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Bride of the Monster: The Red Pill Subreddit creates Red Pill Women

He's kino escalating, but that is clearly NOT an indicator of interest.
He’s kino escalating, but she’s not giving him any Indicators of Interest.

So you all remember The Red Pill subreddit, that wretched hive of scum and misogyny I wrote about the other day, and the other other day, and the other other other day before that. Well, now something even more horrible has sprouted up on Reddit, like genital warts after a night “raw dogging it” with a PUA douchebag.

It’s a new subreddit from the Red Pill masterminds called Red Pill Women.

But wait, you say, isn’t The Red Pill subreddit all about manipulating and exploiting women sexually and generally just being misogynistic douchebags generally? What on earth might a Red Pill subreddit have to offer women?

In a 1400-word “welcome” statement, RedPillSchool, the subreddit’s top mod, tries to explain why the ladies might want to join up.

He starts by laying down some biotruths, by which I mean that he repeats the standard-issue manosphere fairy tale about men and women and the cock carousel:

A man’s biological imperative is to procreate. Some men (the few– less than 20%) are very attractive to women and may take on as many partners as he can. There’s no telling if he’ll stick around to help with the young, but rest assured he’ll make the rounds. Other men aren’t as attractive are happy being providers. This is a majority of men. They want to settle down, have a family. Their biological impulses, believe it or not, is to make a woman happy. It’s both a feature, and as we’ve discovered on /r/theredpill, one of man’s biggest weaknesses.

A woman’s biological imperative is to procreate. (We’re not so different!) Her strategy is slightly different. She wants provisions, but she also wants the highest quality DNA to procreate with. Unfortunately for guys, this sometimes ends up with women having sex with one of the attractive but noncommittal men, and then finding another man to do the provisioning. Her strategy is two-fold: have sex with the highest value males as possible, and get commitment from the highest value males possible. If possible: get both in one man. If not, get both from separate men.

As for those accusastions of misogyny, RedPillSchool responds with a big “nuh-uh!”

It isn’t. The red pill is about accepting reality for what it is. As you’ve seen above, men and women’s mating strategies are at odds with each other, and a lot of men on /r/theredpill are a bit angry. But they’re not angry because this is reality. They’re angry because they spent a majority of their lives being told that this isn’t reality, and putting them at a severe disadvantage.

Oh, so they don’t hate women. They’re just jusifiably angry at them.

Once we embrace what reality is, we find our relationships to be more successful, more fulfilling, and a better deal for ourselves and for the women we’ve dated. We’ve concentrated on what women like, and by doing so have been able to make ourselves into mates that women would want.

Yeah, women love dudes who spend all their time online talking about how awful women are.

So what do Red Pill men want women to do for them?

Sorry, I meant, what can the Red Pill Women subreddit help women to do that will be just fantastic for them, the women?

Well, the past half a century was the march of feminism telling women that they don’t need to do anything for men, that they are perfect and don’t need to change, that change or compromise is oppression, and that you can have it all. A career, kids, family, education- it’s all yours.

The problem is that our culture ended up self indulgent with no long-term goals, and thusly- no long term happiness (at least where family is concerned).

With divorce rates skyrocketing, single motherhood increasing, never-marrieds piling up, and hook-up culture and one night stands at an all time high, people are reaching 35 going.. where’s my family?

Huh. Taking the Red Pill must really do something to your eyesight, because the divorce rate has been heading downwards for the last thirty years.

Click on the pic for source.

But let’s just ignore the false premise here and continue on:

Women, you have the ability to find happiness when you embrace the reality of your biological urges and impulses. You have the ability and the requirement to become the optimal mate for your optimal mate. Do not believe the hype that you are good enough how you are, and realize that in life, the only things worth having take work.

Oh dear. So what sort of “self-improvement” advice will the subreddit contain? Apparently, a lot of misogynistic insults. Oh, sorry, harsh truths.

This forum will embarce truth first and foremost, sensitivity be damned. While I encourage people to remain positive towards each other, plain insults are discouraged, I understand that sometimes the truth will seem like an insult.

Ok, so who exactly is qualified to give advice on RedPill women?

RedPillWomen is not the place for men to show up and spout nonsense.

Ok, but you’re a man, and you’re spouting nonsense.

We have an unofficial rule on  /r/theredpill that basically amounts to: don’t listen to women about sexual strategy. It’s not that we don’t like women, it’s that women really have a hard time seeing past what they like to understand men have a different palate.

Um, what? Why would this mean that you shouldn’t listen to women?

The same goes for men, perhaps even worse so. Men, being the less discriminating gender, are more-or-less programmed to find women sexy.. no matter what. And when a woman says, “I like to eat pie with my fingers” you’ll have sex-thirsty guys line up out the door willing to say anything for female validation. “I love women who eat with their fingers.”

Wait, did I wander into the wrong subreddit? Why are we talking about pie?

Men will say anything for female validation. Men are utterly and completely blind when it comes to what attracts them. They are clueless. They are conditioned by society to tell you that things we’re supposed to find attractive are attractive. And why not? In our minds, if I find you attractive, and you exhibit certain qualities, it’s hard to isolate which qualities were the ones we found attractive.


But you’re not looking for low-hanging-fruit.

Now we’re on to fruit? Was RedPillSchool just really hungry when he wrote this?

You could just walk into a bar with no clothes if you want to make men drool. But instead, you want to make yourself into the woman who will snag the highest value mate. You want to redefine high value to mean longest-term happiness. And you don’t want just any old schmo to drool over you. So don’t take schmo’s advice. It’s terrible.

RedPillSchool, I served with Joe Schmo. I knew Joe Schmo. Joe Schmo was a friend of mine. RedPillSchool, you’re no Joe Schmo.

Welcome! I hope this will be a productive place to discuss sexual strategy for women.

I can’t wait to see what sort of “sexual strategy” these guys advocate. Maybe we can assemble a list of some of the best suggestions.

Meanwhile, that white supremacist dude who thinks that women who hate the Red Pill dudes are all secretly into them — that guy I wrote about the other day — is already excited to see a subreddit of Red Pill “cheerleaders.”

It looks like TheRedPill Mannerbund, which at first only attracted TheBluePill hecklers, has now attracted some cheerleaders.

Perhaps a sorority forming next to the fraternity.

Notice TheRedPill kept the women out (at least female centric opinion, since this is virtual space) and now we see the reaction: submit and service.

My opponents of course could only interpret “service” as sexual, which is was partly but not completely. The women are no longer heckling the mannerbund, but have adopted the mannerbund’s agenda – they have become cheerleaders.

What he doesn’t know is that one of those cheerleaders is me — I just subscribed. Let’s see if they notice and ban me.

The Blue Pill squad is on the case as well, with a bunch of posts devoted to this exciting new development.

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11 years ago

I was thinking the same as Rainparade. I think being emotionally abusive can totally be efficient. It would be a nice world if every woman had such a rock hard self esteem that this kind of advice would never work, but that’s not the world we live in. Heck, I was in a total crap relationship between nineteen and twenty and yeah, I was thinking about crap dude all the time and thinking of ways to fix crap relationship. It could happen to almost anyone. It’s just that nobody would consciously create that kind of situation unless zie’s FUCKING EVIL. And that’s my considered opinion, speaking as a moral philosopher.

11 years ago

Emotional abuse is one of the most effective types of abuse. It helps to psychologically remove the person from anyone who can help. It works similarly to cult mentality, cutting you off from loved ones and making you feel beholden to the person who has set themselves up as indispensable.

It also happens to be something that’s not physically obvious most of the time, and that helps to make it invisible and harder to get help for, since many people can dismiss active abuse as long as it isn’t visible. People don’t like to face the reality that someone they know might be abusive, and try to excuse or justify it so they don’t have to deal with it.

11 years ago

^^^ Exactly what Dvärghundspossen said. I’m really thankful to be in a supportive and mutually beneficial relationship now, but I’ve definitely experienced obsessive thoughts about how to fix a relationship where ALL that mattered were HIS feelings/needs. I even tried to maintain a friendship with the guy after our relationship ended. It was only learning about feminism and abusive relationship patterns that helped me see how messed up his worldview was – and that I really had no interest knowing him at all!

11 years ago

Finally, a subreddit for women who specifically want to date insecure, overcompensating douchebags who spend their entire day reading pua blogs and bragging to other douchebags about made up tales of neckbeardian sex adventures.

11 years ago

It looks like TheRedPill Mannerbund, which at first only attracted TheBluePill hecklers, has now attracted some cheerleaders.

But wasn’t the new subreddit started by Redpill redditors? Is he gloating over the fact that the Redpillers have to be their own cheerleaders because yes they’re actually that pathetic?

11 years ago

“Woman: A woman is a vagina-haver who is between the age of 16 to 24. She must be thin (a female over 130 lb is not a woman) and have apple shaped tits. Preferably white, but PUAs are not racists. For the rest, you know what I mean, bonernormativity is universal in all males. ”

Hahahah! It’s sad I can see this coming from an actual MRA.

11 years ago

Just for reference…

A traditional apple shape:

Also, what do they think that saying “preferably not any other race but the most privileged one” makes them if not racist? Just saying you aren’t racist doesn’t make it so.

11 years ago

Also, what do they think that saying “preferably not any other race but the most privileged one” makes them if not racist? Just saying you aren’t racist doesn’t make it so.

Probably for the same reason that they think someone who says “I’m an outlaw.” can’t be a hypocrite.

11 years ago

16. I’m a man. If you don’t know all that entails, ask your grandmother (elderly women), they remember them and know how to handle them.

That’s nice. In that case, maybe my grandmother would like to date you.

(I’m kidding, of course. She wouldn’t.)

11 years ago

My granny is in her 80s and I really don’t think these guys would enjoy hearing what she would think of them.

11 years ago

My grandmother would have terrified these schmucks.

As would my mother and sisters. My eldest brother once remarked that having been raised with women who would have cheerfully kicked your ass for a quarter helped us boys grow up to be the well-adjusted men we are.

11 years ago

May this person stub his toe on a metal refrigerator corner and spill tea on his computer. What a fucking asshole.

I’m trying (and probably failing) to be facetious, but think of it this way: on one hand, you have a completely loathsome, cynical view of women and relationships. On the other, he’s a person who said, presumably in complete seriousness: “Women respond viscerally in their vagina area”.

oraclenine (@Oraclenine)

Dear Young Women Everywhere- PLEASE do ask me and the other invisible, expired, valueless old ladies about these MRA/PUA guys, and whether or not you should cater to their whims. PLEASE.

But bring a lunch because between all the reasons why not and the mocking laughter this may take a while.



PS Short answer- no. Really. Just no.


My grandfather showed up for at 4AM for 40 years as a machinist without missing a single day of work even when he was deathly ill. I somehow doubt anyone of that generation would have thought highly of internet PUA douchebags.

11 years ago

I think the scariest part about reading all of these PUA strategies that sound so god-awful to most of us is that they could actually be a really effective form of abuse and manipulation on a lot of women and girls BECAUSE of the way culture trains us to prioritize men and our relationship with men. According to culture, it doesn’t really matter at all how they treat you – all that matters is their level of interest in and satisfaction with you. Within that mindset, you really will drive yourself to distraction to “keep” a man, even if he’s a total asshole. :/

Sounds a lot like what my older sister has gone through with two of her past boyfriends. 🙁 They treated her like shit; they literally relegated her to the status of a maid and manipulated her by saying that no one else will love her, threatening to break up with her, etc. And yet she stayed with them for the reasons you mentioned.

11 years ago

I apologize, that wording was wrong: “like a maid” seems derogatory to me for some reason. I’ll just say that they treated her like she was their personal servant.

yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
11 years ago

You should read the genital warts guy’s other articles on why “play-slapping” your SO (significant-other) is a good thing. How caring about your partner’s pleasure is stupid (see the comments section of second woman-hitting article) and what stupid children women are.

There seems like there is no real genuine love with these red-pill guys. It is usually about control, manipulation and/or anger with them.

11 years ago

@ Sittiekittie
That apple shape did make me drool.

11 years ago

Regarding that “apocalypse opener” thing it strikes me as weird that after all their so-called game and biotruths and millions of forum and blog posts of circlejerking their endless theories of what they think women really want, puas and redpillers latch on to what essentially is going up to strangers and going “Hey, wanna fuck?” as some sort of brilliant idea.

11 years ago

Dude, you don’t want to put my hand on a sensitive part of your anatomy without my consent…

I bet you could learn to tie a knot one-handed.

Falconer wins the internets.

11 years ago

Welcome, delurkers and returning regulars! Here’s your Official Manboobz Welcome Package!

11 years ago

I had problems ‘wanna fuck’ guys, especially in my teens (and the guy was usually 45 to 60, seriously). What was puzzling was their reaction to my predictable refusal; whether they told me women are so evil, they just want to break men’s hearts, or they would call me a slut. The slut part was always the weirdest to me, I’m a slut because I don’t want to have sex with a random anonymous guy 3 times my age (and I’m breaking his heart?). Men are so irrational.
Oh, and I had the stranger penis thing too, as many other here I bet. The creepy kickstarter just outlines something many people find acceptable. Makes me sick.

11 years ago

I’m a lesbian who doesn’t want to have children. I also can’t wear anything other than flat shoes because of my physiology, but not to brag, I *can* make jeans and a tee-shirt look fuckin’ dynamite and sophisticated enough for a night out in a big city that takes fashion very seriously. What are the biological imperatives supposed to be for people like me? And more importantly, what is the dress code??!

Again, it’s almost like these douchebags have never actually met or even seen human beings before. They’ve definitely never read a contemporary independent fashion periodical.

11 years ago

In all seriousness though: since everyone knows I’m really a bunch of ferrets in a Canadian tux, my mating strategy is in fact

1. Find a plastic tub or kiddie pool and fill it with animal-safe packing peanuts
2. Everybody jump into the peanuts
4. Sit back as a bunch of strangers — many of whom are sexy ladies — watch videos of this, the majority of them clicking ‘Refresh’ multiple times

This always works, as you can tell by the hundreds of ferrets-in-suits-people who have posted their footage on the Youtube.

11 years ago

Also, can I ask you Manboobzers for some advice? I live in the city, so I get catcalled by random dudebros every now and then. It kind of makes me angry, so I always wind up snarking back at them. They usually just kind of scuttle away like crabs, but my mom says that you aren’t supposed to talk back to them, because all they want is a reaction and icing them out is what really bothers them.
But, what do you folks think about that? It’s always really miserable trying to ignore people who are being rude, and it kind of doubles when it’s a complete stranger yelling from across the road. Is icing them out really better, or is it okay for me to yell back? I really don’t know, I’m not just trying to be provocative or something. ^^”

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