a woman is always to blame antifeminism cock blockade creepy drama kings evo psych fairy tales female beep boop grandiosity homophobia irony alert literal nazis mansplaining masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy PUA reactionary bullshit red pill sex straw feminists the spearhead

Let’s talk about sex! (With the icky, icky dudes of The Spearhead)

Those sneaky, sexy ladies, always up to something!
Those sneaky, sexy ladies, always up to something!

So over on The Spearhead, the fellas are discussing journalist Daniel Bergner’s sexy new sex book What Do Women Want?: Adventures in the Science of Female Desire. It’s a book that challenges many conventional wisdoms, both scientific and popular, about sexuality and, as Salon puts it, portrays female sexuality as essentially “base, animalistic and ravenous.”

I haven’t read the book, but it’s worth pointing out that this is not exactly a new idea. Indeed, for long stretches of human history this was the conventional wisdom about female sexuality, a fact I can only presume that Bergner addresses in some form.

Of course, none of the fellows on The Spearhead have actually read the book either, including W.F. Price, so essentially they just use the occasion of its publication as an excuse to spout their own, er, theories about evil sex-desiring ladies.

Price, extremely old school himself, agrees that “women’s sexuality is a powerful and often disruptive force” that “can be terrible in its power.” But he also thinks that the good fellows in the “androsphere” — his preferred term for what others call the “manosphere” — have these sneaky sexy ladies all figured out, and that this “knowledge disarms much of that [evil sexy lady] power.”

So, he concludes, Bergner may actually be doing the dudes of the world a solid:

The Red Pill, in short, is simply the truth about female sexuality. All Bergner has done is repackage the red pill and make it look sexy, and even empowering to women. So I suppose we should give the guy credit for doing us a favor, because although it is being sold with some misleading advertising, at least his book will contribute to general knowledge about the ancient truths of the world.

Or so he assumes, anyway, not having read the book. (I wish I could get a job reviewing books without reading them.)

Naturally, the Spearhead commentariat has many, erm, intriguing thoughts on the matter. So let’s look at some highlights — by which, as always, I mean lowlights. (And it goes without saying that all these comments got numerous upvotes from Spearhead readers.)

DCM offers some thoughts on female brains, and why the ladies need to be held in check and, I guess, never told that they’re pretty (even if you want to bone them):

Females’ minds are slightly but noticeably more primitive than men’s. Few of them will achieve mental and emotional maturity till they are old and infertile.

There’s little hope of getting most females to be rational, however smart they may be; they can only be somewhat repressed via ethics enforced by other females and the law, or men can be educated from childhood to see them as they are and not give in to the semi-instinctive idealization of females that’s part of the mating urge.

The latter is probably simpler and better.

Joeb offers a long and admittedly baffling manifesto, filled with parables and mixed metaphors and words used in, well, let’s just call them idiosyncratic ways. I’m trimmed out some of the really confusing bits, so what is left should be merely confusing.

Human sexuality is a red herring for the female to divert the real issue

Men cringe and cower to the mere mention of sex . Females use this red herring the same way the Government uses feminism .

As a shield .

If ,we all stop thinking with the most basic human drive and start thinking with are Mind’s , We need to put away anything remotely attributed to the visualization of sex during the other 23 hours a day . and push the real issue’s that stem from these basic drives in overdrive …

As long as females can divert the argument to sex they win . …

The red pill gives us a release from this Bondage .

I like to call Blue pill males ” Males still tied to the mask . We are all on a ship with rules and a limited space . As soon as you wake to the horror of your enslavement to the mask , Doesn’t mean you are not still enslaved . Shanghaiing refers to the practice of conscripting men as sailors by coercive techniques such as trickery, intimidation, or violence.

Does this sound familiar . …

Continue Taking the regiment of the red pill and you will start seeing Life boats , Islands and other men on the boat .

Its not a one time Pill its a regiment .

Being deprogrammed from Bondage is a painstaking task . All that’s needed to derail this process is The Captain to throw a few galley wags to the sailor and he calms down and works hard .

Don’t get sidetracked by sexual issue’s they have nothing , I say nothing to do with Men’s rights . The Government is the privateer and we are the conscripted Male .

Conscription have been used for Thousands of years , Hitler , pirates , the Chinese , Mongols , The British , To build army’s of slaves .

We still fall for that one every time And it never ends well .

Keyster is a tad more coherent, if equally backward:

The Red Pill is understanding female sexual power.
If you’re an unattractive woman or lesbian you might be a feminist because you have such limited sexual power – over men.


Women wanted “rights” and “liberation”, but insisted on keeping their sexual power, much to the dismay of strident feminists. The male needs to understand female sexual power. Most are entranced by it while not even knowing it. There are untold fables and metaphor for this, from The Fall to Odysseus to Cleopatra and Mark Anthony.

It’s a “backlash” against women wanting feminism AND sexual power. Their sexual power is diminishing every day. The more they behave like men, the less sexual power they have…the less power they have at all.

I confess I don’t really understand sven thomas’ deal at all. Oh, his argument I get. It’s his, well, vocabulary that puzzles me.


The Author is late to the party.

5,000 years ago we witnessed Eve being tempted by the serpents as she lusted after da lostasts cockasz.

About 2800 years ago we witnessed Helen deserting her family/husband and running off with a PUA and causing a war, whence tens of thousands perished.

The important thing for MEN to see here is why the Neoconsosnz banned the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN–because they teach of the TRUE NATURE of women.

Women are only Virgins and nice and good when they are raised by STRICT, HEROIC MEN who reign over their fallen sexuality via their manly honor, as exalted in THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.


And a zlozozozozzo to you too, sven, whatever that is!

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11 years ago

@Howard Bannister

I’ll say one thing for those flying wolverines, they are fucking tenacious.

11 years ago

When MRA’s talk about happy elderly couples, they usually say their relationships are good because the women weren’t as influenced by modern feminism. They don’t notice elderly women by themselves, though, because they are invisible.

11 years ago

The whole Adam and Eve story is completely wrong. Lets just say that eve was tempted to sex. Great. Now they’re banging in the Garden of Eden. Now why did God have to throw them out for that?

11 years ago

By “wrong” I mean morally and logically.

11 years ago

Since MRAs talking about sex is always rather nauseating, here is a Shiba Inu in booties to make everyone feel better.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

@auggziliary: if the story sounds bad that way, there’s a totally different fundamentalist take on that that’s even worse.

The story is about unquestioning obedience. If you ask questions, then you’re not going to be obedient. If you can’t obey even the most absurd rules, you’re totally evil and deserve to die.

*hums a few bars of a hymn, wanders off*

11 years ago


I ran away from religion as soon as I was able to. I’m atheist now but it took a journey from deism through pantheism for me to get there. Incidently, the new atheism or movement atheism can kiss my ass. It’s infested with misogynists.


Nope. The Jehovah’s Witnesses. :(~

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

@theladyzombie, Amnesia

My story is scarily similar. And yet my cult is way different from your cults, geographically and doctrinally.

It’s almost as if it’s the contrl that’s the point, and everything else is window dressing.

(MY cult? Um, not anymore. :D)

11 years ago

That is rough, ladyzombie. I’m glad you got away. I know how happy I was to get away from repressive, conservative fundamentalism. I’m not into the whole atheism movement myself either, although I do think there are some wonderful people at freethought blogs.

And I have a question for Keyster. He said

If you’re an unattractive woman or lesbian you might be a feminist because you have such limited sexual power – over men.

Why would lesbians want to have sexual power over men? Wouldn’t they, by definition, be more concerned about attracting other women? Oops, that must be irrational of me to notice holes in his argument, what with him having superior, manly logic and all.

11 years ago

I don’t have any videos, but this was pretty funny:

Friendzoned by a cat?? Help????

So I met this cat who lives next door… long story short her current owner treats her like shit and we started hanging out heaps, I mean ALOT, and I start thinking that she’d be better off with me for a owner. But Im a nice guy and I dont even try any of my moves on her, even though at this point shes sleeping over IN MY BED p much every single night, (i know i should have realised by now that she’s an attention whoring tease but I thought if i was patient enough she would relent).

Anyway so I finally bought her some catfood and basically told her I really like her and I want her to be my cat and I’ll feed her now and shit. And she STILL goes back to that owner! The one who locks her outside, who got a new kitten and treats it way better, who is never even home to pet her! Oh and of course she ate all the food I got her before going back! I’m so fucking angry.

What is up with felines always going with the assholes? I was such a nice guy to her and she still friendzoned me?? WTF?? She tried to come over again earlier but I slammed the door on her and told her I’m not gonna feed her or pet her anymore as long as she’s still with that scumbag owner. What should I do? I’d still like her to be my cat but I have to make sure she wont try to manipulate me like this again. Help?

Replies are funny too.

11 years ago

ladyzombie: *Weeps* I can’t deny your statement about the new atheist movement, much as I might like to. All I can say is, there’s a cadre that’s working to make it better, or to build something separate that is better. If you’re curious, and somehow missed the discussions, check out Atheism+.


Freemage, why is the penis talking.

Because Fundies are secretly Freudians? Seriously, fundie ‘logic’ is painful in the extreme; the Bible is inerrant and literal, except when it’s symbolic. But you have to trust in their interpretation of which bits are which.

11 years ago

Just out of curiosity, is he under the impression that unattractive women have sexual power over other women? I was trying to follow the train of logic but it appears to lead off the tracks, through a river, and then off the edge of a cliff.

11 years ago
11 years ago

Stand back from the cliff, CassandraSays!

Although maybe if they’re all flying wolverines, they can hurl themselves off of cliffs with impunity?

11 years ago

“When MRA’s talk about happy elderly couples, they usually say their relationships are good because the women weren’t as influenced by modern feminism. They don’t notice elderly women by themselves, though, because they are invisible.”

Shame, I thought it was cool that they stayed together for so long. I guess everything goes back to feminism for them.

11 years ago

Plus wolverines are heavy enough that if one landed on you from above it would probably hurt. They just have to refine the process to ensure that only women and manginas (and MOC, and trans people, and gay men, and men who’re pleasant people) are hit and fellow MRAs are spared.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

If you’re an unattractive woman or lesbian you might be a feminist because you have such limited sexual power – over men.

Why would lesbians want to have sexual power over men? Wouldn’t they, by definition, be more concerned about attracting other women? Oops, that must be irrational of me to notice holes in his argument, what with him having superior, manly logic and all.

Silly, lesbians aren’t real! They’re just pretending because they can’t get a man.

Bi women are ESPECIALLY not real.

11 years ago

Just out of curiosity, is he under the impression that unattractive women have sexual power over other women?

That’s a good question. I think he was implying that lesbians and unattractive women don’t have sexual power over anyone. And he might also be saying that unattractive women are pretending to be lesbians because they can’t attract men? In this case, all women want men, but sometimes they settle for women, even though they’re straight.

Another way to interpret him is that he thinks lesbians want to steal attractive women away from men, and men can only be with unattractive women. And he’s one of those guys who believes that all straight women are secretly bi, but are afraid to admit it.

It’s hard to tell, because Keyster didn’t do a very good job explaining himself. Or since we’re women, we don’t have enough logic to understand his brilliant thought process.

11 years ago

Ah, ninja’ed by Howard Bannister! (Also, is it okay to abbreviate your name as just Howard?)

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

zlozozozozzo to all, and to all a good nightsosz.

11 years ago

The hyphen could be there for no reason at all, given the oddities of MREnglish.

11 years ago

Okay, this post proves it: the Spearhead guys are all manifestations of General Jack D. Ripper from the movie “Dr. Strangelove”:

General Jack D. Ripper: I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women uh… women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I, uh… I do not avoid women, Mandrake.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: No.
General Jack D. Ripper: But I… I do deny them my essence.

The Spearhead, aka Burpelson Air Force Base.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

It’s totally okay to just call me Howard. Or Steve. /Streisand

11 years ago

Also, random – I are cute kitten trapped in bucket.

11 years ago

Of course Bi women aren’t real, that would mean people could like women when they can have teh menz!