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Bride of the Monster: The Red Pill Subreddit creates Red Pill Women

He's kino escalating, but that is clearly NOT an indicator of interest.
He’s kino escalating, but she’s not giving him any Indicators of Interest.

So you all remember The Red Pill subreddit, that wretched hive of scum and misogyny I wrote about the other day, and the other other day, and the other other other day before that. Well, now something even more horrible has sprouted up on Reddit, like genital warts after a night “raw dogging it” with a PUA douchebag.

It’s a new subreddit from the Red Pill masterminds called Red Pill Women.

But wait, you say, isn’t The Red Pill subreddit all about manipulating and exploiting women sexually and generally just being misogynistic douchebags generally? What on earth might a Red Pill subreddit have to offer women?

In a 1400-word “welcome” statement, RedPillSchool, the subreddit’s top mod, tries to explain why the ladies might want to join up.

He starts by laying down some biotruths, by which I mean that he repeats the standard-issue manosphere fairy tale about men and women and the cock carousel:

A man’s biological imperative is to procreate. Some men (the few– less than 20%) are very attractive to women and may take on as many partners as he can. There’s no telling if he’ll stick around to help with the young, but rest assured he’ll make the rounds. Other men aren’t as attractive are happy being providers. This is a majority of men. They want to settle down, have a family. Their biological impulses, believe it or not, is to make a woman happy. It’s both a feature, and as we’ve discovered on /r/theredpill, one of man’s biggest weaknesses.

A woman’s biological imperative is to procreate. (We’re not so different!) Her strategy is slightly different. She wants provisions, but she also wants the highest quality DNA to procreate with. Unfortunately for guys, this sometimes ends up with women having sex with one of the attractive but noncommittal men, and then finding another man to do the provisioning. Her strategy is two-fold: have sex with the highest value males as possible, and get commitment from the highest value males possible. If possible: get both in one man. If not, get both from separate men.

As for those accusastions of misogyny, RedPillSchool responds with a big “nuh-uh!”

It isn’t. The red pill is about accepting reality for what it is. As you’ve seen above, men and women’s mating strategies are at odds with each other, and a lot of men on /r/theredpill are a bit angry. But they’re not angry because this is reality. They’re angry because they spent a majority of their lives being told that this isn’t reality, and putting them at a severe disadvantage.

Oh, so they don’t hate women. They’re just jusifiably angry at them.

Once we embrace what reality is, we find our relationships to be more successful, more fulfilling, and a better deal for ourselves and for the women we’ve dated. We’ve concentrated on what women like, and by doing so have been able to make ourselves into mates that women would want.

Yeah, women love dudes who spend all their time online talking about how awful women are.

So what do Red Pill men want women to do for them?

Sorry, I meant, what can the Red Pill Women subreddit help women to do that will be just fantastic for them, the women?

Well, the past half a century was the march of feminism telling women that they don’t need to do anything for men, that they are perfect and don’t need to change, that change or compromise is oppression, and that you can have it all. A career, kids, family, education- it’s all yours.

The problem is that our culture ended up self indulgent with no long-term goals, and thusly- no long term happiness (at least where family is concerned).

With divorce rates skyrocketing, single motherhood increasing, never-marrieds piling up, and hook-up culture and one night stands at an all time high, people are reaching 35 going.. where’s my family?

Huh. Taking the Red Pill must really do something to your eyesight, because the divorce rate has been heading downwards for the last thirty years.

Click on the pic for source.

But let’s just ignore the false premise here and continue on:

Women, you have the ability to find happiness when you embrace the reality of your biological urges and impulses. You have the ability and the requirement to become the optimal mate for your optimal mate. Do not believe the hype that you are good enough how you are, and realize that in life, the only things worth having take work.

Oh dear. So what sort of “self-improvement” advice will the subreddit contain? Apparently, a lot of misogynistic insults. Oh, sorry, harsh truths.

This forum will embarce truth first and foremost, sensitivity be damned. While I encourage people to remain positive towards each other, plain insults are discouraged, I understand that sometimes the truth will seem like an insult.

Ok, so who exactly is qualified to give advice on RedPill women?

RedPillWomen is not the place for men to show up and spout nonsense.

Ok, but you’re a man, and you’re spouting nonsense.

We have an unofficial rule on  /r/theredpill that basically amounts to: don’t listen to women about sexual strategy. It’s not that we don’t like women, it’s that women really have a hard time seeing past what they like to understand men have a different palate.

Um, what? Why would this mean that you shouldn’t listen to women?

The same goes for men, perhaps even worse so. Men, being the less discriminating gender, are more-or-less programmed to find women sexy.. no matter what. And when a woman says, “I like to eat pie with my fingers” you’ll have sex-thirsty guys line up out the door willing to say anything for female validation. “I love women who eat with their fingers.”

Wait, did I wander into the wrong subreddit? Why are we talking about pie?

Men will say anything for female validation. Men are utterly and completely blind when it comes to what attracts them. They are clueless. They are conditioned by society to tell you that things we’re supposed to find attractive are attractive. And why not? In our minds, if I find you attractive, and you exhibit certain qualities, it’s hard to isolate which qualities were the ones we found attractive.


But you’re not looking for low-hanging-fruit.

Now we’re on to fruit? Was RedPillSchool just really hungry when he wrote this?

You could just walk into a bar with no clothes if you want to make men drool. But instead, you want to make yourself into the woman who will snag the highest value mate. You want to redefine high value to mean longest-term happiness. And you don’t want just any old schmo to drool over you. So don’t take schmo’s advice. It’s terrible.

RedPillSchool, I served with Joe Schmo. I knew Joe Schmo. Joe Schmo was a friend of mine. RedPillSchool, you’re no Joe Schmo.

Welcome! I hope this will be a productive place to discuss sexual strategy for women.

I can’t wait to see what sort of “sexual strategy” these guys advocate. Maybe we can assemble a list of some of the best suggestions.

Meanwhile, that white supremacist dude who thinks that women who hate the Red Pill dudes are all secretly into them — that guy I wrote about the other day — is already excited to see a subreddit of Red Pill “cheerleaders.”

It looks like TheRedPill Mannerbund, which at first only attracted TheBluePill hecklers, has now attracted some cheerleaders.

Perhaps a sorority forming next to the fraternity.

Notice TheRedPill kept the women out (at least female centric opinion, since this is virtual space) and now we see the reaction: submit and service.

My opponents of course could only interpret “service” as sexual, which is was partly but not completely. The women are no longer heckling the mannerbund, but have adopted the mannerbund’s agenda – they have become cheerleaders.

What he doesn’t know is that one of those cheerleaders is me — I just subscribed. Let’s see if they notice and ban me.

The Blue Pill squad is on the case as well, with a bunch of posts devoted to this exciting new development.

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11 years ago

That was an understatement. It really makes me angry.

11 years ago

Seriously, Mary/jimothyette (I think you have the same wordpress problem I do), I think ignoring them isn’t always the best strategy. It’s true that many of them get off from a reaction, but if you don’t react, they’ll think they got under your skin.
I just show them my finger and keep going my merry way. That’s the most efficient response I’ve found. I’ve been told it’s not very ladylike. :-/

11 years ago


Dear Young Women Everywhere- PLEASE do ask me and the other invisible, expired, valueless old ladies about these MRA/PUA guys, and whether or not you should cater to their whims. PLEASE.

Why ask you? It’s like we can’t think about this ourselves :/


1. Find a plastic tub or kiddie pool and fill it with animal-safe packing peanuts
2. Everybody jump into the peanuts
4. Sit back as a bunch of strangers — many of whom are sexy ladies — watch videos of this, the majority of them clicking ‘Refresh’ multiple times

I cannot help but approve of your mating strategy.


Sorry you’re around those catcallers 🙁 I think it’s totally okay to yell back. My 2cents is that there isn’t really a right reaction, they’re just doing it because they’re assholes, and just do whatever feels best to you, whether it be cussing them out or ignoring them or whatever. I haven’t had to deal with catcallers, but I have had to deal with creepy old guy leers and suggestive eyebrow waggle while walking, and my response is just to give them the finger, cuz I’m a fan of vulgarity when people are being dicks, and that way I don’t have to worry about what I”m saying. That was kind of rambly, but mostly just what feels right to you? Internet hugs if you want them. Catcallers suck 🙁

11 years ago

@Maude LL

I just show them my finger and keep going my merry way.

Great minds think alike? XD

11 years ago

I do not think these idiots have ever been in an actual relationship. Why would a woman want a child with dudes like these–she’d already have an overgrown child just by dating one of them.

As Senior MBZ Beauty Editor: Oh, HELL NO:

There are plenty of comfortable feminine shoes with a low blocky heel.

All I can think of are little old lady Ferragamos like QE2 wears. Vomit.

11 years ago

Seannen said, in reply to, “Pull out your cock and put her hand on it.”, “If I find myself unexpectedly holding your your cock, I will assume you didn’t want it any more”.

11 years ago

11. Communicate with me on as deep a level as possible – then go two deeper. I’ve seen/experienced more than you’d ever guess so nothing will shock me. That’s a guarantee.

Oh, my. He wrote that.

I got nothing, because laughter is so hard to write.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Marie — I think Oraclenine was joking about how women older than their “standard” would have an earfull to say about how you shouldn’t go near these guys. As in “yes, ask your grandmother, she’ll have plenty to say” not “because you can’t manage to think of them as assholes”.

Mary — I’m with MaudeLL on this one, if you feel safe giving them the what for, I don’t think it’s inherently a bad idea. Maude’s right, flat ignoring them makes them think they’re getting to you, and is still, in a sense, responding (“I’m going to ignore you now” is a response to someone, if that makes sense?)

Personally? Headphones. And a death glare. Yeah, they want a response, but more, they want to exploit your fear to feel powerful, so simply giving them a cold stare works (well, unless they get all kinds of rude, but my gender presentation apparently tends to beg for rudeness [and comments on how awesome my boots are, it’s a wide weird world])

And yeah, that PUA manipultation shit will work on vulnerable people. Which is basically the point of kino and shit like it — weed out the people who’ll throw drinks at you or just plain aren’t having any of that shit.

11 years ago

They call it “The Apocalypse Game” because it’s a “closed opener”. If she says no (according to them) you can’t escalate your “game”.

What it really means is losing the ability to test for weak no (like insisting she let you buy her a drink, and the touching/space invading). If she shoots you down cold you lose, “game over, man”.

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
11 years ago

re: catcalls- I wish I was brave enough to flip those fuckers off. I’m always scared, especially at night, so I just yell K THANKS! and walk/bike faster.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
11 years ago

As an aside, I think all the Manosphere should watch Bride of Frankenstein.

“Look, boys, look. A woman could be built to your personal specifications, and she might still not be into you!”

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
11 years ago

now THAT is a mating strategy that I would pay kickstarter to popularize.

11 years ago

@Mary – I think snarking back at them is the right answer, not so much because it lets them know that they’re fucking assholes and that they’re doing the wrong thing, because really I’m pretty sure they already know that and don’t give a shit, but because it tells everyone else that they’re fucking assholes and what they’re doing isn’t socially acceptable. The less fuss we make about it, the more acceptable it looks, and the less it looks like there’s a problem. That’s not to say that the problem is the fault of anyone who doesn’t yell back – it’s totally 100% the fault of the asshats being a problem! – but I think that responding in a way that makes it totally clear that their behavior is unacceptable is a good choice. I think this is especially important given the social restrictions on being “not nice” for women, and the impetus to be accommodating. We’ve gotta stamp that attitude right out!

That’s assuming you’re comfortable with that, and don’t feel unsafe doing it, which seems to be the case. As with most of life, if you’re not comfortable with something, and/or it makes you feel unsafe, don’t do it!

11 years ago

Sorry I ran away for a while, but glad you all figured out what the Apocalypse Opener was. The guy who originally wrote about it (but doesn’t claim to have invented it) is named Ciaran and his blog post about it is chock full of ALL CAPS and exclamation points, like it was written by a bubbly teenage girl. He does say you can recover from a “no” by just saying “okay” and then continuing the conversation normally, having planted the seed (ha, I said seed!) in her mind of having sex (ha, I said sex!) with you, which means no matter what, you’ll never be friendzoned.

I apologize, that sentence got away from me a little bit. I’m afraid to go back there and whip it into shape.

11 years ago

Argenti and Zanana
You’re right to point out safety, it’s an important distinction.

Lady Mondegreen
11 years ago

Sounds like these dudes learned everything they know about women from reading John Norman’s Gor books.

Elaborate theorizing by guys who’ve never had a lasting relationship. (Gotta wonder how many of them are still virgins. No offense to virgins, but if your response to lack of sexual success is to fantasize about dominating and manipulating woman, fuck you.)

11 years ago

Lady Mondegreen: Not relevant, but you are the second person I know to use that name. Are you in a band?

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
11 years ago

Hang on.

So it’s biology that makes men want to nail any and all women, because men are programmed to procreate.

So they can’t help themselves, and women should just accept it, because SCIENCE.

But women are programmed to find first a hot sexy mate for his superior genetic material, and then a second, steady, schmo guy to feather the nest and bring her bon bons and what have you, so she can raise her young successfully.

She too can’t help herself, because SCIENCE.


Okay, if this is all undefeatable, inarguable biology and programming and procreation strategy, on both sides, then what are the RP dudes nattering on about exactly? I mean, allow me to wildly gesticulate in the general direction of SCIENCE and no one can help themselves so what is there to discuss?

Why so angry, 80% amazing dudes who don’t get first crack at the female because SCIENCE? It’s just SCIENCE! Nothing personal. Yeesh.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

11. Communicate with me on as deep a level as possible – then go two deeper. I’ve seen/experienced more than you’d ever guess so nothing will shock me. That’s a guarantee.

Oh, my. He wrote that.

I got nothing, because laughter is so hard to write.

You too eh? Random things I’ve seen “there’s nun in crack case” (nun should’ve been none but dude can’t spell [yes, pecunium, this is the same tweedle as the mystery quote from earlier])

*makes an offering to the blockquote monster* potting soil, because I have plenty!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Crank, not crack. Beat the blockquote monster only to fall victim to the typo sprite!

11 years ago

(Thanks for the welcome package, Kittehs!)

11 years ago

You’re welcome, therainparade! 🙂

Lady Mondegreen – what I want to know is how you recovered from being slain along with the Earl of Moray.

11 years ago

Argenti: the sublime (someone who lost control on the freeway [I-5/Calif. 170 split] and spun a long U-turn across six lanes to end up on the shoulder: No one hurt), to the horrific (the ambush was textbook, but the Iraqis had no practice, so they missed their shots: this was armor vs armor, they didn’t get a second shot. Four tanks, destroyed where they stood), the stunningly beautiful: sunrise in Galapagos, or the light filtering through the lights of the Basilica in Bogota, while a Cardinal from Seattle was drinking it all in; as the luminous roseate lights from the walls suffused the shadows of the sephuchuric space.

Yeah, this dude probably thinks he’s lived the description in the opening of Bladerunner. I know better than to think no one else has seen things more stunning than mine.

I also know that mine are just that, mine; and for all that I’ve seen them, you haven’t, and so there is not means to compare them and they are worthless: there are no bragging rights on experience.

11 years ago

OMGOMG I might actually subscribe to something on Reddit. So excited!

From the ‘How to dress’ thread:

In the Welcome to Red Pill Women post it points out that “You have the ability and the requirement to become the optimal mate for your optimal mate.” That is in a nutshell the difference between Red Pill relationships and Blue Pill. The Blue pill demands that you “just be yourself” and demands that “they love you for who you are unconditionally.” However, putting these two things together usually ends up with the result of “there is no reason to try” since they are supposed to love you no matter what. This is how you end up with a society full of fat shrill slobs demanding they be loved for who they are.

Apparently you are either forcing yourself to be ‘optimal’ in all ways for your mate, or you are devolving into slobbitude. I’m not sure what they’d think of my fella, who thinks I am superhotsexy in sweatpants (other than he’s obviously a blue pill mangina thingy)

The advice here is for mature women in marriages, most likely with kids in the house. You want to be sophisticated and classy, but this has the danger of being sexless and unfeminine. You want to be sexy and feminine, but this has the potential to be cheap and tawdry. Aim to hit the sweet spot between classy, sophisticated, feminine, and sexy.

* Furiously taking notes* Can anyone here make a Venn diagram for this?

But remember, your man’s opinion is of utmost importance, and since you are probably undoing decades of bad advice, emphasize the feminine. To offer a crash course in Red Pill attire is to simply say throw out all your pants, flats, t-shirts, and boring underwear. (Of course you can keep a pair of jeans around for gardening and the like).

So no pants of any kind (misandry! slobbitude!) except jeans for gardening. No flats, so must garden in jeans and heels. No t-shirts, so must garden in jeans, heels and a blouse, or perhaps a bikini top or corset. All undies must be exciting! But not cheap/tawdry. Instead all must hit sweet spot of claphistifeminexy. Simple.

This is not to be tawdry and sleazy (although there is a place for that in the bedroom). Definitely emphasize your curves. The outfit should hint at what’s beneath, but not give away the candy store for free. Nor does it mean wearing towering stilettos constantly. There are plenty of comfortable feminine shoes with a low blocky heel. Within this range, there is an enormous variety of ways to express yourself and be creative.

I am eagerly awaiting Red-Pill-Approved hair and makeup tips!

11 years ago

Hail to you, oh blockquote gods *sacrifices a header tag*

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