The WoolyBumbleBattle continues.
A couple of weeks back, you may recall, the excitable antifeminist videoblogger who goes by the name of TheWoolyBumblebee got herself kicked out of the A Voice for Men clubhouse after annoying Paul Elam with her incessant (but actually pretty much justified) attacks on libertarians and Men Going Their Own Way.
Naturally, there has been much drama since then.
Elam, doing his best to affect a certain world-weariness about it all, put forth a video offering his take on the subject with the understated title “On Ideologues, Isms and Evangelical Atheists.”
TheWoolyBumblebee — real name Kristina Hansen — has made no attempts to hide her feelings. She’s started a new blog called Menticulture that seems to be devoted entirely to bashing A Voice for Men. And with her husband, she’s produced not one but seven videos lambasting AVFM, ranging in length from 38 seconds to an hour and twenty minutes. The long video, by the way, is a point-by-point response to Elam’s video; a number of the more recent videos are attacks on regular AVFM contributor Karen Straughan, aka Girl Writes What. Hansen’s husband has also done a couple of videos by himself as well.
I’ve actually listened to them all, for better or worse. They’re angry and rambling, and for the most part not worth the effort — unless you just really love schadenfreude. While some of their criticisms of AVFM are on the mark, the two go off on weird pedantic tangents and seem rather too obsessed with Girl Writes What’s lack of academic credentials. (She was evidently a two-time college dropout.) Hansen’s husband also likes calling people faggots. Lovely.
I had at least hoped for some good inside dirt on AVFM’s main characters, but the Hansens have got very little to tell that isn’t obvious from the outside: John “The Other” Hembling is a liar? Tell me something I don’t know. Elam is a tin-pot tyrant who likes to get his way? Gosh, who could have possibly guessed that?
But I suppose it’s to be expected: these two agree with the irrational antifeminism that’s at the heart of AVFM, so it’s hardly surprising that their critiques don’t go far enough, and that they get bogged down in lots of irrelevant issues.
Still, in a recent post on her blog, Hansen makes her arguments against AVFM a bit more cogently than she does in any of the videos.
After assuring readers that her attacks on A Voice for Men aren’t driven by “vengeance, hurt feelings, or a desire to one-up anyone” — not sure I’m buying all this — she charges the principals at AVFM of letting their ideological predilections get in the way of providing real practical help to men.
I suggested several things we could have done to help men, such as applying for funding for men’s services through VAWA and other Gov’t agencies, and was told that they would never touch government money because … it is against their libertarian principles, and because that is ‘what feminists do’….
I admit feminists have done a lot of harm to men and boys, but they have also done a lot of good for women and it is THAT part which we need to look at and study in order to be able to adequately assist men in any real way. It is called working the system. If you want change, that is where you go to do it, and not by sitting on the sidelines waiting for the government to collapse.
But AVFM, she notes, seems much less interested in making things better for men than in keeping men in a permanent state of rage:
[Elam] keeps men in a state of anger, and hopelessness. He perpetuates the victim narrative and tries to keep you stuck in victim mode. And he is not the only one. The inflammatory rhetoric used by those at AVFM, like John, are carefully written to get you emotionally worked up. I know this to be the case because I was on several SKYPE calls with John when he wrote many of his articles. I know how he does it and why. It’s to keep you in a state of anger and despair. …
Anyone working in the helping professions worth their salt will tell you that the goal of their work is to help their clients free themselves of the need for their help. … But what Paul, John, Karen, and others at AVFM do, is keep you in a state of constant anger, helplessness, and need. They do not want you to get better. And why would they? … The more you rely on them the more they profit.
I don’t agree with TheWoolyBumbleebee about much, but this is spot on.
She also has some very pointed things to say about AVFM’s attempts to blame the suicide of Earl Silverman, a Canadian activist for male victims of domestic violence, on feminism.
There are men out there at this very moment that are truly hurting and suffering. Let’s start showing them we really care by doing things that make a real difference in their lives. Enough of the useless sitting on the sidelines bitching about how evil women are, how the government needs to collapse, or how the only way to solve things is to opt out. This is why Earl Silverman died. John wants to blame feminism, but the fact is that the men that were close to Earl at the end knew that his despair was borne of the failure of the MRM to actually DO anything.
Again, she has a point. By its own accounts, A Voice for Men raises literally tens of thousands of dollars a year — a considerable portion of which, I imagine, must end up in the pockets of Elam, who seems to have no other visible means of financial support, and/or in the pockets of Hembling, who has recently been promoted to a paid staff position. After Silverman’s death, AVFM raised money to help start an Earl Silverman center — a project now ironically in the hands of Hansen herself. Why couldn’t AVFM have used some of its fundraising ability to help Silverman fund his domestic violence shelter back when he was alive?
In my next post I’ll look at Girl Writes What’s response to all this.
The smell of sock is strong in this one.
Good news everyone! I’m having a Twitter feud with WBB. Apparently as of today she’s no longer an antifeminist, or something, and she’s mad that I didn’t know this before I wrote my piece last night. But I dunno, she sure doesn’t seem any different to me.
The fun never stops with WBB. Do these people seriously not remember the shit they’ve written/said?
Translation of Robert/Buntzums/Harley:
“Hey I pissed all over you, then you tell me to knock it off, then I explain to you all I meant well, so I double down with more pissing, threw in a dirty sock, and you didn’t even say thank you! How rude. I am clearly not welcome here. And obviously, I am entitled to special treatment from all while I politely piss on them, because I bought a “we hunted the mammoth to feed you” mug.”
I will now forever imagine that your voice is Professor Farnsworth’s, David.
I just saw ikonografer’s first comment here (it must have been caught in moderation).
OMG!!! Bwahahahaha! Hey, ikonografer, she was a fucking POE! I mean, I know it’s hard to keep up sometimes, but goddamn!
For everyone else, femitheist was a Youtuber. She said some horrible, outrageous shit like how we should castrate all men, etc. It was pretty obvious what she was doing but the MRAs took the bait. Hard. People even said “Hey, relax. She’s a Poe.” but the MRAs were all like
“Nuh-uh! This is how feminists really think! WE’VE GOT TEH PWOOF NAO!”
Shit almighty, this gets funnier all the time.
You know what, just as broken clocks are right twice a day, the quotes in the OP from Kristina Hansen are actually good points – the MRM could learn from how organisations with feminist goals work with government to achieve their aims, even if she phrases that rather cynically as ‘working the system’. However, the MRM simply isn’t interested in that, because it fundamentally is an anti-woman ideology of self-reinforcing hate, rather than being focussed ‘for’ the advocacy of men’s issues and the betterment of society in total.
Then of course, she goes and ruins that by being a total douchebag on Twitter. Oh well!
Try generating an actual account on the FTB site, here. If you use the same e-mail address as your normal WordPress account it will grab your
GravatarCatvatar, and everything. Owing to the incessant trolling of the slimy likes of ikonografer/WBB/Mykeru (Michael Cortese) etc., you have to be logged in to be able to post on PZ’s blog.buntzumz: You made a comment (more than once) about someone’s mental health that you can’t defend. When called on it, you pretend it’s about something else altogether.
It doesn’t make you (nor your friends, and [for the nonce] I’m willing to assume Harley isn’t you), the anti-Christ. It makes you an asshole. If you owned it, instead of being passive aggressive about it that would have gotten you a different ration of shit.
And doubling down, with how much you’ve supported “us”? That’s more passive aggressive bullshit. You did that because you thought it worthwhile. If your support comes with the strings that none of us can ever gainsay your being an asshole… I for one would return be glad to return any money you had given me.
Because that’s a seriously dicked up way to look at the world.
Thanks, Xanthe, I’ll give it a whirl! 🙂
I’m just so tired of people nailing themselves to a cross over simple criticism…
When I went and looked up who were all those feminists who say “gender traitor” all the time, all I found was femitheist. Colour me surprised its a Poe.
Aaliyah: I’ve been busy (stuff, had a birthday, work, a play, got hit by a bicycle messenger, rehearsals for a show I’m not in {was subbing for a back-up singer who wasn’t available that day} some political writing, gardening, helping a writer I know with some background material for her present project). All minor stuff, but which ate my spare time.
Hellkell, Yay for a procedure which went well.
THANK YOU pecunium!
I was trying to articulate that though for the past 20 minutes, and eventually just gave up, and settled for a 1-sentence sigh.
Oooh, and sorry to hear about the bike strike. 🙁
That sounds really difficult.
You can never get that last nail in.
Pecunium, since now seems as good a time as any, you’ll be happy to here that I freed up a Big Pot and all my cactī now reside together in a nice deep pot. The roots one the succulent that came in a shallow tray where indeed teeny tiny clumps (I hadn’t repotted it because some fucking asshole decided that GLUING rocks over the dirt was a good idea, I actually had to wedge the rocks free of the pot to get at the plant)
And I killed another umbrella tree via overwatering (this is three now, one was the probably doomed one I said fuck it and tried turning into a bonsai, one froze during Nemo, and this one fell victim to root rot. And yes, I intend to try again.)
Sounds good to me (well, except for the part about getting hit by a bicycle).
Oh, and seconding you re: hellkell!
I’m trying to be more active at my blog (Better Than Salt Money) which also takes time. Even a simple post about something like the NSA crap takes most of an hour to assemble. Stuff about being hit by bicycles and drinking whisky and spinning, that takes about the same.
But, I gives you KITTEHS!
Kittieeeeeeeeeeees! Adorable kitties!
::dies of cute::
What is with cats and shoes?! It’s like they know they’re extra adorable when hiding behind your boots!
That’s exactly what I thought, Argenti! I call Mads Imelda, she has such a thing for shoes.