Never let it be said that the men of the MGTOW movement don’t focus on the important issues of our time. For example, over on MGTOWforums, a fellow named Andrew brought up a critical danger faced by today’s men, a danger that the mainstream media is too cowardly to address.
I refer, of course, to the rising danger that an innocent, decent, hard-working, good-looking fellow like Andrew might be forced into a relationship with some ugly fat lady.
You scoff — I can sense your scoffing through the internet — but as Andrew points out, it VERY WELL COULD HAPPEN, by which I mean, no it couldn’t possibly happen, but the MGTOWers do love to get worked up about things, and who am I to rain on their little anger parade?
Here’s Andrew, from the thread “Ugly women forced upon us?? Dangerous precedent for men setting itself up.”
You can’t argue with that!
Seriously, arguing with Andrew would be a bit like debating an angry baby.
EDITED TO ADD: The picture at the top of the post is from a series done by the blogger The Militant Baker in response to statements from the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch suggesting that its clothes were only for “cool, good-looking people” — a designation that evidently doesn’t include larger women, since the chain doesn’t offer XL and XXL sizes for women, just men. For more pics, and her open letter to the company, see here.
That’s funny, because in the US and Canada, French women are constantly put forth as ideals to emulate for being skinny and having perfect fashion sense, as opposed to all us sloppy fat whales who just follow the latest trend. I’ve seen a whole lot of books about how French women don’t get fat, how to find your inner French girl, and even about how French people bring up their children better than us. I wonder who French women get compared unfavorably to.
Add me to the list of PNW individuals who don’t think a beloved symbol of our region’s culture is a very good insult.
Hmmm . . . I didn’t use the term “Chubby Chasers” (and I know better than to use it now) but I assumed that it was being used in the context that “this is the slang that *they* use to identify a certain type of person that *they* assume something about.” Which is, that any man, regardless of the real reasons why, is designated a “chubby chaser” if he’s ever seen romantically linked with a woman above a certain weight.
No, I don’t like the idea of a man seeing a woman ONLY because of some so-called ‘fetish’ (aka “chubby chaser”) as if he can’t think of anything else, or that’s the main thing that attracts him (not her wit, inner beauty, honesty) and I surely don’t believe men who have ever paired up with a not-thin woman are all doing this.
But still, the slang term exists and is used by many, including these guys who hate bigger women. Using the term *against* them (as they use it themselves as an insult towards others) can kinda be turnaround is fair play. Or that’s how I took it.
I don’t think its use here should be immediately assumed to be an affirmation that yes, some men have a fetish towards bigger women. (As if that’s the only things she’s got going for her.) Though probably such an inclination does exist. And who knows, maybe some of these guys do possess such an inclination (in that they are very much drawn to bigger women sexually). Which, if that is the case, makes them even weirder, *IF* they are strongly sexually drawn to women above a certain size, but deny that and then rail against these same women (while secretly seeking them out and having sex with them).
Whew, that was long-winded. Sorry about that. I just wanted to step up and say I don’t think each use of a slang here is meant to be demeaning to women–it could be used innocently in a particular context (getting into the heads of these guys and what *they’re* thinking).
It’s also funny that a woman romantically linked to a bigger guy isn’t labeled a “chubby chaser.” That is more “normal” and no one thinks anything of it.
Yeah, that is funny. I haven’t seen French women used as an ideal that way here in Sweden. Obviously we have a THIN ideal just as the US has, but when people want to object against what they perceive as TOO thin and TOO much of a thin norm, the French gays are always trotted out as da evil boogeymen who wants to take away our curves…
Besides, what if you find your inner French girl and she’s thin BUT crap at English? That would suck if you try to date in the US.
Most men are likely to respond to the ever-increasing size of women by earning less money, opting out of highly productive careers and turning to pot, video games and internet porn n ever-increasing numbers. The evidence is pretty clear that men are evolutionarily primed to be sexually attracted to youthful fertility signals in women and rolls of fat are not one of those signals. Not only does the evidence suggest this, but so does the very logic of evolutionary theory; the homo sapien species has pretty strong sexual dimorphism, indicating strong pressure from sexual selection.
Men aren’t going to be *forced* to marry chubby women, they’re going to sit around and give the middle finger to civilization. Buh-bye welfare state.
American has the “evil fashion industry” thing too among the same lines; usually rather than the French homosexual conspiracy, its people attacking Calvin Klein(for being gay) or Tom Ford (for very much not being gay)
I’ve heard men describing thin women who diet as having “potential for maximum density”. I guess their reasoning is that some thin women are too risky to have a relationship with, because you never know when they might “let themselves go” and become fat. These same kinds of guys are also very unrealistic about women’s (or any other person with a uterus) bodies, thinking that women can always stay the same size they were when they were 20, even after having kids or going through menopause. And I don’t know anyone who has had children or gone through menopause but still have the same body they did when they were 20. Even if they stay about the same weight, things will sag, wrinkle, and shift with time.
The most toxic of those dudebros think that if their wives or girlfriends gain weight, that gives them a free pass to cheat on her, even during pregnancy. This doesn’t work the other way, though, no way!
Ha ha, Warren Farrell could write a book about all the male victims of “thin fraud”, all the sad men that married thin women but then their wives gained weight. It might be the worst type of oppression in the history of the world!
I can’t wait. Farrell would surely make rape analogies with ‘thin fraud’.
I have terrible name recollection, but… I thought ‘detached’ (who used the term ‘chubby chaser’) was an occasional manboobz trolling troll? I could be wrong, but I seem to remember them for other similar baiting.
Perhaps he could name the book The Myth of Happy Boners, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Fat
Yeah, I had 28 inches in width jeans when I was 20 and I wear the same size today at 36… BUT back when I was 20 I had this soft, hour-glassy figure. Nowadays… I don’t look like that. If the current trend continues, I’m gonna look like Madonna in a decade or so. Which I’m perfectly fine with, but she also gets body-shamed a lot nowadays because all her tendons and muscles are so visible. I think most women, as they grew older, either flab out OR get the sinewy Madonna-look. Remaining simultaneously thin and soft-bodied must be incredibly incredibly rare. And yet that’s what you’re supposed to do, apparently.
Pretty sure you’re just not supposed to exist after 30.
Right, Katz, because if you’re rich and manage to look like a twenty-year-old through extensive plastic surgery that’s ALSO incredibly bad and shameful.
Dvärghundspossen, what would you want with English if you found your inner French girl and wanted to date? Women are to shut up, smile and look pretty!
I am Swedish as well, and it’s increadibly how confusing the body ideals are. As you say, the “French gay designer” thing comes up as way to “empower” women who aren’t as thin as Victoria Beckham. And real men like a little meat on their women. Oh, and Zorn and his curvy women! Then again, it’s not like the ladies in mens’ mags or Elle are anything remotely like Zorn’s paintings. And the tabloids are forever filled with diet tips and lose weight before vacation and, yes, “eat like the French and be thin and look like Carla Bruni”. It’s an un-winnable war.
Yes, fuck cancer. Also, given the advances in treatment regimens and side effect prevention, some patients aren’t losing as much weight anymore. I was given a lot of medication to prevent nausea, as well as stimulate appetite and ended up gaining a few pounds. It also bears mentioning that I wasn’t working/ exercising as much and I had severe neutropenia, thus cutting a lot of healthy foods out of my diet. I was too sick and tired to do much cooking for myself, as I still worked through chemo, so I ate whatever processed, unhealthy crap the had at the deli across the street, or could whip up without much effort. The 2000 rads of radiation to my thyroid has been making it a LOT of fun to try to get back into shape.
Yeah, FUCK CANCER! Even if you’re able to beat it, the after effects hang around for the rest of your life.
As for the prevalence of fat shaming, as opposed to shaming about other boner displeasing stuff, I have a theory. Most ill informed folks seem to believe that fat = lazy overeater with no discipline and that every single overweight woman ever can just eat better/exercise more and be a boner pleasing babe. We, at manboobz, as well as the rest of the informed and compassionate world know that genetics, the individuals endocrine system, medications etc., all play a role in metabolism and understand that not every larger woman can lose weight easily, if at all. They don’t.
To them, fat is a lifestyle choice and one that deprives them of hot babes. Old is invisible to them, unless an older woman interacts with them and forces them to notice her. So, wrinkles and gray hair… they don’t see it because that woman is just past her sell by date and no longer exists. What they do see are young women, fuckable women, who have the gall to be fat and give their boner a sad. And, fat women are CHOOSING to be fat and CHOOSING to fail to please their boner! They’re doing it on PURPOSE because they hate men and their boners!
That’s misandry worth posting an internet screed about!
“What sort of a job do you suppose this d00d has that he is worried he will be fired if he refuses to have sexy times with one of his coworkers?”
More likely he needs to worry about loosing his job because he’s an offensive, loudmouthed, jerk of mediocre skills who’s already been warned to keep a civil tongue in his head a few times. No real difference between him & loudmouthed racists similarly warned because they can’t keep their delusions & hostility to themselves at work.
In all probability this has been said before, but Asher and the rest of the M who never seem to actually GTOW remind me of the very young who in a contest of wills with their parent threaten to run away from home and unfortunately never took another step up the learning curve.
@Asher, absolutely all of that “science” you have been claiming is a load of tripe.
For a start, humans actually have a very low level of sexual dimorphism compared to many other species.
I suggest that you step getting your views of what people look like from video games, video game characters frequently vastly exaggerate the physical differences between men and women. I assure you, the average man is not three times the width and half as a tall again as the average woman. There are people who are that big and that small, but they are outliers. In the UK, for example the average height for women is about 5 foot 4 or 5 and the average height for men is 5 foot 9. Hardly a vast difference.
Or wait, gorillas have an extremely high level of sexual dimorphism, maybe you got them confused. Humans are the upright ones, non-hairy ones. gorillas are the ones covered in thick hair who build nests out of leaves. Easy to confuse, I know.
Yeah, Asher, you keep telling yourself that women getting fatter are causing men to “GTOW.” I wish you dolts would go already.
Does Ashhole think that men who sit around all day smoking weed, playing video games, and eating crap food somehow magically keep their good looks? HAHAHA.
Polar Bears. He appears to think we are just exactly like polar bears.
Women are orcas, so men are going to be pandas.
I can only assume Asher pays little attention to current events if he assumes most men today even HAVE the choice about taking high-paid “productive” jobs rather than low-paid “unproductive” ones. Can’t say I’m surprised, though, the average MRA is about as well-informed about the world around him as the average Christian Dominionist.
I have no idea what Asher said since I can’t find his comment, but from what everyone here has said I can infer that it’s a bit on the douchey side.