Never let it be said that the men of the MGTOW movement don’t focus on the important issues of our time. For example, over on MGTOWforums, a fellow named Andrew brought up a critical danger faced by today’s men, a danger that the mainstream media is too cowardly to address.
I refer, of course, to the rising danger that an innocent, decent, hard-working, good-looking fellow like Andrew might be forced into a relationship with some ugly fat lady.
You scoff — I can sense your scoffing through the internet — but as Andrew points out, it VERY WELL COULD HAPPEN, by which I mean, no it couldn’t possibly happen, but the MGTOWers do love to get worked up about things, and who am I to rain on their little anger parade?
Here’s Andrew, from the thread “Ugly women forced upon us?? Dangerous precedent for men setting itself up.”
You can’t argue with that!
Seriously, arguing with Andrew would be a bit like debating an angry baby.
EDITED TO ADD: The picture at the top of the post is from a series done by the blogger The Militant Baker in response to statements from the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch suggesting that its clothes were only for “cool, good-looking people” — a designation that evidently doesn’t include larger women, since the chain doesn’t offer XL and XXL sizes for women, just men. For more pics, and her open letter to the company, see here.
That just described 99% of social justice opponents right there.
I’ve been reading posts and comments a while now. This one really hits home. I’m in the process of divorcing my husband of 20 years. He wrote me a letter last May addressed to “Fail Whale” and proceeded to ennumerate all the times I had failed to lose enough weight to please his boner. Since before we were married. All the while insisting that he’s a “nice guy”. I’m learning a lot about the way he thinks from David’s work here, and a lot about how to handle it from all you folks in the comments. I am grateful.
Ugh, that ain’t right at all. Jedi hugs if you want them laserqueen.
Yes! I am pretty convinced at this point that these rants mainly come from guys who can’t deal with their own attraction to these women. Roissy does this, too- just protests waaaay too much about “I do not like fat women! No I don’t! I swear I don’t!” If it just ain’t your thing, guys, you should be able to drop the subject and move on with your fucking lives already.
I’ve thought of a way to work Pierre into this.
Thanks for the welcome, freemage, and everyone!
laserqueen, welcome to you too, and I understand how you feel. I am sure many women do.
It’s so easy for women – especially if we started to get this treatment starting at a very young age (like I did) to take it way too much to heart. The constant, constant, constant affirmation that this is how it is, that you’re not good enough unless you’re X, Y, or Z, gets under your skin, whether you realize it or not. Sites like this one help expose it for what it is and that is very cathartic and helpful. Like laserqueen, I am grateful.
Wow, I can’t even imagine having to read something like that in the middle of what must already be such a stressful process of divorce. My sympathies. I hope the divorce goes as smoothly as possible for you.
Like babylawyer suggested, I think this is a Poe.
Some mgtows definitely sound like that, and Andrew seems to be treated like his argument makes sense by other mgtows, but I just can’t. Also, he’s a ‘newbie’ there, which makes me suspicious.
The giveaway to me is the language. The “thunder thighs and orca are becoming too taboo for the liberal MSM” argument is too off IMO.
Either way, it’s funny the other members are actually responding to him as though it makes any sense. They really think their ‘going their own way’ thing is pressure on society. They probably get this impression from the tons of feminist fanmail they receive by women begging mgtows to reconsider their positions with women.
The heroic John Galt but better says: vade retro satanas. Then he proceeds to write a treatise on female hypergamy, followed by an e-book on his manifesto on why men should only interact with pubescent girls who don’t earn a salary. And a blog post on why the two are absolutely not linked.
(hint: it has to do with our hunter-gatherer ancestors, sprinkled with a bit of quantum physics)
laserqueen: I’m sorry, that fucking sucks.
One of these things is not like the other…
(Orcas are fucking scary, bro. They kill great white sharks for shits and giggles. Do not fuck with orcas.)
laserqueen: Ugh, what an incredible douche. I imagine “you’re better off without him” is no consolation right now, but it’s still true.
Welcome, laserqueen.
I hope you stick around, participating in the conversation here can be really cathartic to get through the type of bullshit you are living right now.
In any case, it’s good to know you got away from this guy. You deserve better.
@rutile- I did believe his words for the longest time, until I finally got a few friends that helped me see myself through different eyes. Then he began to control my access to these friends that were “whispering poison” in my ear.
@leftwingfox- Thank you, I will happily take Jedi hugs.
@hellkell- It does suck- and I will be stronger and happier when it’s done.
My soon-to-be ex is very, very lucky our 12 year old daughter did not get the mail that day after school. She would have recognized his handwriting and seen another piece of his nastiness.
So, Andrew would have been absolutely supportive of my ex’s right, nay obligation, to say such things. Sometimes I wonder if my ex isn’t one of these guys….
Laserqueen, welcom.
I’m sorry to hear about that pathetic man child. You really deserved better. Good now that he’s gone…
laserqueen; Christ, what an asshole. You are truly well rid of him, and I hope the final stages of your divorce are as swift and painless as possible. I’d also suggest that, assuming you have a lawyer, you hand them any further correspondence from your soon-to-be-ex and ask that they convey to you any actual pertinent info without the abuse (alternately, if you have a trusted friend, ask them to take on the job; probably cheaper than a lawyer’s hourly rate).
Denying the shithead any further opportunity to hurt you is a generally good approach to dealing with shitheads.
Don’t worry, MGTOWs. I like my overweight friends too much to make them put up with the likes of you guys.
Fibonacci, that sounds like a lot of work, can I just have cards made?
“I will not have sex with you for the following reason(s):
_ I am in a monogamous relationship.
_ I do not find you attractive.
_ I do not find myself attractive.
_ You have a hedgehog attached to your genitals.
Then I could tell everyone on the bus quickly and efficiently.
Bad-guy summoned an orca in one of our Pathfinder RPG games. It murdered the “boss” of the fight with it’s first blow, then proceeded to royally trash our party before we finally brought it down.
Since then the orca has become something of a legendary foe in our adventures. Body of water? SUMMON ORCA!
Yay! More Pierre!
Only if you feel like it, of course. No rush. I can find other things to do in the meantime. Like go to work.
@katz, MaudeLL, auggziliary- Thank you much- I am better off without his judgement, control and negativity.
After 24 years together, it’s going to take me a while to figure out who I am and what I like, rather than what I was doing to please him. Really- it was so much “my boner doesn’t work as well as it did when we were younger- so now you have to be hotter”.
24 years and two kids- and the MRAs will be pleased to know I’ll most likely have to pay him spousal support…
You summoned an orca. All other arguments are now invalid.
Have an internet.
Damn hedgehogs. I feel like they’re starting to impact my dating.
I’m so sorry to hear that laserqueen, you sound very well off out of that one.
I read the other comments following Andrew, and I think the argument goes like this: fat acceptance = more fat women. More fat women = limited resources of sexy ladies. Limited resources = harsher competition to harvest the resource for oneself. Harsher competition = possibility of not having a steady supply of resources (sexy ladies here, but it also applies to bacon). No supply = being forced to go with women over 120lb (gasp!).
The woman’s decision doesn’t enter this perfect theoretical model, because of the law of supply and demands.
I know that this is entirely beside the point, but the woman in that picture is absolutely stunning.
Seconding drst on respect for the Orca.
Welcome to Rutile and Laserqueen. Someone make sure they get their welcome package. Laserqueen, allow me to add to the Jedi hugs. My own divorce was about as amicable as such things can get, and it still hurts. I can’t imagine going through that kind of nastiness. It’s good that you’re escaping.