Never let it be said that the men of the MGTOW movement don’t focus on the important issues of our time. For example, over on MGTOWforums, a fellow named Andrew brought up a critical danger faced by today’s men, a danger that the mainstream media is too cowardly to address.
I refer, of course, to the rising danger that an innocent, decent, hard-working, good-looking fellow like Andrew might be forced into a relationship with some ugly fat lady.
You scoff — I can sense your scoffing through the internet — but as Andrew points out, it VERY WELL COULD HAPPEN, by which I mean, no it couldn’t possibly happen, but the MGTOWers do love to get worked up about things, and who am I to rain on their little anger parade?
Here’s Andrew, from the thread “Ugly women forced upon us?? Dangerous precedent for men setting itself up.”
You can’t argue with that!
Seriously, arguing with Andrew would be a bit like debating an angry baby.
EDITED TO ADD: The picture at the top of the post is from a series done by the blogger The Militant Baker in response to statements from the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch suggesting that its clothes were only for “cool, good-looking people” — a designation that evidently doesn’t include larger women, since the chain doesn’t offer XL and XXL sizes for women, just men. For more pics, and her open letter to the company, see here.
Pubic hair extenstions???
Ermagerd 😀
FUCK CANCER and also
FUCK CROHN’S and anyone who talks as if it’s fine dandy about losing weight with it. (Crohn’s is one of the possibilities for what put Mr K through years of extreme pain and wasting.)
@Jpaper: Yeah, dieting is feminine…but dieting is ALSO BAD! Because it shows you’re vain and shallow.
Because I happen to be a thin woman who’s always eaten a lot and thus actually live up to this stupid norm it took me some time to see through it and realize how toxic it really is, but there’s this norm according to which the ideal woman is thin but eats tons of food and doesn’t think about calories. She’s thus beautiful (the thinness) but also not vain or superficial (the not counting calories thing). So women lose if they’re fat, but they ALSO lose if they diet.
And we lose if we go to the gym, we’re because vain and probably trying to hit on teh menz (unless it’s a women’s gym, in which case we’re probably stuck-up bitches/lesbian/religious fanatics/think all men are rapists).
@David Futrelle
This is like something out of A married with Children episode. This is something I imagine Al Bundy would say. This sounds just like him. Did you ever watch that show?
What sort of a job do you suppose this d00d has that he is worried he will be fired if he refuses to have sexy times with one of his coworkers?
I have friends and relatives that have gotten hooked on meth because they thought it would be an easy way to lose weight. It’s really sad to see someone you care about turning to such a dangerous drug and then celebrating how it makes them lose lots of weight. That’s how desperate people are to be thin from being in such a fat hating society, though. And I hate to admit this, but part of the reason I was a smoker as a teen is because cigarettes are an appetite suppressant. Oh, but thinner is always healthier, right? One of my fears when I quit was “What if quitting makes me gain weight?”
A year ago, my aunt got a gastric bypass surgery, and it has caused her severe health problems, too. She is unable to eat or drink enough to have energy or stay hydrated, and it’s also damaging her colon. I’ve mentioned this before, but on TV they never the risks of gastric bypass surgery. It’s always shown as a magic weight loss cure that turns “bad fat people” into “good thin people”.
So seriously, if people are willing to snort meth, surgically remove most of their stomachs, and have eating disorders to be skinny, then it’s pretty clear that fat people know there is a stigma to being fat. The problem isn’t them. The problem is the assholes like those MGTOWs that think they’re doing anyone a favor by being acting hateful to fat women, or self righteous doctors that ignore their fat patients’ health complaints and tell them to just lose weight.
And I’m happy, too, when I see plus size models and actresses in the media, looking beautiful and loving themselves the way they are. It’s about time people admitted that there are more ways to be beautiful than just being young and thin. My only complaint is that what some of the fashion industry calls “plus size” is what I would consider just average, not skinny but not very big either. But at least girls growing up now can see some women that are curvier, so hopefully they won’t hate their own bodies as much.
And I am sorry to cloudiah and cassandra for seeing their loved ones suffer from cancer. I agree, FUCK CANCER.
I don’t know what’s harder to imagine – the type of job, or anyone who knows him wanting to have sex with this plonker!
So, policing of women’s bodies…
1. Too fat – YUCK! Ugly and unhealthy! Orca! Walrus! Pig! etc etc
2. Too thin – you have an eating disorder! That’s unattractive and unhealthy and shows you’re a weak person who cannot stand up against society’s ideals! Plus only faggots like thin women, real men want curves!
3. Too muscular – you look like a MAN! Men want feminine women!
4. No muscles – you’re unfit and unhealthy! And secretly fat! Thin women with no muscles can have a high percentage of body fat, meaning they’re actually fat even if they look thin! (Seriously, I’ve seen people criticizing Paris Hilton this way… that she’s short of a fat woman masquerading as a thin woman.)
5. Not caring about the way you look – disgusting dyke! No man will ever want you! Put in some effort, will you!?
6. Caring about the way you look – superficial and shallow! Seriously, men want women who aren’t total airheads!
Did I cover all of the “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” here? I’m sure I’ve missed some!
Why am I suddenly stuck in moderation? Trying again to post!
This is really weird… I tried three times now to make a post regarding all the ways women’s bodies are policed, but everytime I does, it gets stuck in moderation. It seems like anything else I write gets through… I must have accidentally hit on a word that activates moderation or something? Weird!
That, or WordPress was having one of its hissy fits. It did that to me a while back, and there was just nothing that was moddable. David mentioned the spam filter and mod filters go a bit strange sometimes.
Trying to remove words that might possibly be offensive…
1. Too fat – YUCK! Ugly and unhealthy! Basically, the content of the post above.
2. Too thin – you have an eating disorder! That’s unattractive and unhealthy and shows you’re a weak person who cannot stand up against society’s ideals! Plus only gay men like thin women, real men want curves!
3. Too muscular – you look like a MAN! Men want feminine women!
4. No muscles – you’re unfit and unhealthy! And secretly fat! Thin women with no muscles can have a high percentage of body fat, meaning they’re actually fat even if they look thin! (Seriously, I’ve seen people criticizing Paris Hilton this way… that she’s short of a fat woman masquerading as a thin woman.)
5. Not caring about the way you look – ugly! No man will ever want you! Put in some effort, will you!?
6. Caring about the way you look – superficial and shallow! Seriously, men want women who aren’t total airheads!
Okay, got through now. Anyway, I just wanted to make a post about all these different ways (although I’m sure I’ve forgotten some) that women are damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
Yes, it comes down to “whatever we do is wrong, because we’re women, and being a woman is wrong”.
I freaking love my pubic hair. I love styling it with the intent of accentuating the beauty of my vulva.
Re: orca, I’m a Pacific Northwest native too and, as a cetologist, believe I’ve figured out why MRAs would use “orca” as an insult.
The time I’ve spent with the Northern Resident Killer Whale population, in particular, taught me how to be a good mom.
MGTOW, the best reason I’ve had to continue enjoying ice cream covered in chocolate.
Loving my size 18 curves. HA!
Yay the power of the OrcaGynocracy!
I have no curves, which means my husband is French and gay.
Seriously, I don’t know if you get that in other countries a lot, but here in Sweden, when thin beauty ideals are discussed, there’s always some idiot barging in and blaming it all on “French gays”, meaning homosexual fashion designers from France. Supposedly being gay means you like non-curves and want to make the entire world non-curvy, so all these horrible French gays have this huge conspiracy against all da poor womenz and all da poor heterosexual menz who like butts and boobs to turn all women non-curvy.
It’s so incredibly stupid, but my husband started joking about how he’s apparently not straight but actually a French gay guy since he thinks I’m hot despite me being skinny and flat-chested.
Damn, this is hard work; scraping all the rust off of my car. There’s so much rust near the right back wheel and it just never won’t come fully off. I have no idea why I’m doing this myself, what with having a vagina and all… A man biked past me twice but didn’t stop and offer to do it all for me. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t crying. I’m gonna be sure to cry next time he comes around. Why can’t I just call my “repair friend” and have him scrape all the rust off for the false implicit promise of sex? Right, I don’t have a “repair friend”…
Hahaha, I forgot these guys were actually closest chubby chasers, it has to be the reason why they are so obsessed with the idea of marrying a “fat woman”.
Could you dump the term “chubby chasers” here, please? It’s extremely sexist and in a thread that’s all about the disgusting fat-shaming habits of these creeps, it seems a very strange thing to say. It’s not encouraging me to think you’re here in good faith, either.
Ye gods above, below, and around, I hate the term “chubby chaser.” It seems to stop just short of pathologizing an attraction to larger women. Why don’t we refer to men who prefer thin women as “skinny seekers?” Oh, wait…because liking thinness is normal, healthy, and “correct.”
Now might be a good time to mention that it’s not just fat people who get treated like their fat is at the center of everything in their lives…the people around them get it too. A man is dating a fat woman? It couldn’t possibly be that they got together because of shared interests and good chemistry and she just happens to be fat and he thinks she’s beautiful because he loves her, no – he must be attracted to her because she’s fat! He’s a CHUBBY CHASER! Kid putting on weight? There’s no chance they’re gearing up for a growth spurt or anything, you’re just a BAD PARENT WHO FEEDS THEM JUNK.
Karalora – I was thinking earlier today, imagine if idiots like that saw the models in the photo at top together as a couple. Think of how much shit they’d get: the woman for daring to look happy while not being a size 0, and the man for daring to date such a … well, insert slurs of choice.
I’m a thin woman married to a fat man, and I’ve never gotten any stigma from it. It’s considered okay and normal for women to like fat men, and we aren’t called “chubby chasers”. It probably goes into the whole rule of men are allowed to judge women based on looks, but women aren’t allowed to judge men based on looks. Of course, it never occurs to a lot of people that some straight women just find heavy men more attractive. It’s just assumed that all straight women either want a muscly jock or some skinny man.
And I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with skinny men or muscular men, by the way. I was just saying that not all straight women are into that.