If you ever wonder what a bunch of dudes who are Going Their Own Way and totally don’t give a good gosh darn about women, nosireebob, like to talk about the most on their special Men Only No Girls Allowed We’re Totally Going Our Own Way forum, well now you don’t have to rely on the comments I so cavalierly cherry pick from their forum.
Nope, I just realized we can use SCIENCE, in the form of the tag clouds that the site puts above the various subforums, to SCIENTIFICALLY see what they talk about. If you cast your glance upwards, for example, you’ll see the tag cloud for the most active forum on the site.
Seems like these Men Going Their Own Way haven’t gone very far, huh?
I’m guessing the National Organization for Women spends less time talking about women than they do.
EDITED TO ADD: If you would prefer to hear this post read aloud by an actual Man Going His Own Way, one of them has helpfully prepared this video. It’s an uncanny impersonation, by the way. They showed me, I guess!
Not gonna lie, I chuckled.
I call that the frauleinbund.
You’d think they talk about something else than the one thing they’re going out of their way to avoid. How about golf? Or chess? Or the latest book they read?
@MaudeLL, does that mean there are male cheerleaders?
At least we own our obsession with pussy.
That’s part of what I never really understood about extreme MGTOW…Instead of talking to each other about cool hobbies, organizing get togethers, reminiscing about camping trips or planning things to do by themselves, it seems like they just want to keep repeating how happy they are without women in their lives. (They do some of the aforementioned stuff too, but obviously less as David has shown.)
I mean, I wrote a post about how I enjoy being single and don’t necessarily need a man of my own to be fulfilled. But that was ONE post, I have no great desire to keep talking about this one life decision…it is a little sad that they do.
@David Futrelle
I’m sorry in advance if someone has already told you this,
I have received a mail with your post “Google is Censoring Men’s Rights Searches and These Totally Not Fake Screenshots Prove It”, but when I click on the link this message appears: “404: The requested page was not found”. Maybe it is an old post or you erased it for some reason, I just wanted to let you know if that’s not the case.
David, I’m having the same problem with this one “Men’s Rights Activists Vs. Imaginary Enemies: Greatest Hits Edition”
At some point of marginalizing ever-increasing proportion of its male population a society is unsustainable. While a MGTOW “movement” is irrelevant the marginalization of men isn’t.
Please elaborate on this “marginalization.”
With citations, not assfax.
Oh, Asher’s here. Assfax ahoy!
The best example of male marginalization is probably Fermat’s Last Theorem:
If only we hadn’t marginalized him, we wouldn’t have had to wait 358 years for that proof.
Is anyone else having the same problem as me? (error message when trying to open links to these two posts: “Men’s Rights Activists Vs. Imaginary Enemies: Greatest Hits Edition” and “Google is Censoring Men’s Rights Searches and These Totally Not Fake Screenshots Prove It”).
Wow what a very sciencey scientificial post! Thank you for proving this.
@arubakeru – Yeah, I’m having issues with those same two pages as well. I was alerted they were posted via my RSS widgety thingie, but I can’t get to them.
In case anyone else saw the tweets that arubakeru did, I accidentally published a couple of my draft posts earlier today, and I’ve got it set up so twitter automatically tweets my new posts. I took the posts down and deleted the tweet but if you saw the tweets and clicked on the links you would get an error.
The Google post is coming later today, the other one once I get it done, probably next week.
I guess the notifications went out on rss and facebook too. Ooops,
WEll in my defense I haven’t done this before and don’t plan to again.
Huh, you’d think we would have known, since we’re all secretly you, David. I suppose you/we’re just being extra clever with the sockpuppetry today, lol
Asher: I am curious, you said, “At some point of marginalizing ever-increasing proportion of its male population a society is unsustainable. While a MGTOW “movement” is irrelevant the marginalization of men isn’t.” Could you expand on this?
In what ways have men been marginalised? Have they been turned out of elective office? Kept from participating in certain professions? Been paid less for their work than women?
Are people advocating they lose some of their rights? Denying them bodily autonomy? Blaming them for these events?
Please elaborate.
@ Ugh
An excellent example of the marginalization of males is that the welfare state is a massive transfer of resources from males to females, a transfer from vast numbers of males get little in return. That’s marginalization.
What I tell the average young guy who doesn’t look like he has the station to really make it is to make it his life’s goal to expend as little effort as possible to fund the welfare state. Not that I really need to do this because men are already making that choice by the millions. As more men drop out of the project of funding the welfare state the remaining men will shoulder an ever-increasing burden, which, in turn, marginalizes even more men in a downward spiral. The logical conclusion is that all men get marginalized and women will have to figure out how to fund the welfare state with only half the population interested in its continuance – the half that bears and cares for children. Good luck with that.
Buh-bye welfare state.
People are marginalized in a society when they don’t have a *place* within it. Men’s place in a society involves their relationships to women and men who have an insecure relationship to women are, by and large, marginalized.
Asher: An excellent example of the marginalization of males is that the welfare state is a massive transfer of resources from males to females, a transfer from vast numbers of males get little in return. That’s marginalization.
Really? Do tell.
Asher: People are marginalized in a society when they don’t have a *place* within it. Men’s place in a society involves their relationships to women and men who have an insecure relationship to women are, by and large, marginalized.
1: Wrong. Women and men get along just fine. I see them in relationships all the time.
2: You are being a coward, or a fool (or both) because you were asked very specific questions about aspects of being marginalised, and are refusing (or completely unable) to answer them.
Assfax ahoy!
Also, the fuck?
Um, it’s almost as if there should be a movement that includes not defining people by their attractiveness, relationship status, or sexual activity. Oh wait, feminism’s already on top of it.