a voice for men awesome dawgies I am making a joke I'm totally being sarcastic imaginary oppression lying liars MRA none dare call it conspiracy

Google is Censoring Men’s Rights Searches and These Totally Not Fake Screenshots Prove It [CORRECTED]

Man Boobz Internet Research Lab
The Man Boobz Internet Research Lab

CORRECTION: New evidence suggests that the AVFM screenshot discussed in this post and elsewhere was not a forgery but the result of a glitch. I offer a correction, and an apology, and a discussion of the implications, here.

I feel a little guilty. Men’s rights hate site A Voice for Men had to “withdraw” one of its posts earlier this week after I demonstrated conclusively here that the site had used a fake screenshot to try to back up the article’s strange claim that Google searches for “violence against men” in fact returned mostly results related to violence against women.  (It doesn’t. Try it.)

Thing is, A Voice for Men had been hoping to use that post to boost its claims that Mens’s Rightsers, and men in general, are being “censored” and otherwise stymied by feminist-dominated Internet power players like Google and Facebook.

You may not realize it, but the Men’s Rights movement depends on such false claims of male victimhood to keep its members happily angry. AVFM’s head cheese Paul Elam — who seems to live off the donations of his fans — depends on such false claims for his very livelihood!

If only their claim about the search results for “violence against men” hadn’t been so obviously false! If only their screenshot hadn’t been so obviously fake!

And so, we here at Man Boobz would like to offer a little olive branch to AVFM — and a little bit of assistance. My diligent deputies in the Man Boobz Internet Research Labs have pulled together some phony screenshots that we would like to offer to AVFM for them to use in their next OMG MEN ARE TOTALLY BEING CENSORED SEND US MONEY!!111!! campaign.

As you can see, these images are much more convincing than the screenshot you guys tried to fob off as real earlier in the week, and we hope that the sophistication of our forgeries will enable you to pass them off as real.

If you wish to return to the whole “violence against men” issue, try this screenshot:


This screenshot appears to demonstrate some very peculiar results for a search for “misandry.”


And you can use this last one to show that search results for A Voice for Men itself are being tampered with by evil feminists. Or, possibly, poodles.


Best of luck with all your future lies!

Thanks to Inurashii and Cloudiah for their invaluable assistance with this project.

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11 years ago

Generally if the landing party is Kirk, McCoy, Spock (in one instance Sulu) and someone new, you know who’s not making it home (unless the new person is a woman, in which case she’ll be central to the plot).

There was the episode (the cubes) which violated that rule. It was shocking at the time (in part because they could conceal who died when it happened).

11 years ago

Oh, I forgot about the cubes one. Eh, it was a generalization anyway, and I maybe shouldn’t have made it.

11 years ago

@Red Scorpion,

AVfM holds itself to the highest literary standards, do you?


11 years ago

For those who want in on the fun, the full run of all Star Trek series is available on Netflix, and many episodes (including the complete Original Series) are available to stream on

The TOS episodes on appear to be in their original state. The series was re-aired beginning in 2006 with new visual effects, and those are the ones available on Netflix.

11 years ago

Dvärghundspossen, I thought she might well be hispanic.

Also yes, Janeway was a rare occurrence, I want more shows with middle aged women who get shit done!

Also she has cheekbones like woah.

11 years ago

Sentimental attachment to the original Star Trek, liked TNG and even got a bit into DS9, but never really connected with Voyager or Enterprise.

11 years ago

Yeah… I’ve watched too many reviews to give Janeway any points, and B’ellana was only used to be the angry woman, who either learns something or gets outraged… She is basically a retread of the angry black woman trope but because she was an alien the creators could get away with it. Mullgrew is a great actress, but Janeway is pretty illogical and does some shifty things… And yea, VOY had so much wasted potential, especially with the Military/Maquis aspect which would have made great conflict. I did like the lack of white men as the main cast, but like every Star Trek it fails with any queer issues…

11 years ago

My biggest thing about DS9 is that it’s not a “Trek” show. It’s a fantastic sci if show, but the departure from the utopia of trek that Roddenberry had took it out of the trek vision for me. To be honest, that departure definitely made the show richer, and I think it’s an amazing show, but it lacks my “trek” sense…

11 years ago

The comments thread is getting better on the post about how Dave is a big bad meany. Someone pointed out the URL is giving him the lie.

11 years ago

Which thread?

11 years ago

sittiekitty: It’s an MRA thread. Manboobz lies, and other nonsense

11 years ago

This is also something that’s cringeworthy about TOS and the movies with the original cast now (I still enjoy them overall) – the way McCoy keep making speciesist comments to Spock.

Spock finally loses his temper at McCoy over this in “All Our Yesterdays.” He grabs McCoy by the collar, jerks him to his feet, and says, “I don’t like that. I don’t think I ever have, but now I’m sure.”

Of course, at the time Spock is reverting to the state of his Vulcan ancestors 5,000 years before his time, because of Plot.

I’m sure it’s obvious to everyone that Spock represents or stands in for Kirk’s rationality and ability to make the hard choices, while McCoy represents or stands in for his emotions and his empathy. The series always states that acting without empathy is a Bad Thing.

Of course, never get Spock angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.