misandry MRA oppressed white men reddit

Mighty White of You


So here’s an interesting chart. Guess what it represents?

A) The membership of the David Duke Fan Club

B) The racial breakdown of the most successful Liberace impersonators

C) The demographics of the Men’s Rights subreddit

Well, ok, that was too easy. It is of course all of the above. I’m guessing. It’s definitely C, at least, as this chart was prepared to show the results of the 2013 Men’s Rights subreddit demographic survey.

Now, you might say, well, isn’t Reddit itself a pretty white place? And you would be right. But the Men’s Rights subreddit seems to be a bit whiter — and a lot less black — than Reddit as a whole, if Quantcast’s estimates of Reddit’s overall ethnic breakdown are accurate.


In other completely non-surprising news, 89% of Men’s Rights Redditors are men. And a lot of them are libertarians. MRAs complain endlessly that we pigeonhole them as a bunch of entitled white dudes. They’re really not doing much to challenge that assumption.

The most important issue to these fellas (and the small minority that aren’t fellas)? Survey says: False rape accusations.

Other critical issues to the Men’s Rightsers include “custody rights” (which is a bit odd because 92% of those surveyed have no kids), “legal discrimination” (whatever that means), “education discrimination” (this is a thing?), and “male disposability.”

“Male birth control” and “paper abortion,” while relatively less important to the Men’s Rightsers, each got hundreds of votes.

I’m surprised “friendzoning” isn’t at the top of the list, but unfortunately it wasn’t one of the choices. I blame misandry.

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11 years ago

Apparently the “sisatahood” did not get the Please My Boner At All Times memo. Yeah, this assclown cares.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago


he said Pecunium’s claim was wrong on all counts.

1 – “You’ve got a racist running the Spearhead,
2 – an overwhelmingly white Movement;
3 – which blames blacks for a huge number of the ills it claims are causing a need for, (MRM)
4 – [the MRM is] “THE Civil Rights battle of the 21st century”.”

So, O challenges [1].

But [1] follows from [2] and [3]. Care to challenge those?

[2] – but feminists are white too! (ignoring my link, ignoring any facts produced by others… yay!)

[3] – hasn’t addressed this at all. I wonder why?

11 years ago

I mean, this is somebody who claims to be addressing the issue unique to Black men and, presumably other men of color through his writing. And what does he link to above? An unbelievably poorly written piece (shocking, I know) comparing the prosecution of rape to the war on drugs. Yeah. Also, if governments would legalize prostitution there’d be less rape.


His own blog is worse. A bunch of whining about how women only want to date thugs. I guess it’s not racist when a Black man says it.

Fucking clown.

I will say this for him, he does include Very Smart Brothas in his blog roll which means he’s capable of recognizing wit and excellent writing even if he’s incapable of producing it.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“In the 20th Century, 6 million blacks left the South for other areas of the US. 6 million. Most of the rural black population left. As of 2010, 19.2% of the US black population lives in the South, which means that 80.8% of the US black population lives NOT in the South.”


“This is not a non sequitur, not a response to anything I said, and is cold comfort to victims of violence (male or female).”

O: I agree. Nevertheless there will be fewer victims of violent crime as a result of the actions of law enforcement – freeing up the MRAs to address issues of importance to us. 🙂

“They don’t have to be the only ones.”

O: No, they don’t; but they need to show that they really mean it when they discuss gender norms. They can start by dating the very kinds of non-traditional Men they claim they want to see more of in American life.

“I encourage short men to self-organize.”

O: They have; its called Game. 🙂


Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“I mean, this is somebody who claims to be addressing the issue unique to Black men”

O: I am…

“and, presumably other men of color through his writing. And what does he link to above? An unbelievably poorly written piece (shocking, I know) comparing the prosecution of rape to the war on drugs. Yeah. Also, if governments would legalize prostitution there’d be less rape.


O: Yes, I’d say it is; but alas, I cannot take credit for that novel idea. I didn’t come up with it.

“His own blog is worse. A bunch of whining about how women only want to date thugs. I guess it’s not racist when a Black man says it.”

O: Where have I “whined” about Black Women only wanting to date thugs? I’d like to see that quote.

“Fucking clown.”

O: Look who’s talking?

“I will say this for him, he does include Very Smart Brothas in his blog roll which means he’s capable of recognizing wit and excellent writing even if he’s incapable of producing it.”

O: That’s odd; they would say the same thing of me…


11 years ago

They have; its called Game.

Yeah, long before assholes were fleecing idiots by telling them to pick women up and put them on their laps, short men were getting laid. This isn’t new.

Feminism doesn’t need to address whether or not women should date short men because women date short men every fucking day.

So stupid.

11 years ago

O: That’s odd; they would say the same thing of me…

They’d say “[your] capable of recognizing wit and excellent writing even if [your] incapable of producing it?” Odd thing to be proud of…

11 years ago

O: That’s odd; they would say the same thing of me…

That you’re incapable of producing witty, excellent writing? Of this I have no doubt; you’ve more than demonstrated that inability here today.

11 years ago


11 years ago

you’re, not your


11 years ago

Surely such a towering intellect can do better than a constant stream of “NO U?” No? OK.

11 years ago

Shorter ObtuseAsshole: You fat fucks shouldn’t be allowed in public! Why arn’t the Feminists doing anything about short men? Why do they get to say “no?”

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“He’s also ignoring my questions about his opinions on safety net programs for single parents and their dependent children.”

O: No, I’m not; I said that Women now are fully self-supporting, and that Black Women attend college more than anyone else in American life. Therefore, they are fully capable of caring for the kids themselves.

“Plus he ignored Amanda Marcotte’s post on her plan for would be deadbeat dads.”

O: No, I haven’t; just got finished reading it in fact. As per usual, Marcotte gets it wrong.

Let’s count the ways, shall we?

First, she completely (and deliberately, in my view) distorts Prof. Shrage’s argument in the most disingenuous way possible:

” My main problem with floating the argument that men should be able to get what “men’s rights” activists (scare quotes because it’s a phrase akin to “white pride” in its purpose and paranoia) call a “paper abortion” is that it’s actually a stalking horse for what they really want, which is to be able to terminate child support but maintain their rights as a father to have a role in their children’s lives. Focusing on “paper abortions” is a way to soften up an audience to the demands of men who want to foist all the responsibilities of child-rearing onto their exes while still getting to float in periodically to be the big hero who takes the kids to Disneyland once in awhile.”

This is what Prof. Shrage actually said about the issue; pay attention:

“Feminists have long held that women should not be penalized for being sexually active by taking away their options when an accidental pregnancy occurs. Do our policies now aim to punish and shame men for their sexual promiscuity? Many of my male students (in Miami where I teach), who come from low-income immigrant communities, believe that our punitive paternity policies are aimed at controlling their sexual behavior. Moreover, the asymmetrical options that men and women now have when dealing with an unplanned pregnancy set up power imbalances in their sexual relationships that my male students find hugely unfair to them. Rather than punish men (or women) for their apparent reproductive irresponsibility by coercing legal paternity (or maternity), the government has other options, such as mandatory sex education, family planning counseling, or community service.

Court-ordered child support does make sense, say, in the case of a divorce, when a man who is already raising a child separates from the child’s mother, and when the child’s mother retains custody of the child. In such cases, expectations of continued finiancial support recognize and stabilize a parent’s continued caregiving role in a child’s life. However, just as court-ordered child support does not make sense when a woman goes to a sperm bank and obtains sperm from a donor who has not agreed to father the resulting child, it does not make sense when a woman is impregnated (accidentally or possibly by her choice) from sex with a partner who has not agreed to father a child with her. In consenting to sex, neither a man nor a woman gives consent to become a parent, just as in consenting to any activity, one does not consent to yield to all the accidental outcomes that might flow from that activity.

Policies that punish men for accidental pregnancies also punish those children who must manage a lifelong relationship with an absent but legal father. These “fathers” are not “dead-beat dads” failing to live up to responsibilities they once took on — they are men who never voluntarily took on the responsibilities of fatherhood with respect to a particular child. We need to respect men’s reproductive autonomy, as Brake suggests, by providing them more options in the case of an accidental pregnancy. And we need to protect children and stabilize family relationships, as Murphy suggests, by broadening our definition of “father” to include men who willingly perform fatherlike roles in a child’s life, and who, with informed consent, have accepted the responsibilities of fatherhood.”

Compare and contrast.

“Note that paper abortion advocates can write long screeds about fairness, choice, blah blah, but they have no direct response when she calls their bluff.”

O: See above…

“And he still hasn’t explained why it’s bad that some women prefer dating tall men,”

O: I didn’t say that it was “bad” at all; I was challenging the assertion that Feminists are working to “tear down” shopworn gender norms and the like.

“but it’s okay for him to write long blog posts about US women being too fat to please his boner.”

O: I wasn’t talking about me at all. I was however, addressing an issue that was broached by Black Women themselves, as my article clearly indicates.

“This is what he said at his own blog.”

O: Do you deny the charges I have made in this regard?

“And this is the person to tell us that feminists aren’t concerned enough about women who don’t want to date short men.”

O: I’d sure like to see evidence to the contrary…

“Wasn’t he the one throwing Matthew 7:4 around?”

O: Indeed, that would be me.


(Trigger warning for racism and misogyny)

11 years ago

They have; its called Game

So the answer to not getting laid is Rape.

This is the MRM in a nutshell.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“That you’re incapable of producing witty, excellent writing? Of this I have no doubt; you’ve more than demonstrated that inability here today.”

O: Nah; that I’m quite the prolific and talented, writer.



Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“So the answer to not getting laid is Rape.”

O: Not at all; I invite you to inspect my blog and list out all the “rape” posts…

“This is the MRM in a nutshell.”

O: That’s odd; a sizable portion of the MRM is made up of MGTOWs. How then can they advocate for rape?

Please explain?


11 years ago

That last comma would like to disagree with your statement re: your ability.

11 years ago

hat’s odd; a sizable portion of the MRM is made up of MGTOWs. How then can they advocate for rape?

Citation needed.

11 years ago

O: Nah; that I’m quite the prolific and talented, writer.

Keep flogging that blog, buddy.(hat tip to leftwingfox)

11 years ago

O: Do support Game?

Yes, you do.

Then you support rape, QED.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Shorter ObtuseAsshole: You fat fucks shouldn’t be allowed in public!”

O: I have never said anything like this…

“Why arn’t the Feminists doing anything about short men?”

O: Or Men who in other ways, do not fit the traditonal masculine roles?

“Why do they get to say “no?””

O: I have no problem with any Woman saying no; more here: Knowing When To Eject: The Most Powerful Move In The Game


11 years ago


11 years ago

This level of self-promotion is really sad when there’s no there there. Stop spamming. If we wanted to read your drivel, we would.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“O: Do support Game?

Yes, you do.

Then you support rape, QED.”

O: Prove it. My blog is an open book. Please list out all the many posts I’ve written that are defacto rape manuals?

I am waiting…


Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“This level of self-promotion is really sad when there’s no there there.”

O: You’re going to tell me how many readers I have now, too?

“Stop spamming. If we wanted to read your drivel, we would.”

O: Translation: I cannot handle the facts he is putting down, including the fact that he’s a Black Man making the case for Men’s Rights.



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