a woman is always to blame crackpottery evil sexy ladies evil women homophobia I'm totally being sarcastic masculinity misogyny MRA reddit whaaaaa?

Homophobia totally the fault of straight women, according to Men’s Rights Redditors

Men forced into macho straightjacked by straight women's expectations, out cruising for chicks.
Men forced into hypermasculine role by straight women, out cruising for chicks.

So we learned the other day from that Man Going His Own Way that male violence was, like, totally the fault of evil sexy ladies. Now, from this Men’s Rights Redditor, we learn that homophobia — or at least homophobia directed at gay men — is all the fault of straight women and their desire for macho dudes. Because straight men don’t ever express any sort of hostility towards gay or effeminate men — it’s just those darn ladies!

I've said this many times in different circumstances, but I fully believe the push for hyper-masculinity is not caused by a desire to prove masculinity to ones peers or caused by some latent homophobia. The cause of hyper-masculinity and its associated homophobic undertones is caused by straight women and what they as a group have deemed "totally unacceptable" in a mate.  Appearing gay (I'm gay) has never really caused me any heartache within a group of men. Even if those men don't know I'm gay and just think I'm an effeminate weirdo. In mixed groups of men and women, it has. I think it stems from female judgement of men who aren't "masculine enough" to be inferior for relationships, men pick up on it and boost up the masculinity and inter-male aggression/intolerance of behaviors not considered normal.  It also comes from widespread female intolerance of any sort of homosexual or "appearing homosexual" behavior in potential mates, an intolerance which isn't found among men. Ask any straight man you know if he would dump his girlfriend/wife if he found out she had lesbian sex before they were dating. Now ask any straight woman you know if she would dump her boyfriend/husband if she found out he had gay sex before they were dating. I have asked these questions to many people. The answers have always backed up my position. I actually had a couple women tell me that they would leave their husbands if they found out that he had fooled around with a guy as young as highschool.
But, huh, what about all those straight dudes who are always calling other dudes “gay” and, you know, that other word that starts with an “f?”

Well, apparently that’s just playful joshing. No harm, no foul! If anything, it shows how wonderfully tolerant of gayness these guys are. I mean, come on, if you can’t see this, you must be stupid, or something. Or so says this other Men’s Rights Redditor:

It takes some advanced cognitive ability to comprehend why most men tease one another for being gay. It has little to do with homosexuality, real or perceived. It is about acceptance. It is also about challenging perception. When one man calls his friend "gay", he is playfully asserting his own dominance over his friend. He is also insinuating not only that he would still accept and love his friend, but also that he recognizes that everyone's at least a little gay, and that they have both grown out of any childish notions of homosexuality being bad and thereby being hurt by being called "gay". They are sharing a bonding experience of mutual acceptance, playfulness, and even affection through this social ritual. One could even suggest that faux male gay shaming is a method of expressing homosexuality in a manner that rates low enough on the kinsey scale to suit their comfort.  Or we could just take it at face value and refuse to explore the psychodynamic behind the process. It seems more convenient when obtuseness is a preferred weapon.

They’re just having a little fun. You’re not against fun, are you?

Thanks to the AgainstMen’sRights subreddit for pointing me to these quotes.

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11 years ago

“You treat us like we’re subhuman!” is a rather overdramatic way to say “why don’t women kiss my ass?”

11 years ago

My girlfriend is emotionally abusing me. She won’t control her cats, they have the audacity to climb up onto my desk and lie down on my keyboard and purr! It makes me feel subhuman. Is there nowhere that I can turn to battle these feline forces of frustrating feminism?! Help me, Clyde, help!

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

As far as I’m concerned, they’re all poes. “Reason a troll” is still sometimes on my list of important things to do for the day.
Especially when I’m writing a paper, like now. :-/

11 years ago

Ah, you are close to the truth, Mr FancyPants. Humans don’t control cats/dogs/guinea pigs/fish – they control us. They are the Furrinati. Your girlfriend is obviously under their mind control … as is only right and proper.

11 years ago

Very nicely done, katz.

11 years ago

Thanks. I hope no one feels like I’m spamming, but I suppose that won’t be a danger as long as I’m only posting about a comic a month.

11 years ago

We do all bow down before our Feline Overlords, Kittehserf. Pretty damn cute overlords, too.

11 years ago

White men, on the other hand, are considered less than fully human

In other news, clyde is boring, and does not live on earth. In fact, this sentence demonstrates he lives in backwards land. In Clyde verse, it’s white men who are dehumanized. Not people of color. Not women. Not gay people. Not trans* people.** White men. (ignoring all the overlaps those groups are going to have with each other…)

**assumed he was talking about cis men being dehumanized, but I could be wrong.

Yay for Maude LL’s takedown of everything that was wrong with what Clyde was saying…so tired should not manboobz…


Yay for the new Pierre! 😀

11 years ago


“Attractive white comedians were decimated once ugly ethnic comedians began using the Frankfort School’s Critical Theory approach to criticize White Western Civilization.”


That’s the best AVfP comic I’ve read.

11 years ago

katz, Pierre is NEVER spamming!

Just think of the outrage among his fans if you didn’t tell us when a new comic was up.

11 years ago

I’m envious, Katz. I have absolutely no design/graphic art talent whatsoever, so people who actually draw web comics impress me.

11 years ago

opium4themasses: Also, gay bashing was never a thing apparently. All those people were really beat up by women and not the men they claimed in their statements.

It was all “violence by proxy”.

11 years ago

katz, if you’re spamming I don’t even want to think about what I’m doing.

11 years ago

Whatever it is, cloudiah, keep doing it! 🙂

11 years ago

Okay, this is totally off topic (except for the note of spamming) but I saw this: and thought of manboobz. My mom didn’t get why me and my sister were so amused 😉

11 years ago

Ahaha! Was catching up on Pierre, and saw the Governmentgetsgirlfriends guy not only commenting on his appearance, but admitting to his nonsense!

“Also, this event did happen, though not exactly the way it is described here.”

Yes, the much deserved mockery has been added. You’re welcome.

Katz, I believe you’ve won at comics. 🙂


Also the conversation about bisexuality has been interesting. I consider myself bi, but I’m pretty quiet about it, largely because despite being a 2 on the Kinsey scale, I have run into that implication that bisexual men are “gay and kidding themselves”. Partly because I have enough trouble getting into romantic relationships to begin with, and partly because the only time I’ve ever been serious enough with another guy was during a clusterfuckingly confusing love dodecahedron that ended tragically.

Freemage’s observation about the assiumption of male desirability was certainly one of those “Holy shit, you’re right” moments.

One thing I’ve been kind of curious about was the divide between the popularity of Yaoi and the perception of actual gay/bi men. I’m not sure if that’s just a few cases of cognitive dissonance, or if that gulf is more widespread.

11 years ago

Oh wow, I didn’t see GGG had a whine on AVfP.

11 years ago

@leftwingfox From conversations on porn with an ex, she liked such things because the men in yaoi and some porn show men exhibiting pleasure more obviously. She didn’t like traditional porn because it has females showing lots of pleasure but the men are generally quiet. Traditional porn typically being made for men, focused on things she did not care for.

11 years ago

That nipple…

11 years ago

Marie! Oh noes, not penguin whores!

11 years ago

Those lips and that hat.

11 years ago

Tom of Finland’s guys are very pretty for all the hypermasculinity, aren’t they? Some of those dome-like pecs look like they could do with a bra.

11 years ago

I’m sorry, it’s just so funny.

11 years ago

“Paul made his will known”

“I predicted it the moment he promoted her to Canadian News Director,”

“The “liberal, progressive” MRAs were too busy with drum circles, emulating Alan Alda ”

Priceless, just priceless!

11 years ago

@ cloudiah:


This really is pricess, Kittehserf. David F., please snark this up with a main blog article!

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