![Ladies love men in groups.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/9-silent-still-group.jpg?resize=580%2C429&ssl=1)
What do women want? Dudes. In groups. Especially dudes who hate them.
That, in any case, seems to be the conclusion drawn by a blogger who calls himself Hipster Racist, and who seems to be a white supremacist of some kind. Anyway, he’s written a little post about the rise of Reddit’s Red and Blue Pill Subreddits and how they illustrate the Mannerbund Effect, a theory that helps to explain just why it is that the ladies allegedly like getting up in men’s business so much.
Here’s how HR tells the story of the two subreddits:
Someone created a section of reddit called TheRedPill which is devoted to “game,” seduction and anti-feminism. Essentially, a group of young men comparing notes on their various romantic successes and failures, which for obvious reasons, include a lot of frustration and what some might call misogyny. … Some of these men talk about “gaming” women in the same sense you might talk about training a dog. Gaming bitches, they might even say.
Yeah, some might call that misogyny.
The men’s romantic advice to each other essentially boils down to: women are selfish and incapable of love, so never fall in love, just improve yourself, lift weights, make money, dress better, and the women will come running.
Yeah, some might call that misogyny too.
As if on cue, the women show up and create TheBluePill a section of reddit exclusively focused on mocking, shaming, and attacking TheRedPill with anti-male rhetoric just as critical and harsh and the anti-female rhetoric of TheRedPill.
Now, pretty much none of that is true. TheBluePill is populated by a lot of dudes as well as women and the subreddit is basically an elaborate parody of the Red Pill subreddit, punctuated by occasional serious posts when people there are too astonished by the misogyny to make jokes about it. Take a look. If you can find any sincere anti-male rhetoric within it, posted by a regular commenter and with net upvotes, I’ll literally mail you a dollar.
But what is so fascinating about the dynamic is this: the men exclusively discuss how to improve themselves, while the women exclusively discuss … how the men can improve themselves. Obviously, they have very different views of what “improvement” looks like, the men essentially say “be more macho” while they women essentially say “be less macho.”
Well, not exactly. The advice in The Blue Pill subreddit is really only implicit advice, and it isn’t so much “be less macho” as it is “don’t be a misogynistic, manipulative, rapey asshole who gets validation from a bunch of other misogynistic, manipulative, rapey assholes like those Red Pill dudes on Reddit.”
Anyway, so Mr. Hipster Racist thinks that what all this means is that the Blue Pill ladies want the Red Pill men, and want them bad.
The dynamic plays itself out, over and over again, constantly. A group of men get together – the Mannerbund is formed – and do something. The women then show up, watch the men, and either cheer them, or heckle them.
But when the boys get together, the one thing the girls cannot do is ignore them.
Mr. Racist refers us to the manosphere-famous video of the protests of the Warren Farrell talk at the University of Toronto from last year. He points us to one female protester who became notorious in the manosphere for shouting at one of Farrell’s male fans, declaring him to be a “fucking rape apologist, incest supporting, woman hating, fucking scum.”
To Mr. Racist, only one thing could be driving this much apparent hate: pure animal lust.
Look at the man, look at the woman, and look at how the woman is looking at the man. Look at her eyes.
You could cut that sexual tension with a knife.
No. Just no. Sometimes a “you fucking rape apologist” is just a “you fucking rape apologist.”
So, anyway, someone took the opportunity to post Mr. Racist’s reflections on the Mannerbund Effect to the Red Pill subreddit — well, ok, that “someone” was Mr. Racist himself — where it met with many huzzahs.
My favorite comment of the bunch comes– surprise! — from Mr. Racist, posting as jack50s; it’s almost Penthouse Lettersesque in its sophomoric eroticism:
Later, Mr. Racist wandered into the Blue Pill subreddit, and quickly convinced himself that everyone there, including me, had the hots for him. (To be fair, I did kind of lead him on a little.)
Huh. Apparently I’ve been awarded some sort of honorary Women’s Studies Degree from the Dean of Pompous Nazi Blogger University. That will help to ease the sting of rejection a little. A little. At least I have my cats.
Intern, that’s the thing of it: The Red Pill bottom line is that the feeeeemale always wants to fuck them, no matter what.
I don’t get the frat/sorority thing. Why did he say the girls were servicing the guys? Why is it when a man and woman have sex, they think its like she’s sacrificing something for his pleasure, rather than them just mutually enjoying it?
Now that’s not entirely true. He does appear to make leaps back and forth between “fictional grade school” mindset and thinking every college experience everywhere is like Animal House.
Women don’t enjoy sex, silly
Men writing about how women are disgusting, violent, incapable, weak rulers of the world (because of the sexy)= independent men.
People writing about how these guys are ridiculous and/or hateful about things that don’t exist, and ‘why won’t they go their own way already?)= being a fan and wanting to submit.
Makes perfect sense. Zero projection here.
Oh, the little tykes always write silly things when they haven’t had their milk and cookies before bed. And if they like to play with all boy gangs why get all defensive and claim it’s to attract women?
Off topic: Did you hear Tom Martin’s attempting to make a documentary? Job listings under this video:
You know, it’s ironic that a man who subscribes to a knock off, inverse attempt at imitating feminism, is accusing feminists of being a knock off, inverse attempt at imitating the MRM.
These guys need to start an audiovisual equipment rental business. They have got ALL the projectors.
That explains the “successes”
Rule # 1 of The Bitter Online Misogynist’s Guide To Dealing With Criticism:
When women and other men call you out on the cesspool of misogyny, deluded self-importance and utter detachment from external reality that your “movement” has become, claim that your “movement”, despite all evidence to the contrary, is just an innocuous group of innocent guys trying to improve themselves/go their own way/help men, then attempt to spin their criticism as them being obsessed with you, despite that you spend all day every day obsessively thinking about/whining about/trying desperately to have sex with women and get online approval from other men.
The logic of this is infallible. Apparently if a group of men get together women MUST pay attention, but if a bunch of ladies you don’t know decide to ignore you, how would you know??
The idea that women/feminists are bothered by men improving themselves is easily debunked by the fact that there aren’t websites devoted to women/feminists mocking guys wanting to get into better shape, nor websites mocking guys wanting to improve their fashion, nor websites mocking guys wanting to improve their financial situation. Nor are there feminists mocking groups that ACTUALLY do shit to help men and aren’t anti-feminist.
I don’t give a shit if you want to improve your appearance or your financial life or move out of the country or not get married, and I applaud you if you actually want to do more to raise awareness of men and boys who are abused or victims of sexual assault, or men who are struggling with issues like depression. Women aren’t mocking “men improving themselves”, they’re mocking PUAs and redpillers. Women aren’t mocking “men who don’t want to get married”, they’re mocking mgtow’s. They’re not mocking “men trying to help men”, they’re mocking mra’s. You want to get into better shape and dress better or not get married or help men, do it WITHOUT the feminist-bashing and misogyny and I guarantee you feminists won’t have any problem with you.
@dustball: The whole “Männerbund” thing is drawn from German anthropology around the turn of the century. The idea is that of a formal association of men (women excluded) for an institutional purpose (warriors, ecclesiastical hierarchies, houses at boarding school, etc. etc.) It’s an almost impossibly broad concept, but in general such associations are characterised by misogyny (which Mr. Racist would approve of) and, amusingly given the MRM’s homophobia, pervasive homoeroticism.
Things I’m apparently sexually attracted to: people who spit in public, Republicans, animal abusers, spiders.
This is going to be a difficult discussion with my girlfriend, who is none of these things. Maybe I can convince her to wear a spider costume?
This is off topic, but I have a question some of you may be able to answer. A few years ago, I heard about this Canadian politician in the 19th century who was a supporter of women’s suffrage before it was a thing. People thought he was courageous to take that stand, because that was pretty much assured political suicide (men voters would be against him, and women weren’t about to get the vote anyway). Well a few years ago, some people found documents/evidence indicating that that politician was in fact born a woman. He was born in Ireland during the famine (I think) and emigrated to Canada in his young teens with his two young brothers, and no parents. One brother died in the boat, and he (she at the time) apparently took his brother’s identity, married a Canadian woman and got elected in Parliament decades later.
I’m not sure if the evidence for this narrative is strong, of if it’s just conjecture (if he was for women’s vote, he must have been secretly a woman!). It may be complete bullshit. But if it’s not, I want to research primary sources to find out more about it and perhaps come up with a research paper.
If it helps anybody, I’m pretty sure I heard this story on “This American Life,” about 4 or 5 years ago (it could have been a re-run from years before that). I just can’t find which episode anymore.
I repeat, it might be hogwash, but has anyone heard of this story? Know his name? I seem to recall his first name was “John,” but I might be making this up.
I just thought I’d try, I’ve been trying to find this info for a while now.
“You’re personality is repulsive…”
wow I could cut the sexual tension with a knife
Should have asked him of he was going to start crying right then and there at his computer monitor when you took the piss out of him.
@Nepenthe: Have you seen that Cracked article about the worst porn on internet? Where the number one spot was a man getting it on with some spider monster?
God, no fucking kidding… Thanks Kramer, you adorably roly-poly, deaf, white voyeur.
Also, is this guy a potential rapist or something? I know I can ask this about a lot of boobz but never has it been so obvious and in your face
@j Yeah, this attitude definitely seems indirectly rapey. Rationalizing (well, I don’t know if that’s the right word…) away any possibility that a woman could refuse consent.
Just because your mangina tingles when a lady gets angry at you doesn’t mean the lady’s vagina is also tingling when she’s angry at you. Just because you want your friend’s cookie doesn’t mean your friend wants to share it with you. Anyone with theory of mind, and even many without it, should understand this by age 5 or so.
The sad part is, the guy could probably find a woman’s who is into angry conflict sex (or whatever) within about 10 minutes (have you even been on teh internet lately, guy? There are websites for this), if he really wanted to. Instead, he thinks the entire world should just rearrange itself around his personal preferences and he should never have to ever wrap his mind around the idea that other people have their own unique likes and dislikes and identities and that he has a social obligation to respect that.
If redpilling it up in the He-man Woman Hater’s Exclusive Club really worked, why would the redpill subreddit even need to exist, one wonders?
Actually, what I’ve been thinking about all day long is the argument that effective birth control is just as bad as abortion, because it keeps the sperm and the egg from coming together and fertilizing, and it is just as much a murder to prevent it before conception as it is to abort it afterwards. More specifically, I’ve been thinking about how the argument logically extends to abstinence being as bad as abortion, and wondering why the people who are so opposed to murdering babies through birth control are so completely in favour of murdering babies by not having sex at all. This is, of course, assuming that keeping an egg from being fertilized really is murdering a baby.
Now that really is amazing! Though, to be fair, I’ve probably only given it half an hour’s thought over the course of the day.
We’re MRAs, we aren’t interested in respecting “boundaries” or using “logic” or “being in touch with reality”
More on topic. and feel free to mock me if I’m showing ignorance here, but what the hell is a mannerbund? Is it somehow related to Benedict Cumberbatch? (My family have a habit of mispronouncing him as Benedict Cummerbund… it’s funny…. oh shush.)