"proxy violence" a voice for men actual activism advocacy of violence antifeminism conspiracy theory crackpottery drama kings facebook censoring rape memes the world is ending oh no false accusations figurative nazis grandiosity hate imaginary oppression incoherent rage johntheother misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men paranoia playing the victim rape culture rape jokes slacktivism the sound of his own voice

John the Other: Feminists who oppose rape memes on Facebook are violence-promoting fascists, and you are too! Probably.

Typical feminazis! Oh, wait.
Typical feminazis! Oh, wait.

The MRA hissy fit over Facebook continues. Over on A Voice for (Human) Men, our old friend John “The Other” Hembling offers up his take on the whole controversy, which has roused the usually torpid MRAs to “activism,” and somehow manages to be even more overheated and incoherent than even Paul Elam before him — and at times nearly as ponderous as the legendarily ponderous Fidelbogen as well.

His argument, if it can be called that, is as follows: by demanding that Facebook remove violent images of rape and abuse posted as “jokes,” the coalition of feminists who recently got Facebook to agree to ban violently misogynistic images are therefore endorsing what Hembling has decided is the “strongest signifier of fascism” — censorship.

Now, censorship is not actually the “strongest signifier” of fascism, merely one of many ingredients in the fascist souffle — alongside such things as, you know, authoritarian rule under a powerful dictator, nationalism, racism, etc. (Also they tend to have a thing about uniforms.)

And Facebook’s removal of rape “meme” pictures and the like is not exactly akin to a one-party dictatorship taking over the media and orchestrating massive book burnings. (Heck, I’m not exactly sure what exactly is supposed to make Facebook’s “censorship” any different from A Voice for Men’s recent announcement that it was clamping down on comments that Paul Elam thinks are too “distracting.”)

But even setting all this aside, Hembling’s charges against “Laura Bates, Soraya Chemaly, Jaclyn Friedman, and every their [sic] signatory to their open letter” don’t make a lot of sense. Here’s his grand summing-up of his would-be indictment:

It is a letter calling on the largest social networking site in the world to institute a program of demographically selective censorship; to institute the practice that is the strongest signifier of fascism.

Bates, Chemaly, and Friedman are not merely endorsing violence against those most impacted by it.

Um, how exactly does asking Facebook to take down pictures depicting violence make someone a proponent of violence?

Hembling doesn’t bother to explain this, and blathers on ahead to his melodramatic conclusion:

They are not merely ignorant or indifferent to the foundational nature of free speech to the establishment of all other human rights. They are not merely content to propagate false, fraudulent models of domestic violence which continue the conditions and causes of domestic violence. They are not simply adherents of an ideology of hatred and violence, wrapping itself in the increasingly transparent veneer of false and pious humanism.

Dude, you’re sounding like a stuck record here. You’ve already accused them of promoting hatred and violence — heck, you accused them of promoting violence at the start of this very paragraph!

Hembling — recently hired on to a paid position as AVFM’s Editor in Chief — desperately needs an editor himself. (Not to mention a proofreader.)

Laura Bates, Soraya Chemaly, Jaclyn Friedman are successfully promoting the signifying feature of fascism. They are fascists, and if you support their cause, that of censorship, you may be a fascist as well.

*looks at self*

No, I’m good. Pretty sure I’m not a fascist.

Hembling ends with a surreal:

Thank you for your kind attention.

Dear readers: let me just ask you to ponder the question I find myself pondering every time I read something by Mr. Hembling: Can there really anyone who reads posts like this from him and says to themself, “this makes sense!” Because his posts all seem like histrionic grandstanding to me, filled with startling leaps of illogic I think would be even too much for dedicated MRAs to make.

I can only imagine that Hembling’s MRA fans really only pay attention to the invective, and don’t bother with the (lack of ) logic, and that for them this whole post basically comes down to: feminists are fascists, feminists support violence, feminists hate men, these three ladies are bad.

They certainly aren’t checking his facts — indeed, Hembling’s piece includes numbered footnotes in the text, but he left out the actual footnotes, and links, that were supposed to run at the end of the piece, as is AVFM custom; his post has been up for several days, and no one there seeems to have even noticed the missing footnotes.

Also, Mr. Hembling, if you’re reading this, here’s a little PROTIP for you:  if you want to pretend that you guys are, you know, actually against violence, you might want to think about removing that terrorist manifesto from your “activism” section — you know, the one that calls on MRAs to literally firebomb courthouses and police stations. Not really good PR for an alleged “human rights” movement, that!

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11 years ago

I’m fine with unlabeled bathrooms at the party; I rather prefer single-person bathrooms anyway, because being in a stall next to someone else always makes me weirdly self-conscious.

11 years ago

Guit: I have problems writing english but I can prefectly understand what articles and politicians say.

No, you can’t.

The problem has a double point of view: one individual and one social.

No, it doesn’t.

I do not want enter the social issue here and start a flame on who is more or less affected by violence,

Yes you do.

you say women are more affected? ok. More means that in any case there are also affectedm men. I instead am looking to the other side of the problem: the individual one.

Ooh… the fallacy of the middle (and a misunderstanding of what I was saying… see my first reply in this comment).

The problem is you said the article said something it didn’t. You didn’t understand it, and came to a false conclusion. That’s the problem.

The rest is bullshit you are using to change the subject.

11 years ago

Talacaris, learn some real jokes first dude. Or how to juggle, or something actually interesting.

No need. I can juggle. I guess Talacaris doesn’t need to go to the party after all.

11 years ago

@Maude – I can’t find the Hembling definition with a quick scroll either. I’ll have a proper look later; I have to take Mads to the vet in about half an hour (just a checkup).

Is that a new pic of Charlie? 🙂

11 years ago

No need. I can juggle. I guess Talacaris doesn’t need to go to the party after all.

Hell, plenty of us can knit, or do other crafts, and Pecunium can spin, and watching any of that would be way more fun than anything talacaris could come up with. (I want to see your juggling, tho’!)

11 years ago


Also, gender neutral bathrooms. Can still have male and female ones if anyone wants them, but another unlabeled one please?

Sure. I’d be cool with any combo of bathrooms/ whatever anyone wants to do with the theoretical bathrooms.

11 years ago


1) What rice cooker did you get? I’m in the market for a new one.

2) When you refer to the Golden Dawn as a cult, are you talking about the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn or the modern Greek movement?

11 years ago

I recommend the ones by Zojirushi.

11 years ago

@Pecunium they seem to be the go-to brand, but at the moment I’m looking for the most bang for the least buck. Some day, a Zojirushi with a timer and different settings for different rices would be amazing, but not today *sigh*

11 years ago

Also, gender neutral bathrooms. Can still have male and female ones if anyone wants them, but another unlabeled one please?

After seeing some places with two unisex single bathrooms rather than the usual male/female set, it dawned on me. Why do we even bother gendering single toilet bathrooms? The only difference is a urinal, and you could either do away with that or put one in both rooms. Just another unnecessary gender distinction in a world chock full of them.
Cue the “OMG, teh feminists will make us all use unisex bathrooms! UNISEX BATHROOMS!”

11 years ago

The only difference is a urinal, and you could either do away with that or put one in both rooms.

Or people who have a penis could just pee into a regular toilet like most of them already do at home.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

I was a terminally shy person and I only got beyond my fear of using public urinals around, like, 18 years old or so. Quite frankly, unisex stalls would be A-OK with me! I would have loved to have them back in my high school days.

I think the only reason they use urinals is that you can cram more in a smaller area. From the standpoint of a landlord it has a certain appeal.

11 years ago

Which is why I don’t see what the point of putting a urinal in a single-occupant bathroom is. If only one person can be in there at a time anyway, why bother?

11 years ago

Urinals do also save water.

11 years ago

@ kitteh
Yes! It’s a new photo of Charlie. He’s still doing really well (trying to prevent me from typing at the moment)!
I hope Mads had a good visit to the vet! 🙂

11 years ago

Oh sweet jesus, who the fuck is that person and why the fuck do we live on the same planet.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Katz — they’re a bit costly, but have a 1 pint flush toilet.

11 years ago

Maude, I’m glad Charlie’s doing his kitty work of interfering with typing! 😀

Mads is a bit down and droopy today, though she’s eating all right. I think it’s just a mild reaction to the F3 vaccine.

That, or a play for sympathy. 😛

Alex Reynard
Alex Reynard
11 years ago

If Facebook is only censoring images of violence and rape jokes, why are MRAs able to provide screenshots of non-violent, non-aggressive criticism of feminism removed by Facebook for being against their Community Guidelines?

11 years ago

@Alex lots of people have been making that claim here, but none have offered any sort of evidence. Care to be the first?

11 years ago

Actually, emilygoddess, I think the AVfM image* that FB took down did not violate Facebook’s guidelines. It was a dishonest and badly designed piece of crap, but meh, I’ve seen worse. But Facebook has also taken down lots of OTHER stuff, including feminist stuff, that didn’t violate their guidelines. Dudebros think they’re so special, but they’re not. FB is making the right call some of the time, and getting it wrong some of the time.

*For the record, I’m talking about the one that had the tag line “Rape culture is bullshit.” If they’ve had others removed, I haven’t seen them. Also for the record, just for fun I spent about 15 minutes the other day searching for explicitly anti-feminist pages and groups on FB, and found plenty. So there’s hardly evidence of a massive campaign to destroy critics of feminism. But hey, Alex, keep fucking that chicken. 😀

11 years ago

Facebook takes down cancer support sites if they dare show a woman who’s had a mastectomy, so I don’t think the dudebros are in any position to whine about being singled out and how unfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaairrrrrrrrrrrr it is.

Dominic Blais
11 years ago

nothing promotes rape quite like the feminist hatred of men thinking they should ge t sex for being nice

11 years ago

nothing promotes rape quite like the feminist hatred of men thinking they should ge t sex for being nice

Not sure if hilariously snarky or hilariously dense… I might need context. Either way, I lol’d.

11 years ago

Nothing promotes illiteracy quite the the MRM.