misandry MRA oppressed white men reddit

Mighty White of You


So here’s an interesting chart. Guess what it represents?

A) The membership of the David Duke Fan Club

B) The racial breakdown of the most successful Liberace impersonators

C) The demographics of the Men’s Rights subreddit

Well, ok, that was too easy. It is of course all of the above. I’m guessing. It’s definitely C, at least, as this chart was prepared to show the results of the 2013 Men’s Rights subreddit demographic survey.

Now, you might say, well, isn’t Reddit itself a pretty white place? And you would be right. But the Men’s Rights subreddit seems to be a bit whiter — and a lot less black — than Reddit as a whole, if Quantcast’s estimates of Reddit’s overall ethnic breakdown are accurate.


In other completely non-surprising news, 89% of Men’s Rights Redditors are men. And a lot of them are libertarians. MRAs complain endlessly that we pigeonhole them as a bunch of entitled white dudes. They’re really not doing much to challenge that assumption.

The most important issue to these fellas (and the small minority that aren’t fellas)? Survey says: False rape accusations.

Other critical issues to the Men’s Rightsers include “custody rights” (which is a bit odd because 92% of those surveyed have no kids), “legal discrimination” (whatever that means), “education discrimination” (this is a thing?), and “male disposability.”

“Male birth control” and “paper abortion,” while relatively less important to the Men’s Rightsers, each got hundreds of votes.

I’m surprised “friendzoning” isn’t at the top of the list, but unfortunately it wasn’t one of the choices. I blame misandry.

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Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Nawh, you think? It also got lambasted at Feministe for *drum roll* being a racist pile of shit”

O: Score one for Feministe! Got any others?


11 years ago

You know, comparing being a Black MRA with being one of the Tuskegee Airmen, while somewhat accurate, doesn’t say anything good about the MRM.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“O: Jezebel.” — publishes Hugo. Fucking. Schwyzer. and is some weird feminism lite shit.

“O: OK…so, what’s stopping Feminists from making shows that address this? Ever heard of the Boondocks?”

Being mocked and laughed at at best, getting death and rape threats at worst, google Anita Sarkeesian.

“’What feminism is arguing for, and you are refusing to admit (or failing to understand) is that people are people, and society needs to take them as they are.’

O: Why?”

Why should we accept people as they are? Adding that to the list of questions!

“O: Relationships aren’t public, at least in part?”

Um, not in the sense he meant, no.

“’So when someone gets fired for being fat, or short, nor not good looking enough, or too thin, feminism is against it.’

O: Feminism is against the NBA?”

Dafuq’s that even mean? Your issue with discrimination against short men is that they’re less likely to play basketball? A sport where jumping, and thus height, is fundamental to the game? That’d be like pecunium whining that the NFL would never take him cuz he’s too thin.

“’The MRM is all boner hurt they can’t get dates with hot chicks.’

O: Where? How so?”

Try about 800 posts here and probably a million comments. Type “incel” into the search box. Look at your own PUA shit. That bull is all about how to “score” “HB10”.

“O: Assertion does not a cogent argument make, I’m afraid…”

Indeed, so you might want to stop doing it.

Also! Do you or do you not want video proof that feminists fuck short men? What about photographic proof that feminists pay 100% for dates with short men?

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

Yes, because they would have faced much less racism had the Nazis been allowed to win. Holy fuck you’re stupid.

(Actually there may be an argument to be made that, outside of the rather obvious practical implications outlined above, they shouldn’t have served a country that disenfranchised them; certainly people were making this argument with respect to black conscripts in the Vietnam war.)

You then go on to talk about the demographics again, even though it has been pointed out over and over that the attitudes of the individuals involved are far more relevant. If I were you I would stop being so disingenuous, because at the moment you are just making yourself look like you are literally too stupid to even grasp the distinction.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

Whoops, made a mistake in the previous comment. Here’s the corrected version:

“Yes, because they would have faced much less racism had the Nazis been allowed to win. Holy fuck you’re stupid.”

O: That’s interesting, given the FACT that the Nazi prisoners of war were treated BETTER than Black G.I.’s. Ever see Miracle at St. Anna?

“(Actually there may be an argument to be made that, outside of the rather obvious practical implications outlined above, they shouldn’t have served a country that disenfranchised them; certainly people were making this argument with respect to black conscripts in the Vietnam war.)”

O: Indeed; both my dad and grand dad served in the USMC during WW2 and Korea. Both talked about the straight up, naked racism they faced, regularly. My dad, while in Korea, talked about how one day, the Chinese dropped leaflets directed to the Black GI’s, asking them, “why are you here? We have no fight with you; why are you fighting for people who hate you?” and so forth.

BOTH my dad and grand dad, did NOT want me signing up for the Service, for precisely those reasons.

“You then go on to talk about the demographics again, even though it has been pointed out over and over that the attitudes of the individuals involved are far more relevant.”

O: Then why didn’t Dave focus instead on the racial attitudes of the MRA Reddit? Why did he present a huge piechart focusing on race, instead of their racial attitudes? Please explain?

“If I were you I would stop being so disingenuous, because at the moment you are just making yourself look like you are literally too stupid to even grasp the distinction.”

O: *Holds up mirror*…


11 years ago

@Shadow, you know, I most likely wouldn’t hook up with my own clone – this must mean I’m somehow self-oppressed! What’s that even called? Automisy? Misautomism? *headsplode*

11 years ago

I also drink a lot of tea, which probably means I support the British Empire.

11 years ago

Assertion does not a cogent argument make, I’m afraid…

Nice to see you finally admit to what you’ve been up to this whole time. Now stop doing it, jackass.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Of course the difference between the Tuskegee Airmen and O, here, is that the Tuskegee Airmen were part of a much larger movement within the United States that was organizing to make the country less racist. No such comparable movement exists in the manosphere, because (a) most folks of color are focusing on more important things, and (b) racism in pretty inextricably entwined with a big chunk of the manosphere.”

O: Yes, but the USA is much less racist today, at least in pat due, to the Tuskeegee Airmen – right? What if they hadn’t gotten involved – what would have happened? Would racism still be around in the form it was back then? I think so. My presence in the Manosphere has indeed challenged many of the racist factors and forces within it. I’ve posted numerous instances where I’ve directly challenged my fellow Manospherians. I’ve been noted for this, by Blacks and Whites alike. Which brings me to the next point…

…that it’s not true that Black Men aren’t interested in the MRA agenda because “they have more important things to do”. I’ve been working with Black Men online and off along these lines, and can tell you and anyone else that they are most assuredly interested in said issues. My blog and several others, are examples of this. Just recently I got involved with another online group of Black Men, who are highly receptive to the MRA agenda.

“Survey bets: My best guess is that the readership here is pretty white, but also less privileged on other axes.”

O: Indeed; and if so, it would be right in line with Dave’s Twitter activity per Twtrland.

“We’ll see. And of course, as has been said repeatedly here, what was particularly interesting about the r/mr survey was that it showed they were on the whole whiter than the rest of Reddit.”

O: One question I would have as an analogue, is whether Manboobz is more or less Whiter, than other Feminist blogs and the like online? I don’t know if we can find out for sure, but something tells me that we can get a sense of things in this regard…

“I hear the orange Vitamin Water is like crack. Anyone got any other recommendations? Personally I get the $0.99 (not 50 cent) bubbly lime flavored water at the supermarket, but I’m open to throwing a little money at the PATRIARCHY.”

O: It seems quite a few ladies are, heh heh…


Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Nice to see you finally admit to what you’ve been up to this whole time. Now stop doing it, jackass.”

O: And good morning to you, too! Glad to see you could join us. Unfortunately though, you’re not paying attention.

Which is, as per usual for you…


11 years ago

HAHAHAHA, nice try, dipshit.

11 years ago

And where is the equivalent of the civil rights movement in the MRM? If O here is it, that is really depressing.

My sister and brother-in-law are in town so I probably won’t be around too much for the next few days. I want to see this thread get at least to 1400, so don’t disappoint me!

11 years ago

Do you not realize we can scroll up and see your dishonest drivel?

11 years ago

Files: I don’t see much in the way of evidence that this is indeed the case, given all the lip service (White) Feminists pay to the issue. And that still doesn’t change the fact that both are overwhelmingly White.

You refuse to see evidence of your very own words. That you refuse to admit to being wrong about racism in the movement you have hitched your wagon to (“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”), so why should you look at outside evidence.

All it can do is make you question your understandings. Heck, you might discover you were wrong, and then where would you be?

And you’re an oak.

This is your vaunted skill with words? A non-insulting, non-sequitur as rebuttal to evidence of falsehood?

“Show me the feminist complaining that men don’t date homely women, or far women.”

O: Jezebel.

Where? Show me. Because I seem to be blind to this obvious thing. What do you think are the examples of this.

And, BTW, give us your operational defintion of rape (since you are so much against it).

Relationships aren’t public, at least in part?”

No, you dolt. I don’t ask people at large if it’s acceptable to date someone, or fuck them, or marry them.

“What feminism is arguing for, and you are refusing to admit (or failing to understand) is that people are people, and society needs to take them as they are.”

O: Why?

Says the black man trying to make a point about racism.

Assertion does not a cogent argument make, I’m afraid…

But Irony improves the taste of coffee and pastries.

11 years ago

cloudiah: while I’m in favor of the orange water, the strawberry one isn’t bad.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“I also drink a lot of tea, which probably means I support the British Empire.”

O: Or the British Raj…?


11 years ago

Wash your mouth out with soap, hellkell! (Be sure to use Vitamin Water, as it seems to get him really exercised.) 😀

11 years ago

Oh, O? Is that so, O? Oh no, O!

This is seriously my favourite troll affectation since PEACE AND FREEDOM!!

11 years ago

I’m supporting the patriarchy by buying six-packs of the stuff, cloudiah.

He makes it sound so easy to avoid products and just create new media. He’s not bright at all.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“That you refuse to admit to being wrong about racism in the movement…”

O: I have never denied it.

“All it can do is make you question your understandings. Heck, you might discover you were wrong, and then where would you be?”

O: I have never claimed infalliability.

“This is your vaunted skill with words? A non-insulting, non-sequitur as rebuttal to evidence of falsehood?”

O: No; just a response.

“Where? Show me. Because I seem to be blind to this obvious thing. What do you think are the examples of this.”

O: Jezebel’s writers and commenters often discuss these issues. They are not at all hard to find.

“And, BTW, give us your operational defintion of rape (since you are so much against it).”

O: I’m still waiting on a response from Tulgey to my questions put to him/her earlier along these lines (he/she charges me with “implying” rape)

“No, you dolt. I don’t ask people at large if it’s acceptable to date someone, or fuck them, or marry them.”

O: Relationships don’t have a public aspect to them? Really?

“Says the black man trying to make a point about racism.”

O: I’m not the one making a point about racism; Dave and the rest of you are.

“But Irony improves the taste of coffee and pastries.”

O: So does arsenic…


11 years ago

For my own part, I was really feminist in my yard today. I did some protection exercises with my GSD bitch. The protective sleeve is of the brand Euro Joe, so it has a man’s name. It actually sounds a bit like “average Joe”, so one can see the protective sleeve as symbolizing the average man in society. When a literal bitch attacked me, another woman, the average man was between us and was the one getting damaged. This is all highly symbolic of today’s feminazi society. Somehow.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Hellkell — me too!

But who ever said I was a lady? *dies laughing*

*gets better*

Oh Obsidian, you remember your stance of neutrality regarding Sandra Fluke’s treatment in the press?

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.
Desmond Tutu

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

” publishes Hugo. Fucking. Schwyzer. and is some weird feminism lite shit.”

O: Jezebel no longer employs Prof. Hugo. I see it’s been awhile for you.

“Being mocked and laughed at at best, getting death and rape threats at worst, google Anita Sarkeesian.”

O: *shrugs* If she or any other Feminist is put off by some insults, perhaps she shouldn’t be making tv shows.

“Why should we accept people as they are? Adding that to the list of questions!”

O: Why not?

“Dafuq’s that even mean? Your issue with discrimination against short men is that they’re less likely to play basketball?”

O: No, LOL.

“A sport where jumping, and thus height, is fundamental to the game? That’d be like pecunium whining that the NFL would never take him cuz he’s too thin.”

O: Oh, OK. So you’re OK with some discrimination, ala the NFL discriminating against you, and not others, right?

“Try about 800 posts here and probably a million comments. Type “incel” into the search box. Look at your own PUA shit. That bull is all about how to “score” “HB10″.”

O: I’ve never written anything about how to “score” with “HB10s”. Moreover, when has being InCel=”whining about not being able to score with hot chicks”? Please explain?

“Indeed, so you might want to stop doing it.”

O: Manboobers first…

“Also! Do you or do you not want video proof that feminists fuck short men? What about photographic proof that feminists pay 100% for dates with short men?”

O: I wouldn’t be against any of that…


Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Did you just fucking imply pecunium should improve his breakfast by adding arsenic?! Oh fucking hell no. Now I’m actually angry. You get one, fucking ONE, chance to prove that wasn’t meant as wishing him at least bodily harm, if not death. FUCKING ONE.

No sidestepping, no ignoring my questions, no nothing, apologize or you’ll find out wtf I’m like when I’m actually angry. And freight trains probably have less force behind them.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Oh Obsidian, you remember your stance of neutrality regarding Sandra Fluke’s treatment in the press?”

O: I do; and I am trying to see how someone, who was among the featured speakers at the Democratic National Convention, who testified before Congress and has the ear of the most powerful Man on the planet, is “oppressed”?

Please explain?


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