If you ever wonder what a bunch of dudes who are Going Their Own Way and totally don’t give a good gosh darn about women, nosireebob, like to talk about the most on their special Men Only No Girls Allowed We’re Totally Going Our Own Way forum, well now you don’t have to rely on the comments I so cavalierly cherry pick from their forum.
Nope, I just realized we can use SCIENCE, in the form of the tag clouds that the site puts above the various subforums, to SCIENTIFICALLY see what they talk about. If you cast your glance upwards, for example, you’ll see the tag cloud for the most active forum on the site.
Seems like these Men Going Their Own Way haven’t gone very far, huh?
I’m guessing the National Organization for Women spends less time talking about women than they do.
EDITED TO ADD: If you would prefer to hear this post read aloud by an actual Man Going His Own Way, one of them has helpfully prepared this video. It’s an uncanny impersonation, by the way. They showed me, I guess!
Maude, thanks bunches for bringing real facts into the discussion. When Asher’s talking I feel like we kind of actually lose facts already in the discussion…..
Also, more citations to Asher.
As The Number Of Female Breadwinners Grows, Women Are Still Stuck With The Housework
And he worries about the welfare state transferring wealth to them? Pffffft.
For situations such as this was the phrase ‘disconnected from reality’ invented.
I find it funny that the word next largest to WOMEN (besides MEN) is DON’T. I don’t know exactly what that might mean but it is funny.
Just so we’re keeping track, the evidence of male oppression now includes:
1. Men getting paid more than women
2. Men getting paid more than women for doing the same job
3. Male workers being seen as essential, female workers as disposable
4. Men not being expected to do housework or childcare
5. Fewer men than women living in poverty
It’s so hard. A tear.
and #6: men having the freedom to choose how to prioritize their work/life balance and actively selecting to make work more important than their family & personal life
So the plan is pretty much for guys to sit around all day whining online about women, do little else because you might accidentally end up contributing to the welfare state, and wait for civilization to collapse because THAT’LL SHOW THOSE WHORES NOT TO GIVE ME SEX I WAS ENTITLED TO FOR BEING SUCH A NICE GUY?
If there’s a Wikipedia page for “harebrained scheme”, can we get it to automatically redirect to a page for MGTOW?
@bookdragonette: “You’d think they talk about something else than the one thing they’re going out of their way to avoid. How about golf? Or chess? Or the latest book they read?”
That’s assuming these guys have any interests other than hating on women. So far, there’s little evidence to suggest it.
@dustydeste: those stockings are amazing! And like Amnesia, I am now looking at my winter legs and thinking “Inadequate!”
Still, my toes are making a great effort to be hobbit-curly.
When home life disrupts work life, it’s usually the mom who has to leave work. Let’s say the two orthodontists are a straight, married couple. Their children are at school and daycare while they are at the dental office. Uh oh, the school just called and their daughter has 102 fever and a rash. Guess who leaves work to get the daughter? Mom does. That means Mom doesn’t get as many pay raises, chances for promotion, and might be first in line to be laid off during cut backs, all because she is “unreliable” for having to leave work occasionally.
I don’t know how you turned that around to be oppression of men. That’s one heck of a stretch. After all, Dad never left work, he is reliable, so his career can continue advancing at the expense of his wife. In the future, if they get a divorce, he has a better financial situation while she wouldn’t be as well off as him. Granted, she does have a good job as an orthodontist in your hypothetical here. Even so, we’re comparing apples to apples, a dad orthodontist to a female orthodontist.
Your nap will be longer than Rip Van Winkle’s then.
The book Second Shift talks a lot about this, too. One of the facts that I think is sad is straight women in relationships do the majority of housework and childcare even when their husbands are househusbands or stay at home dads. That’s how hardwired these social rules are for women doing it all at home. Then if the breadwinner wife comes home to a dirty house and kids needing meals and baths, she is a meanie NAG for complaining that the SAHD spent his entire day playing video games. How dare she ask for a hand because she’s tired!
I’m sure Asher could explain how that proves women oppress men, though. After all, she did nag rather than cheerfully wait on him after her long day at work.
Wow. Asher just made my brain explode, with the whole, “men are oppressed because they’re making more money, and thus are being forced to pay more taxes.” I’m flabbergasted.
Just wow. Put a bow on it, will ya?
I want some of that oppression, LBT.
Yeah, I kind of came to the conclusion that cleaning the apartment was more fun than butting my head against that particular wall… and thus I had no excuse not to do so. Sparkly living space, yay!
Between cats and dust bunnies, I have a furry living space. 😛
I figure a husband is enough animals in the house for me 😛 I mean, to be fair, he gets hair everywhere.
RE: MaudeLL
Man, so do I.
In other news, me and hubby might be celebrating our anniversary at Faerie Camp Destiny, which far as I can tell is like eco camping for radical queers. Can I just say AWESOME?
It’s amazing, isn’t it? My dad takes two weeks to get a 5 o’clock shadow, so I had no idea what I was getting into marrying an Italian.
I have solved the housework problem by finding a guy with the exact same mess tolerance that I have. So when there is housework to be done, we do it together, and most of the time we play video games together. 🙂
@kitteh: me too. I think one day the dust bunnies will become sentient.
@katz – I somehow managed to marry the one Italian who can’t grow non-patchy facial hair to save his life, but he makes up for it with the long luscious locks on his head. Which then break off and end up all over my things, haha.
@kim – Me too, pretty much; we’re plenty content to live in filth, but we’re having dinner guests tomorrow so we’re attempting to make the apartment look like civilized people live in it 😀
I haven’t read the comments yet, so forgive me if this has been addressed, but the next-largest word in the cloud is “don’t”.
So, they’re obsessed with women and “don’t”. Grrlz and being told “no”. Huh.
@katz: “My dad takes two weeks to get a 5 o’clock shadow, so I had no idea what I was getting into marrying an Italian.”
Blue-tinged sandpaper, ah joy. 😀
@Kim: “I think one day the dust bunnies will become sentient.”
::looks around nervously:: I’m surprised ours haven’t already.
Over at Babble courtesy of Disney, is a raving review of a book that covers most of the standard MRA talking points. Which is all fine and good, except for how the Mr. goes all panda sad face over poor Thomas Ball. I quote….
” In the introduction, before the book really begins, she relates the story of Thomas Ball, a man who burned himself to death on the steps in front of a Family Court building to protest his treatment by that court.
Have you heard his name before? On the other hand, have you heard the names Susan Smith and Andrea Yates? There’s something wrong when a mother who murders her children can get more sympathy than a man who kills himself to protest the unfair treatment he received in Family Court. Dr. Smith uses the Ball case to set the table for the rest of the book, demonstrating that men are not heard in our family courts, their needs are not addressed in our modern society, and their worth is not only not recognized, but actively denigrated.”
OH BOY. 9_9
Someone reading your words in a silly voice totally disproves your thesis, especially if JtO comments (and now I am really going to sleep!):
MEZ – I take it there’s no mention of Ball being a child abuser and terrorism advocate in all that sad-face pity for him … gakk.
Cloudiah, how’d you even find that?!
I added it to the post.
I like that JtO’s comment is completely obtuse and humorless.
Q: How many John the Others does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Lightbulb jokes are a pseudo-intellectual justification for cultivating hatred and fear of men. It is obviously unacceptable to nakedly and deliberately promote hatred of an entire biological demographic based on a character of shared innate identity. Unless that group is the male sex. They’re the humans for whom it is politically correct to treat as wholly disposable; to treat as not even human, to kill in vast numbers while enacting our nation’s foreign policy and to imprison and murder in vast numbers while enacting domestic policies. Our children, when they happen to be male, are entirely disposable.
How many John the Others does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Holy shit, why did I go to that forum? I was just expecting the usual “baw men have it hard”, but a few posts/threads really stood out.
Here they nitpick the video, missing the point that Japan is in a bit of a pickle because of their low birthrate.
You know what, fuck them. I wanted to be understanding to their problem, since I had a few of their woes as well. But, it’s clear they don’t want to fix their life and I’m too far removed to even get their logic. The person they are quoting actually is saying that “women play less video games than men, so it means men are being emasculated”. How do you even come to that idea?
I hope they can see the light and find happiness that isn’t just in spite of others, but I’ve lost my sympathy for them now. And that’s probably a good thing, but I won’t hesitate to give a big high five to a fellow dude who left the echo-chamber of the MRA/MGTOW.