Never let it be said that the men of the MGTOW movement don’t focus on the important issues of our time. For example, over on MGTOWforums, a fellow named Andrew brought up a critical danger faced by today’s men, a danger that the mainstream media is too cowardly to address.
I refer, of course, to the rising danger that an innocent, decent, hard-working, good-looking fellow like Andrew might be forced into a relationship with some ugly fat lady.
You scoff — I can sense your scoffing through the internet — but as Andrew points out, it VERY WELL COULD HAPPEN, by which I mean, no it couldn’t possibly happen, but the MGTOWers do love to get worked up about things, and who am I to rain on their little anger parade?
Here’s Andrew, from the thread “Ugly women forced upon us?? Dangerous precedent for men setting itself up.”
You can’t argue with that!
Seriously, arguing with Andrew would be a bit like debating an angry baby.
EDITED TO ADD: The picture at the top of the post is from a series done by the blogger The Militant Baker in response to statements from the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch suggesting that its clothes were only for “cool, good-looking people” — a designation that evidently doesn’t include larger women, since the chain doesn’t offer XL and XXL sizes for women, just men. For more pics, and her open letter to the company, see here.
I’m pretty sure their “logic” goes something like “women having preferences is proof that feminism has gone too far!!” but “men wanting to insult overweight women is just rational LOGICAL SCIENCE, but is also somehow feminism’s fault raglebargle ragespittle!!!”
No see, they were going to go their own way, they really finally were! Like they had their bags packed and were just on their way out the door for real, but now they CAN’T go their own way, because feminists are going to literally FORCE them to marry fat women! Which is totally one of the goals of feminism and not laughably paranoid conspiracy ramblings!
“I’m pretty sure their “logic” goes something like “women having preferences is proof that feminism has gone too far!!” but “men wanting to insult overweight women is just rational LOGICAL SCIENCE, but is also somehow feminism’s fault raglebargle ragespittle!!!”
I imagine in their ideal dating world they could basically pick out a woman like I do tomatos at the grocery store. Except the women would probably not be treated as well as the produce.
Oh men will be forced to marry fat chicks the day that the UN’s Real Agenda 21 goes into effect.
It is actually one of the provisions and they will shoot men who refuse to comply.*
*this post is sarcastic.
This one’s for Kittehs.
Now I need to catch up on this thread.
Big welcome to all our delurkers!
Wow, @laserqueen, I am just glad you are away from that asshat now. All kinds of hugs!
And hello again, and welcome to all the new (or newly de-lurked) boobzers!
I am stealing baroncognito’s idea for pre-printed cards, while eagerly awaiting the Pierre-ified version of Fibinachi’s conversation.
As for the OP, I have nothing to add. You’ve all covered all the important points and made all the appropriate jokes. So I’m going to go forage for dinner!
*except dummy-spitting ones, that is.
Whoot! I haz my own publishing house!
Oh, is the law about forcing men to marry fat chicks an opt-out for said fat chicks? ‘Cos I don’t know if my marriage to Mr K would be recognised in law and I really don’t want to have to marry some MRA/MGHOW like Andrew-the-OP.
This is sweet: a bunch of LA-area kindergarten kids singing/signing True Colors to illustrate the lesson
*I would quibble with that, since I don’t think some of the MRAs/misogynists profiled here are worthy of love.
@kittehserf, I messed up my blockquotes before when I said this, but I saw that ubermensch, one of the more obnoxious MGTOWs, is from Australia. After seeing that, and then reading about those huntsman spiders from the other thread, I am amazed at what people in the land down under deal with. Well, maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on huntsman spiders. Even they don’t deserve to be compared to hateful misogynists.
Anyway, I am sorry to all Australians for having ubermensch. Here in the US, we have more than our fair share of asshats, too. And it seems like Canada has quite a few MRAs as well.
thebionicmommy, I saw that!
Huntsman spiders are looking positively lovable at the moment.
We seem to have two of the more cretinous and thoroughly nasty specimens of MRAdom here – Peter copyrighted wossname, he who can use his Mighty Man Beams to see off packs of wild dogs that weren’t actually attacking him, and this pillock.
More importantly, Mads is all down and droopy after her vaccination yesterday, poor baby! She’s eating and drinking, so no worries there, but haz a sad.
I’m sorry to hear about Mads feeling peakid. I’m sure she’ll perk up in a day or two, but for now, she probably just needs some rest. She’ll probably hold a grudge about the vet for a while if she’s like kitties I’ve had before.
I think the two worst MRA’s we have here in the US are Elam and WTF Price. They aren’t quite as nasty as Peter copyright or ubermensch, but they make more noise.
In Canada, MRAs hide under rocks and in dark empty boxes too.
Yeah, I’m assuming she’ll just want to sleep it off for a while. She curled up in one of the baskets during the evening and was still in it this morning – she sleeps in the chair normally.
I suspect there’s a certain amount of LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME in this as well. She howled all the way up (I have to wheel her up there in her carrier in our shopping jeep), crapped in the carrier, and howled all the way back. I don’t think we’re going to be forgiven for a while.
… and Mum just tried to point out to her that if she didn’t have her shots and caught those viruses, she’d be a very sick girl.
Mads is thrashing her tail around. It isn’t Cat Logic, therefore it’s a bad argument.
We have the hembler and lots and lots of FeMRAs too!
Oh, USA, you also have Vox Day. :-p
Reminds me of a really old Garfield strip where Jon was about to put up the Christmas decos.
“Ah, the traditional bringing-out-the-decorations-box,” thinks Garfield. Jon dives into the box then pulls out, hair on end, eyes bulging, hands waving, and Garfield thinks, “And the also traditional discovery-of-large-hairy-spider-in-box.”
Yeah, I always feel terrible for bringing my cat to the vet. Charlie just gives me the look of death after.
Glad Mads is well though! 🙂
Mads did better than that, she left me covered in scratches all over my upper arms! She’s been channelling “cannot put this cat in a basket” Katie.
I don’t understand orca references for fat people. Cetology is my thing. Orca are dolphins. They’re muscular is hell. They can be twenty-six feet in length and, in healthy adults, their blubber layer is only about 6cm. That’s really not fat at all.
Why not pick a cetacean that’s actually blubbery like a beluga or bowhead whale? You’re still a fucking asshole to be shitting on people for their weight but at least the reference makes sense when you use an animal that’s actually fat.
They hate you if you’re fat, because you don’t please their bonerz. They also hate you when you’re attractive, that means you’re a stuck up alpha chaser, and thus they must take you down a peg.
Bottom line is, they hate you because you’re a woman.
This Andrew needs to crawl in a hole and stay there. The “fatties” of the world don’t want to be with men who are forced to marry them (how fucking delusional can one person be to think this would ever happen in reality?) I’d rather die alone than be with a man who secretly resents me. This creep is so entitled, so arrogant, to presume fat women would want him or other men forced to be with them against their will. His beliefs are revolting.
Ever notice how angry they get when they learn that calling people names is becoming more and more unacceptable? what a bunch of hateful little bullies.
Ahhh… Whenever Roosh or Matt Forney or any of those ilk get on the “fat girl” toot, it’s because they haven’t got anything more interesting to post, and this one is a guaranteed “winner” for generating scores of furious comments.
As a fat woman (former fat girl) I’m baffled. I totally accept — and have always cheerfully accepted — that not everyone is attracted to fat women. What I don’t understand is why that is a problem for them. This weird fear that if fat women are allowed into society (via the fashion or entertainment industry like, for example, Rebel Wilson or Adele or Lindy West) this means that they will be “forced” to have sex with them.
I think it represents a great deal of inner conflict on their part. Many of them ARE attracted to at least some of the fat girls they see, but are afraid of being ridiculed by other men. I know this for a fact from years of experience. And I also know that the guys who approached me carrying this burden of ambivalence ALWAYS turned it against me sooner or later. If you read their screeds, some of them will admit that they have been REJECTED by fat girls. How dare an “imperfect” woman reject them!
I could go on and on (and have done so in my blog), so I won’t bore y’all further. Suffice to say I’m thrilled with the Militant Baker and other “fatshionista” gals for struttin’ their stuff and demanding respect. This is NOT because I am a “fat apologist” or think it is healthy to be morbidly obese, but because everyone, including fat people, has a voice that deserves to be heard and valued.
Summed ’em up perfectly, Quackers!
that would assume they are intelligent people that actually look into things, when their only capability is spewing insults that only kinda make sense (orca=big thus, fat people=orca)