Never let it be said that the men of the MGTOW movement don’t focus on the important issues of our time. For example, over on MGTOWforums, a fellow named Andrew brought up a critical danger faced by today’s men, a danger that the mainstream media is too cowardly to address.
I refer, of course, to the rising danger that an innocent, decent, hard-working, good-looking fellow like Andrew might be forced into a relationship with some ugly fat lady.
You scoff — I can sense your scoffing through the internet — but as Andrew points out, it VERY WELL COULD HAPPEN, by which I mean, no it couldn’t possibly happen, but the MGTOWers do love to get worked up about things, and who am I to rain on their little anger parade?
Here’s Andrew, from the thread “Ugly women forced upon us?? Dangerous precedent for men setting itself up.”
You can’t argue with that!
Seriously, arguing with Andrew would be a bit like debating an angry baby.
EDITED TO ADD: The picture at the top of the post is from a series done by the blogger The Militant Baker in response to statements from the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch suggesting that its clothes were only for “cool, good-looking people” — a designation that evidently doesn’t include larger women, since the chain doesn’t offer XL and XXL sizes for women, just men. For more pics, and her open letter to the company, see here.
She was like the huntin’ shootin’ fishin’ aristocracy, getting out and muddy/greasy/dusty whatever the weather, I say, what!
And now I’m imagining a fluffy cat in a tiny Barbour and wellies.
Totally. I’m seeing her rather like the Queen – headscarf, sleeveless quilted vest and green wellies.
Hi there fellow Swede! *waves at Karin*
Okay, hadn’t seen the “eat like the French” here myself, but makes sense, since we import everything from the US.
Anyway, regarding the French homosexual designers… there’s so much wrong with trying to empower fat women by going “oh but real men like curves, only those evil homos in the French fashion houses likes thin women” that I hardly know where to begin.
1. If a man is attracted to women, regardless of body type, he’s straight or bi, not gay.
2. What’s wrong with being gay anyway?
3. So, wow, there’s no capitalist forces and no patriarchy, just a small number of evil French homosexual designers and their conspiracy against curves?
4. Not everyone who’s fat is curvy, these are not synonymous.
5. And besides, if you’re naturally thin and flat-chested you shouldn’t be made to feel that no “real man” would ever want you.
6. As if the phrase “real man” makes sense anyway – what’s an unreal man? Like, a mannequin?
7. And as you pointed out, models in lad mags are skinny as well. I read that the average BMI for playboy models is 18, and although it’s higher than the average BMI for catwalk models, it’s still very thin. Just because they have silicon boobs doesn’t mean they’re not thinner than the average woman.
… and I could go on since there’s just SO MUCH WRONG with this.
If the evidence is so overwhelming then produce it. Don’t bother with the pseudo-scientific crap MRAs usually cite. Give us some evidence from a well respected, peer reviewed scientific journal, say Scientific American or Nature. If there was some genuine evidence brought forward for most men being attracted to young girls who have just reached menarche I’m sure they’d be discussing it, batting it around and prodding at it to see if it was true or just a cover for paedophiles.
It’s interesting to me that in Sweden, people talk about how French women are better. In the US, I’ve usually heard that Swedish women are better, because apparently they are all “bikini babes”. Or guys will say the women in Brazil are all beautiful and glamorous. I never hear about the French women being the ideal.
Bionicmommy. The “French women as an ideal” was first mentioned by an American commenter who said that was common in the USA, I said I hadn’t seen it in Sweden, then another Swede said that she had seen “French women as an ideal” in Sweden too.
Whatever. I think the most common media thing is to trot out either a slim celebrity or a slim person who allegedly used to be fat but will now be slim forever and go “this is how you get this body, read all about the diet and the exercise you ought to follow”.
I didn’t read Asher’s comment, but I saw the replies to it and I wonder how his scheme of mgtow’s crashing the welfare state would work? Does he literally mean mgtow’s are going to leave civilization and go live in the wilderness?
Or does he mean they’re going to opt out by doing the bare minimum they need to do to survive and contribute as little as possible to society (because I’m sure mgtows are already contributing SO very much to society)? If it’s the latter, wouldn’t choosing to be a dropout who just sits around all day playing video games and watching porn and posting on mgtow forums just be hurting themselves more than anyone else?
And in some bizarro world where their harebrained scheme was successful, doesn’t he realize that millions of men and boys depend on welfare state programs? He’d be cool with that as long as it meant women would suffer too?
Someone really needs to compile their ideas into a lengthy, poorly-written novel called MGTOW’s Shrugged.
To be followed by the sequel, Society Meh’d.
I always get the feeling that the reason they feel the need to go on the internet and repeatedly announce their decision to GTWO is that in their meatspace lives it’s painfully obvious even to people as delusional as they are that nobody would notice or care if they dropped out of society. From this some of them have concluded that men as a whole are as unimportant to other people as they are, which is a rather amusing category error.
First, Asher’s idiocy is here — http://manboobz.com/2013/06/07/mgtower-worries-will-men-be-forced-into-the-arms-of-ugly-fat-ladies/comment-page-4/#comment-312545
Second, I have some fish that’d like a word with humans having “pretty strong sexual dimorphism”. Anglerfish for example.
It depends on the MGTOW really. But most of them just whine on YT/forums and likely just watch porn/anime/whatever while not really doing much of anything else. Then complain when some other person has a better life than them.
I’ve always found MGTOW to be funny, because when I read about them, I was like “So wait, I like that they plan to live how they want and fuck the haters, but why boast about it? Isn’t how you are supposed to live your life anyway?”
Speaking of anglerfish …
Did someone say anglerfish?!
I love those True Facts videos!
That. Was. Awesome.
As for the last 5 seconds, I am entirely sure that goldfish was always intended as food (though, they’re very fatty, not a nutritionally complete meal by any means [no, I am not kidding])
Money, printed, is derived from fat
And people want dollars, it’s as simple as that
So people who are thick
Unlike people who stick to being a stick
Cause the economy to implode, dude
It’s a problem of a pretty severe magnitude
You see, women, cannot possibly make money on their own
So men, who must make all money (from fat) create less, would would rather stone
because someone is fat
in some city, somewhere
and the economic downturn of the decade can be traced, right there
Also! The well-fare state, you know, that bit
where people pay a tit
to assure the cooperation and social safety net?
It relies on women being thin! Have I got your attention yet?
Because a good waist to hips ratio is important
for the idicators of poverty and other things to be respondent
to economic policies of a commitee in a suit
this deconstruction is pretty astute
If people in Brooklyn eat a cheeseburger every day
Then people in Tenesse will have to pray
that people in Texas somehow feel the need to obey
an exercise regimen all day, every day
Because if they don’t, as they won’t, being people (you know?)
then the safety net, thus derived, will explode.
It’s a fact! As simple as that! McDonalds can blamed for the collapse of the social security net!