are these guys 12 years old? evil fat fatties imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men paranoia playing the victim

MGTOWer warns: Soon men will be forced to marry fatties!

Our nightmare future?
Our nightmare future?

Never let it be said that the men of the MGTOW movement don’t focus on the important issues of our time. For example, over on MGTOWforums, a fellow named Andrew brought up a critical danger faced by today’s men, a danger that the mainstream media is too cowardly to address.

I refer, of course, to the rising danger that an innocent, decent, hard-working, good-looking fellow like Andrew might be forced into a relationship with some ugly fat lady.

You scoff — I can sense your scoffing through the internet — but as Andrew points out, it VERY WELL COULD HAPPEN, by which I mean, no it couldn’t possibly happen, but the MGTOWers do love to get worked up about things, and who am I to rain on their little anger parade?

Here’s Andrew, from the thread “Ugly women forced upon us?? Dangerous precedent for men setting itself up.”

Call me insane,call me paranoid,call me anything you want but I see a new dangerous precedent for men.Let me explain.  Notice how now FAT HORRIBLE UGLY women are SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWLY.but surely being accepted into the mainstream.How The names fat,ORCA,HUGE,THUNDER THIGHS ARE NOW BECOMING OFFENSIVE IN SOCIETY AND THE LIBERAL MSM!!!!!!!  It is going to eventually reach a point where 2 things WILL happen.  1.ANY MAN who turns down a woman who he deems "physically unattractive" to him will become the subject of ridicule and scorn and threaten his livelyhood and career as the employer who hired him will be forced to let him go due to his godawful crime of rejecting a ugly creature.He will be seen as worse than a terrorist and his life will forever be ruined.  2.The words FAT,ORCA,PLUS SIZED.PLAIN JANE.ETC........will now be construed as Offensive and emotionally damaging to the twats and the mission will be for those insane walruses to destroy the man who said that both careerwise and with false accusations of rape,violence.etc.Calling a woman lets say "overweight" will result in the goal of destruction of that particular man.  The ONLY remedy for this? For the man to accept and fuck the sea monster............and marry her.  Bank on it,its coming gents.

You can’t argue with that!

Seriously, arguing with Andrew would be a bit like debating an angry baby.

EDITED TO ADD: The picture at the top of the post is from a series done by the blogger The Militant Baker in response to statements from the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch suggesting that its clothes were only for “cool, good-looking people” — a designation that evidently doesn’t include larger women, since the chain doesn’t offer  XL and XXL sizes for women, just men. For more pics, and her open letter to the company, see here.

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11 years ago

Writing someone is “not very nice” for taking offence at dehumanizing a significant portion of the population = personal attack, bullies!

I guess that makes sense in open-minded land.

And not being able to take mild criticism is the pinnacle of open-mindedness. Yay, internet!

11 years ago

Fat ugly women aren’t worth fighting for.

And by extension, my country is not worth fighting for.

Oh no, ubermensch won’t fight for Australia (that’s where he says he’s from, sorry Aussies). I don’t know how the Australian military could ever face any challenges in the future without him. First he deprives all the straight women of his charm, and now he’s depriving the land down under of his manly strength!

Also, welcome to all the new people in this thread. I apologize I do not know how to do welcome packages. And laserqueen, I am glad that manboobz is helpful to you in all you’re going through right now. I also add my sympathies about what your ex is putting you through, and I hope your divorce is as quick and easy as possible.

11 years ago

Damn you, blockquote monster! *cursing and stomping*

11 years ago

Anyone notice that TheSambaTroll didn’t actually answer my question? He came up with long-winded and evolutionarily dubious reasons why fat women might be considered unattractive by conventional standards, but never got around to taking a stab at why fatness should be loathed so much more than other markers of age or low status.

11 years ago

Aw, Sambnoodler’s going away? I didn’t get a chance to “welcome” them. *pouts evily*

11 years ago

Out of all the ways a woman might not measure up to the standards of conventional attractiveness, why does fatness get singled out for so much revulsion?

Women who take up space are threatening.

11 years ago

Women who can’t be controlled are even more threatening–and since most people regard fat as a lack of control, regardless of whether or not that’s the case–it freaks the dudely dudes right the fuck out.

11 years ago

Karalora, yeah, at first I thought he was just pointing out what MRAs say about evolution when they try to justify pedophilia or whatever, but then I realized he was actually arguing those things… Gah…

The whole “ephebophile” thing was a complete load of shit. How would having children with super skinny girls who haven’t even fucking developed their body for child bearing be good for the species? It would make much more sense for men to be “programmed” to love post pubescent women with more “chub” and strength so that they can bear children and won’t die of starvation. And “most” men being ephebophiles? The hell? I’m sorry but if you look at the most famous porn stars, they look NOTHING like prepubescent girls(excluding pubic hair, however that’s not due to them attempting to look like children).

11 years ago

/de-lurk/ I’m getting the feeling that the douchecanoe who wrote this is the type of man who is actually quite attracted to larger women, but is a bit ashamed of it, and then takes it out on them. I spent my early twenties being treated like utter shit by men like that.

11 years ago

Okay, I am still getting caught up on this thread, but I see a bunch of new/recently de-lurked names here, so here’s the Welcome Package for everyone who isn’t throwing a tantrum:

(Tantrum throwers might qualify for a package later if they take a timeout and then come back and apologize for their bad behavior, and stop behaving badly. Might.)

11 years ago

And something about handing out a bunch of welcome packages at once makes me feel like Oprah…

11 years ago

Generally speaking, if you’re going “so this is how you treat new people!” before you’ve gotten your welcome package, you don’t get one.

11 years ago

Hello delurker WhoEsq! Welcome!

11 years ago

Argh, WordPress keeps sockifying me. The spirit of Steele has taken over my ipad.

11 years ago

It’s not just porn telling straight men that thin women are better. It’s everywhere. Barbie dolls, Disney princesses, runway fashion shows, magazines, TV sitcoms, and print ads all show skinny women as being sexy, and show fat women to be “sassy” at best, and a punchline at worst.

I’ve seen women with less conventionally attractive faces made fun of a few times in media, but that’s nowhere near as common as the fat hate. Al Bundy on Married with Children never had a “No ugly chicks” or “No old chicks” T-shirt, but he did wear the “No fat chicks” shirt. I know he’s kind of an over the top example of a misogynist, but the sad thing is how many times I’ve heard guys in real life ridicule a woman’s looks, and they can be brutal about it.

The only positive thing I can see from guys making jokes about a woman having “a butter face” or being a “land whale” is that I know they are assholes, so I will never introduce them to any of my single friends.

11 years ago

I saw somebody make the “feminism wants to force men to date fat women”* argument just yesterday (on Reddit, of course). Sounds a lot like the argument from some circles that teaching tolerance of homosexuality is the same as forcing everyone to be homosexual.

* As is the norm for mansopherians, this person seems to have concluded that feminism exists solely to force guys to have sex with women he deems unattractive, but hey “friend zoning” is wrong and should probably be illegal if you think about it because if a guy goes to all the effort of being nice to a woman she at least owes him some sex, but is she refuses she’s just a shallow hypergamestress, because sorry but that’s just how biology works and stuff.

11 years ago

It amuses me that feminists are often accused of hating men, when people like Samba (who are clearly not very familiar with feminism or how feminists spaces tend to work) go around accusing all men of being pedophiles. I’ve yet to see any known feminist float a theory as dumb and offensive to men, women, children, and anyone with any intellect as “men like skinny women because they look like underage girls”.

11 years ago

Out of all the ways a woman might not measure up to the standards of conventional attractiveness, why does fatness get singled out for so much revulsion?

Because it’s socially OK to blame them for it, I suppose. Other forms of unattractiveness are simple misfortune, but because our culture equates fatness with laziness and gluttony, a fatty isn’t just unattractive, she’s also a bad person. Men get this too, to a degree, but we have much more latitude before our overweightness gets us judged as a fatty.

11 years ago

I’ve also noticed that anti-feminists seem to be the biggest haters of men. Makes me sad.

11 years ago

Doesn’t what Andrew in the OP is saying really the inverse of what they would like society to be for women?

Attractive Alpha guys getting all the women ect…

11 years ago

Anti-feminists tend to be gender essentialists, and they often find themselves in the position of defending bad things that men do, so their arguments often take the form of “Men do these bad things because they can’t help it because that’s just the way men are!”

11 years ago

“The words FAT,ORCA,PLUS SIZED.PLAIN JANE.ETC……..will now be construed as Offensive and emotionally damaging…”
Uh…has there been some mind-boggling change in acceptable standards of behavior since I was a girl 50 years ago? Back then it was considered offensive & emotionally damaging to insult people because of their weight, & it was rarely acceptable for anyone to do so in any social situation. But given Andrew’s use of other offensive terms I’d imagine he offends a lot of people, not just “fat” women, & creates such an atmosphere of ill-will at work he may well have cause to worry about continued employment.

11 years ago

I don’t get it. I thought the whole point of these MGTOW* clowns is that they are, you know, going their own way and not associating with women. So why are they complaining about this? I wish they’d just move to some pacific island, already, and set up their manly mens’ paradise with “NO GIRLZ ALLOWED!” posted on the door.

*Whenever I think of this acronym now, I can’t help but think of Wooly Bumblebee and I say “mig tau” to myself and laugh

11 years ago

Reminds me of a hoary old fable about the meaning of the word “Loser” I read in a book once. It’s not trufaxx and I doubt it’s actually real, but hey, as I remember it was tha:

Loser used to be a very serious insults, because it was assumed to mean someone meant to lose, actively losing and bound to keep doing that – some lowborn, unlucky person with no chance of betterment because it was just a case of cosmic random happenstance that this person here would suck, forever. You were basically proletzering their destiny.

Then you get gyms and informercials about tanning beds, and suddenly loser is an insult people throw around haphazardly because it’s okay, I mean, if they didn’t want to be a loser they’d go the gym and pick a more interesting hobby.

Move something within the realm of the generally possible and suddenly mocking people who don’t do it is not only okay, it’s expected. Fat isn’t fat any more, fat is really code for lazy and lacking focus (never you mind such a thing as outstanding conditions or health complications, pshaw). Bad skin isn’t medical, it’s lack of dermatological care.

What a strange idea. So much effort put into controlling what other’s look like. Merp. Rant.

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