go Anywhere, Really

I highlighted that one big word.

If you ever wonder what a bunch of dudes who are Going Their Own Way and totally don’t give a good gosh darn about women, nosireebob, like to talk about the most on their special Men Only No Girls Allowed We’re Totally Going Our Own Way forum, well now you don’t have to rely on the comments I so cavalierly cherry pick from their forum.

Nope, I just realized we can use SCIENCE, in the form of the tag clouds that the site puts above the various subforums, to SCIENTIFICALLY see what they talk about. If you cast your glance upwards, for example, you’ll see the tag cloud for the most active forum on the site.

Seems like these Men Going Their Own Way haven’t gone very far, huh?

I’m guessing the National Organization for Women spends less time talking about women than they do.

EDITED TO ADD: If you would prefer to hear this post read aloud by an actual Man Going His Own Way, one of them has helpfully prepared this video. It’s an uncanny impersonation, by the way. They showed me, I guess!

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10 years ago

Reality: TL;DR. You are dull.

10 years ago

1) Poop on floor.
2) Call it an argument

Man, I wish I had seen this troll earlier. I’m gonna have to read through his nonsense when I get home.

10 years ago

Dude. This blog exists for the purpose of mocking misogynists. You’re a misogynist. We are mocking you, not trying to debate your trite and unoriginal eruptions. You’re not interesting enough to debate, and you bring nothing new to the table.

But thanks for once again proving that David’s post title was 100% accurate: “Science Proves that Men Going Their Own Way Don’t Go Anywhere, Really”

So, for a change, why don’t you try something different? Stop threatening to go your own way. Stop talking about going your own way. Stop approaching people to tell them, “Any minute now, I’m going to go my own way and then you’ll be sorry.” Just go your own fucking way. We won’t miss you. You won’t miss us.

10 years ago

Kirbywarp: His droppings should be marketed as a cure for insomnia.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

We won’t miss you. You won’t miss us.

I think you’re only half right.

10 years ago

Daw, I think I got on xir nerves!

And xies still unable to go anywhere! The horror! Poor, lost MGTOW lamb.

10 years ago

Since our troll is unable to go their own way, and this thread is likely to remain somewhat live:

Anyone here have good microsoft access book recommendations? I have six months to know exactly how our student database software thinks, before my predecessor runs away completely and leaves me to the maintaining and updating the login database.

Access is ridiculous, and not intuitive. R is intuitive, and free, and why isn’t access more like R?

10 years ago

So many misandrist comments.

*eyes glaze over*

I will respond to as many as possible.


10 years ago


Sadly, have to agree. There’s only so many times you can reply “that’s not true, that’s not true, you are a disgusting human being, that’s not true” before it gets dull. Some of the terribleness is a little amusing in how honestly terrible it is, but then it’s all buried a big mound of “who gives a fuck.”

Sad waste of a troll. I feel like with a little tweaking he could be something special, with his tendency to just mirror every insult back covered in bitter rage.

10 years ago

“Reality” has a really poorly chosen nym.

And where are your citations? If men tend to do less housework than women do, it’s because men do more paid work than women do. Men tend to work longer hours outside of the home. So you want a man who will work longer hours outside the home and then come home and do the chores as well.



So where’s your evidence? For any of your claims?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

So where’s your evidence? For any of your claims?

The OECD is misandry.

10 years ago

Is there a forum somewhere dedicated to digging up and dusting off a different ancient WHTM thread every week for re-trolling? These necrotrolls seem to pop up with a suspicious regularity.

10 years ago


My bet is they use the random post feature at the top wordpress bar. It’s a great feature if you want to browse around and get a feel for the site (what I did, once upon a time), or if you’re a silly troll who wants to pick a random out of date thread to troll.

Still, this is my favorite thread for them to necro, because self illustrations.

The biology, math, and evolution threads are the most annoying, because then my college graduate self is all like:

I can’t let someone think that that nonsense is true! Type-type-type-type-exhaustion from explaining that population dynamics and evolution don’t work that way for the hundreth time-type-type-ARGH!!!!

10 years ago

… I still was expecting a link. Image courtesy of XKCD, a mostly marvelous webcomic.

10 years ago

Reality: TL;DR. You are dull.

What is dull is your intellect. That is the best response you could muster?

1) Poop on floor.
2) Call it an argument

So you just described your average evening? No one asked. Keep it to yourself.

Dude. This blog exists for the purpose of mocking misogynists. You’re a misogynist. We are mocking you, not trying to debate your trite and unoriginal eruptions. You’re not interesting enough to debate, and you bring nothing new to the table.

Dudette. This blog exists for the purpose of supporting misandry. You’re a misandrist. And mocking is all you misandrists know how to do because you don’t have the intellect to do anything else. You are not smart enough to debate and insulting others brings nothing to the table. You don’t even have a table.

But thanks for once again proving that David’s post title was 100% accurate: “Science Proves that Men Going Their Own Way Don’t Go Anywhere, Really”

If you really believed that, you wouldn’t need this blog. You are scared that MGTOW are actually rising and that scares you. So you engage in the same behavior that drives men away – mocking and insulting.

So, for a change, why don’t you try something different? Stop threatening to go your own way. Stop talking about going your own way. Stop approaching people to tell them, “Any minute now, I’m going to go my own way and then you’ll be sorry.” Just go your own fucking way. We won’t miss you. You won’t miss us.

You clearly will miss men. That’s why you have so much rage. I am standing up to your hatred the way people should have stood up to the Nazis. And no one misses ignorant, hateful gender bigots like you all are.

Kirbywarp: His droppings should be marketed as a cure for insomnia.

You are interested in my droppings? Boy, how desperate are you to have anything that belonged to a man. Even his droppings are appealing to you. Has it been that long?

We won’t miss you. You won’t miss us. I think you’re only half right.

Indeed. All of you will still miss men.

Daw, I think I got on xir nerves!
And xies still unable to go anywhere! The horror! Poor, lost MGTOW lamb.

Since all of you responded so quickly to a new thread on what you called a necropost, you are the ones who are unable to go anywhere. The horror! Poor, lost misandrists.
Since our troll is unable to go their own way, and this thread is likely to remain somewhat live:
Apparently, none of you have gone anywhere as all of you quickly responded to my threads; just like you would quickly jump for any man that would pay some attention to you. That won’t happen.
*eyes glaze over* *YAWN* Just what a dog does before going to sleep – because dogs can’t respond intellectually to any arguments.
Sadly, have to agree. There’s only so many times you can reply “that’s not true, that’s not true, you are a disgusting human being, that’s not true” before it gets dull. Some of the terribleness is a little amusing in how honestly terrible it is, but then it’s all buried a big mound of “who gives a fuck.”
That’s all the matriarchal, misandrist femi-nazis do – tell others that they are disgusting human beings in order to cover up their own inadequacies. That’s what the Nazis did to the Jews and to anyone else who disagreed with them. And now no one cares about the feminist movement any more. Big surprise.
Here is a direct quote from your reference:
“On an average day, 66.6 percent of men and 85 percent of women report doing some sort of household activity.”
According to Quartz, the study documents the shift towards longer work hours over the past three decades and the exacerbated gender pay gap, and found that almost 20% of American men worked 50 hours or more per week in 2000 — compared to only 7% of women and the extra hours result in an extra 6% in hourly wages across all occupations.
So that means men are doing the housework and working longer hours than women outside of the home. Women do more housework because they are home more. Men do a lot of housework even though they are not as home as much. Get it?
The OECD is misandry.
NOW is misogyny. They don’t care about increasing the pay of maids, nannies, child care workers and other domestic servants who are mostly women. Why not? Because they want an underclass of poorly paid women to clean the toilets, change the diapers while they go off and pursue their dreams. Never mind that the poor, working class women have dreams too that they probably won’t achieve.
Is there a forum somewhere dedicated to digging up and dusting off a different ancient WHTM thread every week for re-trolling? These necrotrolls seem to pop up with a suspicious regularity.
Well, the necrotrolls who brought this thread back are all of you. Didn’t take all of you that long to respond. Not much going on in your lives, huh? No wonder you are angry at MGTOW. Without men, you don’t go anywhere.
I can’t let someone think that that nonsense is true! Type-type-type-type-exhaustion from explaining that population dynamics and evolution don’t work that way for the hundreth time-type-type-ARGH!!!!
Yes, that’s why you created this misandrist blog. MGTOW, oh my God, we have to stop that!
… I still was expecting a link. Image courtesy of XKCD, a mostly marvelous webcomic.
Well, misandrists don’t have the ability to be marvelous webcomics or anything else for that matter. If they did have any abilities, they would have men.

10 years ago

Honey, you need to work on a new label. Clearly you’ve failed at the GTOW part.

THAT’S why this blog exists – to mock your ilk when they can’t even live up to the acronym they’ve given themselves because they just can’t bear to leave women alone, unmolested.

10 years ago

If you really believed that, you wouldn’t need this blog. You are scared that MGTOW are actually rising and that scares you. So you engage in the same behavior that drives men away – mocking and insulting.

Um. We’re scared that MGTOWs are going to actually leave, and so we encourage them to leave? We *are* encouraging them to leave, it’s true, but we’re not actually afraid of that eventuality. We’re greatly looking forward to it.

You seem to be under the misapprehension that ALL men are GTOW. They’re really not. A lot of people here are men. We like them. They’re sticking around, and not being misogynistic assholes, and that makes us happy.

You going away would also make us happy. It would make you happy. It would be a win/win.

Go away. Be happy.

10 years ago
Reply to  marinerachel

Sweetie, you need to work on your personality. Clearly, you have failed at managing your life.

THAT’S why this blog exists – to mock others to take away from your own inabilities, faults and incompetencies. You can’t bear to live without men so you mock the men who don’t want you in the first place.

And considering how many female teachers are being arrested for molesting their under-aged male students, you all need to leave young males alone, unmolested.

10 years ago

My ex and I used to share in the housework because, well, we both worked outside the home 40 hours/week and even if one of us were home during the day there was WAY more work to do at home than in the office and lab. So, when you get home, you pitch in because EVERYONE has been working eight hours by then and there’s still laundry to get done.

10 years ago

Um. We’re scared that MGTOWs are going to actually leave, and so we encourage them to leave? We *are* encouraging them to leave, it’s true, but we’re not actually afraid of that eventuality. We’re greatly looking forward to it.

Um. You’re scared of MGTOW because they are going away from and you don’t understand why because you all think you are special. But you are not. You don’t encourage them to leave, you force them to leave because of your severe personality disorders. If you are looking forward to men leaving, then why did you set up a blog mocking MGTOW? You should be praising them. Keep lying to yourselves. I guess that’s the only therapy you have.

10 years ago

The number of men raping women far exceeds the number of female teachers molesting students. I’ve never molested someone so I’m not sure why you’re addressing me!

I have a great life and there are plenty of men in it so I don’t follow this “You can’t live without men” notion. Not all men are dissatisfied and afraid of women!

Really brah, this is the opposite of wanting men around. It’s wanting men like you to excuse yourselves or get over your fear of girl cooties. That’s it.

I’m going paddleboarding and for a swim.

10 years ago

Your misery is precious.

10 years ago

My ex and I used to share in the housework because, well, we both worked outside the home 40 hours/week and even if one of us were home during the day there was WAY more work to do at home than in the office and lab.

If that’s true, then you don’t have very demanding jobs at the office. Decent meals can be prepared in under an hour with leftovers available for a day or two. Most recipes have under 5 ingredients. You don’t need to prepare Julia Child recipes in order to eat every day. And what’s so hard about doing laundry? The machine does the work. Picture the days when there were no washers and dryers and clothes had to be washed by hand and dried out by hanging them on a line or beating them with a rock.

10 years ago

Not really clear on where the fear is coming into it. If some pouty loners disappear from the world, I won’t notice. If some loud, shouty whiners disappear from the world, I’ll notice that it’s quieter.

All the men and women in my life are happily going their own way. Sometimes our ways intersect, other times they don’t. It’s all good. We don’t need each other, we just like each other. And I’m mostly asexual, so this whole pining for the absent peen thing is really not a factor.

This blog is to mock *misogyny*, not just MGTOWs. It comes in all kinds of forms.

10 years ago

Reality is still here? I guess some people are so clueless that they’ll just sit there verbally wanking away even when one of the hosts has gone to bed and the other has started trying to vacuum under their feet.

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