misandry MRA oppressed white men reddit

Mighty White of You


So here’s an interesting chart. Guess what it represents?

A) The membership of the David Duke Fan Club

B) The racial breakdown of the most successful Liberace impersonators

C) The demographics of the Men’s Rights subreddit

Well, ok, that was too easy. It is of course all of the above. I’m guessing. It’s definitely C, at least, as this chart was prepared to show the results of the 2013 Men’s Rights subreddit demographic survey.

Now, you might say, well, isn’t Reddit itself a pretty white place? And you would be right. But the Men’s Rights subreddit seems to be a bit whiter — and a lot less black — than Reddit as a whole, if Quantcast’s estimates of Reddit’s overall ethnic breakdown are accurate.


In other completely non-surprising news, 89% of Men’s Rights Redditors are men. And a lot of them are libertarians. MRAs complain endlessly that we pigeonhole them as a bunch of entitled white dudes. They’re really not doing much to challenge that assumption.

The most important issue to these fellas (and the small minority that aren’t fellas)? Survey says: False rape accusations.

Other critical issues to the Men’s Rightsers include “custody rights” (which is a bit odd because 92% of those surveyed have no kids), “legal discrimination” (whatever that means), “education discrimination” (this is a thing?), and “male disposability.”

“Male birth control” and “paper abortion,” while relatively less important to the Men’s Rightsers, each got hundreds of votes.

I’m surprised “friendzoning” isn’t at the top of the list, but unfortunately it wasn’t one of the choices. I blame misandry.

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11 years ago

Just wait for him to come barreling back telling us to read how wrong it is in his blog. I hate shamless self promoters spammers.

11 years ago

Why do the mrm spam here though? Do they hope we’ll (although this site gets no hits at all the commenters are all the same person obvs) all go rushing over there and see the light and start behaving ‘correctly’? Is that the definition of delusion?

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

@daintydougal: Well, yeah. They go there and read, and they can’t see a single flaw in the thinking. So of course if we go there we’ll be blown away by the serious and weighty works that have no flaws.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

And I am absolutely sure that there is no connection between that thinking nd


11 years ago

@Howard Bannister
Except I (mistakenly) clicked on that first link obsidiboring posted and nearly spewed up on my keyboard after reading about 3 of the comments (I skipped through most of the ‘post’ as it was a repetitive pile of irrelevance). Maybe I’m not his target audience?

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Do take that study with a grain (or 20) of salt; intelligence is highly plastic, other studies have shown. The mindset and ideology may drive the low IQ scorres. And we’ve alrady talked about how utterly inaccurate IQ tests are as a measure of anything besides IQ-test-taking-skills.

11 years ago

Haha, I was talking to someone about that study (I might have phrased it as ‘Tory’s are scientifically stupid’, whatevz) and the person Iwas talking to said the whole thing was offensive and terrible.

11 years ago

I bet if it had shown up as people on the left score lower it would be all over the news though.

11 years ago

I have questioned Dave as to whether Jezebel, Femisting, Feministe, Pandagon, et al, have conducted their own demographic surveys, on the contention that they are likely to be as White, if not Whiter, than the MRA Reddit and other Manosphere venues Dave and others here routinely excoriates.

Whether or not those sites are overwhelmingly white does not change the fact that the MRM is overwhelmingly white. You’re attempting to redirect from the problem by pointing to something else that isn’t actually the subject here.

Even if those sites were overwhelmingly white, this isn’t a blog about the problems of racism in white feminism, it’s a blog about how awful the MRM is. David doesn’t have to make the blog all about racism in all spaces just to satisfy you, random person online. It’s his blog, he gets to do what he wants with it.

11 years ago

“Flogging the Blog” is probably going to be my new masturbation euphemism.

The previous one was “Destroying Catholicism” (based on a Michael Voris rant).

11 years ago

@Leftwingfox dude I was literally writing a comment about you as you wrote a comment here! Are you facing any flooding right now or are you ok?

11 years ago

Let’s take an item that came up fairly large on both the GMP and Reddit lists, false rape charges. American history records the fact that Black Men in particular have suffered mightily as a result of being falsely accused of rape (usually by White Women) and were often lynched or otherwise horribly murdered. The very name Emmit Till is synonymous with this sort of thing. Ida B. Wells documented all the lynchings that took place across the country along these lines of Black Men.

And in our time today, this sort of thing continues, false rape charges, I mean. Black Men continue to suffer under these abuses of the law, with lots of Black Men serving years of jail time. Every year it seems that we all hear of at least one such case, often involving a Black Man, who has finally been exonerated of a false rape charge, after spending years of his behind bars.

Such is the recent case of one Mr. Brian Banks:

Nor is he by any means alone. Hence, the concern of false rape charges is not only a highly legitimate MRA concern, they are incredibly and profoundly moreso for Black Men.

This is bullshit.

The MRM/MRAs/Manosphere could give a flying fuck about the false convictions of rape that affect Black men disproportionately. They never talk about the institutional racism that is inherent in much police work and throughout the criminal justice system. They never address the reality of race/class/economic disparities that directly effect an accused man’s ability to procure adequate -let alone rigorous- defense. When have they ever written about Gideon vs. Wainwright?

11 years ago

The MRM/MRAs/Manosphere could give a flying fuck about the false convictions of rape that affect Black men disproportionately.

If they gave a shit about this clearly racialized issue, they would be tying it to the fact that black men are convicted in overwhelmingly larger numbers than white men for any crime whatsoever.

And maybe they’d be focusing on drug charges, which put exponentially more black men behind bars than false rape convictions.

Total, total bullshit.

11 years ago

Argenti: I knew I didn’t have the math to know how significant, but I was pretty sure the sample size was large enough to be telling.

Yeah, I got about five hours. Coffee soon. Also need to eat. I’m not so good about that.

11 years ago

4. Even taking the blatant racism in the present day Manosphere into account, the stated concerns of MRAs nevertheless have grave import and application to Black Men.

The Manosphere doesn’t give a fuck about Black men or men of color in general. They are happy to use incarceration rates and the specter of difficult work with little money, and gender based educational discrepancies as statical talking points when it suits them. But they don’t give a fuck about Black men.

If you’re serious about addressing issues that affect men of color you’ll distance yourself from a movement made up primarily of whiny ass titty babies who argue against women’s sufferage, for robot sex-slaves, and think that the age of consent laws are just feminist cock-blocking.

11 years ago

And maybe they’d be focusing on drug charges, which put exponentially more black men behind bars than false rape convictions.

Yeah, it’s the damndest thing, but when MRAs come over to this site they’ve never seemed to want to discuss these things with me.

The only kind of incarcerated men who matter to them are White fathers who’ve been locked up for failure to pay child support and/or White men who’ve been maliciously falsely accused of rape and erroneously convicted.

Funny that.

11 years ago

also what the crap is up with capitalizing ‘black men’, that’s really weird

11 years ago

In other words, the kind of crimes where they can most easily find a woman to blame for everything.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“O, when you (r)efer to “Jezebel, Feminist and Feministe,” I assume the second blog you mean is feministing, right? You referred to it several times earlier in this context.”

O: Correct; my bad.

“Feministe is mostly Jill. She is indeed white. I think there are a couple of other less frequent contributors who are also white.”

O: OK.

“I don’t know about Jezebel, though yes the writers I follow there (maybe 3 or 4 people) are white.”

O: Fair enough.

“But Feministing, well, it isn’t quite as white as you think it is. Go look at the about page:”

O: Noted…

“There are 14 women currently on the staff there. They aren’t all white. In fact, whites actually make up less than half the staff. There are 6 whites, 4 blacks, 2 south asians, and 2 east asians.”

O: Alright.

“One of the women on the staff is Zerlina Maxwell. You remember her?”

O: I do.

“She was in the news a few months back after she got death and rape threats after making some altogether reasonable remarks about rape on Fox news:”

O: I recall the incident very well, and wrote the following piece somewhat in response:

Guest Post: War on Rape = War on Drugs

Interestingly enough, Ms. Maxwell used to write for the TUP herself prior to my arrival.

“Feminists rallied around her.”

O: Hardly surprising.

“Meanwhile, good old Paul Elam was pounding out an angry screed against her:”

O: I’ll let Mr. Elam speak for himself, as he is more than capable to do…


11 years ago

So lemme get this straight; Mr Files’ “argument” (such as it is) boils down to this:

1) “I suspect that online feminist spaces are predominantly white, bu I can’t be arsed to collect any data on that. David should collect that data for me”

2)”Feminist spaces being predominantly white is just as bad as the MRM being predominantly white.”

3)”But MRA’s are totally allowed to have racist opinions, that’s their right”

4)”The MRM claims to be concerned about false rape accusations, which is a problem that greatly affects black men [ignoring that false accusations of any crime disproportionately affects black men]”

5)”Go read this tangentially related article I wrote”

Did I miss anything?

11 years ago

Oh, I missed

3a) “You’ve brought up an instance of racism/misogyny/racist misogyny/etc. I was not racist/misogynist/racily misogynist/etc in that case, so I won’t address it”

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“The Manosphere doesn’t give a fuck about Black men or men of color in general.”

O: I could argue just as strongly that the (White) Feminist community don’t particularly care about Black Women or Women of Color in general. *shrug*

“They are happy to use incarceration rates and the specter of difficult work with little money, and gender based educational discrepancies as statical talking points when it suits them. But they don’t give a fuck about Black men.”

O: Please see above.

“If you’re serious about addressing issues that affect men of color you’ll distance yourself from a movement made up primarily of whiny ass titty babies who argue against women’s sufferage, for robot sex-slaves, and think that the age of consent laws are just feminist cock-blocking.”

O: I am quite serious, and so are the MRAs that I am aware of.


11 years ago


Well, insofar as your movement is serious about promoting hatred, rape, and domestic abuse, you are correct that you are serious.

However, seeing as your movement does nothing for men other than lie to them that men’s domestic abuse services don’t exist, you’re definitely not “serious” about helping men.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“1) “I suspect that online feminist spaces are predominantly white, bu I can’t be arsed to collect any data on that. David should collect that data for me””

O: Why not? He did on the MRA Reddit, didn’t he?

“2)”Feminist spaces being predominantly white is just as bad as the MRM being predominantly white.””

O: Insofar as Dave’s argument per today’s post? YES.

“3)”But MRA’s are totally allowed to have racist opinions, that’s their right””

O: As outlined in the Bill of Rights…

“4)”The MRM claims to be concerned about false rape accusations, which is a problem that greatly affects black men [ignoring that false accusations of any crime disproportionately affects black men]””

o: But are MRAs ignoring that?

“5)”Go read this tangentially related article I wrote””

O: Learning truly is a beautiful thing…


Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Well, insofar as your movement is serious about promoting hatred, rape, and domestic abuse, you are correct that you are serious.”

O: I am a regular contributor of The Spearhead. Are you telling me that its owner, Bill F. Price, actively promotes these things?

“However, seeing as your movement does nothing for men other than lie to them that men’s domestic abuse services don’t exist, you’re definitely not “serious” about helping men.”

O: My understanding is that when it comes to Men being able to get access to such services, they leave a lot to be desired. Admittedly, I don’t have a heck of a lot of knowledge or expertise in that area, but other advocates, like Glenn Sacks, does.


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