Never let it be said that the men of the MGTOW movement don’t focus on the important issues of our time. For example, over on MGTOWforums, a fellow named Andrew brought up a critical danger faced by today’s men, a danger that the mainstream media is too cowardly to address.
I refer, of course, to the rising danger that an innocent, decent, hard-working, good-looking fellow like Andrew might be forced into a relationship with some ugly fat lady.
You scoff — I can sense your scoffing through the internet — but as Andrew points out, it VERY WELL COULD HAPPEN, by which I mean, no it couldn’t possibly happen, but the MGTOWers do love to get worked up about things, and who am I to rain on their little anger parade?
Here’s Andrew, from the thread “Ugly women forced upon us?? Dangerous precedent for men setting itself up.”
You can’t argue with that!
Seriously, arguing with Andrew would be a bit like debating an angry baby.
EDITED TO ADD: The picture at the top of the post is from a series done by the blogger The Militant Baker in response to statements from the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch suggesting that its clothes were only for “cool, good-looking people” — a designation that evidently doesn’t include larger women, since the chain doesn’t offer XL and XXL sizes for women, just men. For more pics, and her open letter to the company, see here.
Stable? If you’re using stable as a euphemism for mentally ill, you’re on shaky ground. Not everyone with mental illness is out to fuck up someone’s life.
My eyes are gonna hurt from rolling before the night is over.
Aside from everything else, can I please point and laugh at Mr. Scientific’s idea that “rolls of fat” are indicators of old age and/or infertility?
Yea, while the news will report about some woman lying about being raped (rarely), MRAs will blow it up to make it look like it’s some nationwide problem. Brilliant recruitment technique actually.
Some comments slipped in while I was writing my own!
I get the feeling that some MRAs are worried about rape accusations also because they are of the inclination to sleep with women after knowing them for about 5 minutes (because patience is not a virtue). Anyone who does this, male or female, is taking a risk. The solution to that particular problem is to wait a bit longer than 5 minutes. 😉
Some of them also believe that the vast majority of women are crazy and are just barely holding that in. The crazy will emerge once they’ve got their hooks in some sucker, and that’s when the false rape accusations will start. *rolls eyes and shakes head*
Hi, Shadow! How’s life in the Great White North?
Not really that brilliant. I think most dudes who stumble onto MRA sites just want their already existing biases confirmed.
Like lensman and his infamous “marriage sucks” Google search.
“Stable? If you’re using stable as a euphemism for mentally ill, you’re on shaky ground. Not everyone with mental illness is out to fuck up someone’s life.”
Forgive me, would “malevolently unstable” be better?
Would you agree that it is wiser to get to know someone a bit better before being alone with them?
” get the feeling that some MRAs are worried about rape accusations also because they are of the inclination to sleep with women after knowing them for about 5 minutes (because patience is not a virtue). Anyone who does this, male or female, is taking a risk. The solution to that particular problem is to wait a bit longer than 5 minutes.”
Holy crap, this. I remember wanting to sleep with any girl who gave me the time of day.
Meh, I’d just go for malevolent, rutile. Mental illness isn’t really a factor.
Yeah, malevolent covers it all.
Aww, laserqueen honey. I’m so sorry you have such a toxic, abusive dudebro in your life. I hope you can flush him out as quickly as possible.
Like cats. Cats do malevolent very well.
::looks at latest set of scratches on hand::
Malevolent can work.
Yeah, some of our favorite people around here (for real, not being sarcastic) could be classified as “unstable” and they are also wonderful human beings that we are very fond of. Whereas Paul Elam is reliable and stable as hell, and he’s a complete asswipe.
I know that “crazy” stuff is just out there, and it has actually been one of the hardest things for me to un-learn, so I really appreciate people here for calling me and others out on that.
Ditto, cloudiah: it’s one of the things I find hard to ditch, but I’m trying.
Hi!! I’m doing good, my life’s been taken over by playoff season loll The Great White North’s being hella temperamental and I wish it would decide on a season and stick to it 😛 How’s the Lone Star state treating ya? Hope life’s being good to you and Mr HK.
Shadow: My parents are in upstate NY, and my mom was just saying the same thing about the weather today. It’s gettin’ HOT here, and we found out exactly how old our AC unit is–it’s from the mid-80s, and ACs have a normal lifespan of 10-15 years. So we need to have a conversation about a newer unit with the landlord. I’m going to let my nicer half, Mr. HK, deal with him. He’s one of those dudes who does not take women seriously.
Other than that things are good. Went to Vegas last week for work, that place is weird and kinda gross.
Ouch on the AC. I definitely feel your pain, for someone that grew up experiencing nothing but heat, I have a ridiculously low tolerance for it. Lol at “weird and gross”, Vegas is one of those places I keep meaning to visit but it’s too low on the list for me to get around to right now. Are you guys renting an apartment or a house?
“Yeah, some of our favorite people around here (for real, not being sarcastic) could be classified as “unstable” and they are also wonderful human beings that we are very fond of.”
*waves from the crazy corner* am I one of ’em? After a day of TERFs I could use the ego stroking!
Also, fish opinion. After 4 or 5 batches of cory eggs with no luck, it occurs to me I had two males when the others where born, I think my remaining male might be infertile (it’s common among albino males). My parent cories are in the 29g, their offspring in the 55g, using the 10g planted tank as a breeding tank.
The 29g has never, fucking never, stablized. I add even a couple fish, the bio cycle goes totally wonky, and I lose at least one. So I’m worried if I add fish there I’ll lose one of the current inhabitants. But the 55g has the offspring and since I don’t want to encourage inbreeding, I’ve figured I’ll just leave any eggs they produce and let nature take its course — won’t actively kill them, but won’t attempt to rear them either. The 10g currently houses snails, which are, admittedly, getting a bit out of hand, but I, um, think I’m going to let them, well, die of starvation once the current eggs either hatch or prove fruitless. It’s the easiest way to actually reduce their numbers, crushing them or trapping them won’t work for long since fuck breeding like rabbits, snails breed absolutely ridiculously.
So, options here:
1) risk putting another cory or two in the 29g, with the risk I kill my brother’s cory and feel like a horrible person (this is basically not a serious option, though I can maybe get away with adding just one…except immature females look just like males so it’d be impossible to be sure I’m adding a male)
2) add some to the 55g and risk rearing inbred eggs (this may not actually be a risk after the mass die off, I checked earlier and while one hid, the other two are male)
3) play swap-a-fish and get some for the 10g and remove the parents to the 55g when they lay eggs. Cories, for all their cuteness, are shitty parents, they’ll eat their own offspring. Kind of frustrating catching cories, but not nearly as bad as some fish (I’m looking at you little loach)
I’m thinking 3 since I have only one loach left after the mass die off and need to get little one some friends. Either that or work slooooowly on adding fish to the 29g (I suppose I could remove my brother’s cory first…but she’d probably breed with her sons in the 55g); or isk rearing inbreed cories. Siblings mating, in humans, doesn’t really massively increase the genetic risk, plenty of royalties where sustained that way…
Shit, that got long, sorry. And I just checked again and all three cories came out. Assuming they’re sexual mature, they’re all boys, which means option 2 it is.
Kittehs ::looks at latest set of scratches on hand::
I just scored one – a deep one. Serves me right … sort of. Herself is 20+ years old and doesn’t groom at all any more and has that not-shiny kind of fluffy coat, so combs and brushes don’t slip nicely through it. It’s thickening up nicely now for winter and she’s absolutely covered in knots and tangles. I’ve ordered one of those grooming/razor comb thingies, but until it arrives I’m trying to keep the worst of it at bay with brushing, combing and clipping with nail scissors.
Every now and again I pull a knot too hard and don’t get out of the way quickly enough. Poor me. But at least the bandaid people are earning their money.
The last time I was in Vegas I was 8 and even then “weird and gross” pretty much summed up my reaction. Also! My parents booked a show that the hotel recommended and didn’t realize until we got there that it involved topless women on ice skates. Which was indeed weird, particularly since the angle we were sitting at in relation to the stage allowed me to see the scars on the undersides of the breasts of most of the performers where their implants were put in, which meant that my parents had to explain to me what those scars were and why someone might choose to get implants. It was all very odd for an 8 year old.
Also ditto here, cloudiah. Argenti Aertheri rightly called me out on an ableist comment that I made, which got me thinking quite a bit about my own blind spots in that regard. And I do appreciate it. One doesn’t grow as a person by reaffirming ones own beliefs through confirmation bias.
Shadow: we’re renting a house. Central AC is pretty much a necessity.
Cassandra: I’m totally laughing over Partly Nekkid IceCapades.
Argenti, I would classify you among the people here I am very fond of, yes. Sorry about the TERFs, and sorry I can’t be of any help with the fish (but it sounds like you figured it out).