a woman is always to blame crackpottery evil sexy ladies evil women homophobia I'm totally being sarcastic masculinity misogyny MRA reddit whaaaaa?

Homophobia totally the fault of straight women, according to Men’s Rights Redditors

Men forced into macho straightjacked by straight women's expectations, out cruising for chicks.
Men forced into hypermasculine role by straight women, out cruising for chicks.

So we learned the other day from that Man Going His Own Way that male violence was, like, totally the fault of evil sexy ladies. Now, from this Men’s Rights Redditor, we learn that homophobia — or at least homophobia directed at gay men — is all the fault of straight women and their desire for macho dudes. Because straight men don’t ever express any sort of hostility towards gay or effeminate men — it’s just those darn ladies!

I've said this many times in different circumstances, but I fully believe the push for hyper-masculinity is not caused by a desire to prove masculinity to ones peers or caused by some latent homophobia. The cause of hyper-masculinity and its associated homophobic undertones is caused by straight women and what they as a group have deemed "totally unacceptable" in a mate.  Appearing gay (I'm gay) has never really caused me any heartache within a group of men. Even if those men don't know I'm gay and just think I'm an effeminate weirdo. In mixed groups of men and women, it has. I think it stems from female judgement of men who aren't "masculine enough" to be inferior for relationships, men pick up on it and boost up the masculinity and inter-male aggression/intolerance of behaviors not considered normal.  It also comes from widespread female intolerance of any sort of homosexual or "appearing homosexual" behavior in potential mates, an intolerance which isn't found among men. Ask any straight man you know if he would dump his girlfriend/wife if he found out she had lesbian sex before they were dating. Now ask any straight woman you know if she would dump her boyfriend/husband if she found out he had gay sex before they were dating. I have asked these questions to many people. The answers have always backed up my position. I actually had a couple women tell me that they would leave their husbands if they found out that he had fooled around with a guy as young as highschool.
But, huh, what about all those straight dudes who are always calling other dudes “gay” and, you know, that other word that starts with an “f?”

Well, apparently that’s just playful joshing. No harm, no foul! If anything, it shows how wonderfully tolerant of gayness these guys are. I mean, come on, if you can’t see this, you must be stupid, or something. Or so says this other Men’s Rights Redditor:

It takes some advanced cognitive ability to comprehend why most men tease one another for being gay. It has little to do with homosexuality, real or perceived. It is about acceptance. It is also about challenging perception. When one man calls his friend "gay", he is playfully asserting his own dominance over his friend. He is also insinuating not only that he would still accept and love his friend, but also that he recognizes that everyone's at least a little gay, and that they have both grown out of any childish notions of homosexuality being bad and thereby being hurt by being called "gay". They are sharing a bonding experience of mutual acceptance, playfulness, and even affection through this social ritual. One could even suggest that faux male gay shaming is a method of expressing homosexuality in a manner that rates low enough on the kinsey scale to suit their comfort.  Or we could just take it at face value and refuse to explore the psychodynamic behind the process. It seems more convenient when obtuseness is a preferred weapon.

They’re just having a little fun. You’re not against fun, are you?

Thanks to the AgainstMen’sRights subreddit for pointing me to these quotes.

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The Black Fedora
The Black Fedora
11 years ago

@ pec

Untrue. They have lower fitness standards because no woman has ever met the male target. They take off their heavy equipment and hand it to a man while climbing walls.

They are also exempt from the most hazardous duties.

11 years ago

Feddy: Simply screaming at people does not mean you are homeless. If she was clean and well dressed she was living somewhere.

Fat lot you know about it.

When I was homeless I was living somewhere (in a car, mostly). I went to the local community college to bathe. I used a laundromat to keep my clothes clean.

I was lucky, it was short lived. I think I could have managed it for as long as the car didn’t break down; at that point it would have, sooner or later, been impounded.

Your a fool, and intentionally stupid (i.e. you go about in a stupor; because you choose not to see the world as it is), because you want to be the victim.

11 years ago

Ever seen a homeless woman? Me neither.

Yeah, no. I know at least three homeless women who either live in my area or at least spend a lot of time there.

11 years ago

@ cloudiah

Well, I just bought some cute knickers the other day. Shopping for lightweight summer tees now. Sadly I do not have any bonbons, but I do have some of the seasonal double caramel candies from Sees.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh and homeless women? Yep. And one very nice homeless veteran who I really hope got shelter // VA care // whatever, his usual spot was the end of the bridge I crossed to get home (good spot too, between downtown and one of the major bus // T stations, hopefully he made enough there to, you know, not be a homeless veteran)

As for women, there was one very nice lady who’s usual spot was between my stop and morning coffee. Always, always “god bless you dear” for so much as an acknowledgement she existed. Maybe that’s the hat’s problem, he just doesn’t acknowledge the homeless people he sees.

And omgs so many teens // young adults…and one epically awesome blind guy who should’ve been singing on broadway, city paper did a piece on him, he has an apt *is in no way surprised considering the way he sings*

11 years ago

Please do not feed the troll. They get indigestion from the indulgence and the intestinal pressure makes their rectocranial function even more difficult.

11 years ago

The Black Fedora :

I have no idea what you are talking about. None of the youth I was talking about were screaming.

11 years ago

Feddy: When did you serve?

Untrue. They have lower fitness standards because no woman has ever met the male target. They take off their heavy equipment and hand it to a man while climbing walls.

No, they have some normed standards, because (gasp!) there are things they can’t do in the same way. But they have to march the same distance, carrying the same loads. They have to swim the same distance, in the same time. They have to clear the same obstacles.

They don’t have to do as many press-ups, and they get a bit more time to run, but that’s about it.

As to gear… if they take it off, it’s because the men do to.

Guess what… in combat, the gear comes off; because it slows you down. You heave it over the wall, or fetch it after.

They are also exempt barred from the most hazardous duties. FTFY

But go ahead, call me a liar again. Won’t be the first time, won’t be the last, that someone talking through his hat has been wrong about women in the Armed Forces.

11 years ago

Also they tend to piddle on the rugs, and dry cleaning is bad for the environment.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

As but I really want to see pecunium tear apart that spurting about women in the military. Does chewing them alive cause indigestion? If not I think we’ll be fine! (If so…*hands pecunium tums*)

11 years ago

I haven’t been doing any shopping, but I did finish the first side of the purple jumper I’m knitting for my hairdresser, and started the second. Plus I made an appointment for Mads to get her checkup at the vet. (“Wellness check” – gods how I hate that word, what’s wrong with “health” or “wellbeing”?)

11 years ago

I am hoping to expand my HUGE house, so I am applying to BIG DADDY government for a big loan. I hope I crash the US economy, buying knickers and adding rooms onto my HUGE house. Oh, and bonbons of course.

The Black Fedora
The Black Fedora
11 years ago

@ Nova
It sounds as if you play the traditionally male role. This can be dangerous as your partner may play the female one. Hence you divorce.

11 years ago

I’m sure the “pussy pass,” as you dipshits call it, has really helped the homeless woman who was a victim of abuse, the homeless woman who is half blind and was thrown out of her husband’s house after he cheated on her, and the homeless woman who lost her house in a flood, being left with nothing but a cart of her belongings and her dog.

Women gotta check their female privilege.

11 years ago

“Wellness check” sounds like they’re going to have a chat with the kitty about her work/life balance and whether she’s experiencing any stress.

11 years ago

@melody, You must be mistaken. All (imaginary) homeless women scream constantly. Which is what proves they’re not homeless.

11 years ago

My bonbons are huge and made of solid gold. This makes chewing them a bit tricky, but still, can’t be slacking off on the misandry, can we?

11 years ago

Argenti, it was the troll getting indigestion and making a mess that was the problem. However you and Pecunium can play with it if you put newspaper down on the floor and promise to clean up afterward. You know the Dark Lord just had the living room recarpeted.

melody – the troll was incapable of remembering who said what. I mentioned the screaming woman (who happens to be unwashed to the point where my barista lights SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES after she’s been two minutes in his cafe) and carries bagloads of stuff with her.

11 years ago

It sounds as if you play the traditionally male role. This can be dangerous as your partner may play the female one. Hence you divorce.

Wait, I thought I was supposed to wallow in the privilege of living a female life… now I find out that will lead to divorce?

Damn, nao I haz a confused.

11 years ago

“Wellness check” sounds like they’re going to have a chat with the kitty about her work/life balance and whether she’s experiencing any stress.

Can’t you just imagine that conversation?

“I am so stressed! My humans made me wait until morning before refilling my bowl! They don’t leave the heater on overnight! There is just nowhere for me to sleep! I have to get up and rub their ankles for attention!”

Hmm, solid gold bonbons wouldn’t be too much harder than some toffees. One could always just suck ’em, I guess.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

No no pecunium, only if you’re not a man. If you are then you’re expected to play the male role and denying you that is misandry. And if it’s a woman playing the male role and forcing a man into a female role it’s extra misandry.

I have no idea what it is when a man does the housekeeping and spoon boiling.

*is eating bon bons crunchy organic GMO free looks vegan even*

Crunchy granola eating commie hippie!

11 years ago

There are some types of toffee that should be known as “your dentist’s kid’s college fund”.

11 years ago

And that’s real!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ok, as I keep dropping bits of granola into my crotch [TMI alert] which is wearing neither pants, nor skirt, nor kilt, nor any other variety of non-underwear clothing, I think it might be bed time!

But first!

My brother went to Florida a couple weekends ago as he won some contest to meet a (nekkid) model…they’ve been texting, he might be taking her on an actual date when she’s in NYC if she isn’t too busy. On that note, pecunium, how packed is your weekend?

11 years ago

This weekend? I don’t know. Might be working sunday.