are these guys 12 years old? evil fat fatties imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men paranoia playing the victim

MGTOWer warns: Soon men will be forced to marry fatties!

Our nightmare future?
Our nightmare future?

Never let it be said that the men of the MGTOW movement don’t focus on the important issues of our time. For example, over on MGTOWforums, a fellow named Andrew brought up a critical danger faced by today’s men, a danger that the mainstream media is too cowardly to address.

I refer, of course, to the rising danger that an innocent, decent, hard-working, good-looking fellow like Andrew might be forced into a relationship with some ugly fat lady.

You scoff — I can sense your scoffing through the internet — but as Andrew points out, it VERY WELL COULD HAPPEN, by which I mean, no it couldn’t possibly happen, but the MGTOWers do love to get worked up about things, and who am I to rain on their little anger parade?

Here’s Andrew, from the thread “Ugly women forced upon us?? Dangerous precedent for men setting itself up.”

Call me insane,call me paranoid,call me anything you want but I see a new dangerous precedent for men.Let me explain.  Notice how now FAT HORRIBLE UGLY women are SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWLY.but surely being accepted into the mainstream.How The names fat,ORCA,HUGE,THUNDER THIGHS ARE NOW BECOMING OFFENSIVE IN SOCIETY AND THE LIBERAL MSM!!!!!!!  It is going to eventually reach a point where 2 things WILL happen.  1.ANY MAN who turns down a woman who he deems "physically unattractive" to him will become the subject of ridicule and scorn and threaten his livelyhood and career as the employer who hired him will be forced to let him go due to his godawful crime of rejecting a ugly creature.He will be seen as worse than a terrorist and his life will forever be ruined.  2.The words FAT,ORCA,PLUS SIZED.PLAIN JANE.ETC........will now be construed as Offensive and emotionally damaging to the twats and the mission will be for those insane walruses to destroy the man who said that both careerwise and with false accusations of rape,violence.etc.Calling a woman lets say "overweight" will result in the goal of destruction of that particular man.  The ONLY remedy for this? For the man to accept and fuck the sea monster............and marry her.  Bank on it,its coming gents.

You can’t argue with that!

Seriously, arguing with Andrew would be a bit like debating an angry baby.

EDITED TO ADD: The picture at the top of the post is from a series done by the blogger The Militant Baker in response to statements from the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch suggesting that its clothes were only for “cool, good-looking people” — a designation that evidently doesn’t include larger women, since the chain doesn’t offer  XL and XXL sizes for women, just men. For more pics, and her open letter to the company, see here.

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11 years ago

Thanks Kittehserf! 🙂

La Strega
11 years ago


I’m a PNW native, so orcas are very dear to my heart. Being likened to an orca would be a compliment.

11 years ago

I think fat is singled out because it is most threatening. Women are supposed to pine, starve and work desperately to attain thinness as a way to have male approval. Think of how high calories foods like thick cheese burgers, bacon and beer are marketed as “manly” while women have salads and yogurt marketed to them. Men don’t “diet” so Coke came up with Coke Zero, because being seen drinking a diet drink would be emasculating. Being fat is not something women are supposed to be allowed to do. Manly men are not supposed to care what women think of them. They have value outside of their physical appearance. They can do what they want because MEN. When a woman says “Fuck that noise.” and has what she wants without giving thought to male approval (or looks like she might) she’s uppity and these guys hate women who won’t stay in their place. Also, if a woman will enjoy food without shame, what else might she enjoy without shame? There is a reason we call it a “sexual appetite”. Think to how often “fat” is paired with “slut” in their choice of slurs. These guys know the fat ladies aren’t sexing them and they are terrified and enraged that those ladies might be sexing some other guys and/or gals while they sit at home alone, post rape jokes on Reddit and cry.

La Strega
11 years ago


I agree overall, but I think part of the angst these guys are experiencing is that the tables are turning: more and more, men are judged by their appearance. Most of these manosphere “masculine lifestyle” / PUA blogs are full of gym and diet tips.

11 years ago

This is my favorite story about Orcas:,4442221

Apparently leather boats smell really tasty . . .

La Strega
11 years ago

Leather boat = jerky for orcas

11 years ago

@ marinerachel

Also orcas are really cute, like little kids have stuffed animals made to cuddle that look like them cute. If these assholes want to insult people you’d think they could pick a creature that isn’t famous for being adorable to compare their targets to.

11 years ago

LeStrega, hey, I recognize you! I recently found your blog.

Agree with some of these mens’ ambivalence with fat women. There’s a saying, “Fat women are like mopeds — they’re fun to ride until one of your friends find out.” Which means, sleeping with a fat girl is fine, is fun, is a way to increase your “notch” count, but don’t let your friends find out! And don’t ever be seen with one in public!

I have heard these types of guys talk about how they sleep with fat chicks, I’ve heard them advise others to “start out” sleeping with fat chicks as a way to gain confidence, because fat chicks have to “compensate” for so much (you know, ’cause they’re fat and all) and will be willing to please. Fat chicks are perfectly acceptable to use and throw away, just as long as the guy isn’t seen in any relationship context with such a girl.

For some reason, knowing that many men will have no problem having sex with fat women (can get a boner just fine) but will publicly deride and disavow them, to me that is one of the most loathsome things ever. There should be some special karma punishment for someone who acts this way. I understand not finding them attractive and avoiding (like the rest of the planet does with physical types they don’t find attractive) but this is something else completely. What horrible, empty human beings, really.

11 years ago

What horrible, empty human beings, really.

The MRM and PUA in a nutshell.

11 years ago

It’s a no win situation for fat women. If you’re a tiger in the sack, you must be overcompensating for your fatness. If you aren’t, it must be because you have body issues about your fatness. Either way it is somehow a negative effect of your waist circumference instead of just a regular old expression of individual sexuality. It is a physical characteristic that does not necessarily have anything to do with you’re attitude, abilities or actions.That shouldn’t be a difficult concept to grasp. Then again, we’re talking about the beliefs of dimwitted sexists, so….

11 years ago

There’s also the fact that people who they don’t like being happy really irks them in general, and they like to imagine that they have the ability to control women, so a woman who doesn’t appeal to their boners AND doesn’t seem to care AND seems to be enjoying life in general is pretty much their worst nightmare.

11 years ago

That’s a really gratifying combination.

11 years ago

It even ties in with Margaret Atwood’s line (yes La Strega I just took a peek at your blog) about men fearing being laughed at by women, and women fearing being killed by men. In this instance, there’s the double pleasure of being a woman these men don’t want, or fear wanting, or whatever, and laughing at them. I just hope these dipshits know deep down that they’re being laughed at. Schadenfreude’s probably the only pleasure they give anyone.

11 years ago

Not sad to see SambaNoodle ago. I LOATHE the ‘men are all naturally child-molesters’ idea. (I say child-molesters and not pedophiles, because… well, in my mind, pedophile is an orientation and can’t really be helped, while child-molesting is a voluntary action.)

Also, screw you Andrew, fat people are awesome. *comes from an awesome fat family*

11 years ago

Just looking back over SambaNoodle’s post and this typo made me giggle:

“(same reason a whole generation of men is now repulsed by public hair).”

Just what sort of hair are we talking about in public, here? ‘Cos I really can’t recall any chaps running away screaming just cos people are walking around with head hair and eyebrows and ‘taches and beards SHOWING IN PUBLIC.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — I did the reverse on one of my very first dates. Chatting online I say we should meet somewhere pubic. Yeah, that was embarrassing!

*is also not sad to see the tone troll flounce* Hi other delurkers! Rutile and laserqueen, you seem like nice people, I can’t recall if we included treats on the welcome package, but stick around and sooner or later there will be recipes being shared (hey cloudiah, would collecting those when they come up be too much work?)

As for the fat hate, the whole body policing shit is real old. People’s bodies do not exist to please you, deal with it or, you know actually go your own way. How fucked up must one be to get from “dude, calling people orcas is rude” to “now you must marry her”?

11 years ago

Just looked back at the mgtow forum: we have a new winner comment from MG66!

Of course feminists want to force fat acceptance, it makes themselves look better by comparison. Women sabotage other women with games like this all the time.

It’s a plot by thin feminists to attract more alpha dawgs! Because everyone knows people cannot stand women who feel good about themselves, and accepting your own body is useless unless it’s boner-normative. So it’s a trick, because all women are in constant competition to get the mgtows aroused.


11 years ago

According to my enthusiastically bi husband, a whole generation of men is NOT repulsed by hair, public OR private. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

11 years ago

If I was to grow my ladygarden out to be as lush and verdant as possible would that guarantee that none of these guys would come anywhere near me? Because if so I will seriously consider it.

11 years ago

Argenti – I’ve madet that typo all too often, but never, thank goodness, in a dating context! 😀

Maude – “boner-normative” should really go into the Dictionary. cloudiah’s done her blog entry, btw, have you seen it?

11 years ago

Cassandra – I can think of something even scarier for them: lush, verdant and GREY.


11 years ago

I’ll grow it out and braid fucking ribbons and beads into it if it will act as a charm and ward these guys off.

11 years ago

kitteh –

Yes I saw it! I was laughing by myself on the commute back home. She’s a good writer (and hilarious). So much material to cover!

11 years ago

Ribbons and beads?


Of course just having hair in the ol’ oxters is a useful way to frighten them off with PUBLIC HAIR. Stuffed if I’m getting chafed and uncomfortable in summer just ‘cos other people have women’s-body-hair hangups.

11 years ago


Lucky. I haven’t touched a razor in 8 years and nothing is long enough to braid except the hair on my head.


Though surely if they make weaves for head hair…

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