manginas MGTOW

Science Proves that Men Going Their Own Way Don’t Go Anywhere, Really

I highlighted that one big word.

If you ever wonder what a bunch of dudes who are Going Their Own Way and totally don’t give a good gosh darn about women, nosireebob, like to talk about the most on their special Men Only No Girls Allowed We’re Totally Going Our Own Way forum, well now you don’t have to rely on the comments I so cavalierly cherry pick from their forum.

Nope, I just realized we can use SCIENCE, in the form of the tag clouds that the site puts above the various subforums, to SCIENTIFICALLY see what they talk about. If you cast your glance upwards, for example, you’ll see the tag cloud for the most active forum on the site.

Seems like these Men Going Their Own Way haven’t gone very far, huh?

I’m guessing the National Organization for Women spends less time talking about women than they do.

EDITED TO ADD: If you would prefer to hear this post read aloud by an actual Man Going His Own Way, one of them has helpfully prepared this video. It’s an uncanny impersonation, by the way. They showed me, I guess!

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11 years ago

Down with the womenfolk! Why can’t they be less feevil?

(Female and therefore evil. I felt like misogynists needed a shorter way to express the idea, given how wordy they tend to be.)

11 years ago

What’s a “big lady garden?” I’m thinking untrimmed pubes?

10 years ago

Aren’t “Dudes Going Their Own Way” the kind of loser creeps with the median look of a Steve Buscemi lookalike anyway?

This a powerful emotion that which of psychological rationalization. They pretend to reject women before women reject them because they’re either too ugly or their standards/entitlement are out of touch with reality.

They…they do know girls secretly thank them and that they’re not actually getting back at them, right?

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

Er, rationalization isn’t an emotion. It’s a coping mechanism. O_o Also, a dude can be ugly by traditional standards and still be a wonderfully attractive person, while there can be total asshole MGTOWs who by normal standards would look very good. (Until you get a hit of their personality.)

10 years ago

Most MGTOWs I’ve seen are about average looking. They torpedo their romantic chances by having the ugliest personalities ever, and it doesn’t take much scratching to reach the vein of repugnance, either.

10 years ago

I do think the point about them having unrealistic expectations based on entitlement is valid, but the thing is, it’s possible to have unreasonable expectations no matter how good looking you are. If a guy is above average looking but not stunningly hot or famous and insists that he will only date Victoria’s Secret models, that’s still an unrealistic expectation.

10 years ago

And having a repulsive stank-ass personality doesn’t do them any favors, either.

Chester Field
10 years ago
Reply to  Bina

Honestly, why the hell do you even care about MGTOW? We are simply a group of guys that no longer want to play your game, or lose half (or more) of our assets once you decide (after watching Oprah) that you are dis-satisfied and divorce us. I think you women simply don’t like ANY criticism, and are horrified to learn that you are “not all that and a bag of chips”.

Honestly, what do you bring to a marriage other than your vagina? If I am misogynst, then so be it.

10 years ago

Chester, we really don’t care. We just wish you assholes would go already and stop writing obsessive awful shit about women. You guys are like toddlers who threaten to run away.

What exactly do you bring to a relationship besides a toxic attitude and a massive sense of entitlement?

10 years ago

Mr Sofa:

I think

Citation needed.

10 years ago

Honestly, why the hell do you even care about MGTOW? We are simply a group of guys that no longer want to play your game …

But you do demand on staying on the field, heckling the players. If you don’t want to play, fine, just stop with the sexism and go play with yourselves.

10 years ago

Was Chester posting from the 1990’s? Oprah is no longer on although she does have a TV network and I haven’t heard the phrase “all that and a bag of chips” since about 1996.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Yeah, the Oprah thing was pretty dated. Real misandrists watch Ellen now – lesbians are way more misanderish.

10 years ago

Or The Talk it has such misandering ladies hosting

Sarah Gilbert – Lesbian
Aisha Tyler – Black and a comedian (comedy is for guys)
Sharon Osborne – Has short red hair and is the dominant one in her marriage
Julie Chen – Hypergamous (married to the head of CBS)

Oh, the humanity!

10 years ago

So many misandrist comments. I will respond to as many as possible.

Men have always taken care of their children in addition to going to work. Men have always given women choices – to have a career, stay home with the kids or a combination of both. Women don’t “sacrifice” their careers to stay at home with the kids, they CHOOSE to do so because men give them that choice. Most women would not want the man to stay at home and take care of the kids while she supports him. Women are allowed to have more flexible lifestyles – work, family, combination of both while men are still expected to work and then come home and do chores even with a stay-at-home wife. Many women give up their careers because after a while, they don’t want to be corporate slaves until they die but they still expect men to be the work slaves. A man’s assets and income is the couple’s assets and income but the woman’s assets and income are her income and assets. And child support is the right of the child, not the mother. Child support should be spent on the child, not by the mother on herself. Women are more likely to default on child support payments. Women who receive child support are more likely to be unemployed or underemployed compared to men who receive child support. Single mothers are more likely to abuse, neglect and even kill their children and the children of single mothers are less likely to go to college and more likely to go to prison. And if MGTOW stay on the field, it’s to warn other men from making the same mistakes and allowing marriage to ruin their lives.

“Most MGTOWs I’ve seen are about average looking. They torpedo their romantic chances by having the ugliest personalities ever, and it doesn’t take much scratching to reach the vein of repugnance, either.” Well, if that’s true, you are bitter because even those men are not interested in you. Face it, you will never get a great-looking guy, successful, rich guy to marry you because those guys have options. That’s why you have an ugly, bitter personality to match your repugnant face. Typical of a lot of femi-nazis.

“Chester, we really don’t care. We just wish you assholes would go already and stop writing obsessive awful shit about women. You guys are like toddlers who threaten to run away.” If you don’t really care, then why are you so bitter? You wish we would pay more attention to you bitches. You are like those roadies who keep stalking the band members and then claim that you really didn’t want them after they rejected you for the pretty girls.

“Aren’t “Dudes Going Their Own Way” the kind of loser creeps with the median look of a Steve Buscemi lookalike anyway?” Aren’t “Femi-Nazis” the kind of loser bitches with the median look of a rabid possum anyway? And yet they still think they are special even while they dig through the trash.

“Misogynists in general adhere to the “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is my own” principle for themselves, and get way whiney if they think a woman might have things of her own.” Then the misandrist femi-Nazis should earn things on her own. Demand an end to alimony, welfare, affirmative action programs, state-subsidized abortions and unsupervised child support (should be spend on the child not on the mother’s lifestyle).

“They seem to think that everything belongs to them, and if they get divorced they have to give up half of ‘their’ stuff. Conveniently forgetting that their partner was there helping them to get all the stuff.” How were the women helping men get their stuff? By deciding to stay at home and spend money the husband made? Well, marry a man who stays at home and spends your money and then let’s see how happy you will be when he gets half of your stuff. When a woman stays home to take care of the kids, the man is helping her with that choice. She wanted to be a mother and then stay home with the kids so now she should charge him for that when there is a divorce? He should charge her for the income she gave up and for the family life he gave up when she decided to stay at home. He helped be a stay-at-home mother and now he loses the kids as well as the assets.

“That’s how I started dating rapist ex #2 so yeah, I’ll pass on the “meh, yeah I can do monogamy if you want” but hey, to each zir own!)” You make poor choices in your life, like dating a rapist, and now you are bitter? Manage your life better. If he was a rapist, he was probably raised by a personality-disordered single mom with the same personality traits you are displaying.

10 years ago

Did Chester call for reinforcements? Seriously, dude, this is pretty pathetic.

10 years ago

……… men have historically partaken in childcare? No, they haven’t. They often haven’t been expected to be aware of who their children are. It’s still taboo for men to be primary caregivers because patriarchal gender roles prevented men from doing so.

10 years ago

You are like those roadies who keep stalking the band members and then claim that you really didn’t want them after they rejected you for the pretty girls.

This is my favorite part of dude’s babble. Who knew that all roadies were gay and desperately pining away for the hot guitarist who has spurned them in favor of some random pretty girl?

10 years ago

MGTOW who refuse to go their own way…

Thanks for the illustration, ‘Reality’-bro!

By the way, this thread getting necro’d always makes me smile, because it’s so literally perfect! It’s not even figurative, it’s literal! There are other necrotrolls threads that just are annoying, because we’ve gone over the whole thing so many times.

So, yeah. Thanks Necrotroll!

You’re unintentionally hilarious, and it is wonderful.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Let’s see..victim-blaming, oppression-denying, claims we want their sorry asses, mistakes bitterness for us laughing at their sorry asses, accuses women of being lazy, moneygrubbing vampires all out to trap a man and wring him dry…

Troll necropost bingo?

I mean, if that’s what you think women all are, then please get a high-end sex doll and go your own way…preferably somewhere thinly inhabited.

It’s really sad, in the end, because you never will have a real relationship. You’ll never risk letting any other human get that close.

10 years ago

Men have always given women choices

First of all, this isn’t true. Learn your history. Second of all, we make choices about our lives because we are human beings with rights. Our choices aren’t for men to graciously bestow on us.

men are still expected to work and then come home and do chores even with a stay-at-home wife

Citation? Every study I’ve seen on the division of household labor shows that women still do the lion’s share of the domestic work. This is true even in households where the man is unemployed and the woman is the sole breadwinner.

As for the rest of your rant, I don’t have a response other than pointing and laughing. You’re living in a reality that doesn’t resemble the reality that the rest of us reside in.

10 years ago

I’m pleased this particular necro gave me the opportunity to read Heidi’s posts. Those were hilarious. That’s how you troll. It’s kind of too bad she (“she?”) didn’t stick around to become a regular troll.

10 years ago

“Men have always been oppressed more than women! Child support payments are slavery! Trust me because I have a lady-nym!”

Yep. Classic!

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago


1) Take a feminist argument
2) Swap all instances of “men” with “women” and vice versa
3) ???
4) Profit! Misandry!

10 years ago

Did Cloudiah use the word pathetic because she can’t think of an intelligent response? Yes, she did.

Yes, men have historically partaken of child care – especially in agricultural communities. When the Industrial Revolution came along, men, women and even children worked in factories away from home and eventually it was decided that the men should be the ones working in the dirty factories while the women cared for the children. But even in the 1950s men were doing housework and raising the children in addition to providing for their families. It’s matriarchal/feminist gender roles that claim men don’t do enough even when they have been doing it all.

Contrapangloss. It was a pleasure to bring back this thread. What you find hilarious is the fact that you can’t respond to it. Now that’s hilarious – sis.

“It’s really sad, in the end, because you never will have a real relationship. You’ll never risk letting any other human get that close.” Oh, I have a real relationship – without marriage. A woman who truly loves a man doesn’t need to marry him. She doesn’t need access to his income and assets after a divorce. Now a rich woman who marries a man who is poorer than she is without requiring a pre-nup – that is priceless. Any of you woman enough to do that? Or do you just hate the MGTOW because your idea of a “real relationship” is to strip a man of his children, income and assets? Classic.

“Citation? Every study I’ve seen on the division of household labor shows that women still do the lion’s share of the domestic work.” And where are your citations? If men tend to do less housework than women do, it’s because men do more paid work than women do. Men tend to work longer hours outside of the home. So you want a man who will work longer hours outside the home and then come home and do the chores as well.

“As for the rest of your rant, I don’t have a response other than pointing and laughing.” Of course, that’s what femi-Nazis – point and laugh because they don’t have the intellect to do anything else.

“Men have always given women choices. First of all, this isn’t true. Learn your history. Second of all, we make choices about our lives because we are human beings with rights. Our choices aren’t for men to graciously bestow on us.”

Yes, it is true. You learn your history and not the kind of tainted, biased history you learn in women’s studies. Yes, we should make choices because we are human beings with human rights. So why are single mothers more likely to abuse and kill their children and this doesn’t include abortions? Why are women more likely to file for divorce and break up families thereby plunging them into poverty. You don’t think men should bestow you with rights? Great. Get rid of affirmative action, welfare, unfair divorce courts, alimony and bankruptcy relief. Go out there and earn it on your own. Fight for joint custody of children.

“I’m pleased this particular necro gave me the opportunity to read Heidi’s posts. Those were hilarious. That’s how you troll. It’s kind of too bad she (“she?”) didn’t stick around to become a regular troll.” To femi-Nazis, a “troll” is someone who doesn’t agree with them. To femi-Nazis, a “misogynist” is someone who believes that men are human beings who deserve equal rights too and that men can be oppressed.

“Men have always been oppressed more than women! Child support payments are slavery! Trust me because I have a lady-nym!” Yep. Classic!” Using a child as a means of earning a living is slavery. Spending child support on whatever you want and not on the child is oppression. And yes, men have always been oppressed more than women. Men who died serving their country, men who died on ships, in mines, in the sewers, in ditches, men who were raped and no one cared. I guess that doesn’t happen according to the femi-Nazis. Femi-Nazis want women to be compensated for any troubles they go through. But who compensates men for the troubles that they go through? Probably because there isn’t enough compensation for that.

“I mean, if that’s what you think women all are, then please get a high-end sex doll and go your own way…preferably somewhere thinly inhabited.” A high-end sex doll is one that hasn’t been used before. Too many women are low-end sex dolls – they have been used and passed around to everyone. Women are more likely to contract sexually transmitted diseases. Yeah, talk about sex dolls.

“This is my favorite part of dude’s babble. Who knew that all roadies were gay and desperately pining away for the hot guitarist who has spurned them in favor of some random pretty girl?” Homophobia? Really? That is the best you got? You wish gay men would pay attention to you as well. Spurned a lot have you? I guess you were spermed and spurned for years.


) Take a feminist argument
2) Swap all instances of “men” with “women” and vice versa
3) ???
4) Profit! Misandry!


1) Take a well-reasoned, logical argument
2) Strip it of all reason and logic
3) Create propaganda and false histories to support the argument
4) Shame and insult using homophobia, misandry, racism, sexism and any other bigotry and ignorance you can think of.

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