misandry MRA oppressed white men reddit

Mighty White of You


So here’s an interesting chart. Guess what it represents?

A) The membership of the David Duke Fan Club

B) The racial breakdown of the most successful Liberace impersonators

C) The demographics of the Men’s Rights subreddit

Well, ok, that was too easy. It is of course all of the above. I’m guessing. It’s definitely C, at least, as this chart was prepared to show the results of the 2013 Men’s Rights subreddit demographic survey.

Now, you might say, well, isn’t Reddit itself a pretty white place? And you would be right. But the Men’s Rights subreddit seems to be a bit whiter — and a lot less black — than Reddit as a whole, if Quantcast’s estimates of Reddit’s overall ethnic breakdown are accurate.


In other completely non-surprising news, 89% of Men’s Rights Redditors are men. And a lot of them are libertarians. MRAs complain endlessly that we pigeonhole them as a bunch of entitled white dudes. They’re really not doing much to challenge that assumption.

The most important issue to these fellas (and the small minority that aren’t fellas)? Survey says: False rape accusations.

Other critical issues to the Men’s Rightsers include “custody rights” (which is a bit odd because 92% of those surveyed have no kids), “legal discrimination” (whatever that means), “education discrimination” (this is a thing?), and “male disposability.”

“Male birth control” and “paper abortion,” while relatively less important to the Men’s Rightsers, each got hundreds of votes.

I’m surprised “friendzoning” isn’t at the top of the list, but unfortunately it wasn’t one of the choices. I blame misandry.

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11 years ago

Wow… Veiled threats of harm and death. Not cool, and I’ll be very surprised if David let’s that pass.

Getting banned is the point isn’t it obsidian. Then you get to go back and tell everyone about how we’re not up for “spirited discussion”, which in your case has been a revolving door of ignoring inconvenient rebuttals, handwaving, asking pointless questions to avoid having to answer valid points, and as of late some pretty smarmy head pats and a veiled death threat.

Cool story bro.

11 years ago

I think this is Obs subtle attempt to win the prestigious manboobz troll of the year 2013.

11 years ago

Ah… I see I’ve been given my own (weak sauce) imputation that the world would be better off if I were dead.

I’m touched, I didn’t think you cared (you ignored for long, and after I primped and did my nails and brushed the apron of my new skirt and everything).

But arsenic? Slow, and ineffective. It does give the skin a lovely consumptive glow (and you are right, it’s not a bad grace note to the taste of coffee, though tea was the preferred beverage for self-dosing), but it’s so easy to detect (finding it was the start of modern forensic chemistry).

You really need to step up your game if you want to offend me (no need to protest, we can all see it; either it’s a man-crush, and I’m touched, but really, I prefer my men to be shorter), or you are feeling in some way wounded.

If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

11 years ago

Obsidian is trying to gear up to count coup, and failing miserably.

11 years ago

Precisely; Feminists have been able to successfully lobby for or boycott against things they deem to be in their interest and the Kickstarter thing is one such example. Hardly the feeble, powerless people you’re trying to make them out to be.

Way to misunderstand, and to lie.

1: We aren’t saying feminism, as an idea, is “feeble”. We are saying that sexism is still strong (sort of like racism. Fewer people go around talking about how good it would be if there will still slaves, more talk about how, “those people” need to, “know their place”, but the law is moving toward equality in fact).

2: That PUA project wasn’t stopped. They got their money.

11 years ago

I don’t feel like reading through all his shit. Has OF addressed why he lied about the Pew study of breadwinners? My post, for convenience, is here.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — he’s not worth it, Joe wasn’t worth it; but you and the friends Joe was claiming I don’t care about are. And I’m fucking angry. I’m not letting that slide because it was a “joke” from someone I’d wipe off my shoe if I stepped in it. I’ve had enough, and going after you like that is the final fucking straw as far as I’m concerned.

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

Obsidian, serious question. I’m thinking about becoming a feMRA, but I can’t commit until I know this: What exactly is the MRM doing to help non-traditionally attractive women like myself who do not look like super models get a date? Are any of you dating women over 110 pounds? Do you not threaten to rape me on the first date, even in jest? I eagerly await your reply.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — “Ah… I see I’ve been given my own (weak sauce) imputation that the world would be better off if I were dead.”

Which is why I’ve gone all HULK RAGE on him, he’s fucking wrong. And that, that right there, threatening my goddamned friends? That’s where I draw the fucking line. Veiled, weak sauce, fucking stupid, I do not give a single fuck.

I know I’ve dropped this here before but it’s FUCKING PERFECT

“It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill.” ― Emilie Autumn, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

O: Violent crime is at all time lows.

Obviously the rate of murder of men by men is NOTHING when compared to the rate of men falsely accused of rape.

Priorities tho.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Well, it’s not the dating problems of ALL short men (see Davy Jones and Woody Guthrie); it’s just the problems of assholes who can’t get dates and blame it on their height.”

O: No, those Men were/are very famous. We’re talking about everyday guys, instead – the vast majority of whom, aren’t arseholes. Many studies have proven that Men of shorter stature have a harder time of it out on the dating market, because Women in aggregate prefer taller Men. That, is a fact.


11 years ago

OF, as fascinating as your unevidenced assertions re: shortness are concerned, let’s talk about something more substantive: woman headed households. They’re a majority of households now a days, right? Because women, especially Black women, are so much richer than men, right?

11 years ago

OK, here are short men who are not famous/’high status’ and gets tons of dates with the ladies: Ian Luntz, Simon Wittigger, Frank Johnson, Malik Jones, Gerard Cross, Miguel Montreuil, Hans Weldon and Ben Straw.

I have more if you want.

11 years ago

” Oh, look, Mister “I don’t support rape because I don’t find it necessary” is back.”

O: And, good morning to you, too!

“Tell us, O, under what circumstances do you find rape to be necessary?”

O: None.

“If all your potential sexual partners unanimously reject you because they find out you say things like “I don’t support rape for a very simple reason – because it’s not necessary. A Man with Game doesn’t need to rape anyone.” does that then make rape necessary?”

O: No.

“Where do you draw the line at respecting the autonomy of other human beings?”

O: I believe all human beings have the right to their own bodily automony. The problem I have is when *some* Women, don’t respect the same in others – and that includes Men.

T: You’re a sick fuck.

O: How would you know?


Even if you do, in fact, oppose rape because it’s a violation of bodily autonomy, the fact that you jumped straight to the lack of necessity of rape as a reason to not support rape is telling. It shows me that your belief about women a right to bodily autonomy (at least in this case) is at best an afterthought.

It’s exactly like saying, “I don’t like murdering people because it’s risky” and then backpedaling and then saying “Oh, no, murder is bad because people have the right to live!” when confronted about that apparent murder apologism.

In any case, your backpedaling highly suspect. Why in the world would you say that you don’t support rape because it isn’t necessary if the importance of bodily autonomy is the actual reason you don’t support rape?

Also, you’re an awful person. And I can know if these things are true by, well, reading what you say about your beliefs. If I want to find out about whether someone’s worldview is decent, I read and try to understand their beliefs. So your deflection in saying “How would you know?” is a joke.

11 years ago

Oh, and regardless of what you say, your claim that rape shouldn’t be supported because it’s unnecessary STILL implies that, if it were “necessary” in some way, you would be okay with it.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Even if you do, in fact, oppose rape because it’s a violation of bodily autonomy, the fact that you jumped straight to the lack of necessity of rape as a reason to not support rape is telling. It shows me that your belief about women a right to bodily autonomy (at least in this case) is at best an afterthought.”

O: Should I value someone’s life more than my own?

“It’s exactly like saying, “I don’t like murdering people because it’s risky” and then backpedaling and then saying “Oh, no, murder is bad because people have the right to live!” when confronted about that apparent murder apologism.”

O: Noted.

“In any case, your backpedaling highly suspect. Why in the world would you say that you don’t support rape because it isn’t necessary if the importance of bodily autonomy is the actual reason you don’t support rape?”

O: Because I wasn’t asked a direct question such as the one you quoted me from above.

“Also, you’re an awful person. And I can know if these things are true by, well, reading what you say about your beliefs. If I want to find out about whether someone’s worldview is decent, I read and try to understand their beliefs. So your deflection in saying “How would you know?” is a joke.”

O: You need a better sense of humor…


Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Oh, and regardless of what you say, your claim that rape shouldn’t be supported because it’s unnecessary STILL implies that, if it were “necessary” in some way, you would be okay with it.”

O: Only I’m not, and even one of your own admitted that he could find nothing in my writings, that he chose at random to examine mind you, that supported any such thing.

I’m just sayin…


11 years ago

I’m impressed with you guys for continuing to argue with guys like Obsidian. I get tired of the dancing goalposts and willful obtuseness around the third comment.

11 years ago

Should I value someone’s life more than my own?

Do you really want to ask that question in response to an explicative analogy on bodily autonomy?

Because the subtext there is, “Should I value someone else’s bodily autonomy more than my own?”

Which implies that other people’s bodily autonomy matter less to you than yours.

Which is a rapist mindset.

Which you’ve already, pretty much admitted to, so I guess more confirmation isn’t surprising.

: Only I’m not, and even one of your own admitted that he could find nothing in my writings, that he chose at random to examine mind you, that supported any such thing.

You are lying again.

But seriously, man.

You support rape. Oh, shit, didn’t I just say you don’t? Sorry, I was using sith game, and I lied. You’d prefer if it didn’t happen.
You’d like it if people didn’t do.

But your ultimately standpoint is this:

Your direct advocacy of rape is that you don’t mind other people doing it, you just won’t do it yourself. You don’t mind gaslightning people, destroying their sense of self, using psychological tricks on them, messing with their head, doing little flips that “Make them go mental” when they get “Out of pocket”. You’ll take their techniques, you’ll take their field reports, you’ll take their guidance and stop just short of the actual act because, hey, that’d be going too far…

How nice.
For you.

How many times do you have to be caught out in the exact same lie to stop making it?

To stop making it to the same people who have called you on your lies before?

That’s more than stupid, it’s delusionally stupid. Do you think this sort of gaslighting is going to work? We know Game, and this ain’t the place to try it; because Game requires an ignorant victim.

11 years ago

“Even if you do, in fact, oppose rape because it’s a violation of bodily autonomy, the fact that you jumped straight to the lack of necessity of rape as a reason to not support rape is telling. It shows me that your belief about women a right to bodily autonomy (at least in this case) is at best an afterthought.”

O: Should I value someone’s life more than my own?

“It’s exactly like saying, “I don’t like murdering people because it’s risky” and then backpedaling and then saying “Oh, no, murder is bad because people have the right to live!” when confronted about that apparent murder apologism.”

O: Noted.

It’s as if you’re completely ignoring my point. Oh wait, you are.

“In any case, your backpedaling highly suspect. Why in the world would you say that you don’t support rape because it isn’t necessary if the importance of bodily autonomy is the actual reason you don’t support rape?”

O: Because I wasn’t asked a direct question such as the one you quoted me from above.

You know what that statement minimally implies and that it would lead to an outraged response. Why, then, did you make it seem as though that was your only reason for not supporting rape? Did you just want to troll us? I doubt that you just wanted to get a reaction because clearly you wanted to show that you aren’t a misogynist, that you aren’t a supporter of rape, etc.

You aren’t convincing many people here.

And in any case, you clearly said that you don’t support rape because you don’t think it’s necessary; someone with “Game”, as you say, doesn’t need to rape anyone. Unless somehow you sincerely take back your statement, I have no strong reason to believe that you oppose rape because of bodily autonomy.

“Also, you’re an awful person. And I can know if these things are true by, well, reading what you say about your beliefs. If I want to find out about whether someone’s worldview is decent, I read and try to understand their beliefs. So your deflection in saying “How would you know?” is a joke.”

O: You need a better sense of humor…


My sense of humor isn’t the problem; it’s your reprehensible beliefs.

11 years ago

Sorry, David – I didn’t see your post above.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“But, again, we’ll have data for Man Boobz in a few days, so what’s your hurry?”

I am absolutely exhausted, but if anyone else wants to prove feedback on the draft, my email’s the obvious at gmail. Drop me a line in the next, say, hour? and I’ll give you the link. Compile the feedback when I get up, and make it go live.

David — you want to give it a test run? I’ll email you the link?

And yeah, if it’s just our trolls, the signal to noise ratio should cancel them out, but get the MRM in general on it and the data will be useless and I’ll be damned near as pissed as I am about telling pecunium to put arsenic in his coffee.

11 years ago

Can I ask a quick question? I’m interested in participating in the Manboobz survey but I’m really not interested in scrolling up through all the Obsidian whatever comments to find out any more about it. I’m just wondering where and how it will be delivered so that I don’t miss participating. Thanks!