Never let it be said that the men of the MGTOW movement don’t focus on the important issues of our time. For example, over on MGTOWforums, a fellow named Andrew brought up a critical danger faced by today’s men, a danger that the mainstream media is too cowardly to address.
I refer, of course, to the rising danger that an innocent, decent, hard-working, good-looking fellow like Andrew might be forced into a relationship with some ugly fat lady.
You scoff — I can sense your scoffing through the internet — but as Andrew points out, it VERY WELL COULD HAPPEN, by which I mean, no it couldn’t possibly happen, but the MGTOWers do love to get worked up about things, and who am I to rain on their little anger parade?
Here’s Andrew, from the thread “Ugly women forced upon us?? Dangerous precedent for men setting itself up.”
You can’t argue with that!
Seriously, arguing with Andrew would be a bit like debating an angry baby.
EDITED TO ADD: The picture at the top of the post is from a series done by the blogger The Militant Baker in response to statements from the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch suggesting that its clothes were only for “cool, good-looking people” — a designation that evidently doesn’t include larger women, since the chain doesn’t offer XL and XXL sizes for women, just men. For more pics, and her open letter to the company, see here.
@freemage- Exactly what I did. When I got the letter, I immediately walked it over to a friend’s house unopened. He read it for me to glean any pertinent information. Very sound advice. And I love my lawyer- he is all kinds of awesome. Worth every penny.
laserqueen: should soon to be ex ever harp on your weight again, figure out what he weighs and tell him you lost that much.
If these dudes are truly going their own way, they wouldn’t care how many fat women are around.
Yeah, it’s difficult to find yourself after living to please someone else for so long. It seems like you are not letting his abuse destroy you. Just the fact that you want to find yourself now is a huge step forward in blocking his power over you.
I wish you all the support, love and peace of mind that you deserve.
“Ah, but you forgot – women shouldn’t be uppity/work/steal jobs from the menz, but if they are stay-at-home partners they are hypergamous bitches.”
This is the one that always got me. How dare a woman expect a man to buy all her drinks or pay for her dinner, but how dare she also have a career or a job.
On topic: As other’s are saying, I just don’t get how it’s difficult to just BE NICE to other people. When did it become so terrible to take another person’s feelings into account? A giant core of the MRA is basically them bitching about how they can’t talk to a woman/treat a woman in any way they want. It’s all “Me me me I don’t care how the woman feels when I tell her her tits are nice! What about how [i]I[/i] feel???” They seem to forget that they’re the ones opening their mouths and forcing interaction with other people. If you don’t like the way someone might respond to you, then maybe you should shut up.
They’d probably hate the fact orcas are matriarchal.
On the OP, our friend Ubermensch is back in the comments! His advice to Andrew:
It’s our loss, ladies! This ubermesch is going his own way!
For those who missed the thread a couple days ago, our mensch was offering a deal on the table for him to perhaps consider being in a relationship with a woman! All we have to do is to make the woman and children the property of the man forever! And that we drop those treacherous domestic violence laws! And that women should be slaves who can’t divorce him!
Damn, that Uber sure knows how to negotiate.
…but it IS important when I feel oppressed! Waaaahhh.
Laserqueen, additional jedi hugs. What an unmitigated ass.
Breach in the Feminist Hivemind! HOW DID HE GET OUR TOP SECERET PLAN?!?!
On one of the angry manifestos I’ve read written by one of these guys (I forget where I found it) he was saying, in essence, that there are these sex bots being invented (I think in Japan?) and these Men Going Their Own Way are threatening to just go with the sex bots in the future. (Forgive me, because I’m probably getting some of the particulars wrong. I’m still new to a lot of this.)
My reaction when I read that? AWESOME, GO FOR IT, DUDE! Honestly, if they see no valuable difference between a sex robot and a real human woman, then they are doing everyone a huge favor by going with the robot. I don’t see a downside to this. Womenkind won’t be bothered by them anymore, and they will get what they want–something to do their bidding, the emphasis being on THING.
Though I wonder if that would truly make them happy? This robot wouldn’t care or feel, and wouldn’t object to being controlled. Where’s the fun in that? 😉
I feel fortunate that I have always had good men, *real* men, in my life, so it isn’t like I think all men, or even most men are like this. It’s just that the ones who are like this, can be pretty in-your-face about it.
laserqueen, my heart goes out to you, and I echo everyone else’s feelings. You’re lucky you’re getting out now!
@ rutile
Do you mean
Yes, sexbots are the biggest threat to the gynocracy at the moment. We all wait in fear, trying to destroy men’s freedom to have sex with robots. Because sexy robots would make women completely useless, what else can a woman do???
Also, if you have room for more facepalm:
Uh, last time I checked there were still a lot of thin women out there – especially since statistically, most people aren’t overweight. If the lovely Andrew is having trouble attracting one of them, might there, perhaps, be some other reason than the impending law to make him marry a fatty?
“This robot wouldn’t care or feel, and wouldn’t object to being controlled. Where’s the fun in that?”
I think you’ve got something there. There’s no victory in controlling a robot. I had a discussion with my ex about his choices as to how and when to serve him papers, he got all mopey and sad- turned away and said “I don’t have control over anything anymore.” I just stood there thinking- “you have control over every choice you make, you just don’t have control over me any more.” And he still takes every opportunity to control me. Including postponing the trial another 90 days…
I have learned that I may always be his target- but I am no longer his victim. I can live with that.
I’d feel bad for the sexbots =/
laserqueen, may your ex step on all the Legos.
<If the lovely Andrew is having trouble attracting one of them, might there, perhaps, be some other reason than the impending law to make him marry a fatty?
TheSambaNoodler, this isn’t cool. Pointing out a problem with his personality may be the reason why he can only attract “fatty” is still conveying the idea that fat women are somehow defective and not as vauluable as thin women. Cut it out.
And yet… Women who turn down men for any reason are terrible evil hypergamous alpha chasers.
So women should be punished and reviled for both pursuing men and turning them down, but men shouldn’t because reasons.
And if someone asks you out on a date and your response is to scream HDU fat orca!!!1!!1 then you might have serious issues.
Blockquote monster got me! The top section is quoting TheSambaNoodler.
This gem feels PERFECT for today’s post. It’s part of a 1930s “educational” film meant to teach wives the importance of properly undressing for their husband. For mawage!
I agree, they wouldn’t be satisfied with their sexbots. They don’t actually want a non-human as a partner, they want the power to treat their partner as a non-human.
There was a really interesting article about two women who wore burquas getting yelled at by white men driving around an all woman campus because they dared interrupt the male gaze that was the male privilege to at women however they wanted.
It’s like being 110 lbs young, tall, long hair is how some men define “woman” and taking the time to look at a woman who is not all those things is offensive to the man. That it is the woman’s own body that is keeping the shitlord from seeing the hot babe he wants is where they find such offense.
Briznecko, well, in our society they aren’t, that’s a fact, not a moral judgement. Thinner women are generally regarded as more attractive, just as taller men are. Stating all people are widely regarded as equally attractive regardless of what they look like is ridiculous, simply untrue. I wasn’t saying fat women were bad people or that some people don’t find them attractive. Calm down.
Here’s something I wonder about from time to time…
Out of all the ways a woman might not measure up to the standards of conventional attractiveness, why does fatness get singled out for so much revulsion? Seriously, whenever guys – be they MRA or other – harp about “ugly” women, probably 90% of the bile gets flung against women who are heavier than the ideal, leaving just 10% for wrinkles, gray hair, unappealing scars, bad teeth, breasts that are the “wrong” size or shape, knobby knees, lip hair, big noses, and everything else.
What is it about female fatness in particular that horrifies unenlightened. shallow men?
MaudeLL, Oh my goodness, that post about the sexbots was *hilarious*! Thank you for the link! I had read another article about it, but not on manboobz. I was laughing a lot when reading that article. Will have to read the others.
The laughs on this blog are truly therapeutic. Thank you everyone again!
laserqueen, wow, your ex sounds like a prize. I’m so glad you’re going to escape him, and that you won’t let him victimize you any more.
Karalora, in their mind, they probably think that a woman with an “ugly” face is better than a “fatty”, since they could cover up her face with a paper bag during sex.
And yes I’ve seen and met men(and even a few women) who joke about that, in a non sarcastic manner…
MaudeLL and rutile… I am dying laughing at that article in my office. I wasn’t a regular boobzer at the time it posted so missed it.
It’s really quite telling that our friend Ian thinks that Sexbots will be a “craze,” and that women would miss him in the “SMP” (of course he would put sexual relationships in transactional, macro terms). No, no, honey; most people (even males!!!) do in fact prefer human interaction…but thanks for letting us all know what you’re into.