a voice for men antifeminism drama evil women FemRAs GirlWritesWhat infighting irony alert MRA paul elam

Scorned: How Pissed is GirlWritesWhat at A Voice for Men’s Paul Elam?

GirlWritesWhat to WoollyBumblebee: This misogynistic hate blog ain't big enough for the both of us.
GirlWritesWhat to TheWoollyBumblebee: This misogynistic hate blog ain’t big enough for the both of us.

Sometimes the subtext is much more interesting than the text. On the surface, blabby FeMRA videoblogger Girl Writes What’s recent 3,635 word blog post on the l’affaire TheWoolyBumblebee is a nasty, brutish, but not-at-all-short attack on her former FeMRA comrade at men’s rights hate site A Voice for Men, recently kicked out of the clubhouse for telling off libertarians and Men Going Their Own Way. (See here and here for more details on it all.)

But if you read a little more carefully you can see signs that Girl Writes What’s anger and frustration may really be directed at AVFM’s founder and grand pooh-bah Paul Elam.

Oh, GWW — real name Karen Straughan — is plenty angry at TheWoolybumblebee — real name Kristina Hansen. Here’s one relatively restrained passage from Straughan’s rambling diatribe, which ironically, with only a few changes in details, could also describe AVFM’s Elam to a T:

WBB seems to thrive on attention (both negative and positive), has very sloppy impulse control, is emotionally unstable …. She takes up causes she thinks will get her admiration (such as the A Voice for Boys site, which she started and quickly abandoned–the URL now redirects to her personal website), and it’s probably at least as much about external validation as anything else. I have watched her repeatedly engage in several of the tactics of abusive women–DARVO (deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender), especially–when people take issue with her attitudes or behavior. Witness the quote-mining she engages in, while simultaneously castigating her opponents for their “intellectual dishonesty” and “lies”.

Oh, but it gets worse, much worse.

[D]espite 10 years of state-subsidized education and four degrees, Kristina Hansen’s accomplishments include 1) following her hind-brain into the weeds to her own self-destruction, 2) being a rabid joiner with little follow-through, as evidenced by A Voice for Boys, 3) whining about people who she claims “do nothing” a month after they handed her $5000, 4) alienating three quarters of the people she claimed she was serving, 5) squeezing out babies, 6) collecting child support and social welfare despite having milked the system for god knows how many degrees between her and her husband, and 7) throwing public temper tantrums because no one appreciates her.

Money well spent, by all measures. Let’s pay people to get educated so we can pay them to sit on their asses and generate more burdens on society. Again, I’m so glad to know I helped pay for those four degrees she’s using to sit in a lawn chair and gestate a fifth fetus with. A fifth child who makes me weep for the future of humanity, because regardless of whether you’re a biological determinist/reductionist or whether you think it’s all environment, you have to admit those are five fucked up kids about to be unleashed on the world.

Yeah, that’s right. She attacked the woman’s children. Classy.

And then Straughan gets all Mean Girls (pretentious antifeminist version) on her:

And whatever your actual motivations, I can tell you what it looks like to outsiders and disinterested parties: it looks like you’re the misfit attacking the popular girl for getting more attention than you. It looks like you’re grinding a man (AVFM) into the dirt because you were scorned by him. You’re living up to every single goddamn negative stereotype of women out there, which is all the more ironic considering your constant NAFALTing to MGTOWs.

You are the female nature that drives feminism, even if you’re not a feminist … .

So what was this I was saying about Straughan’s real rage being directed at Elam? Well, it’s clear from a number of remarks she makes throughout the piece that she’s livid with him for having put Hansen on the masthead in the first place. Not only that, but she feels a certain contempt at him for being so easily won over by the younger woman.

Elam put Hansen on the masthead, she writes,

despite several glaring red flags in videos she’d uploaded to her previous YT channel (TruthandOblivion, which got flagged down), where she used terms like, “you’re the man, you have to be the adult” to a male DV victim, etc. ….

Apparently Paul wasn’t aware of the red flags (he doesn’t even have time to watch all MY videos, pfft :P), or ignored any tingling of his spider senses (or perhaps intentionally ignored the flags because he is constantly juggling multiple priorities). He promoted her (way too early for ANYONE, really, who was so new to the MRM) to senior news director for Canada.

So Elam promoted this fresh new face to Senior News Director for Canada — and somehow can’t  find the time to even watch Girl Writes What’s videos. And Straughan just stewed quietly about it for months, as she makes clear in a part of her post that is ostensibly addressed directly to Hansen, even though it’s clear the real target is Elam:

Kristina, I just want to say, I avoided raising my concerns with Paul primarily because it might have been construed as me being catty–me being one of those women only concerned with monopolizing male attention and being top dogette. Given how quickly he promoted you, I figured he was smitten and would be even more prone to draw that conclusion if a shopworn old bird like me raised concerns. And I wasn’t interested in turning anything into a cat-fight over market share over this movement’s mostly male cheerleaders.

And however much power you seem to think I have over AVFM (given your statements to that effect), and how much practical power I might actually have (given my reach), I choose not to involve myself in the inner workings of AVFM, and always have. Paul has actually made more decisions based on your counsel than on mine, because I would never think to tell someone how to run their own goddamn website. Even when they hire sociopathic, toxic, abusive people like you.

Wow. If she thinks so poorly of Paul Elam’s judgement, why on earth does she stick around?

Will Girl Writes What be the next out the door?

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11 years ago

We’re going to need a bigger masthead.

… Don’t they make a pill for that?

11 years ago

I’ll just be a roving retorter.

11 years ago

katz could be Senior News Director for Various and Sundry Other Matters, Including but not Limited to Popular Culture & Pierre.

While honored, I am also bemused that I am associated with popular culture. I’ve seen one movie in the theaters all year.

11 years ago

I’m not much of a writer, but if there’s room for an Executive Critter Snuggler, I’m your gal!

Howard Bannister
11 years ago



Now we must fight


Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Seriously, that job title? Will be hotly contested around these parts. HOTLY.

11 years ago

Oh, I’d make a HELL of a mangling editor. No entrentre left undoubled, no fact left unchucked, no type left ihout typos. It will be glorious!

Unreadable, but glorious!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“I nominate Argenti for Senior News Director for Fish.”

I would be honored to accept this position 🙂

11 years ago

I hereby submit my application for Editor of Music Snob Related Issues, which means that the Associate Producer of Socks has to report to me, and justify his desire to write about Radiohead in every issue. I mean, do they have a new album coming out? If not then I’m going to have to assign a different topic.

I nominate Pell for Assistant Sock Editor. We also apparently need a Thoughts on Hitchens This Week correspondent.

11 years ago

@HowardBannister would you settle for Assistant Critter Snuggler? Or Cat Video Curator?

11 years ago

Can I be the Senior News Director for the Furrinati? please?

11 years ago

Would there be news from the Furrinati? I thought they operated in the shadows.

Oh, I see: you’re hoping for a title with no actual work! Clever 😉

11 years ago


I would so do work…in the shadows. 🙂

11 years ago

@Sittie Kitty

Welcome 😀 I love your kitty avatar.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Cat Video Curator… I could be bribedpersuaded to abandon my insurrection, yes…

11 years ago

We also apparently need a Thoughts on Hitchens This Week correspondent.

I hear David Brooks might be willing to take five minutes and bang out the same column twice a week, but we might not be able to afford to buy him another mansion.

Eh, I’m sure one of us can do it. How hard can it be to sit in an overstuffed leather chair, cigar in one hand, whiskey in the other, and sigh, “Dames!” twice a week?

Ivy Shoots
Ivy Shoots
11 years ago

“Top dogette?” I’m sure she knows the correct term for a female dog.

midol is a red pill
midol is a red pill
11 years ago

Just noticed, Paul Elam’s last name is “male” backwards. That’s a pen name, right? If not, LO-freakin-L.

11 years ago

I can let someone else be Photo Editor (a thankless job, has few perks of note): I want to to be the Food Editor.

11 years ago

Oh, if we have a Mangling editor I can take up the slack in Spindling. Mutilation available with 3-days advance notice.

11 years ago

I would happily take on the roll of Bee and Hivemind Keeper.

11 years ago

CassandraSays, I know you want to be Head Music Snob around these parts, but there is simply not room for two of us on this boogie board and you’re going to have to hop off. You see, I’m a freelance music journalist, and that means you, your significant other, and your hoarde of cats or whatever pets you have are all just getting by on my dime.

I would have taken this up with David Futrelle before now, but I didn’t want him to think I was just one of the stereotypical elitist music snobs who compulsively try to be the biggest talking head in any given space at any given time. But I’ve known since the beginning that you’re just a mean girl who’s jealous of my popularity, even though I’ve never mentioned my vocation here before and no other commenter has ever actually asked me for my advice about anything much less tuneage.

What it boils down to, however, is: I take it we’re both women, which translates into something not unlike The Highlander, meaning there can be only one. Because biology, I think. At least, that’s what Paul Elam would probably say, plus a whole lot more misogyny. So there you go.

11 years ago

David you is a very good writer who writes good at the writing stuff. (Which is particularly funny because I actually AM David, and I am addressing David, and it’s kittens ALL THE WAY DOWN.)