a woman is always to blame antifeminism cock blockade creepy drama kings evo psych fairy tales female beep boop grandiosity homophobia irony alert literal nazis mansplaining masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy PUA reactionary bullshit red pill sex straw feminists the spearhead

Let’s talk about sex! (With the icky, icky dudes of The Spearhead)

Those sneaky, sexy ladies, always up to something!
Those sneaky, sexy ladies, always up to something!

So over on The Spearhead, the fellas are discussing journalist Daniel Bergner’s sexy new sex book What Do Women Want?: Adventures in the Science of Female Desire. It’s a book that challenges many conventional wisdoms, both scientific and popular, about sexuality and, as Salon puts it, portrays female sexuality as essentially “base, animalistic and ravenous.”

I haven’t read the book, but it’s worth pointing out that this is not exactly a new idea. Indeed, for long stretches of human history this was the conventional wisdom about female sexuality, a fact I can only presume that Bergner addresses in some form.

Of course, none of the fellows on The Spearhead have actually read the book either, including W.F. Price, so essentially they just use the occasion of its publication as an excuse to spout their own, er, theories about evil sex-desiring ladies.

Price, extremely old school himself, agrees that “women’s sexuality is a powerful and often disruptive force” that “can be terrible in its power.” But he also thinks that the good fellows in the “androsphere” — his preferred term for what others call the “manosphere” — have these sneaky sexy ladies all figured out, and that this “knowledge disarms much of that [evil sexy lady] power.”

So, he concludes, Bergner may actually be doing the dudes of the world a solid:

The Red Pill, in short, is simply the truth about female sexuality. All Bergner has done is repackage the red pill and make it look sexy, and even empowering to women. So I suppose we should give the guy credit for doing us a favor, because although it is being sold with some misleading advertising, at least his book will contribute to general knowledge about the ancient truths of the world.

Or so he assumes, anyway, not having read the book. (I wish I could get a job reviewing books without reading them.)

Naturally, the Spearhead commentariat has many, erm, intriguing thoughts on the matter. So let’s look at some highlights — by which, as always, I mean lowlights. (And it goes without saying that all these comments got numerous upvotes from Spearhead readers.)

DCM offers some thoughts on female brains, and why the ladies need to be held in check and, I guess, never told that they’re pretty (even if you want to bone them):

Females’ minds are slightly but noticeably more primitive than men’s. Few of them will achieve mental and emotional maturity till they are old and infertile.

There’s little hope of getting most females to be rational, however smart they may be; they can only be somewhat repressed via ethics enforced by other females and the law, or men can be educated from childhood to see them as they are and not give in to the semi-instinctive idealization of females that’s part of the mating urge.

The latter is probably simpler and better.

Joeb offers a long and admittedly baffling manifesto, filled with parables and mixed metaphors and words used in, well, let’s just call them idiosyncratic ways. I’m trimmed out some of the really confusing bits, so what is left should be merely confusing.

Human sexuality is a red herring for the female to divert the real issue

Men cringe and cower to the mere mention of sex . Females use this red herring the same way the Government uses feminism .

As a shield .

If ,we all stop thinking with the most basic human drive and start thinking with are Mind’s , We need to put away anything remotely attributed to the visualization of sex during the other 23 hours a day . and push the real issue’s that stem from these basic drives in overdrive …

As long as females can divert the argument to sex they win . …

The red pill gives us a release from this Bondage .

I like to call Blue pill males ” Males still tied to the mask . We are all on a ship with rules and a limited space . As soon as you wake to the horror of your enslavement to the mask , Doesn’t mean you are not still enslaved . Shanghaiing refers to the practice of conscripting men as sailors by coercive techniques such as trickery, intimidation, or violence.

Does this sound familiar . …

Continue Taking the regiment of the red pill and you will start seeing Life boats , Islands and other men on the boat .

Its not a one time Pill its a regiment .

Being deprogrammed from Bondage is a painstaking task . All that’s needed to derail this process is The Captain to throw a few galley wags to the sailor and he calms down and works hard .

Don’t get sidetracked by sexual issue’s they have nothing , I say nothing to do with Men’s rights . The Government is the privateer and we are the conscripted Male .

Conscription have been used for Thousands of years , Hitler , pirates , the Chinese , Mongols , The British , To build army’s of slaves .

We still fall for that one every time And it never ends well .

Keyster is a tad more coherent, if equally backward:

The Red Pill is understanding female sexual power.
If you’re an unattractive woman or lesbian you might be a feminist because you have such limited sexual power – over men.


Women wanted “rights” and “liberation”, but insisted on keeping their sexual power, much to the dismay of strident feminists. The male needs to understand female sexual power. Most are entranced by it while not even knowing it. There are untold fables and metaphor for this, from The Fall to Odysseus to Cleopatra and Mark Anthony.

It’s a “backlash” against women wanting feminism AND sexual power. Their sexual power is diminishing every day. The more they behave like men, the less sexual power they have…the less power they have at all.

I confess I don’t really understand sven thomas’ deal at all. Oh, his argument I get. It’s his, well, vocabulary that puzzles me.


The Author is late to the party.

5,000 years ago we witnessed Eve being tempted by the serpents as she lusted after da lostasts cockasz.

About 2800 years ago we witnessed Helen deserting her family/husband and running off with a PUA and causing a war, whence tens of thousands perished.

The important thing for MEN to see here is why the Neoconsosnz banned the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN–because they teach of the TRUE NATURE of women.

Women are only Virgins and nice and good when they are raised by STRICT, HEROIC MEN who reign over their fallen sexuality via their manly honor, as exalted in THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.


And a zlozozozozzo to you too, sven, whatever that is!

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11 years ago

but insisted on keeping their sexual power,

It was dastardly of us ladies to keep our sexuality under our control. (Not really.)

This basically would mean that women, in order to be equal, would have to consent to sex at all times. Which makes zero sense if you think about it which I do not think that guy ever did.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Well, now I know all about women and sex.

Um, I may have some questions. Later. After the vomitting.

11 years ago

“Conscription have been used for Thousands of years , Hitler , pirates , the Chinese , Mongols , The British , To build army’s of slaves .”


Also I like how he capitalizes random words, like “Bondage”… hehe bondage.

11 years ago

Also I really like the makeup “Evil” is wearing.

11 years ago

Extra! Extra! Women like sex and it can sometimes be the “wild” kind too!

In other news, water is wet and coffee is delicious. Mmmm..

11 years ago


“This basically would mean that women, in order to be equal, would have to consent to sex at all times.”

Don’t forget that they also think this would turn women into vile, disgusting slutty sluts.

11 years ago

I can feel my brain cells leaking….

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

5,000 years ago we witnessed Eve being tempted by the serpents as she lusted after da lostasts cockasz.

Oh, he’s one of those fellas who thinks the Earth is less than 6,000 years old.

Tell me something, Sven. Who was Cain’s wife?

11 years ago

“There are untold fables and metaphor for this, from The Fall to Odysseus to Cleopatra and Mark Anthony.”

If they’re untold, how do we know about them?

11 years ago

I haven’t read the Bible I’ll admit… But wasn’t Eve tempted by knowledge? Not specifically sex/penis? Just knowledge in general?

11 years ago

Yes, we have to start thinking with are Mind’s!

11 years ago

Its not a one time Pill its a regiment .

It’s everything that’s wrong with the MRM in one sentence! An absurd idea conveyed in a hilariously pretentious way, with random capitalization, poor spelling, and punctuation that would make any educated person want to cry.

11 years ago

Hey everyone, The Spearhead isn’t misogynistic. It’s just that the people there think that all women are deceitful, manipulative, shallow, selfish, and only attracted to assholes.

11 years ago

Don’t forget that they also think this would turn women into vile, disgusting slutty sluts.

Because the upshot is “women are icky poo ick to me no matter what.”

Tell me something, Sven. Who was Cain’s wife?

Lilith of course and she nagged him to do it because reasons.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

This conversation reminds me of something I heard yesterday. I’ve been listening to the podcast of the old episodes of Loveline — mostly out of nostalgia, because I remember listening to the show on the radio while I was in college. At any rate, how did I not realize what a crackpot Dr. Drew is?! They are discussing cervical cancer in women, and Adam trots out this harebrained theory that the increased risk of cervical cancer in sexually active women is PROOF that “Nature” decrees WOMEN to remain virgins until they meet the one man they’re going to marry. AND DR. DREW AGREES WITH HIM.

Seriously, what the fucking fuck? A sexually transmitted disease that affects both men and women (my cousin had a tumor on his tongue that was caused by HPV and recently had to undergo surgery to remove it — it was benign, thankfully) means that WOMEN need to be chaste? And that is somehow proof of the natural order of things? How about — this is evidence that both men and women would benefit from protecting themselves, by limiting their sexual partners, by using condoms, etc? No? It just means that WOMEN should not be having sex.

At any rate, I can’t believe I forgot about Dr. Drew’s other bullshit theory that all lesbians were molested, and only men are “real” gays. What a fucking quack.

Bob Goblin
Bob Goblin
11 years ago

Why do I get the impression that none of these MRAs have ever seen, let alone touched, a real live naked woman, with her enthusiastic consent?

11 years ago

This is… amazing. “Females’ minds are slightly but noticeably more primitive than men’s. Few of them will achieve mental and emotional maturity till they are old and infertile.”

Huh. So it’s totally a good idea to stick us in the kitchen making your food and raising your children then, isn’t it? 9_9 (Ooh, and sooo close on the punctuation, darling!)

11 years ago

Cassandra, for a minute I thought that was referencing to birth control, and how many misogynists/republicans think its some magic whore pill.

Ms Getta Lode
Ms Getta Lode
11 years ago

It’s too bad we don’t get flair here like on subreddits, because “lusted after da lostasts cockasz” would just be FANTASTIC flair.

11 years ago

It’s a regiment of birth control pills, all armed with dangerous science, and they’re taking over the world!

11 years ago

Having been raised in an oppressive, fundamentalist Christian cult, this phobia of female sexuality just disgusts me, especially when spoken about in a religious context.

I was raised to believe women were responsible for every bad thing in the world because Eve talked to a snake. I was also taught that it’s only natural for women to be subservient because they’re only one step up from animals and need to be ruled over, and besides, it’s what Genesis 3:16 says.

We were told to cover up, no form fitting clothing, and be modest because our entire body was the “ruination of men.”

Not to mention I was told that my silly little female brain would never be equal to a man’s.

So basically, I was raised to feel guilty and ashamed of being female. Frankly, I hate any and all books on female sexuality. The only time I never because disgusted was when I took ‘Human Sexual Development and Behavior’ during undergraduate school. It was very clinical and my professor was an old grouch who threw all the gigglers and joke crackers out of his classroom.

Sorry for the rant. This shit just pisses me off.

11 years ago

Women wanted “rights” and “liberation”, but insisted on keeping their sexual power, much to the dismay of strident feminists.

Adorable, really, that this individual thinks feminism and sexual power are mutually exclusive. I think Mr. Baby would beg to differ 😛

5,000 years ago we witnessed Eve being tempted by the serpents as she lusted after da lostasts cockasz.

About 2800 years ago we witnessed Helen deserting her family/husband and running off with a PUA and causing a war, whence tens of thousands perished.

The important thing for MEN to see here is why the Neoconsosnz banned the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN–because they teach of the TRUE NATURE of women.

Just a reminder, sven thomas, that your data in support of your “TRUE NATURE OF TEH EVOL WIMMENZ” thesis, comes from works of fiction. Written by men. These MRAs…always a few McNuggets short of a Happy Meal.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Having been raised in an oppressive, fundamentalist Christian cult, this phobia of female sexuality just disgusts me, especially when spoken about in a religious context.


So much this!

11 years ago

Uh… can I ask a question?

Doesn’t a person (in a consensual relationship) only have as much “power” as the other person allows them? I ask because I cannot see anywhere that shows they understand that concept. It’s almost like they are saying, “Dominate your woman before she dominates you”.

11 years ago

I wonder if any other ‘rights movement’ has ever held the people they are supposed to be standing up for in such low esteem.

The MRM pushes the idea that straight, cis men are so incredibly weak willed that even the merest hint of any type of sexual pleasure means that they become gibbering nitwits, enslaved to the mighty vagina.

How does this chime with the idea of being a manly man?

‘I’m a manly, stoic, heroic man, who has killed mammoths and raised tall towers but a women smiled at me so I must do everything she wants ???’

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