This won’t be news to a lot of you — I’m a little late getting to it — but our old pal Tom Martin, the repulsive British MRA celebrity, is actually going ahead with the somewhat baffling video “women and comedy” project he was babbling about in the comments here many months ago, when he was still allowed to comment here. Well, “actually going ahead with it” this August if he can get anyone else to agree to work for him for free minimum wage.
The documentary project is called “Laughing with Women” and, Martin explains, it will “investigat[e] if gold-digging impairs women’s joke-making ability, and if, when women reject gold-digging in all its forms, they can become instantly funnier.”
In case that didn’t make sense to you — don’t worry, that’s a completely natural reaction — Tom explains his, er, “logic” a bit further in a jobs listing he’s posted in hopes of finding a crew, which has already gotten a good deal of ridicule over at PZ Myers’ and on at least one comedy website.
Why are women, on average, slightly less funny than men? Does gold-digging in particular impede women’s joke-making ability? When women publicly reject gold-digging, do they become as funny, or even funnier than men?
In his numerous visits to Man Boobz, Martin expounded at length on the topic of gold-digging women, generally referring to them by his preferred term, the shorter and blunter “whores.” Martin has previously estimated that roughly 97% of women fit this description, and has suggested that female penguins are also whores. Frankly, once he gets going on the topic, it’s hard to shut him up, which is partly why he’s no longer welcome in the comments here.
In any case, this odd hypothesis will be tested, Martin says, with a “radical, and revealing street-based social experiment.”
Still puzzled? Mike Booth, the British video comedian behind SomeGreyBloke and Dan Cardamon, has managed to tease out a few more details from Martin (posting here as sexismBusters):
Martin is confident that his proposed video will blow the lid off this whole “women and gold-digging and comedy, no really, they’re connected” thing:
If the radical, and revealing street-based social experiment at the centre of our documentary proves gold-digging does make women less funny (as pre-production research suggests) then our findings will make headlines around the world, our film’s two minute teaser trailer attached to all those news and blog articles (Update: this advert alone has already been blogged and tweeted about by outraged PC types).
The full documentary will be shot to a broadcast-quality standard and format, giving mainstream television companies worldwide the opportunity to purchase broadcasting rights (if they’re feeling brave enough) whilst we maintain a virtually guaranteed revenue stream from our already established hardcore of supporters and fans within the non PC gender equality field around the world, who, along with everyone else, will be able to enjoy Laughing with Women on newly launched pay-per-view channel, Vimeo on Demand (VoD) – where VoD itself takes a very modest 10% cut. The documentary has the potential to be translated into several languages – gold-digging a familiar if hidden story in every country, until now.
In other words, it sounds like some sort of video gold mine.
So I’d recommend that all gold-digging women out there try to get in on the ground floor of this Tom Martin dude.
Oh, and speaking of Dan Cardamon, here’s the faux MRA’s take on the project:
CORRECTION: This post originally stated that Martin wouldnt’ be paying his crew, but he says he will be paying them minimum wage, so I’ve corrected the relevant passage above.
EDITED TO ADD: Tom has shown up in the comments, and I’m letting his comments through (for now at least), so if you have any questions for him, feel free to head to the comments to address him directly.
If what Tom Martin says about sense of humor and gold-digging is true, then he must be a ruthless gold digger.
He tried to sue the LSE, I’d say he is a ruthless gold-digger. Too bad about that large judgement against him. Whoops.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to smash the whoriarchy.
To anyone who thinks I should have said “patriarchy”, not one single woman in the dating game show gave a patriarchy theory-adherent reason or excuse for gold-digging.
Many gave supremacist whoriarchy theory-adherent reasons for gold-digging though.
– icky, shit-headedness, and then signed the release form, so they can be a big star.
You will be interested to know how well those self-describing as “feminist” got on.
You’ll also be interested to know, how they responded to the photo profile of the handsome guy whose job listing was “men’s rights activist”.
You’ll have to subscribe to sexismbusters on youtube and twitter to get the trailer.
In a sea of shit right now, I need the encouragement.
Aww, poor baby needs his ego stroked. But not in a whoriarchy way like those gold-digging whores who wanted to be big stars.
Tom Martin, you make me feel incredibly grateful for my life. Because it could be worse, I could be you.
As I said, in a sea of shit right now, I need the encouragement.
“the handsome guy whose job listing was ‘men’s rights activist’”
Oh god they think it’s a real job now. XD
OMG, the shit-surfer himself is here, and I have to write performance evaluations? Damn. Well, you all have fun batting him around.
“approximately 92% of women signed release forms”
So, exactly how many women did you get? Five?
We got about 55 to 60 women.
I need the encouragement.
I dare say you’re in the wrong place for that.
Yup. Even if there were nothing wrong with the rest of his “methodology”, his silly little experiment would not be measuring whether women are funny – it would be measuring whether sexist men find women funny. As is so often the case, the women involved would have to be exceptionally skilled to pass the shit tests set for them by men already predisposed to hate them.
Of course, I can’t be sure, in the absence of context, but I’d bet the comedian was making fun of the people who actually think that way (*ahem*). A little black humor in the face of a world full of terrible things. That’s how I read it, anyway.
Really? I always thought “if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it” was originally a Dworkin quote.
So you proved that misogyny is a pan-gender problem. How groundbreaking.
So if they agree to be included in the “film”, they’ve proved your thesis, and if they don’t, no one watching your film will know they existed. Nice trap.
Tom, I encourage you to quit whining and get a real job.
Tom, you’re definitely in the wrong place for encouragement. Paddle faster, asshole. Get your ego stoked somewhere else.
No such thing as whoriarchy, nice try.
And, come on, pleeeease show us your humor rating system and your calibration jokes and your control group of men.
Emily [slur redacted by DF — in future I will just trash the entire comment, Tom],
The performance of all the women, whether they signed a release form or not, will be considered in the data.
Originally, we planned to have actresses reenact the performances of the women who refused to sign a release form, but there were so few refusals, no actresses will be required.
The Eight people I employed for this shoot encourage me to keep going (some of them have at least), but thanks for your valuable feedback.
And we don’t need a control group of men. The women’s humour levels are measured first off, to see “if left or right handers are funnier” and are then told that actually they’re in a dating-game show and have passed the test, so we will be comparing their gold-digger mode joke-making ability versus their already established neutral mode joke-making ability.
Hellkell is the name you give to someone called Kelly, going through her ‘terrible two year old’ phase. What is your motivation, Hellkell, now you’re inhabiting an adult’s body, to align yourself with a mythical place full of misery and pain? Light relief?
doop, dee doo, tempting the blockquote monster.
Much like exorcisms, fighting imaginary things with real actions can cause serious damage to no good effect.
From a man who defines Saudi fucking Arabia as the pinnacle of the whoriarchy, forgive us if we suspect your grasp on definitions.
Not particularly.
Even less so.
I also need to eat walnuts to go into anaphylactic shock. That seems like a more preferable option.
From US? Sorry, man. I’m all out of anchors.
So you came here?
*hides the walnuts* even if it is preferable to Tom “whoriarchy” Martin we like you better, so no walnuts for you.
Go back to penguins Tom, that was actually funny. Idfk how someone who can’t be funny in a laughing with him sense is going to rate humor.
By encouragement I think he may mean he needs us to prove that feminists aren’t funny and thus he’s right. And seeing how my pirated date with a pirate vampire is finally on…busy! (I got VtM:B running on the mac and JACK!)
I had an interesting weekend. Not only did I make a friend laugh so hard that zie literally wet zirself, but my boyfriend BOUGHT (as in, with his man-money!!!) me ice cream.
I am a gold-digging whore penguin with bladder-subverting humor. Can you explain this paradox, Tom?
Curse you blockquote.
Hey Tommyboy, what’s wrong? Did you really come here thinking we were going to kiss your boo-boos? After you’ve done nothing but call us whores?
Thanks for asking, but my life is great. I’m not you and have all my hair.
You just said upthread you pretended to be doing a dating show, so why would anyone talk about either feminist theory (assuming any of your
victimsparticipants know anything about it) or your moronic pet notions? You really think gold-digging is a thing, or that anyone besides yourself and similarly obsessed, willfullly stupid misogynists think about it?You’re a lying little shitstain, Tommy boy. 0/10 on the decent human being test.