are these guys 12 years old? evil fat fatties imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men paranoia playing the victim

MGTOWer warns: Soon men will be forced to marry fatties!

Our nightmare future?
Our nightmare future?

Never let it be said that the men of the MGTOW movement don’t focus on the important issues of our time. For example, over on MGTOWforums, a fellow named Andrew brought up a critical danger faced by today’s men, a danger that the mainstream media is too cowardly to address.

I refer, of course, to the rising danger that an innocent, decent, hard-working, good-looking fellow like Andrew might be forced into a relationship with some ugly fat lady.

You scoff — I can sense your scoffing through the internet — but as Andrew points out, it VERY WELL COULD HAPPEN, by which I mean, no it couldn’t possibly happen, but the MGTOWers do love to get worked up about things, and who am I to rain on their little anger parade?

Here’s Andrew, from the thread “Ugly women forced upon us?? Dangerous precedent for men setting itself up.”

Call me insane,call me paranoid,call me anything you want but I see a new dangerous precedent for men.Let me explain.  Notice how now FAT HORRIBLE UGLY women are SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWLY.but surely being accepted into the mainstream.How The names fat,ORCA,HUGE,THUNDER THIGHS ARE NOW BECOMING OFFENSIVE IN SOCIETY AND THE LIBERAL MSM!!!!!!!  It is going to eventually reach a point where 2 things WILL happen.  1.ANY MAN who turns down a woman who he deems "physically unattractive" to him will become the subject of ridicule and scorn and threaten his livelyhood and career as the employer who hired him will be forced to let him go due to his godawful crime of rejecting a ugly creature.He will be seen as worse than a terrorist and his life will forever be ruined.  2.The words FAT,ORCA,PLUS SIZED.PLAIN JANE.ETC........will now be construed as Offensive and emotionally damaging to the twats and the mission will be for those insane walruses to destroy the man who said that both careerwise and with false accusations of rape,violence.etc.Calling a woman lets say "overweight" will result in the goal of destruction of that particular man.  The ONLY remedy for this? For the man to accept and fuck the sea monster............and marry her.  Bank on it,its coming gents.

You can’t argue with that!

Seriously, arguing with Andrew would be a bit like debating an angry baby.

EDITED TO ADD: The picture at the top of the post is from a series done by the blogger The Militant Baker in response to statements from the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch suggesting that its clothes were only for “cool, good-looking people” — a designation that evidently doesn’t include larger women, since the chain doesn’t offer  XL and XXL sizes for women, just men. For more pics, and her open letter to the company, see here.

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11 years ago

Why is this coming up? All I hear is him yelling about the briar patch.

11 years ago

Have these people never been in love with another human being? Because all of them seem to come from the perspectvie of someone who has only been in purely sexual relationships.

Not that there’s nessessarally anything wrong with that, but still.

11 years ago

Isn’t horrible when a person realizes they can love their body despite what everyone thinks?
I’ll give you a clue: it isn’t.

11 years ago

hahahaha. Are we sure this isn’t an instance of teh Poe Menz law? It looks like a parody of an elderly Tea Partier’s Fox News comment, in terms of grammar, punctuation, and excessive use of caps lock.

11 years ago

And I am sure all the MGTOWers are nothing buy the very peak of physical fitness and perfection. Also speaking as a “fat chick”, thank you but no thank you, I don’t want you either. (Also hi everyone looooooooooooong time lurker, first time commenter).

11 years ago

How about we just call him ridiculous? Does that work?

11 years ago

LOL! I just discovered this site, and am still learning the ways of the Manosphere, but three common themes have emerged for me:

1: She MUST be thin, beautiful, young, have long hair. His appearance isn’t as important, and how dare that bitch not like the fact that he’s short (or whatever). *That* is “picky.” But his desire for female perfection is quite reasonable, because he’s a man.

2: She must focus on him and the relationship, instead of her own education or career. Too much emphasis on developing her own skills or talents is bad. She is just an “accessory” to the man’s life, and of course he should have his career and other interests and pursuits, because he’s a man.

3: She must be virginal or have few sexual partners. He can screw a different woman each night and that’s okay, because he’s a man.

The fattie thing is one of the funniest. They just can’t leave it alone. Instead of simply not interacting with these women that they consider too unattractive, they berate them, rant about them, and seem furious that they even are allowed to be seen in public. I think what makes them the must angry is that these women are apparently unaware that it is their moral obligation to make themselves beautiful and hot for men. It’s a flagrant disregard to what is Normal and Right in the world if women fail to do this.

I don’t have any problem with anyone, male or female, having a physical type they are attracted to. No one should be made to feel guilty because they only want to date tall blondes, or won’t date a guy under 6 feet, or prefer a specific age group, or whatever. Sure, they might miss out on some gems, but that’s their business.

But when they feel the compelling need to approach people that they don’t even find attractive and tell them off, what is the deal there? I don’t feel the need to go up to each person I find sexually unappealing and explain that to them. Why would I assume they’d care? And even if someone makes an advance, I don’t want to be rude or blunt and blurt out all their physical shortcomings. Why isn’t a polite refusal sufficient?

Jeff K
Jeff K
11 years ago

Maybe he should just hide in his parent’s basement if he’s scared of fat people. That picture is adorable!

yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
11 years ago

These guys fail to realize that not every man wants the same barely legal, near-virginal Barbie doll they do. To them, there must be something wrong with society because of this.

11 years ago

I don’t feel the need to go up to each person I find sexually unappealing and explain that to them.

But you’re missing out on hilarious conversations:

“Hi, I just wanted to mention that I could never date you. Your nose is simply too big”
“Excuse me?”
“And also, I don’t think our sense of dress would mesh”
“Sorry, come again? Who are you?”
“Not your future lover, clearly”
“I’m married. Is this a commercial? Am I being videotaped?”
“Now, if you went to the gym a bit and worked out, got your nails done and maybe changed hair colour we could work something out, like a bi-weekly deal”
“I’m just going to.. go away, now?”
“That’s fine, I was going in the same direction – but as I was saying, I could never date you”
“This is getting awkward, and strange, and I don’t know you”
“I know, I know, I just felt it was vitally important that you know I could never, ever sleep with you, on account of your nose. Maybe consider plastic surgery? But have a great evening, bye now!”
“… What?”

The best/worst part?

This is not far fetched

11 years ago

They are offended that their right to demean and degrade any female they consider unattractive is being trampled on.

11 years ago

@rutile, welcome.

2: She must focus on him and the relationship, instead of her own education or career. Too much emphasis on developing her own skills or talents is bad. She is just an “accessory” to the man’s life, and of course he should have his career and other interests and pursuits, because he’s a man.

Ah, but you forgot – women shouldn’t be uppity/work/steal jobs from the menz, but if they are stay-at-home partners they are hypergamous bitches.

Fat women: don’t deserve the time of day; Ugly/short/undersirable men: victims of sexual oppression, rejection, shallow bitches, friend zoning, etc.

MRAs are experts at creating double binds for women, while absolving themselves of all responsibility for anything, and taking credit for anything a man has accomplished. Meanwhile, they rarely attempt to advocate for men’s rights, even referring to men who don’t agree with them as manginas; all they do is use their Olympic caliber mental gymnastics to complain about women on the internet.

11 years ago

Thank you BabyLawyer, you really do hit the nail on the head!

I didn’t realize until recently that we women were to blame for all the ills in the world! 😉

Ivy Shoots
Ivy Shoots
11 years ago

@BabyLawyer, definitely a Fox News type, using the term “LIBERAL MSM!!!!!!!” (MainStream Media)

11 years ago


#themoreyouknow 🙂

11 years ago


I think you mean LAMESTREAM MEDIA!!one!!!11! *Sarah Palin WINK*

11 years ago

Fibinachi, 😀 that is so funny and yes there is a bit of truth to it, isn’t there? These guys are furious because women aren’t thinking of their wants and desires first.

They also seem to think that it is their God-given *right* to have all women–ALL women–be sexually attractive for their personal gratification. So when a woman gains weight or in some way doesn’t make herself attractive (cuts her hair, wears unflattering clothes, doesn’t wear high heels) she’s taking something *away* from all men, and she has no right! No right whatsoever! She’s depriving them of something they have a right to! Doesn’t she understand how she’s robbed them! 😉

I got a lot of this in high school and college and it always baffled me. I wanted these guys to leave me alone, to stay the heck away from me. I certainly wasn’t trying to gain their approval. They were the ones approaching *me*.

But if you hear these guys complain, they make it sound like fat fat fatties are hurling themselves at their feet, demanding to be ravished on the spot. I truly doubt that is the norm! 😉 More likely, these women are living their lives, daring to be content and happy, maybe even finding men that do appreciate them, and these other guys cannot fathom that and can’t stand to see it.

11 years ago

So much for GTOW, again.

Sounds like even the fat women are turning this prize down.

11 years ago

Hey, just confused here…Do I have to introduce myself so that my comments won’t be held up in moderation limbo? In that case, I’m Xen, I’ve been posting for about a month or so.

Ivy Shoots
Ivy Shoots
11 years ago

@BabyLawyer, LOL you betcha!

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

“Women, women, women. I don’t want them, no I don’t want them at all.

“But then I wake up screaming in the middle of the night. What if they… sneak up on me? Grab me, hold me down, have their dirty filthy way with me?

“Women, women, women. I do not want them.”

It’s like they don’t know what the word subtext MEANS.

Christina Ayoub
11 years ago

How dull. Everyone knows we women have been stuck marrying fatheaded men for ages.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Men are entitled to their standards…..women are bitches if they have standards.

Ivy Shoots
Ivy Shoots
11 years ago

What I don’t get about his complaint is, if he’s so convinced it will soon be UTTER SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SUICIDE to tell women how fat and unattractive they are, why wouldn’t he just be careful to not do it? Is it that hard to say to a woman who asks him out, “No thanks,” without adding, “reason being: MOOOOOO!!!”

It’s like a denial of his basic rights to be expected to hold his tongue and be polite. It never seems to occur to him that the compassionate thing to do is to let a person down easy. Of course when women do this, we are “creep shaming.”

11 years ago

Rutile, welcome! Someone should be along with the package, shortly.

Don’t forget, though–despite being near-virginal (or, preferably, a “true” virgin, since lying about your virginity to a guy is effectively raping him), once a woman consents to sex with him (which she must do without fail), she must also consent to any and all sex fantasies he has, including those that can only be accomplished with CGI in a porn shoot.

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