So here’s an interesting chart. Guess what it represents?
A) The membership of the David Duke Fan Club
B) The racial breakdown of the most successful Liberace impersonators
C) The demographics of the Men’s Rights subreddit
Well, ok, that was too easy. It is of course all of the above. I’m guessing. It’s definitely C, at least, as this chart was prepared to show the results of the 2013 Men’s Rights subreddit demographic survey.
Now, you might say, well, isn’t Reddit itself a pretty white place? And you would be right. But the Men’s Rights subreddit seems to be a bit whiter — and a lot less black — than Reddit as a whole, if Quantcast’s estimates of Reddit’s overall ethnic breakdown are accurate.
In other completely non-surprising news, 89% of Men’s Rights Redditors are men. And a lot of them are libertarians. MRAs complain endlessly that we pigeonhole them as a bunch of entitled white dudes. They’re really not doing much to challenge that assumption.
The most important issue to these fellas (and the small minority that aren’t fellas)? Survey says: False rape accusations.
Other critical issues to the Men’s Rightsers include “custody rights” (which is a bit odd because 92% of those surveyed have no kids), “legal discrimination” (whatever that means), “education discrimination” (this is a thing?), and “male disposability.”
“Male birth control” and “paper abortion,” while relatively less important to the Men’s Rightsers, each got hundreds of votes.
I’m surprised “friendzoning” isn’t at the top of the list, but unfortunately it wasn’t one of the choices. I blame misandry.
Oh, and because it’s been awhile since I left cute cat stuffs:

Freemage — I include it by default 🙂 (though I can’t do a fill in what you mean, but that might be best as a certain someone once intentionally fucked with my data by being robosexual)
My husband is always on the geology subreddit and he is a straight, white, cis male with a masters. I would like to see a comparison between the demographics of the MRM and the general Reddit.
MST3K is awesome.
Now accepting all smart ass responses for a specific “have at it smart asses” question!
Ok, doing left-right for economics and social issues, and a “would you call yourself any of the following?” with these so far:
Socialist // Communist // Marxist
Nope, none
You can select more than one, and please give me feed back!
Also, should I do a very VERY basic are you religious // spiritual agree // disagree? Not what sort or anything, but just a basic not at all to very? Or just leave it off?
And I’m doing a check all for sexuality, so far:
Gay or Lesbian
Bisexual, Pansexual or Omnisexual
Polyamorous // Polygamous
And ya smart asses have a not to save the hypergamy for the smart ass question! (Where there are whore penguins)
LBT — I put GenderFuck with the genders since that is actually a thing (and frankly, damn do I enjoy fucking with people, I just suck at it! [you’ve met me, you can guess my problem here right? {fucking anatomy!}])
I think I’m going back to IS while I await your wonderfully helpful feedback!
Ah, testing this I need to make that Other Queer since it currently looks like checking any of the, well, queer options means checking queer and that’s just fucking weird.
@Obsidian Files
The difference is that, despite POC being a small minority here, I’ve never seen the community allow any racism to enter it, and have never seen a racist comment made that was not challenged by multiple members.
Re: African-American, I agree with LBT, Black would be a better category. Especially since you’re not doing the American-not American thing for any other ethnicity. Also, South Asian is probably a better category than Indian/East Indian. Also, I feel like having multiracial as an option is a better solution than choosing multiple ethnicities to prevent one person being counted as two (or more) people. Unless of course you know of a way to counter that, in which case ignore my squeaking.
Also, I feel like there weren’t enough “also”s in my post.
I’m quite interested in the religion question, but I have no advice on how to formulate a useful query. Materialist / dualist / idealist? Teleological worldview?
Just make sure to include an option for the jeremiahdic paradigm of Christian neodadaism.
Also, kind of disappointed that PPTT and O. didn’t have a chance to
get in to a discussiontroll each other to exhaustion.Also, that’s fine, Shadow.
Shadow — done
thekidwiththereplacablehead — idk, we discussed materialism a bit ago and a bunch of us, myself included, were confused by religious materialism versus commercialism — I don’t want categories people don’t realize apply to them, ya know?
“Just make sure to include an option for the jeremiahdic paradigm of Christian neodadaism.”
That, otoh, just got added as a smart ass option!
Shadow, also, I abuse though, so I also can’t comment on your wording, though I may like to!
Ok, so ethnicity is currently:
Asian (I’m futzing with the site’s “logic” section, the next couple may become sub-sections)
East Asian
South Asian
Middle Eastern
Indigenous (eg Native American)
Pacific Islander (should I lump those two?)
And it’s pick one currently because yeah, it’s probably possible to collapse the responses from people who check more than one, but idk that it’s easy (and this is, after all, The Big Question)
Think I should toss in BDSM? On its own or under the check all for sexuality? (Poly’s already there so it isn’t totally out of place) Putting asexual — romantic interests, asexual — limited romantic interest, asexual — no romantic interest, and demisexual. Debating grey a but I guess it can’t hurt to add it since I intend to tally this one as “x% on boobzer s ID as…”
Idk how much I’ll be able to find general population data for anything besides ethnicity and age anyways, at least, not without collapsing GLB and trans*…maybe disability status, but I suspect the population data would be for those collecting benefits, which is an entirely fucked up system here and probably elsewhere.
And my inbox has a suggestion for relationship status, eg:
Single looking
Single not looking
Involved, monogamous
Involved, not monogamous
Thoughts? Idk, I mean, I get the idea, but it definitely needs an “it’s complicated”!
Thanks again guys, your feedback is seriously helpful!
About the politics question: I’ve mucked about trying to come up with a good way to survey that before and ultimately it was a failure, IMO. So here’s my case for, essentially, throwing the whole thing out the window.
I find multi-axis scales to be just as misleading as single-axis scales, firstly because they artificially cast different bits of political ideology as entirely distinct when they’re not, secondly because they elevate certain issues and positions to greater prominence based on their position on the scale, and–most importantly–because it doesn’t actually fix some of the major problems with a one-axis scale, such as political differences between countries.
Letting people rank themselves left/right, regardless of the exact phrasing, will yield more or less useless results, since we’re an international community and what counts as liberal or conservative varies widely from one country to the next.
Given the sample size, having a bunch of questions isn’t likely to lead to very interesting results; we really just want a quick, general idea of the community’s makeup and more questions are mostly just going to make the whole thing longer and more obnoxious both to fill out and to parse the results of. And I rather think more questions will make people more annoyed if they feel it doesn’t capture their particular ideology properly.
So, if I were you (and of course I am because we are both David), I’d just do a list of political ideologies, let people suggest any terms they want on the list, and make it multiselect. Anyone miffed at not being included will at least only be miffed at one question, and if anyone’s position defies description with any number of terms, it’s likely to defy classification regardless of what system you use.
Only my suggestion, obviously.
Point noted, and yeah, besides the ethnicity, gender and age, most of this is just curiosity. Oh and “I’m David” is in the smart ass multi-select set 🙂
So, socialist/communist/Marxist, anarchist and libertarian have general meanings, how to handle the rest?
And by all the gods I’m tempted to add “I think back spasms suck” to the smart ass question. My brain needs to reboot once I crack the entirety of my spine!
How about asking how long people here have been visiting Manboobz and/or whether they’re a regular or semi-regular commenter, a lurker, a recent delurker, etc.? I think it might be worthwhile to check for any significant demo differences between them.
Could technosexual be an option for sexuality? Seems a little more inclusive of vibrators/massagers/other electronic sex toys than robosexual.
Ok, I can indeed group ethnicities to match the reddit ones while including ALL THE THINGS in subcategories. Obviously South Asian and East Asian go under Asian, and I’m making a note that Indian does too // all the continent of Asia is included. But idk on Middle Eastern. There or other?
Indigenous, Pacific Islander, and whatever else y’all suggest are going under other?
Or do Asian — East Asian, Asian — Indian (ick, would that have been other for reddit? Why can’t people be inclusive?!)?
Other — Indian; Other — indigenous; etc?
Problem: this is the one that actually matters for comparing to the data that started this.
Problem: their definitions suck, as in, do not exist.
Problem: I can lump them while being inclusive, but don’t know how to handle the parts of Asia // Eurasia // the Middle East that probably wouldn’t ID as Asian. It’s a big continent (and fuck, Russia, the actual Caucasian people, as in, in the Caucasus mountains, are in Eurasia)
Problem: if I go too precise everything is going to end up with <5 people (and frankly, I suspect we are mostly white)
Perks of splitting: I can split black in African American // African diaspora, African, Caribbean, other. Split Hispanic into the usually featured white Hispanic, South American. But then…
Method 1: sub categories, eg select Asian, get a submenu
Method 2: Asian — South Asian; Asian — other; black — Carribean; black — African; black — African diaspora; black — other; Hispanic — South American; Hispanic — Carribean; Other — Indigeous; Other — Pacific Islander; etc etc
Problem: where the fuck do I put the ethnicities their shitty ass survey didn't define? I literally cannot make this truly comparable without their definitions and THEY DIDN'T PROVIDE THEM. So I can put anything anywhere and never know if it's comparable. It's probably moot, but it bothers me!
Aaliyah — if you see this, since it's relevant to you, if you don't mind me publicly asking, which of the limited options in the survey in the OP would you have checked? If you want to answer privately you have pecunium's email? Ask him for mine, he has it.
Oo, surveys!
It makes me sooooo twitchy only having “pick one” but if that’s the way it is could we have some sort of “white-passing multiracial” and “POC multiracial”. Because I hate being forced to pick Caucasian, but to pick Maori/Pacific Islander would be disingenuous as hell, and “multiracial” implies POC to me.
It’s a remarkably difficult question! I’d do something more like this:
White (I cannot think of a way to phrase this meaning lives-in-Anglo-descended, English monolingual countries, generic “white”.)
White European
-East Asian
-South Asian
Middle Eastern
Northern African
Southern African
Native American (North or South)
Pacific Islander (including indigenous Australian)
Multiracial – white
Multiracial – POC
I like the idea of BMSM: yes – practicing, yes – not active, no. Or something.
You are awesome for doing all this! If we’re doing disability, having something about psych vs physical and degree of effect or something would be interesting. I like the relationship status.
I think we’d have a high % of people ticking “yes” or “mostly” to “do you like non-human animals more than humans?” here too. lol
Amnesia — he was being a smart ass, but yeah, I like where you’re going with that. Not sure technosexual would be generally understood, but how do you feel about, say, “I prefer my toys”?
And adding the other with a note that it’s just for curiousity, don’t worry about not being regular enough to answer the rest. That’s my only concern there, I don’t want it to come off as another round of how we have an elite group of regulars. But yeah, that may, if it works how I’m thinking, allow us to be more inclusive of the lurkers’ demographics (idk, might not have any significant differences, may end up another site with a case of “fuck, we’re excluding asexuals aren’t we?”)
Oh and “A Robot” is in the smart ass question. Y’all, feed me smart ass answers! I do want this thing to be all manboobz goofy!
“It makes me sooooo twitchy only having “pick one” but if that’s the way it is could we have some sort of “white-passing multiracial” and “POC multiracial”. Because I hate being forced to pick Caucasian, but to pick Maori/Pacific Islander would be disingenuous as hell, and “multiracial” implies POC to me.”
Done. And see my last comment on ethnicity and then I’ll just combine what you think about that. It seems less likely to get talking past each other that way!
Disability is already split mental/physical, idk quite how to do degree of affecting you, but I sorta like it? Sorta? (I mean, at my best, y’all think I’m hilarious and appreciate things like this and my stats busting…at my worst…no one wants to see that [let’s just say those scars LBT’s writing keeps reminding me of are self-inflicted and leave it at that])
Relationship status, GIVE ME MAOR! As it stands I literally don’t know what I’d put, I’m not activity looking, but only adverse to the idea because, well, no one wants to see me at my worst.
meDaveArgenti, what would be the word for “king-ogamous” – rexogamous? (I’m presuming monogamous derives from Latin here.) Maybe I should go for roiamorous or something, rexogamous sounds like marrying tyrannosaurs. 😛Relationship status – “open to suggestions”? “No, but keep talking”? “Eww no thanks”?
(wot, me a smartarse?)
Don’t forget Going Own Way, incel and loveshy 🙂
…I kinda like that. And I’ll toss in “married to a king” as a smart ass answer? I’ll add “interested in only my partner” for sexuality, since that may apply to others, but I thinks you’re the only queen here 🙂
Relationship status wise:
Open to suggestions
No thanks
Involved monogamously
Involved non-monogamously
Thoughts? (Keep talking seems a bit squick, or maybe I just don’t want to end up looking at data that remotely suggests *I* keep talking, cuz sorry y’all, but I’m barely open to suggestions)
I think you’re leaving out intersex.