misandry MRA oppressed white men reddit

Mighty White of You


So here’s an interesting chart. Guess what it represents?

A) The membership of the David Duke Fan Club

B) The racial breakdown of the most successful Liberace impersonators

C) The demographics of the Men’s Rights subreddit

Well, ok, that was too easy. It is of course all of the above. I’m guessing. It’s definitely C, at least, as this chart was prepared to show the results of the 2013 Men’s Rights subreddit demographic survey.

Now, you might say, well, isn’t Reddit itself a pretty white place? And you would be right. But the Men’s Rights subreddit seems to be a bit whiter — and a lot less black — than Reddit as a whole, if Quantcast’s estimates of Reddit’s overall ethnic breakdown are accurate.


In other completely non-surprising news, 89% of Men’s Rights Redditors are men. And a lot of them are libertarians. MRAs complain endlessly that we pigeonhole them as a bunch of entitled white dudes. They’re really not doing much to challenge that assumption.

The most important issue to these fellas (and the small minority that aren’t fellas)? Survey says: False rape accusations.

Other critical issues to the Men’s Rightsers include “custody rights” (which is a bit odd because 92% of those surveyed have no kids), “legal discrimination” (whatever that means), “education discrimination” (this is a thing?), and “male disposability.”

“Male birth control” and “paper abortion,” while relatively less important to the Men’s Rightsers, each got hundreds of votes.

I’m surprised “friendzoning” isn’t at the top of the list, but unfortunately it wasn’t one of the choices. I blame misandry.

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11 years ago

Or Obtuse. Obstinate. Obvious.

11 years ago

Oblivious, obdurate…

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“No one here denied that, shithead.”

O: LOL! Of course they/you have.

“But you seem to think that two white things are the same.”

O: That’s because…they are.

“The MRM and Feminism are nowhere near each other in terms of how they deal with race.”

O: That’s not what the Sistahood says…by voting with their feet from virtually all White Feminist spaces…

“Ah, more “NO U.””

O: If the shoe fits…

“What argument? I don’t see any arguments. I see a sub-moronic dipshit showing his ass because he’s not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.”

O: LOL!!! Yes, more, please!!!

“If there’s an argument you’re making, whip it out.”

O: Ms. Hellkell, I thought you were a married Woman?


Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, yes? I have a blog, and more than two dozen articles published at the Spearhead and elsewhere.

Two dozen articles on a website known for its extreme misogyny is pretty extraordinary evidence to me. Your silence on the matter of associating yourself with such obvious misogynists is another. Or let’s look at the article you so graciously promoted here:

When you step to a Sista and she says some variation of “Get the fuk outta here!”, she is telling you that not only that she isn’t interested in you, but that you’re too good for her as well. The “I-gotta-go-there-because-Men-won’t-take-No-for-an-answer” canard is one that is more and more, becoming apparent by the day, if for no other reason than the simple fact that Brothas, first in trickles, and by now in a roaring-rapid stream, have been quietly voting with their feet in various ways now, for years – decades, even. Not only that, but as I’ve said before, Women, and this especially includes Black Women, need Plausible Deniability as to the reasons why they’re world-reknown for acting so outta pocket. By Ejecting, you take their Plausible Deniability away from them; you control the frame of the interaction, even when things go south, by being the one to end the interaction on your terms, and, by showing who is the better human being and why you’re the Man in it. By Ejecting, you are Demonstrating Higher Value, because no Man worth his salt is going to be insulted by anyone, and especially a Woman he’s just met; instead, he’ll politely exit the scene himself, and leave her standing there looking like the Fool and Imbecile she is, on various counts.

Power and control as “manfulness”.

Let’s see an example:

Sista: I have a boyfriend.

YOU: Pleasure meeting you. *Backturn*

I can’t even imagine how insecure you have to be to take such a simple, straightforward rebuff—the response to which shows, by the way, that you’re only interested in one thing and that she’s right to say “fuck off”—and turn it into Power and Manness and Being The Better Human Being. You literally can’t take women rejecting you, and have to make their rejection into something you control. It’s misogyny 101.

11 years ago

You said you had an argument? Where?

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Both sexes already do. They have the right to use contraception if they choose to. However, women have the right to choose to terminate a pregnancy because the pregnancy occurs in their body.”

O: Which was never in dispute. Men should have the right to terminate being forced into parenthood against his will.




11 years ago

Still not seeing an argument.

11 years ago

For the same reasons that they don’t when Women wish to abort their babies. That’s why.

People with uteruses aren’t aborting babies. They get abortions for fetuses that aren’t viable outside the womb. So again this is a false equivalency between abortion, a medical procedure to end pregnancy, and “paper abortion”, a way for non custodial parents, usually dads, to abandon their already born children.

They are fully able to support themselves and any kids they wish to have. Why is this such a hard principle to grok, TBM – especially when Women (especially Black) have been so keen to inform anyone who will listen just how strong and independent they are?

I understand you. I just don’t believe you. I am guessing you are not a parent, correct me if I’m wrong. Because if you were raising children, you would know how much time, money, and energy it takes to raise them. It’s not an issue of being strong and independent here when you’re talking about babies and children who require 24/7 supervision, food, shelter, medical care, and education enrichment. You’re talking about parenthood, single parenthood in particular, as being some kind of cakewalk but it’s not. It’s very rewarding but it’s also exhausting.

I know first hand it’s hard, but I wouldn’t pretend to know how much harder single mothers of any race have it. And if married moms like me sometimes need a hand up, it is certainly understandable that a single mom would, and that doesn’t mean she isn’t strong and independent. In fact, I think people are very strong when they admit they need some help during hard times.

Then she has every opportunity not to have them, up to and including leaving the baby at the police station, firehouse or hospital, no questions asked…

And if the biological father in this scenario wanted to raise the baby on his own, he can do so and then she would be ordered to pay him child support. Fair is fair.

MRAs are not against any of these measures in the least; what we are for, is pressing for the state-recognized right to determine when it is best for us to become parents, and not ones against our will.

Unless the person with the uterus raped the man to get pregnant, then he did not become a father against his will. He could wear a condom if he’s worried she’s not on the pill. Another option for men and people who produce sperm is to get a vasectomy. My husband got one after we were done having children, and it’s been awesome for us. So even though there isn’t yet a pill for cis men, doesn’t mean they have no options besides abstinence and fatherhood.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Two dozen articles on a website known for its extreme misogyny is pretty extraordinary evidence to me. Your silence on the matter of associating yourself with such obvious misogynists is another. Or let’s look at the article you so graciously promoted here”

O: Please!

“Power and control as “manfulness”.”

O: I don’t recall saying any of that in the above quote…

“Let’s see an example:”

O: OK…

“I can’t even imagine how insecure you have to be to take such a simple, straightforward rebuff—the response to which shows, by the way, that you’re only interested in one thing and that she’s right to say “fuck off”—and turn it into Power and Manness and Being The Better Human Being. You literally can’t take women rejecting you, and have to make their rejection into something you control. It’s misogyny 101.”

O: Where does saying “Pleasure meeting you”=Misogyny? In what book is this written? Please link in up?

Of course, a Woman being mean or foul or cursing you out, even when you as the guy have done nothing wrong, AND, you politely exiting the scene, makes YOU, the guy, a Misogynist(!)

Whew…! Orwell woulda LOVED this…


11 years ago

Sure, I’ll play.

“O: Do support Game?

Yes, you do.

Then you support rape, QED.”

O: Prove it. My blog is an open book. Please list out all the many posts I’ve written that are defacto rape manuals?

Kittens, Cats and Other Fuzzies, I present thee a quote from the Obsidian Files (Nice name by the way, I quite like it). Because of the way WordPress organizes link, you’re going to have to search for the blog posts themselves (Googling the name works), because else I’ll hit the link limit and this post will not go through.


From “A Birthday Gift For Lady Dimaati”

As I’ve noted elsewhere and will do so here at the O-Files very soon, theatricality and deception are powerful tools in the Dance of Seduction – both sexes do it, because both sexes have very powerful incentives to do so. Nor will it end anytime soon, and anyone who attempts to argue to the contrary in any way, is far from “Self-Actualized”. To say nothing of Enlightened…

So you’re fine with lying to people (deception) and you’re fine with overstating your cause (theatrics).

Okay, fine, that isn’t rape.

From “Knowing When To Eject: The Most Powerful Move In The Game”

can and will be among the most nasty, rude, uncouth individuals a Man … Being rude and lowclass is, unfortunately, something that is common among Women of all the various social classes of American life….

So you’re fine with giggling at people and calling them “Low class” and mentioning how uncouth they are as an insult. Again, not rape.

Same article.

you’re going to come across Women who are truly not interested, which is of course their right


Trust me when I tell you fellas, this here is some powerful Aki-Jiu-Jitsu type Game moves here. So many Women secretly CRAVE Men being so thirsty to holla, and so many Women GET OFF on telling guys off and the like, that you bouncing at the slightest hint of her getting outta pocket can and will mess their whole mental up.

Ah, yes. They’re rude, your mess their entire mental up. They tell you that you work for the UPS, you slam them back down with some Aki-Jiu-Jitsu conversational move to establish frame control because, fuck those bitches, am i right? They don’t even deserve self esteem if they’re rude!

But you’re right, not rape.

From Black Women Who Ask “Where Are All The Good Single Black Men?” Should Take A Good Long Hard Look In The Mirror First

SMV (sexual mate value) and either improve themselves along the metrics that Men desire in Women (NO, your having umpteen degrees, doesn’t count; NO, having your own McMansion, doesn’t count; NO, your having a corner office or your own business, doesn’t count

Ah, right. You’re not for rape, you’re just opposed to women having any kind of job, education, housing, plans, future, idea, personality, identity or personal thought beyond how pleasing they are to your sense of desire.

Still, I guess not rape, although it is terrible.

From: “Shii-Cho Game” & Killing The “Brainy Guys Don’t Get Laid” Fallacy

—the bad boys tend to be much more direct than the good guys.. Why? Because, simply put, Direct Game trumps Indirect Game, that’s why, especially if one is looking for upping their sheer notch counts.

You do advocate Direct Game, which is that particular substain of this viral infection we refer to as Pick Up Artistry wherein you’d tell someone you wanted to fuck them, you’d go “caveman” or you’d grab their hands and put them on your dick.

Rape by assocation! We’re getting closer here.

Although, to be fair, this is not a bad an article and you mention some good points.
Of course you also state you using canned material to make people give you their pussy is fine (

and they wouldn’t be “canned” if they didn’t work. Right? With time, patience and practice, you can modify these canned lines and the like to suit your own individuality and preferences, so they become more like you, so to speak.

) so really, it kind of sort of evens out to a net minor negative.

From: “Styles Makes Fights — And Game (Peter Parker Remix)” (Old, but it was under your greatest hits bit)

In Gamespeak, this style most relates to flashier displays, like Peacocking, that are really over the top, working a room hard and taking it over, taking full advantage of the situation and engaging a group at full blast; another example of strong, Direct Game. The Gamesmen really puts his all into it and pretty much overwhelms or bowls over the Target and her entourage.

As a creature that knows who Kyle Katarn is, I obviously appreciate the idea of comparing things in a metaphorical way to cutting living creatures apart with a weapon based on light.

As a creature that knows what “Boundaries” are, I dislike the idea of bowling someone over and blitzing them and taking full advantage of the situation.

But you’re right, that isn’t, again, really advocating rape. It’s just fucking skeevy and getting close to it.

In Seduction parlance, this style is Direct Game on steriods, utilizing an ultra strong frame and presence, making strong approaches (like the Apocalypse Opener), and taking any defences (like the “Bitch Shield”) the Target will put up and turning back on her squared. Negs have a bit harder edge with this style of Game, designed to slightly (or even strongly) piss the Target off, then turning her aroused state into pure sexual energy and desire. Such a style is perfect for barrelling through a Target’s “Bitch Shield”, via use of sheer persistence, determination and will. Plus the more raw or naked displays of power and dominance is very often a big turn-on for many Women.

Well. All right. I can see how I might misunderstand stuff, when you tell me that one of the options I have when engaging women is to make a strong approach, so strong that I start having a hard edge that pisses them off, you want me to barrel through bitch shields and mistake anger for arousal.

And also, yes. Most women are obviously submissive to the core and will fall for your mighty lightsabre (IS THAT A METAPHOR, FIBI?) if you press the attack hard enough.

Sure, fuck it. This isn’t advocating rape, this is merely hinting at it strongly. Tell me, how does a practicioner of this style deal with an anti slut impulse? Does he just blast through that as well?

Think carefully now.


offence, power and passion, but much moreso than either of the two forms-in fact, it so relies on the latter, that it brings the user very close to the Darkside.

… Just so we’re clear, the Darkside here would be the lightning strikes and hate and passion, but it would also be a metaphor for rape. Star Wars is fun like that.

A major feature of this form is the blinding speed at which attacks are mounted, coming from all directions in a seemingly disconnected and unorthodox manner, but which are intended to both overwhelm and disorient the opponent

…. Well okay. Go on. I can see how this is in no way at all what so ever possibly advocating any kind of deception and rape-tasting personal interaction with a woman.

That’s OK, if that’s what you’re looking for-but it does come at a price. For starters, the emotional toll this places on Women can be huge, since for them emotions and sex are closely linked; and the longterm effects can be hazardous to the Gamesman as well, unless he’s constantly doing inner monitoring of his own state, and focusing on the Light.

… yes, indeed, when you blitz someone with a series of rapid fire enchanced brainwashing, gaslightning and psychological manipulation it’ll certainly take a bit of a toll on their personalities across time. Glad you mentioned that. Man, I wanna learn game now and be a cool person SO I CAN BREAK THE BRAINS OF THOSE AROUND ME.

This is followed by a good paragraph (Dun Moch is mentioned, so it’s a good paragraph) describing a few dangers of TREATING PEOPLE AS CAUSAL VESSELS FOR YOUR OWN AMUSEMENT, but I can’t help but notice that even while providing links to roissy and hookingupsmart,telling people how to accomplish this and offering exact, good examples, you don’t take the time to mention how it’s bad.

Well, I mean, you do mention how it can make the “Gamesman” feel worse, obviously. Shit, I’d hate it if I used some kind of dark side force thing and started getting all Elephant Man in my face (as witnessed by the Emperor in the now famous scene in Episode 3).

rape rape rape oh my god so much rape are you fucking kidding me come on take the minute to actually say that you SHOULD NOT BE DOING THESE THINGS TO OTHER PEOPLE AARGH MY HEAD IS FULL OF PAIN.


No, you don’t directly support rape. How nice for you.
You don’t directly advocate anyone doing anything illegal.
How nice for you.

You don’t need my approval (who does? No one!), and you hardly need my opinion:

But seriously, man.

You support rape. Oh, shit, didn’t I just say you don’t? Sorry, I was using sith game, and I lied. You’d prefer if it didn’t happen.
You’d like it if people didn’t do.

But your ultimately standpoint is this:

Those who practice “Jedi Game” never lie or engage in deceit in order to get in a Woman’s pants; those who practice in “Sith Game” have no compunctions doing these and many, many other things in order to get what he wants. Those who walk in the Light are devoid of bitterness; those who walk in the Dark are awash in it.

Here. I’ll be funny.

“What does that mean?”
“It means your morals are fucked up. You don’t want to hurt a fly, but you don’t mind calling the exterminator to kill all the bugs in your house”

You’ll recognize the quote, I guess.

Your direct advocacy of rape is that you don’t mind other people doing it, you just won’t do it yourself. You don’t mind gaslightning people, destroying their sense of self, using psychological tricks on them, messing with their head, doing little flips that “Make them go mental” when they get “Out of pocket”. You’ll take their techniques, you’ll take their field reports, you’ll take their guidance and stop just short of the actual act because, hey, that’d be going too far…

How nice.
For you.
It ain’t illegal. We’ve got free speech :]

Your claim to a grand sense of understanding, scholarship and intelligence is broken and battered by every little random misery you inflict on yourself and those in your life when you grand stand on and on and on about the proper techniques about bagging a total 7 and how negs must differentiate between a 7 and a 10.

Fun game. Would play again.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

Just for the record and to follow up on my last comment…

Tulgey didn’t quote me in full context. Here’s the full quote:

“Now, how to Eject, you may ask? It’s very, very easy, and very, very easy to remember. Ready? OK, here it is:

When you encounter a “Get the fuk outta here!” situation, you simply say:

“Pleasure meeting you” – and BOUNCE. Do it with a slight grin, keep your voice calm and level, rockout on the back heel and *execute the Backturn*. In fact, you should practice what I call the “One-Two” Eject Sequence:

Sista: Get the fuk outta here!

YOU: Pleasure meeting you. *Backturn*

Sista: *Walks by you after you approach like you were a Stop sign*

YOU: Pleasure meeting you. *Backturn*

Sista: I have a boyfriend.

YOU: Pleasure meeting you. *Backturn*

Sista: Nigga, please! You work for UPS.

YOU: Pleasure meeting you. *Backturn*


“Pleasure meeting you” – AND THEN – *Backturn*”

By all means, make the case as to how “ejecting” is now misogynistic.

I’m gonna love this…


Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Or there’s your Adria Richards article, in which you make the common move of attributing the overreaction to an appropriate action as the fault of the recipient of the overreaction:

And, in the process, accuse her of “squandering good will towards African Americans.” So African Americans don’t have as much a right to goodwill as white americans?

11 years ago

Ok Ob, refute the article on lead.

Because you’ve not made arguments; you’ve made statements.

11 years ago

Obsidian: “Hi I’m obsidian.”
Woman: “I have a boyfriend.”
Obsidian: “Pleasure meeting you.” *backturn*


Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Where does saying “Pleasure meeting you”=Misogyny? In what book is this written? Please link in up?

Nice job misreading what I wrote! No wonder people here have been calling you dishonest.

I’m going out, but I’m going to leave you to ponder the white nationalist origins of the manosphere’s incessant concern over hypergamy, that word that’s all over your blog:

11 years ago

Yeeeeeeeeeep, still an absolute dearth of arguments.

11 years ago

I’m going out to Brooklyn to hang with some friends. Have fun while I’m away. It’s not as if I’m going to miss any counterpoint of substance.

Julie Gillis (@JulesAboutTown)

What is wrong with this man? Obstusian Flies. What is wrong with him?

11 years ago

Has he made an argument yet? I’ve got another meeting.

11 years ago

That “game” stuff sounds like an awful lot of work just to have sex with someone. Disarming “bitch shields”, backturning, alpha-ing, alfalfa-ing, negging, constantly monitoring his “state”, reading and posting on pickup forums all day, studying evo psych books, doing the hokey-pokey and douching themselves around. Fuck, you’d think these guys were trying to design a nuclear reactor or something, not talk to a woman.

Whatever happened to live your life, go out and meet people you like who like you back and end up dating/hooking up? Why do these guys treat interacting with women like they’re preparing for a high stakes special ops mission?

11 years ago

Funny how manosphere commenters start off like “I’m just here interested in an honest intellectual debate” and the more they talk, the more they reveal themselves to be massive, overcompensating douchebags.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Sure, I’ll play.”

O: Excellent! Let’s go:

“Kittens, Cats and Other Fuzzies, I present thee a quote from the Obsidian Files (Nice name by the way, I quite like it). Because of the way WordPress organizes link, you’re going to have to search for the blog posts themselves (Googling the name works), because else I’ll hit the link limit and this post will not go through.”

O: Fair enough.


From “A Birthday Gift For Lady Dimaati”

So you’re fine with lying to people (deception) and you’re fine with overstating your cause (theatrics).”

O: Not at all. Indeed, if anything, my fault is in erring on the side of *too* much honesty…but that doesn’t change the reality of what I’ve said.

“Okay, fine, that isn’t rape.”

O: Indeed.

“From “Knowing When To Eject: The Most Powerful Move In The Game”

So you’re fine with giggling at people and calling them “Low class” and mentioning how uncouth they are as an insult. Again, not rape.”

O: It wasn’t meant as an insult, but merely an observation of what the present day situation in inner city America often looks like. But yes, no rape here, I’m afraid.

“Ah, yes. They’re rude, your mess their entire mental up. They tell you that you work for the UPS, you slam them back down with some Aki-Jiu-Jitsu conversational move to establish frame control because, fuck those bitches, am i right? They don’t even deserve self esteem if they’re rude!”

O: Actually, I don’t even take it that far – as Ms. Hellkell rightly observed, I abhor coarse language and do all I can to refrain from using it. I simply exit, stage left. Which is what the Feminists want more of, when it comes to things like street harassment, right?

“But you’re right, not rape.”

O: No, I’m afraid not.

“From Black Women Who Ask “Where Are All The Good Single Black Men?” Should Take A Good Long Hard Look In The Mirror First”

One of my better pieces!

“Ah, right. You’re not for rape, you’re just opposed to women having any kind of job, education, housing, plans, future, idea, personality, identity or personal thought beyond how pleasing they are to your sense of desire.”

O: LOL, that’s ridiculous. Of course, I’m all for any Woman having those things; just making the case that for many Men, those things aren’t what informs their mating decisions, at least not as much as many Women would like to believe it does.

“Still, I guess not rape, although it is terrible.”

O: No, its not. On either count.

“From: “Shii-Cho Game” & Killing The “Brainy Guys Don’t Get Laid” Fallacy”

O: One of my greatest hits! Yes…

“You do advocate Direct Game, which is that particular substain of this viral infection we refer to as Pick Up Artistry wherein you’d tell someone you wanted to fuck them, you’d go “caveman” or you’d grab their hands and put them on your dick.”

O: Nowhere on my blog, of over 300 posts, will you find anything of the sort. Direct Game simply means, making a direct approach to a Woman, whereas Indirect Game means just that, making an indirect approach to a Woman. It has nothing in the least to do with the coarse things you just mentioned above.

“Rape by assocation! We’re getting closer here.”

O: Hardly. I don’t advocate rape in the least.

“Although, to be fair, this is not a bad an article and you mention some good points.”

O: Thank you!

“Of course you also state you using canned material to make people give you their pussy is fine () so really, it kind of sort of evens out to a net minor negative.”

O: Meh. What a person says isn’t as important as how they say it, and body language experts have long known this. Personally I don’t rely on canned stuff, but for the guys still trying to find their sea legs, I don’t have a problem with it.

“From: “Styles Makes Fights — And Game (Peter Parker Remix)” (Old, but it was under your greatest hits bit)”

O: Yes, another major hit…

“As a creature that knows who Kyle Katarn is, I obviously appreciate the idea of comparing things in a metaphorical way to cutting living creatures apart with a weapon based on light.”

O: Thank you! Styles, do make fights, after all…

“As a creature that knows what “Boundaries” are, I dislike the idea of bowling someone over and blitzing them and taking full advantage of the situation.”

O: Of course; and we’re not talking about just crashing into someone’s personal space. We’re talking about building up a rapport, say, over the course of an evening. The style of Game you’re referring to is one that draws in attention from the get go, based on other things I’ve noted about it.

“But you’re right, that isn’t, again, really advocating rape. It’s just fucking skeevy and getting close to it.”

O: How so? No touching without permission is done or advocated. No “caveman” type stuff. No harsh language for that matter. How so? Please explain?

“Well. All right. I can see how I might misunderstand stuff, when you tell me that one of the options I have when engaging women is to make a strong approach, so strong that I start having a hard edge that pisses them off, you want me to barrel through bitch shields and mistake anger for arousal.”

O: This is a style of Game that I don’t personally use myself – not my steez. But I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say that it didn’t work for some Men and on some Women.

“And also, yes. Most women are obviously submissive to the core and will fall for your mighty lightsabre (IS THAT A METAPHOR, FIBI?) if you press the attack hard enough.”

O: Actually, the more sharper ladies are the ones best suited for Game ops.

“Sure, fuck it. This isn’t advocating rape, this is merely hinting at it strongly. Tell me, how does a practicioner of this style deal with an anti slut impulse? Does he just blast through that as well?”

O: Usually, the latter. Although again, I don’t personally make use of this particular style myself.

“Think carefully now.”

O: I always do.


… yes, indeed, when you blitz someone with a series of rapid fire enchanced brainwashing, gaslightning and psychological manipulation it’ll certainly take a bit of a toll on their personalities across time. Glad you mentioned that. Man, I wanna learn game now and be a cool person SO I CAN BREAK THE BRAINS OF THOSE AROUND ME.”


“This is followed by a good paragraph (Dun Moch is mentioned, so it’s a good paragraph) describing a few dangers of TREATING PEOPLE AS CAUSAL VESSELS FOR YOUR OWN AMUSEMENT, but I can’t help but notice that even while providing links to roissy and hookingupsmart,telling people how to accomplish this and offering exact, good examples, you don’t take the time to mention how it’s bad.”

O: I welcome any suggestions you might have! There is always room for improvement.

“Well, I mean, you do mention how it can make the “Gamesman” feel worse, obviously. Shit, I’d hate it if I used some kind of dark side force thing and started getting all Elephant Man in my face (as witnessed by the Emperor in the now famous scene in Episode 3).”

O: Indeed! This is some real stuff, Man. Guys who learn Game should use it for good.

“rape rape rape oh my god so much rape are you fucking kidding me come on take the minute to actually say that you SHOULD NOT BE DOING THESE THINGS TO OTHER PEOPLE AARGH MY HEAD IS FULL OF PAIN.”

O: LOL, are you alright?


No, you don’t directly support rape. How nice for you.”

O: Thank you!

“You don’t directly advocate anyone doing anything illegal.
How nice for you.”

O: Thank you!

“You don’t need my approval (who does? No one!), and you hardly need my opinion:

But seriously, man.

You support rape. Oh, shit, didn’t I just say you don’t? Sorry, I was using sith game, and I lied. You’d prefer if it didn’t happen.
You’d like it if people didn’t do.”

O: I don’t support rape for a very simple reason – because it’s not necessary. A Man with Game doesn’t need to rape anyone.

“But your ultimately standpoint is this:

Here. I’ll be funny.

“What does that mean?”
“It means your morals are fucked up. You don’t want to hurt a fly, but you don’t mind calling the exterminator to kill all the bugs in your house”

You’ll recognize the quote, I guess.”

O: I’m afraid I don’t; would you mind explaining it, please?

“Your direct advocacy of rape is that you don’t mind other people doing it, you just won’t do it yourself.”

O: Where have I advocated anyone else raping anyone?

“You don’t mind gaslightning people, destroying their sense of self, using psychological tricks on them, messing with their head, doing little flips that “Make them go mental” when they get “Out of pocket”.”

O: Politely exiting the scene is tantamount to all these things now? Really?

“You’ll take their techniques, you’ll take their field reports, you’ll take their guidance and stop just short of the actual act because, hey, that’d be going too far…”

O: Actually, I don’t advocate for any guy to do these things, for again very simple, pragmatic reasons.

“How nice.
For you.
It ain’t illegal. We’ve got free speech :]”

O: Yes, we do. 🙂

“Your claim to a grand sense of understanding, scholarship and intelligence is broken and battered by every little random misery you inflict on yourself and those in your life when you grand stand on and on and on about the proper techniques about bagging a total 7 and how negs must differentiate between a 7 and a 10.”

O: Actually, my stance is that it is not my place to tell another Man what kind of Woman he should be interested in; that’s his business and something only he and he alone can answer.

“Fun game. Would play again.”

O:Where’s the rape?


11 years ago

“Feminism doesn’t need to address whether or not women should date short men because women date short men every fucking day.”

O: No, they don’t.

“So stupid.”

O: Yes…unfortunately you are.

Wow; he’s literally devolved into “Nuh-uh” followed by “I know you are but what am I?” as an argument. One of the most talented writers of the MRM, folks.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“That “game” stuff sounds like an awful lot of work just to have sex with someone.”

O: No more or less than for most people, Men especially.

“Disarming “bitch shields”, backturning, alpha-ing, alfalfa-ing, negging, constantly monitoring his “state”, reading and posting on pickup forums all day, studying evo psych books, doing the hokey-pokey and douching themselves around. Fuck, you’d think these guys were trying to design a nuclear reactor or something, not talk to a woman.”

O: LOL. I can certainly see why’d you sa that.

“Whatever happened to live your life, go out and meet people you like who like you back and end up dating/hooking up? Why do these guys treat interacting with women like they’re preparing for a high stakes special ops mission?”

O: Because for the certain kinds of Women one may be interested in – it is…

“Funny how manosphere commenters start off like “I’m just here interested in an honest intellectual debate” and the more they talk, the more they reveal themselves to be massive, overcompensating douchebags.”

O: Really? How so?


Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Wow; he’s literally devolved into “Nuh-uh” followed by “I know you are but what am I?” as an argument. One of the most talented writers of the MRM, folks.”

O: *Takes bow*


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