manginas MGTOW

Science Proves that Men Going Their Own Way Don’t Go Anywhere, Really

I highlighted that one big word.

If you ever wonder what a bunch of dudes who are Going Their Own Way and totally don’t give a good gosh darn about women, nosireebob, like to talk about the most on their special Men Only No Girls Allowed We’re Totally Going Our Own Way forum, well now you don’t have to rely on the comments I so cavalierly cherry pick from their forum.

Nope, I just realized we can use SCIENCE, in the form of the tag clouds that the site puts above the various subforums, to SCIENTIFICALLY see what they talk about. If you cast your glance upwards, for example, you’ll see the tag cloud for the most active forum on the site.

Seems like these Men Going Their Own Way haven’t gone very far, huh?

I’m guessing the National Organization for Women spends less time talking about women than they do.

EDITED TO ADD: If you would prefer to hear this post read aloud by an actual Man Going His Own Way, one of them has helpfully prepared this video. It’s an uncanny impersonation, by the way. They showed me, I guess!

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11 years ago

Ladies. LADIES. OMG. Completely off-topic, but in regards to the recent fashion advice from Red Pill land or whatever… I have found THE ULTIMATE MISANDRY!

11 years ago

No citation is needed. If I claimed that humans having two legs is genetic would you offer the snarky “citation needed”? Of course not.

Prior to the mass entry of women into the workforce society had a non-governmental method of transferring resources from men to women. It was called the family and men got something out of it. For a functioning and sustainable society you *need* a transfer of resources from men to women. However, men are going to require something in return for that transfer of resources and ever-increasing numbers are not getting it in the current scenario.

Those men are marginalized and will have no incentive to sustain your precious welfare state.

11 years ago

No citation is needed. If I claimed that humans having two legs is genetic would you offer the snarky “citation needed”? Of course not.

We can look at our legs. We can’t look up your ass to see where your information comes from.

11 years ago

dustydeste, those are amazing!

11 years ago

Also, you know that welfare programs like SNAP, Medicaid, and social security go mostly to children and seniors, right?

Do you really want boys and old men to starve just so you can harm women?

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

An excellent example of the marginalization of males is that the welfare state is a massive transfer of resources from males to females, a transfer from vast numbers of males get little in return. That’s marginalization.


The difference in service utilization between men and women? Practically non-existent. (55/45 — compare to the population split, 51/49)

So, yeah, massive income shift, dude.

11 years ago

Average male income in the US is 39k/yr and the average female income is 26k/yr. Since we not only have an income tax but a graduated one that would indicate that men disproportionately fund the welfare state. Further, since social spending is centered around children and the elderly, remember women live long than men, social spending and tax breaks, EIC favor women.

Claiming that the welfare state is not a mass transfer of resources from men to women is like claiming that the world is flat.

11 years ago

@Assher – Assuming you’re in the US, that’s not a welfare state, bro. Like… that’s not a welfare state at all.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

For a functioning and sustainable society you *need* a transfer of resources from men to women.

Dude, women work at rates approaching men and still do most of the household work and child-raising work. Learn to logic! (in America–sorry, rest of the world)

Source! (that’s how citations are done)

11 years ago

My own lovely hairy legs feel inadequate now. *shame*

11 years ago

@ Howard Bannister

Where did you get that figure? How was it calculated? Does it include education?

11 years ago


Huh, men make more money than women? I wonder which group might have considered fixing that at some point.

Also, what do you think the ratio is of social spending to giveaways to male military officers, male corporate executives, and male shareholders?

Claiming that the modern state isn’t a massive wealth transfer from women to rich old white dudes at AIG and Lockheed-Martin is like claiming that the world is on the back of a turtle.

11 years ago

Asher: No citation is needed. If I claimed that humans having two legs is genetic would you offer the snarky “citation needed”? Of course not.

Well… I can see that I have two legs. I can see that the vast majority of people have two legs.

So, on that basis I can say you are moron, with no understanding of logic, argument or debate.

You allege something quite different from the innately observable. You argue men are “marginalised”.

To support this you offer… nothing. I say they aren’t. Ugh says they aren’t. Briznecko says the aren’t.

QED (using the Asher Model of debate) I can say that you are wrong.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

…and state taxes tend to be regressive, to make up for the progressive federal income tax.

Even in progressive states like mine.

Again, Source!

11 years ago

Sorry, using the Asher Model of debate I have proven you are wrong.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Average male income in the US is 39k/yr and the average female income is 26k/yr.

Fixing income inequality will go a long way in helping that…but hey, you fuckers claim that doesn’t exist.

11 years ago

Also, how hilarious is it that Asher’s argument breaks down to “Men are marginalized because they make MORE money than women”?

11 years ago


@ Howard Bannister

Where did you get that figure? How was it calculated? Does it include education?

Why should he need a citation? He’s made the claim; as with the marginalisation of men, it’s apparent, right?

11 years ago

I thought this was…..interesting.

And fitting.

11 years ago

@Assher – Umm actually you’re aware that there are taxes and tax-like things that are disproportionately levied on those who make less, right? You’re not just pulling random statistics out of your ass with no regard to how those things interact with other things? You’re not just completely operating in bad faith?

Who am I kidding. You complete chump. GTFO and learn about societal costs as they relate to class. Go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200, go die in a fire.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Asher, I have multiple replies up. Please quote me when you ask for specifics, as otherwise I have to play a guessing game.

You can stick my stuff just in quote marks, “”, use the blockquote < blockquote > — with a second closing tag, with a a / .

Thank you.

11 years ago

@Amnesia – I generally de-hair my legs in the summer (full furry coat for cold weather, though!), but sometimes it would be nice to just have that beautiful thick leg-hair look, but without all the commitment, y’know?

11 years ago

@ Howard Bannister

Women tend to choose professions where they can shape their work around their life. Men tend to order their life around their professions. A few years ago I ran into the stat that the average male orthodontist makes almost twice the income of the average female orthodontist. Why? Simple. Because male orthodontists keep the same practice longer and see more patients.

I think it was the Atlantic that had an article about how phramacy work is increasingly dominated by women. This is because pharmacists require a great deal of knowledge but their work is easily replaceable. Lots of pharmacists work for large chains, earning decent wages, while still only working part-time. Female’s even at similar participation rates make highly different career choices than men involving things like leisure time,flex time, commute time and how dangerous and dirty a job is.

11 years ago

Ugh: I’m confused by this: Also, what do you think the ratio is of social spending to giveaways to male military officers,

The Military is one place where income equality is the rule. An O-3 gets the same pay; male or female. if one is married the pay is the same (no matter the gender of the service member). If one has dependents the same.

So I don’t think comparing military pay to CEO pay is a good comparison (now, if you want to talk about relative disparity in rank between male/female based on cohort size at career start to rates of progression past E-4/O-3, then yeah, men have it better, but not in terms of pay at each level).