a woman is always to blame dozens of upvotes evil women facepalm grandiosity imaginary oppression literal nazis matriarchy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim reddit shit that never happened straw feminists whaaaaa? woman's suffrage

Men’s Rights Redditor: “By giving women the right to vote without being subject to conscription, feminism has brought on wars, killing, concentration camps, starvations and endless cruelties.”

Evil women voting for starvation.
Evil womens voting for starvations.

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars are engaging in a bit of self-reflection. Well, that may be a bit of a generous description on my part. They’re discussing the question “Are we fanatics?” Not surprisingly, they conclude that they aren’t.

Yet this is the most upvoted comment in the thread:


Those of you who have studied twentieth century history may have remembered Lady Hitler’s war on the Jews, the Romani people, and homosexuals; the Great Feminist Purges of Lady Stalin; the Cultural Revolution of Lady Mao. (Oh, wait, there actually was a Madame Mao, and she was a pretty evil gal, though she owed her power largely to her husband and was ousted shortly after his death.)

Moving on from all that war and starvation stuff, let’s return to that first sentence, since MRAs are so fond of blaming eeevil feminists for the draft.

The link in that sentence goes to a discussion of an organization called The Order of the White Feather. Take it away, Wikipedia:

In August 1914, at the start of the First World War, Admiral Charles Fitzgerald founded the Order of the White Feather with support from the prominent author Mrs Humphrey Ward. The organization aimed to shame men into enlisting in the British Army by persuading women to present them with a white feather if they were not wearing a uniform.

It’s worth pointing out that at the start of WWI, people of all political stripes and in all the countries involved were pretty gung-ho for the war. Even the big socialist parties of the day quickly forgot their pledges of international solidarity in favor of supporting their national war efforts.

So where do the evil feminists come in? Well, a couple of the most famous British suffragettes signed onto the White Feather crusade:  Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst. And yes, they supported compulsory national service — though they supported it for both men and women: men would go to war, while women would be required to work in factories.

Of course, the Order of the White Feather didn’t represent all feminists at the time. Indeed, it didn’t even represent all the Pankhursts: Christabel’s sisters Sylvia and Adela were pacifists.

Even aside from all that blather about feminists being responsible for wars and concentration camps, it’s highly misleading to present the story of the Order of the White Feather as “proof” that feminists are warmongering all-male-draft-lovers. As a quick visit to Google will demonstrate, feminism has a long history of antiwar activism, dating back to the 19th century — when feminists first organized Mother’s Day as a protest of war.

But, hey, MRAs, if you want to invent your own mythological version of history, knock yourself out. You only make yourselves look like the fanatics you are.

Thanks to this thread in the AgainstMensRights Subreddit for pointing me to this most edifying discussion.

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Actual pix of Lady Hitler, Lady Stalin, etc.
There’s… a lot of panty shots in MRAhistory books.

11 years ago

The Viking raids according to MRA’s

In the 800’s, life in jolly old England was great for men. The women were submissive, they were good cooks, and they understood that men and women had complimentary roles. But all good things must come to an end, and for them, it ended when ship loads of alpha assholes from Scandinavia arrived.

The English women swooned for the Vikings, because they looked like Brad Pitt. The women jumped on the Viking cock carousel immediately, and bragged, “Look at us, sleeping with these alphas! From now, we will friendzone all English men. Grrrrl power!” Then they got on the Viking ships, and said “Take us to Denmark! Man up and marry us, because we want babies!” But Vikings were alphas, and they would not man up and marry used up sluts in their 30’s.

The women ran back to the English men. “Why can’t I find nice guys like you?!” they cried. But the English men had wizened up and read The Spearhead, so they laughed at those women and said “I hope you enjoy being ALONE WITH YOUR CATS!” The Vikings went on to start up an NFL franchise in Minneapolis.

11 years ago

But the English men had wizened up and read The Spearhead

Greatest typo ever. “Bitter old men, mad that they can’t force pretty, young women to be attracted to them” sums up so, so, sooo many MRA rants

11 years ago

Ha ha ha, oops! Well, my typo makes it more authentic anyway. 🙂

11 years ago

That is the greatest typo ever!

I’m totally going to turn these histories into a blog post, or maybe a whole series of blog posts. 😀

11 years ago

So… I think I’m done with looking for sparks of rationality in the MRM. Seriously, allowing women to vote and not forcing them into the military causes wars?
News flash, MRAs, the UK doesn’t force anybody into the military, not even mens! And yet, the public over here are generally not in favour of wars, not even the womens!!

Still, I’m happy to see girlwriteswhat in that thread. For a while I was under the impression that she was a rational person with some questionable views, but, no. Allowing the vote while not forcing military service is a moral hazard, a huge one no less. So I’m done with giving any of them the benefit of the doubt.

Dear MRAs,
Learn to rational.

11 years ago

You know, I tried to think of a ‘legit’ variation on the argument for paper abortion. Instead of comparing it to abortion, I tried to compare it to safe-haven laws. But even then, the comparison fails because of how things play out–a woman is only ‘privileged’ in being able to abandon an infant at a safe haven if the bio-father is already out of the picture. If he’s aware of the kid, then he can either agree to the abandonment, or he can take custody and demand support payments from the mother, just as she could have demanded support payments from him.

So, yeah, still implodes, even after being a ‘better’ argument than the one about abortion.

11 years ago

American History

Queen Isabella of Spain told Cristopher Columbus to go to India to get her perfumes and dresses. She told him to go west because women are dumb and they don’t know geography. But even though Cristopher was abeta mangina willing to take orders from a woman, he was still a man and therefore stronger and smarter than women and so he found America.

Then, the PGTOWs (Puritans Going Their Own Way) decided to go to America to get away from the misandrist European women and teach them a lesson (Europe become dominated by feminist misandrists and that’s why America is so much better than Europe).

Later, the British women, angry that the PGTOWs had managed to evade their sexual power, made all the manginas around get guns and go to America to get revenge. They made them all wear red coats because they hate all men and wanted them to get shot at.

Of course George Washington defeated all the british manginas and everything was great until the feMRAs that had come with the PGTOWs screwed everything up, like women do, and then eventually they got the vote and now white straight men are persecuted in America.

11 years ago


Love it! 😀

11 years ago

Fun facts : In the twenties, France almost granted voting rights to women and finally didn’t because of the opposition of senators of a leftist party (Parti radical) when, in the meantime, the Pope Benedict XV was openly supporting women’s suffrage.
Many leftists were afraid that women’s suffrage would renew the power of the church and that’s exactly what the Pope was aiming by supporting women’s voting rights.
When France finally granted voting rights to women in 1944, the cataclysm so many progressive men have feared for so long didn’t happen, the church didn’t regain the place it had in the French society before the revolution, it’s just that the communist party didn’t have the power it could have had if women weren’t allowed to vote. It’s finally what the influence of women’s suffrage had been during the 20th century, a barrier to communism, because women will always vote for security and stability and never for the revolution. Since 1944, every kind of political extremism has slowly disappeared, there is not anymore such thing as far right (they now advocate for securitarian hedonism : put a cop everywhere to protect the “right” to eat sausages and drink wine in some lounge club peacefully, i.e protected from the Muslims), the far left is now a bunch of early retired civil servants who fight for the small privileges the state has always given to public servants since WWII and, from time to time, organize a barbecue party to advocate for the regularization of illegal immigrants. Women’s suffrage killed political extremism, killed the violence, the meaning and the fun in politics.
Some Men wanted to make the revolution by fighting for women’s voting rights, women transformed society into an immense retirement home. Morality : women are always too boringly conservative, they’ll always spoil all the fun at some point, that’s why men tried to keep them in the kitchen : to prevent women from transforming the world into a woman’s kitchen.

11 years ago

I’m still under moderation because of the Femen video? Lol, you’re such puritans.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Hi Marie!

11 years ago

Brz, I dare you to make less sense.

11 years ago

Ah, but Brz’s hang-ups remain intact.

11 years ago

Brz is ALWAYS being an enormous asshole. FauxFrench variety, of course.

11 years ago

Oh wow Brz, I didn’t think you had it in you. That MRA faux-history is really good, nobody could really believe that unless their heads were firmly planted up their own asses.
Oh, right…

11 years ago

@David Futrelle
Yes, it was because I posted a video where one can see some Femen’s tits (and, incidentally, hear them shouting slogans)

I don’t think that I was an enormous asshole at this moment, or maybe I was, I still don’t understand clearly your definition of what constitutes assholery and what’s the difference between casual, benign assholery and enormous assholery.

God's Fool
God's Fool
11 years ago

BRZ, interesting perspective. I’m a man, but even if your theory about women being more moderate is correct, I would say this is a good thing and it’s actually a good reason why women should be able to vote. After all, wars are generally caused by lack of moderation. So do you want peace or not?

11 years ago

I don’t think that I was an enormous asshole at this moment, or maybe I was, I still don’t understand clearly your definition of what constitutes assholery and what’s the difference between casual, benign assholery and enormous assholery.

I am unsurprised. If you were cognizant of how enormous an asshole you are, you would spend the next five or six days crouched in a corner, rocking.

11 years ago

I think I’ve heard something of a “grandmother theory” for menopause; that women would have more reproductive success by helping care for their grandchildren instead of going through more risky pregnancies.

11 years ago

Hi Marie!

Hi Kittehs! 😀

brz related, but should I even be bothering to read his comments? They all seem the same and he’s really boring.

Wow, my vow not to read didn’t last long as I saw this:

I still don’t understand clearly your definition of what constitutes assholery and what’s the difference between casual, benign assholery and enormous assholery.

Shorter brz: What’s the maximum amount of asshole I can be and get away with?

11 years ago

I’ve heard similar ideas about the “grandmother theory” as well. Women developed the menopause because older women are useful to have around as extra childcare and also as midwives/nurses/healers and also maintain and pass on knowledge about these things. They developed the menopause so they would stop having babies and be able to focus on these tasks.

But older men aren’t as useful for these purposes and tended to die earlier so there was no need a develop an equivalent to the menopause.

But like all speculation and theories about humanities ancient past we simply don’t know, so we can develop hypotheses but we will never know if they are actually true.

11 years ago

“But older men aren’t as useful for these purposes and tended to die earlier so there was no need a develop an equivalent to the menopause”

Or maybe they were useful, but didn’t take health risks by being fertile.