If you ever wonder what a bunch of dudes who are Going Their Own Way and totally don’t give a good gosh darn about women, nosireebob, like to talk about the most on their special Men Only No Girls Allowed We’re Totally Going Our Own Way forum, well now you don’t have to rely on the comments I so cavalierly cherry pick from their forum.
Nope, I just realized we can use SCIENCE, in the form of the tag clouds that the site puts above the various subforums, to SCIENTIFICALLY see what they talk about. If you cast your glance upwards, for example, you’ll see the tag cloud for the most active forum on the site.
Seems like these Men Going Their Own Way haven’t gone very far, huh?
I’m guessing the National Organization for Women spends less time talking about women than they do.
EDITED TO ADD: If you would prefer to hear this post read aloud by an actual Man Going His Own Way, one of them has helpfully prepared this video. It’s an uncanny impersonation, by the way. They showed me, I guess!
>Men’s place in a society involves their relationships to women and men who have an insecure relationship to women are, by and large, marginalized.
Ah, I remember that time when men were barred from holding certain poltiical positions before they had married and founded a household of their own.
Ah, 1400s Munich, how I miss thee.
First, we sound so much alike!
More importantly, has anyone clicked on the link to the MGTOWer website? They have one article about Obama, one about Thatcher, and two about Ron Jeremy. What kind of nonsense website is that?
So, according to Asher, before the welfare state we had the..prostitution state? And that was…better? Somehow? Assfax indeed.
There are a noticeable amounts of MGTOW’s who are basically whingey bitches who havet cut off their nose to spite their face. However representing the whole movement that way is stupid.
MGTOW is not necessarily about totally cutting women out of your life. Cutting off serious connection to women, maybe. On what grounds could you mock such a decision. A lot of young men are following that path these days, they look at the failures of their parents generation and decide not to follow such a path.
The options are to go the traditional route and risk everything. I can find a decent wife, at least she seems decent at first. Get myself legally attached to her. Have children. After a few years she starts to feel safe enough in the relationship to start unleashing her deep seated princess complex. She has unreasonable expectations of her man. She expects him to keep working his back side off to earn a good wage and draw the prestige he gets from being successfull. She and the children get almost all the reward for his toils, virtually none of his effort gets spent on treating himself. Any attempt to do so is criticised as greed. She also expects him to satisfy her emotional needs which he is unable to do for lack of time and energy. Some one in the relationship starts to crack, statistically it will probably be the woman and either starts to have an affair or goes for divorce straight up. The man is then forced to give up most of the assets he has spent the last 15 years acquiring and give up a large chunk of his future earnings. This is a serious probability with the MAJORITY of marriages going down that root these days.
ORRR he can never get himself tied down to one woman. He has casual relationships for the rest of his life with multiple women getting what ever he needs from them and releasing them whenever it starts getting out of hand. He will probably have little trouble keeping a consistent flow of women entering his life as long as he is reasonably charistmatic because he will inevitably be 10x more exicting than the average man because he will have his entire healthy wage to spend on doing awesome stuff and generally getting more done in a year than a family man does in his entire life. If he doesnt even want casual relationships that is fine because its not exactly hard to have flings so his sexual needs are always covered.
Easy choice for me and most other young guys with half a brain and something to loose by getting tied down.
Well, you sure proved the part about “whingey bitches”.
[Except that “bitch” is pretty sexist. I’ll happily call you a whingey baby, though]
Andy: protip: nobody here gives a fuck whether you’re in a committed relationship or not.
I…what? My ex-FWB (note the ex, it’ll be important later) is the later sort, and awesome, respectful, kind, caring, all those things we never EVER see from MGTOW. Now, the ex part? He’s ditched poly and casual sex with any interested person (ok, that isn’t quite true, dude does have standards, but horn dog alert!)…for a monogamous relationship with a lovely woman that he seems quite happy with.
Point here? There are awesome respectful people who have casual sex and multiple sex partners but then decide to be monogamous with someone (personally? That’s how I started dating rapist ex #2 so yeah, I’ll pass on the “meh, yeah I can do monogamy if you want” but hey, to each zir own!)
And you Andy? You do not strike me as an awesome person who enjoys having multiple people to enjoy sexytimes with, you strike me as someone who hates women and just wants to use them for sex. In which case, get a fleshlight.
(I’m all pruney, but the sump is all rinsed, now to put it in place and measure for the plumbing [building a wet/dry sump filter for my little puffs, since they’re going to need WAAAY more filtration but I haven’t had good luck with anything that they can be sucked into, hence the sump with a skimmer intake])
Andy, we really don’t care what you do. That’s the point you’re missing.
Must say “Get a fleshlight” followed by “I’m all pruney” makes an interesting if unintended image. 😀
Hahaha wow.
On family budgeting:
And the children, huh? You realize kids need things to survive, right?
On division of assets after divorce:
I’ll blockquote YOU, blockquote monster!
Damn those freeloading kids!!! [shakes fists at sky]
Why can’t they just pull themselves up by their tiny, tiny bootstraps?
Life is a burden, a total burden for teh menz!
Yeah, they do get confused on that “mine” versus “our” assets. They seem to think that everything belongs to them, and if they get divorced they have to give up half of ‘their’ stuff. Conveniently forgetting that their partner was there helping them to get all the stuff.
And if you’re in a relationship where you are unhappy because you never get anything for yourself, but your partner always does, that means you have an unhealthy, unequal relationship, not that no relationship with any woman could ever be healthy and equal.
If you are self-sacrificing to the point of never getting/doing anything for yourself and it’s making you unhappy, then that is unhealthy behaviour and you need to learn to care for yourself better. It doesn’t mean that every woman, or even most women, are emotional/financial vampires.
Misogynists in general adhere to the “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is my own” principle for themselves, and get way whiney if they think a woman might have things of her own. They’d probably like to take things back before the Married Woman’s Property Act of 1882 if they had ever heard of it.
WOW, a mangina blog!
David, is there an award for stupidest necropost of the year?
Given the utter lack of competition of troll of the year, there should be.
That would be some stiff competition.
True enough I suppose!
In random things, I am far too achy for having done absolutely nothing for New Years (well, besides swapping sticky posts for the Borg, but five min of typing hardly counts!) Someone please come put my neck back in order. Ow, it’ shard to brush waist length hair when turning your head hurts.
WOW, a pooping peepee!
MaudeLL – seems to me your are a troll. What complete and utter tosh you write! Bizarre! Almost fell off my seat, snorting like a pig.
Oh, get over it, people. Men are and have always been oppressed and much worse than women. Women just sit around their lazy bums, occasionally abort an unwanted fetus, and watch TV. The ideal that women have ever been oppressed at any stage is history is ludicrous. Ladies, stop your pity party – it’s totally dishonest and really, really lame. Women are the real oppressors. How do I know? Coz I AM a woman, stupid. I oppress men and I’m ashamed of it. But, yet, I’m lucky too. Coz my big lady garden gets me freebies no man could ever dream of!
What are women so dishonest? I dunno. I guess we want the gravy train to keep on rolling!
Forgot to mention – women should get nothing in a divorce. The idea that a wife helped a man get his wealth is ridiculous! The person who earned the money should get to keep it. Alimony and compulsory child support are nothing more than legalized slavery and are a violation of the US constitution and basic human rights. I believe child support payments should be tied to minimal wage/welfare payment. It should be capped. Everyone should pay the same amount i.e. the kids of rich dads get the same allowance as the kids of paupers. And mother should be forced, by law, to pay 50% of the determined child support amount. This would discourage sluttish, selfish and arrogant women i.e. every female in America, from divorcing men for trivial reasons. Gay marriage didn’t kill marriage, people – it was the rabid greed of our womenfolk.
*applauds Heidi* That was a pretty impressive parody of a barely-literate idiot who knows nothing of history, law, economics, or reality in general, and has no idea how to construct an argument.