CORRECTION: New evidence suggests that the AVFM screenshot discussed in this post and elsewhere was not a forgery but the result of a glitch. I offer a correction, and an apology, and a discussion of the implications, here.
I feel a little guilty. Men’s rights hate site A Voice for Men had to “withdraw” one of its posts earlier this week after I demonstrated conclusively here that the site had used a fake screenshot to try to back up the article’s strange claim that Google searches for “violence against men” in fact returned mostly results related to violence against women. (It doesn’t. Try it.)
Thing is, A Voice for Men had been hoping to use that post to boost its claims that Mens’s Rightsers, and men in general, are being “censored” and otherwise stymied by feminist-dominated Internet power players like Google and Facebook.
You may not realize it, but the Men’s Rights movement depends on such false claims of male victimhood to keep its members happily angry. AVFM’s head cheese Paul Elam — who seems to live off the donations of his fans — depends on such false claims for his very livelihood!
If only their claim about the search results for “violence against men” hadn’t been so obviously false! If only their screenshot hadn’t been so obviously fake!
And so, we here at Man Boobz would like to offer a little olive branch to AVFM — and a little bit of assistance. My diligent deputies in the Man Boobz Internet Research Labs have pulled together some phony screenshots that we would like to offer to AVFM for them to use in their next OMG MEN ARE TOTALLY BEING CENSORED SEND US MONEY!!111!! campaign.
As you can see, these images are much more convincing than the screenshot you guys tried to fob off as real earlier in the week, and we hope that the sophistication of our forgeries will enable you to pass them off as real.
If you wish to return to the whole “violence against men” issue, try this screenshot:
This screenshot appears to demonstrate some very peculiar results for a search for “misandry.”
And you can use this last one to show that search results for A Voice for Men itself are being tampered with by evil feminists. Or, possibly, poodles.
Best of luck with all your future lies!
Thanks to Inurashii and Cloudiah for their invaluable assistance with this project.
Misandry! That woman is doing the research while the man is stuck filing!! Only thing worse would be adding a kitten.
Oh shit, is this my fifteen minutes?
Uhhhh read my book!
(very smooth, inu. good goin’.)
That computer desk makes my wrists hurt. ERGONOMICS DO YOU SPEAK IT
Also, are those laser discs Mr. Sideburns is fiddling with back there?
Falconer: I think they are some sort of hard drive.
@Falconer: Have you seen Star Trek TOS and Spock working at his computer? Makes my back hurt just looking at it!
Pink poodles are total misandry.
I assume pink poodles are what you get when you let loose the dogs of gender war.
I thought those were the Diamond Dogs.
You come to me now, at my daughter’s wedding, and you ask this of me?I’m never sure exactly how they’re getting all of their information out of a computer display that’s just flashing lights.
Sometimes I despair about the show. It seems like for every episode in which Kirk gives a heartfelt speech on the equality of all sentient life, they’ve got another in which they all refer to a woman who’s a Starfleet lieutenant and who’s got both names and is the focal character of the episode as “the girl.”
… I guess I’m saying the only Trekkie things I haven’t done is cosplay at a convention and write Kirk/Spock.
Hey, I adore Trek too! It’s got super problematic elements though. Still, I think TOS is better than Voyager or Enterprise regarding social issues. Maybe I’m just biased because I’ve seen so many takedowns of it on SFDebris, but yeah…
…I like Trek.
I haven’t seen more than a bit of VOY, but I watched the whole run of ENT a couple years ago.
I thought T’Pol sometimes was barely more than fanservice. Remember when they had her change behind a towel on a clothesline?
And the doctor was a running sight gag. Grr.
inurashii, You wrote a whole book?!!??!?!!??? [is in awe]
Hell, I can’t even get a short story going anywhere.
I blame my attention span.
oh, I thought I’d made noise about it before. Yeah, I have a SFF universe that I write in, and that’s my first book. The 2nd one is done but needs heavy revisions before I selfpub it.
Tales is free to read online or as an ebook and hard copies can be ordered from amazon (or me, signed and for cheaper.) 🙂
TOS was ahead of it’s time, socially. By Voyager, the times had caught up.
TOS was ahead of it’s time, socially. By Voyager, the times had caught up.
I don’t know if it’s sad, or not, that they didn’t manage to stay further ahead of the times.
True. And I think Voy was still worse, even not counting that. But again, I regularly watch critiques of it all. You might like these Falconer. He’s usually pretty spot-on, and rarely does off-colour jokes.
Hey, I saw some of those videos. Can’t remember which ones.
I enjoy off color jokes. Used to listen to Zero Punctuation and sat through Nostalgia Critic doing The Room.
Oh I remember. I watched him review some Doctor Who.