CORRECTION: New evidence suggests that the AVFM screenshot discussed in this post and elsewhere was not a forgery but the result of a glitch. I offer a correction, and an apology, and a discussion of the implications, here.
I feel a little guilty. Men’s rights hate site A Voice for Men had to “withdraw” one of its posts earlier this week after I demonstrated conclusively here that the site had used a fake screenshot to try to back up the article’s strange claim that Google searches for “violence against men” in fact returned mostly results related to violence against women. (It doesn’t. Try it.)
Thing is, A Voice for Men had been hoping to use that post to boost its claims that Mens’s Rightsers, and men in general, are being “censored” and otherwise stymied by feminist-dominated Internet power players like Google and Facebook.
You may not realize it, but the Men’s Rights movement depends on such false claims of male victimhood to keep its members happily angry. AVFM’s head cheese Paul Elam — who seems to live off the donations of his fans — depends on such false claims for his very livelihood!
If only their claim about the search results for “violence against men” hadn’t been so obviously false! If only their screenshot hadn’t been so obviously fake!
And so, we here at Man Boobz would like to offer a little olive branch to AVFM — and a little bit of assistance. My diligent deputies in the Man Boobz Internet Research Labs have pulled together some phony screenshots that we would like to offer to AVFM for them to use in their next OMG MEN ARE TOTALLY BEING CENSORED SEND US MONEY!!111!! campaign.
As you can see, these images are much more convincing than the screenshot you guys tried to fob off as real earlier in the week, and we hope that the sophistication of our forgeries will enable you to pass them off as real.
If you wish to return to the whole “violence against men” issue, try this screenshot:
This screenshot appears to demonstrate some very peculiar results for a search for “misandry.”
And you can use this last one to show that search results for A Voice for Men itself are being tampered with by evil feminists. Or, possibly, poodles.
Best of luck with all your future lies!
Thanks to Inurashii and Cloudiah for their invaluable assistance with this project.
… Did I miss something about pink poodles while I wasn’t lurking?
‘Cause “purple poodle” is the german MRA’s equivalent of “mangina” or “white knight”, and if that reference wasn’t intentional, it’s just lolarious.
They just should be more purple than pink. I really think they should be.
Off-topic, but apparently extending the draft to women is comparable to child soldiers: http://www.the-spearhead.com/2013/06/21/phyllis-schlafly-on-including-women-in-the-draft/
Falconer, those might be magnetic tapes in the background. They’re like big covers for the stort of tapes my mum had to store stuff on back in the late 70s.
@Lily: The last image in the OP is a bunch of pink poodles.
@LBT: I would like to take one of your story prompts home with me. How do I sponsor?
Falconer, I know. Things just often fly right over my head because I don’t always read the comments, so I was wondering if there was recently something about pink poodles in the comment threads; hence the image.
Sorry. And no, I haven’t seen any injoke about pink poodles.
I loved TNG the most. I never could get into TOS, DS9, or VOY although they were great shows, too. I guess it’s because I was so hooked on the characters from TNG, especially Data.
Thanks. Sorry for that misunderstanding. 🙂
I have found undeniable PROOF that Google supported misandry!
If you think this is fake, you’re just misandric.
Off topic, but I’m getting a kick out of the FREEZE PEACHERS on Paula Deen getting canceled.
I own a signed copy of inurashii’s book! (Also, I did some of his promo art, a few years back.) I reread it recently and feel totally assured in recommending it. Throw money at him!
RE: Falconer
@LBT: I would like to take one of your story prompts home with me. How do I sponsor?
Hooray! Well, here are the prompts up for grabs right now. The costs are listed next to them, and there should be a Paypal ‘Donate!’ button on the post. You put in the amount of money, and there should be a note section where you can state which prompt you want to sponsor. (Or you can just tell me here, that’s fine too!)
See, I always thought Data was “He’s Spock … but a ROBOT!!”
My brother concluded TNG was Not Worth It after they killed off Tasha Yar halfway through the first season (because Denise Crosby, Gates McFadden and Marina Sirtis thought they weren’t being given their fair share of scripts, so Crosby quit right then and McFadden quit at the end of the season — but she came back).
@LBT: I donated.
I left a silly little poetic comment about the Ship of Dreams steering by hopes, then after I confirmed everything I thought maybe you might think I’m demanding you include a line, or something. I’m not.
I never knew all that. I did know I hated it when Crusher wasn’t the doctor and the other woman was. It’s not that the actress was bad. It’s just that I didn’t like her character bickering with Picard, and I missed Crusher. I was so happy when she came back.
I like how they ended up bringing Tasha Yar back as a special guest for that one episode when she got to go back in time and die in an important federation battle rather than by some weird monster. It was nice that the writers respected Denise Crosby enough to give her character an honorable death. I hate to admit this, but I did think the show was better after she was gone and Worf took her post, though.
RE: Falconer
Thank you muchly! I have a few things I need to do tonight before turning in early, but I shall have the prompt up tomorrow, which I will link when I return!
@LBT, no hurry. I’m gonna turn in myself in a minute.
@thebionicmommy: Dr. Pulaski was portrayed by Diana Muldaur, who had two roles on TOS. She was the blind escort of the Medusan ambassador in “Is There In Truth No Beauty?” and one of the people inhabited by the disembodied spirits in “Return to Tomorrow.”
It’s my understanding that McFadden left because she was unhappy with her role; I could be wrong. But I think the first season speaks for itself, and the three women in recurring roles don’t get to be as cool as all the guys.
Truth be told, Worf is kind of surplus to requirements while Yar is security chief. He kind of swings around, performing lots of duties like piloting while Data or Geordi man ops, or security work. I think Roddenberry was all like “And we’re going to have a Klingon to show that the two groups worked out their differences!” and the producers were unsure what to do with Worf.
Then Crosby quits and Worf gets to spend the rest of the series being ineffectual with the phaser banks.
I think, in general, Star Trek stands as one of the few liberal pieces of (quasi-)military science fiction of the 20th Century.
Also, while McFadden was gone, who was looking after Wesley?
I didn’t know Dr. Pulawski had roles in TOS. I just knew that her character had an abrasive personality. I did like how she was older, though. Not many women above the age of 50 are on TV besides Golden Girls or Hot in Cleveland.
That’s definitely true. At first, the women’s roles were just as quiet, sweet helpers for the men who are doing the important work. Oh yeah, and they also need to look cute in little skirts because we need some fanservice for the straight dudes, amirite? I can understand the actresses being disgusted by it. It improved a lot in later seasons. They had more screen time, made executive decisions, and their personalities evolved to be more complex.
As for Wesley, he is a genius. He can handle it okay without his mom. And it’s sad. I like Wil Wheaton so much, but I couldn’t stand his character.
I grew up on reruns of TOS and TAS (srsly!), and the movies.
My family were all huge TNG fans, but I find that it also became the standard by which I judge other sci-fi shows, on just how far from the Star Trek formula they run. Andromeda and Stargate SG-1 felt too similar; Firefly, Babylon 5 and Farscape felt fresh and awesome.
DS9 was so-so until they started into the long-form storytelling, at which point I was freaking hooked.
Voyager disappointed me. I felt like they really squandered the opportunity to make the ship feel like it was wrecked, lost and dealing with a serious crew schism between the Federation and Maquis. It got better thanks to strong writing and good cast dynamics, but I have two words to describe the ending: “Cheat Code”.
Gave up on Enterprise after the pilot.
I really wanted to like Enterprise. I was so excited that it was another Star Trek series, and with Scott Bakula. I love Scott Bakula! But it was just too boring for me to watch, Bakula and all. I made it through a few episodes before giving up.
And Voyager was okay, but it wasn’t TNG. I was so excited they had a woman as captain. That was a huge deal to me, seeing a woman in charge of the ship. And she was in her 40’s and looked like an average woman rather than a model like Seven of Nine or T’Pol.
Futrelle, I had a look at Jason-Joshua’s blog, particularly JJ’s responses and DEsmay’s comments (the few random people seem to be split between acknowledging the whole situation and insulting you, I wonder if some of the former are actually reasonable MRAs) so I have to ask: how much of your sanity do you lose every time you deal with the MRAs on their own territory? Do the bullshit non-responses make you laugh or cry?
I saw a fair few eps of Voyager years ago (houseminding for friends who had all of ’em on DVD). I really liked Janeway, not least for her Katharine Hepburn look. Don’t recall much about the series except the episode where there was a parallel-universe Voyager and an invasion by those body-part stealing aliens, and Harry Kim was killed. Had me in tears, all the stuff happening there.
I liked Janeway’s no nonsense attitude and pragmatism. Some fans describe her as butch, but I’m not sure I’d use that word to describe her. It’s not like a femme woman can’t be assertive and strong. I also didn’t read her character as being a lesbian, but instead as asexual. But regardless of her sexuality, I thought she was wonderful, and a great role model for girls.
Congratulations, you did indeed catch them.
You should concentrate on actual bullshit they do like this than your typical wankery. Do that you’ll add some value to the universe.