a woman is always to blame antifeminism cock blockade creepy drama kings evo psych fairy tales female beep boop grandiosity homophobia irony alert literal nazis mansplaining masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy PUA reactionary bullshit red pill sex straw feminists the spearhead

Let’s talk about sex! (With the icky, icky dudes of The Spearhead)

Those sneaky, sexy ladies, always up to something!
Those sneaky, sexy ladies, always up to something!

So over on The Spearhead, the fellas are discussing journalist Daniel Bergner’s sexy new sex book What Do Women Want?: Adventures in the Science of Female Desire. It’s a book that challenges many conventional wisdoms, both scientific and popular, about sexuality and, as Salon puts it, portrays female sexuality as essentially “base, animalistic and ravenous.”

I haven’t read the book, but it’s worth pointing out that this is not exactly a new idea. Indeed, for long stretches of human history this was the conventional wisdom about female sexuality, a fact I can only presume that Bergner addresses in some form.

Of course, none of the fellows on The Spearhead have actually read the book either, including W.F. Price, so essentially they just use the occasion of its publication as an excuse to spout their own, er, theories about evil sex-desiring ladies.

Price, extremely old school himself, agrees that “women’s sexuality is a powerful and often disruptive force” that “can be terrible in its power.” But he also thinks that the good fellows in the “androsphere” — his preferred term for what others call the “manosphere” — have these sneaky sexy ladies all figured out, and that this “knowledge disarms much of that [evil sexy lady] power.”

So, he concludes, Bergner may actually be doing the dudes of the world a solid:

The Red Pill, in short, is simply the truth about female sexuality. All Bergner has done is repackage the red pill and make it look sexy, and even empowering to women. So I suppose we should give the guy credit for doing us a favor, because although it is being sold with some misleading advertising, at least his book will contribute to general knowledge about the ancient truths of the world.

Or so he assumes, anyway, not having read the book. (I wish I could get a job reviewing books without reading them.)

Naturally, the Spearhead commentariat has many, erm, intriguing thoughts on the matter. So let’s look at some highlights — by which, as always, I mean lowlights. (And it goes without saying that all these comments got numerous upvotes from Spearhead readers.)

DCM offers some thoughts on female brains, and why the ladies need to be held in check and, I guess, never told that they’re pretty (even if you want to bone them):

Females’ minds are slightly but noticeably more primitive than men’s. Few of them will achieve mental and emotional maturity till they are old and infertile.

There’s little hope of getting most females to be rational, however smart they may be; they can only be somewhat repressed via ethics enforced by other females and the law, or men can be educated from childhood to see them as they are and not give in to the semi-instinctive idealization of females that’s part of the mating urge.

The latter is probably simpler and better.

Joeb offers a long and admittedly baffling manifesto, filled with parables and mixed metaphors and words used in, well, let’s just call them idiosyncratic ways. I’m trimmed out some of the really confusing bits, so what is left should be merely confusing.

Human sexuality is a red herring for the female to divert the real issue

Men cringe and cower to the mere mention of sex . Females use this red herring the same way the Government uses feminism .

As a shield .

If ,we all stop thinking with the most basic human drive and start thinking with are Mind’s , We need to put away anything remotely attributed to the visualization of sex during the other 23 hours a day . and push the real issue’s that stem from these basic drives in overdrive …

As long as females can divert the argument to sex they win . …

The red pill gives us a release from this Bondage .

I like to call Blue pill males ” Males still tied to the mask . We are all on a ship with rules and a limited space . As soon as you wake to the horror of your enslavement to the mask , Doesn’t mean you are not still enslaved . Shanghaiing refers to the practice of conscripting men as sailors by coercive techniques such as trickery, intimidation, or violence.

Does this sound familiar . …

Continue Taking the regiment of the red pill and you will start seeing Life boats , Islands and other men on the boat .

Its not a one time Pill its a regiment .

Being deprogrammed from Bondage is a painstaking task . All that’s needed to derail this process is The Captain to throw a few galley wags to the sailor and he calms down and works hard .

Don’t get sidetracked by sexual issue’s they have nothing , I say nothing to do with Men’s rights . The Government is the privateer and we are the conscripted Male .

Conscription have been used for Thousands of years , Hitler , pirates , the Chinese , Mongols , The British , To build army’s of slaves .

We still fall for that one every time And it never ends well .

Keyster is a tad more coherent, if equally backward:

The Red Pill is understanding female sexual power.
If you’re an unattractive woman or lesbian you might be a feminist because you have such limited sexual power – over men.


Women wanted “rights” and “liberation”, but insisted on keeping their sexual power, much to the dismay of strident feminists. The male needs to understand female sexual power. Most are entranced by it while not even knowing it. There are untold fables and metaphor for this, from The Fall to Odysseus to Cleopatra and Mark Anthony.

It’s a “backlash” against women wanting feminism AND sexual power. Their sexual power is diminishing every day. The more they behave like men, the less sexual power they have…the less power they have at all.

I confess I don’t really understand sven thomas’ deal at all. Oh, his argument I get. It’s his, well, vocabulary that puzzles me.


The Author is late to the party.

5,000 years ago we witnessed Eve being tempted by the serpents as she lusted after da lostasts cockasz.

About 2800 years ago we witnessed Helen deserting her family/husband and running off with a PUA and causing a war, whence tens of thousands perished.

The important thing for MEN to see here is why the Neoconsosnz banned the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN–because they teach of the TRUE NATURE of women.

Women are only Virgins and nice and good when they are raised by STRICT, HEROIC MEN who reign over their fallen sexuality via their manly honor, as exalted in THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.


And a zlozozozozzo to you too, sven, whatever that is!

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11 years ago

It’s pretty cheap to be quoting Spearhead commenters as if they in any way reflect the mainstream MRA community, like AVfM and the like.

But that’s SOP for Fatrelle here.

OK, shitwit. WHERE are the moderate we hear so much about? If you think AVfM is moderate, what with PaulE writing that fucking feminist’s shit up gives him and erection, his calls for jury nullification in rape trials, and hosting Thomas Ball’s manifesto under “actvisim” is moderate, you are fucking delusional and stupid.

11 years ago

And nice insult towards David. Is that your best work?

11 years ago

Probably is. Trollboy obviously isn’t too bright.

11 years ago

It’s pretty cheap to be quoting Spearhead commenters as if they in any way reflect the mainstream MRA community, like AVfM and the like.

Ooh, complaining about this site using “cheap” tactics? Incoming hypocrisy in three, two…

But that’s SOP for Fatrelle here.

And there it is!

11 years ago

Funny, I keep thinking there’s this blogroll with so many names … I keep thinking I’ve read articles here about Farrell and Elam and GWW and Woolly Bumblebee and Roissy and MarkyMark and Reddit’s Men’s Rights … but no, it must be imagination, Dave only ever writes about commenters at the Spearhead!

11 years ago

Have a look at this – a dumbfuck Repub* telling everyone about his manly man brain. Priceless.

*I know it’s a tautology. I just wanted to write it.

11 years ago

Auggzilliary said:

“The whole Adam and Eve story is completely wrong. Lets just say that eve was tempted to sex. Great. Now they’re banging in the Garden of Eden. Now why did God have to throw them out for that?”

You know, my liberal Christian father has an interesting take on that story. His explanation was that God was afraid of them. By eating the apple they had stolen free will and could make their own judgements about God’s behaviour. They were in a position to argue with him and they had a good chance of being right. Also, there was the Tree Of Life in the garden as well and WTF would happen if the decided they wanted to eat the fruit of that one as well? They’d be immortal and continually arguing with him! So he tossed them out before they got the chance to realize the implications. Dad didn’t much like God in the OT. He thought he was a really bad father and should have stopped giving his kids orders and actually discussed and explained things to them. Things would have gone so much easier if God had talked to people rather tha flinging orders around all the time!

I’m not a Christian but I really love comparative religion and to me that’s really the only scenario that makes any logical sense of that mess.

11 years ago

The Spearhead commetariat attracts some weirdos, because Price casts his net wide, beyond the Manosphere as generally understood (that is, MRAs). It’s pretty cheap to be quoting Spearhead commenters as if they in any way reflect the mainstream MRA community, like AVfM and the like.

“Weirdos,” eh? I wouldn’t call them that considering that all mainstream MRAs are bigoted assholes one way or another. And regular The Spearhead commentariat remain there because their worldviews are in agreement with those of The Spearhead writers. Which means that they are, indeed, representative of The Spearhead. And of course there is proof that the commentariat in agreement are horrible human beings.

Oh, and the likes of AVfM are fucking despicable, so you aren’t doing a good job of arguing that the mainstream MRA community is all nice and tolerant. Moreover, it’s quite clear that The Spearhead commentariat and the AVfM community share far more similarities than differences.

So yeah, your argument is full of shit.

But that’s SOP for Fatrelle here.

Yay for more fat-phobic insults! That sure makes you look tolerant. Now shoo.

11 years ago

Your dad was right, seranvali – there’s also the whole question of why God put those trees in the garden in the first place? He lets two people with the mental development of toddlers loose and leaves the equivalent of a saucepan of boiling water with its handle sticking out over the stove … then he blames them? Fuuuuuuuck.

11 years ago

Seranvali, I really like that version.
Drew, you must be fun at parties.

11 years ago

I’m married to a very hot black woman. We’ve been together for 13 years. When we first got together, I was a total blue piller. I would have wiped her ass if she would have asked me to. Fast forward to 2006. I started taking better care of myself and started competing in brazilian jiu jitsu tournaments to try to bring out the beast within. I also stopped taking shit from her. I started going with my gut on things or speaking my mind if you will. It was a slow process but it was progress and our relationship has improved since i’ve started manning up. I discovered this community after reading “The great female con” by Andey Randead and “The married man sex primer” by Athol. She struggles dealing with my new found attitude. When ever I try to do certain things alpha where in the past I have reacted beta, I am met with harsh resistance. After a day or two she will usually submit. However, it’s extremely exhausting trying to tame this woman.

That is so amazing I can only reply with a youtube link because my brain literally cannot…. Wow. Fnord.

Amusing things:

Females’ minds are slightly but noticeably more primitive than men’s. Few of them will achieve mental and emotional maturity till they are old and infertile.

There’s little hope of getting most females to be rational, however smart they may be; they can only be somewhat repressed via ethics enforced by other females and the law, or men can be educated from childhood to see them as they are and not give in to the semi-instinctive idealization of females that’s part of the mating urge.

The latter is probably simpler and better.

“Slightly more primitive” leads directly to “somewhat repressed” and “educated from childhood to see them as they are(=”inferior”)”.

That isn’t just strange, that’s laughably evil. It’s like a bad parody of a movie villain talking about drapetomania and slaves. Oh, you know, the natural state of the Jew… bla bla. If it was actually the case that, over a large enough population, women’s minds were slightly more primitive than men’s (And spirits know what that even means since we’ve evolved from the same genetic stock, but I digress) how do get from that that to repressed and teach men to see truth because else they’ll fall for it? Someone can’t do higher maths quite as easily as I can? Clearly, I have an ethical imperative to keep them in the kitchen because of my generalized neurostructure! Your slightly more, and this could be a 1 % difference of any given value arbitrarily defined value, primitive brain means you just can’t do anything I can do. Ha ha!

Oh, MRA’s.

You know what, no. No I can’t just… I’m going to rant now. You should all just skip ahead and ignore me. Because that thing there, it’s so… Wrong. It’s so astonishingly wrong. It has to be fake. No one can really believe and think and write like that. It’s just not possible.

I’m married to a very hot black woman.

Congratulations. The first line isn’t bad – he’s married to someone beautiful, how nice, if that’s your definition of merit.

We’ve been together for 13 years

Congratulations. The second line isn’t bad – they’ve been married for a while.


When we first got together, I was a total blue piller. I would have wiped her ass if she would have asked me to.

And then suddenly terror. This has to be fake, right? No one in 2013 actually uses the phrase “I would have wiped her ass if she would have asked me to” and means it as a bad thing. If my SO wants me to wipe xir ass because xir is currently incapable of doing that, then I do it. Like, this might sound silly, but ass wiping is a pretty important thing. I worked 17 months in a maternity ward as a helper and, yeah, you fucking tell me how you expect to maintain any standards of hygiene without the willingness to do what must be done. That… did sound silly.

It’s so insular and fed up. Like, he’s just… There’s this List Of Things You Can Do That Are Cool, and another List Of Things You Cannot Do and they’re so rigidly inflexbile. It reminds me so much of Minter, I guess, which is why I feel the need to just rant and blather and stare but probably also the staying awake for 39 hours in a row to do more work and look, my point is this: Someone else gave this guy a list of things that are allowed, and he’s just accepted that and started making random statements about reality based on it, no introspection, no awareness, no situation context consideration. It’s so utterly robotic. And this to a person he’s ostensibly been married to for 13 years. After 13 years, his standards of appreciation is “Till Death Do Us Part, But I Ain’t Ever Helping You With That Hygienic Stuff, Babe”

Fast forward to 2006. I started taking better care of myself and started competing in brazilian jiu jitsu tournaments to try to bring out the beast within.

Why the hell would you compete in an structured, organized tournament for a specific style of martial arts to “bring out the beast within”. If you’re bringing out any kind of beast in my fucking dojo, you stop, you bow, you leave. I bet he just picked “Brazilian jui-jitsu” because “Oh yeah, Brazilians, they’re a warmblooded latino folk, that’ll teach me”. This isn’t even funny, this is dangerous to other practicioners because if you’re bringing out any kind of “beast”, you’re raging and running off your own ego and you won’t take instruction and you won’t moderate force and you won’t be a good marital artist. This is an abuser talking. There’s no awareness here. You pick a philosophical and martial art based on choreographed movements and specific katas with a good helping of introspection and self mastery to “bring out the beast”. My god. I weep for you shattered soul.

Martial arts is an art. The hint is in the “art”. Gods. Again, someone else gives him a list of things that are Manly And Cool and he does it without even thinking, because he doesn’t know what being manly and cool means, but he certainly he has to, right, right, right? The yawning void in his life is the bit where his personality is supposed to be.

I also stopped taking shit from her.

After 13 years, what does “Taking shit” mean? Did you come to an understanding of a pattern of behavior that should change, like the expectation that you never wipe her ass because your sense of ego and superiority is more important than hygiene and not catching dysentery? Sometimes, people need counselling and to reconsider their lives. But anyone who uses that phrase, “I stopped taking shit”, about someone they’ve known for 13 years and married just make me feel slightly queasy.

I started going with my gut on things or speaking my mind if you will

Why? It hasn’t worked out so far, with the martial arts and the personal issues about ego feeding.


It was a slow process but it was progress and our relationship has improved since i’ve started manning up.

You got married. You’ve been married for 13 years. How does one “Man up” several years into that? How do you “improve a relationship” if it’s a natural assumption that over the years you’ve been married your relationship and communication already improved to such a level that you got married in the first place, argh. Oh wait, no, I forgets, she’s hot, that’s what counts.

I discovered this community after reading “The great female con” by Andey Randead and “The married man sex primer” by Athol.

Knowledge is great! Awesome. You’ve decided that your significant other is an inhuman subcreature that needs special handling in order to control and emotional batter into the desired empty vessel you can fill with your overbearing attitude. Not so awesome!

She struggles dealing with my new found attitude.

Your new found attitude does sound atrocious. Too focused on being cool to think about what is necessary, to scared of doing anything “Lesser” to do anything, shallow, superficial and without any notion of what context means. It reminds me of Black Fedora. Maybe “she struggles dealing” because after 13 years, her partner is suddenly and arbitrarily deciding to reinforce random standards, punish her emotionally when she does things she has so far been doing for years and thinks a martial art allows one to bring out the beast.

When ever I try to do certain things alpha where in the past I have reacted beta, I am met with harsh resistance.

Obviously. Your definition of alpha “Doing Specific Things”. You’ve become a robot. That five second pause and surprise you experience is not someone radically altering their idea of who you are, its shock that the thing you just did actually happened. Everyone around you can see how robotic it is. “Oh, no honey, I won’t wipe your ass, I’m too cool for that. And we aren’t visiting your parents this week, because I don’t feel like it”.

After a day or two she will usually submit. However, it’s extremely exhausting trying to tame this woman.

If you use the phrase “Submit” about other people, I think you may have a problem. Sometimes, submitting is fun, and if it’s mutual and agreed upon within a larger context of a scene, I won’t get mad.

But seriously?

“Submit”? After a day or two? When desperation shows that you’ve become so numb to your own feelings that you can just shut out someone else until they do what you say? Yeah, that’s so alpha. “Oh Honey, my apathy will counter your personality 10 times out of ten!”.

This is like Mark Minters terrible brother.

11 years ago

the mainstream MRA community, like AVfM and the like.


11 years ago

Help, I’ve started repeating myself and being incredibly overbearing whenever I get marginally upset. The MRA has infected my writing style. Arrrrrrrgh.

11 years ago

Yup, that The Red Pill thread is getting worse. MOAR RACISM:

I sure as hell wouldn’t want to go to a family reunion with a bunch of hoodrats. I’m surprised they even have family reunions in that demographic.

They’re covering it pretty hilariously on The Blue Pill and Against Mens Rights now.

11 years ago

Fibinachi, write only in limericks for about a week. I find that cures that syndrome.

11 years ago

Also I hate when MRAs try to brush off every bad thing like “oh those aren’t mainstream”. Dude, those ARE the mainstream MRAs. Look at every major source of the MRM. Look at their best authors. Look at their posts which are upvoted more.
Now, in my experience, the more “moderate”(as in not having terrible/stupid ideas) they are usually the ones who aren’t familiar with any MRM things. Like basically people who hear “true equality” and then consider themselves a MRA. Those people are not “mainstream” at all, because of how they don’t know hardly anything about the MRM. They are fringe pretty much too, since they have almost no influence on most of the MRM, and there aren’t like any influential writers in the MRM that actually are for equality or don’t say horrible things.

This is what separates the MRM from actual social movements. Social movements have a good core, and then the fringe are the “bad” ones. With the MRM it’s like an inside out version of an actual social movement.

11 years ago

As soon as I heard about this book I knew manosphere dudes would be all over it, holding it up as undeniable PROOF! that all women are just chock fulla hypergamy and just waiting for the perfect time to ditch their good, decent beta male husband for a violent criminal alfalfa male (although I figured they would actually read the book first. I guess I was giving them too much credit.)

I love how they’re all patting themselves on the back for redpilling it up and “liberating” themselves, but yet they spend their ENTIRE day, day after day, whining about women and obsessing about sex. They’re all far more obsessed with women and sex than other guys are because their entire lives revolve around it and they have a community of likeminded douchebags who constantly reinforce it.

11 years ago

@auggziliary – I just got attacked on my FB wall because I badmouthed MRAs (I had just found out that there actually IS an anatomical structure called “vagina masculina”!) and this guy was so upset that I wasn’t looking at the “moderate MRAs who make up the mainstream”.


11 years ago

This is what separates the MRM from actual social movements. Social movements have a good core, and then the fringe are the “bad” ones. With the MRM it’s like an inside out version of an actual social movement.

The “men’s rights movement” is a zombie social justice movement. It’s appropriated some of the language of social justice issues, without actually understanding or even caring what that language means, or the context or history of those issues. To some, looking at the mrm from a distance, it might almost seem like an actual social justice movement, but as it gets closer, it becomes apparent that the thing slowly lurching up the road towards you is just a rotting monstrosity, ravenous for attention, incoherently spewing ARGLEBARGLE and overblown assfax-laden manifestos to any and all who will listen, and evoking simultaneous feelings of revulsion and pity in anyone unfortunate enough to encounter it in blog comments sections.

11 years ago

Not to mention that it seems to have eaten the brains of most of its members.

11 years ago

I think it’s been a while since anybody’s brought up The Manboobz Challenge. Not sure if the Pervocracy is still involved with it, but there it is.

This is an open challenge to MRAs (or, really, anyone) to provide a link to a reasonable MRA writer.

We’ve had this challenge for a while, giving MRAs the benefit of doubt that there is some moderate faction out there somewhere. As far as I know, the challenge has not been met as of yet. Which is very sad, considering how low the bar is set. Was that rhyme unintentional? You bet.

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

@Kittehs- SNARFLOL

11 years ago

I’ve got it! zlozozozozzo is a n-ononononno turned on it’s side! I’m a geniuz! ;P

11 years ago

M Dubz – thankyer, thankyerverymuch