![Men forced into macho straightjacked by straight women's expectations, out cruising for chicks.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/machodudes.png?resize=580%2C406&ssl=1)
So we learned the other day from that Man Going His Own Way that male violence was, like, totally the fault of evil sexy ladies. Now, from this Men’s Rights Redditor, we learn that homophobia — or at least homophobia directed at gay men — is all the fault of straight women and their desire for macho dudes. Because straight men don’t ever express any sort of hostility towards gay or effeminate men — it’s just those darn ladies!
But, huh, what about all those straight dudes who are always calling other dudes “gay” and, you know, that other word that starts with an “f?”
Well, apparently that’s just playful joshing. No harm, no foul! If anything, it shows how wonderfully tolerant of gayness these guys are. I mean, come on, if you can’t see this, you must be stupid, or something. Or so says this other Men’s Rights Redditor:
They’re just having a little fun. You’re not against fun, are you?
Thanks to the AgainstMen’sRights subreddit for pointing me to these quotes.
Weren’t we trying to ignore the hat guy?
Oh so that’s why you wear a skirt! (Note to the rest of you, for the purpose of this post kilt = skirt)
I, um, apparently succeeded in tricking my brain into hypomania instead of super depressed, and this is rather enough of an accomplishment. Oh and big daddy guvment bought me some food (food stamps, cuz food is important!) Tomorrow will involve fighting with some collection agency that thinks I’m stupid as well as nuts — you aren’t getting my SSN and shit over the phone, send me a goddamned paper bill! And, by all the gods, the state, because they sent a letter saying, basically, whoops, our bad, you are disabled by our standard! Except they haven’t reactivited my benefits like the letter said they had.
As for the TV thing, I wasn’t asking what Fedora considered TV, I was asking wtf the study considered TV. Unless, of course, their is no study besides studying what’s on your tolket paper.
Pecunium also saw a huffpo piece on a juvenile detention facility, which I will now find for the rest of you.
Ever seen a homeless woman? Me neither.
Hmm, blockquote monster is getting inventive, but it works …
@ Kittesherf
So you work and you commute. This should make you more sympathetic to the male condition.
Privilidge looks different close up, does it not?
Just remember that the job you have is actually male privilidge in femm land.
Patriarchal oppressor!
Yeah, let’s go back to ignoring him. He’s just a common-or-garden-variety troll for its own sake.
He’s already admitted that he’s trolling for lulz, so I’m not sure why people are still responding to him as if he’s worth engaging with.
He actually makes Talacaris look good, which is saying something.
And here’s that link — http://huff.to/1aZm80e
Oh my god, are you kidding me?
“You never date?”
Why? Because women who date are actually prostitutes, who are milking the male for money?
” You never take advantage of quota hire? Female entitlement programmes? Chivalry?”
What?! You have no idea… go ahead and show me names of companies that actually employ so-called “Female entitlement programs.” “Quotas?” Where? Fucking chivalry? Do corporations hire based on chivalry? What planet do you live on?
“You never see yourself marrying one day? Your parents are immortal?”
Explain what the fuck that means, you insensitive twit.
I’m not just chatting on Man Boobz, I’m watching Shaun of the Dead! Harumph.
At least now I only work and have a social life (and sleep), whereas until last December I was working, having a social life, getting an advanced degree (and sleeping).
Fine. Ignore the troll? OK. He’s still a fucking asshole.
It shows how the quality has degraded when one misses* the days of NWO and Meller. There were trolls with passion! With rage! With totally bizarre worlds in their tinfoil-covered heads! With an occasional ability to answer a comment, albeit in a completely unreadable manner!
*well not really, because they were horrible people who’d probably be seriously alarming to meet, but this lot are such bores they start to look entertaining by comparison.**
**for a very specific value of “entertaining”
All lulz trolls are assholes. It’s one of the rules of the internet.
Regarding boiling spoons, I’ve done it. It’s the only way to get wooden spoons clean. You can, and should, wash them, but sooner or later they start getting a red stained color from sauce, or whatever, and then in the pot they go!
It’s not that he’s worth engaging, Cassandra, it’s just that it’s hard not to respond to (or at least mock) ridiculously dishonest statements. I try to ignore him, but occasionally I can’t help mocking him.
I do miss Meller. He was already pretty funny with the whole Mellertopia thing, and then there were the dolls. Plus no troll will ever top the hilarity of Meller’s insisting that women are jealous of Hello Kitty because of how fuckable men find her.
Mocking is awesome! It’s what we’re here for, after all. I just get sad when I can see that he’s actually getting under people’s skin.
Not talking to Hatty here, but I always find that “quota hire” thing to be so ridiculous. I mean, I work in a field that is mostly women so if anything the men are the “quota hires.” But isn’t the whole thing basically mythical? The only thing approaching a “quota” that I have, as someone who’s hired a bunch of people, is that we give a slight preference to internal candidates over external candidates, but only when there are two or more candidates who are “substantially equally qualified.” And the only time I’ve seen that clause invoked for hiring, it was to justify hiring a man.
Also, how would one in theory consciously take advantage of a hiring quota? If there’s a quota in place then it’s there regardless of who applies, and individual applicants have no control over whether it exists or not.
So, yeah, the only reason this subject was raised was in the hopes that it would upset people.
Sometimes the trolls do that to me, but mostly I feel scorn and derision, with a fair dose of incredulity, even on the odd occasions I answer ’em at length. It was with this twerp.
::prays blockquote monster has had its fill for the day::
Oh also, boobzers, I had a homeless woman living out of my garage for about 3 years. I know a woman who works a full-time job who is homeless and showers at a YMCA. She has occasionally slept on my couch. I live in a big city, and see homeless women everywhere, perhaps because I am not blinded by confirmation bias.
Has anyone else seen a homeless woman?
I’ve now moved on to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Yes 4.30 and I am on the train to work. You are fortunate in that you have a traditionally female life- but few men have these advantages.
so… You are on the internet at 0430 because you are on your way to work. Women who are on the internet at 0430 are shut-ins.
I don’t have a, “female” life. I am semi-retired. I can afford (because I earned it) to live as I see fit.
I’ve also had 60-80 hoUr a week jobs, and jobs where I was doing manual labor at from 0600-1100, and then again from 1600-1900 (because 40C is no temperature to be digging sprinkler trench in, much less doing roofing).
But go ahead, condescend to me as you use the net on the tube, about how priveleged I’ve been.
Let’s take a look at your posting times:
The Black Fedora | June 4, 2013 at 12:29 pm (all times should be adjusted +6, so middle evening).
The Black Fedora | June 4, 2013 at 4:24 pm (2000)
The Black Fedora | June 4, 2013 at 8:57 am (1500)
The Black Fedora | June 4, 2013 at 9:11 am (1500)
So you seem to be on at all hours too. Does your employer know you spend part of your day on manboobz?
When I am at work, I don’t log on at all; because my supplemental employ doesn’t really have the leisure time for it.
Because I work, and I commute (about 40 minutes, which includes about a mile of walking). Which has kept me sympathetic to the conditions of people who work.
@ kittesherf
The point is that you COULD work together with men to give a well paid job to everyone. There is money in the world for this.
At some point you decided that men ware the enemy and all chance of making the world better was lost
cloudiah: pecunium, Why are you boiling spoons?
For purposes of ritual cleanliness.
Then again, I wonder what he sees as, “traditional” female lifestyle.
Yardwork (clearing vegetation, and chopping it into disposable, lengths, as well as planting and tending), as well as spinning, photography; buying some shirts for my job, eating, tending the house; making my house a bit more pleasant for my partners.
Yup, just lazing about eating bon-bons, like all those other women who spend their days watching telly.
Have I ever seen a homeless woman? Well there are two in my immediate neighborhood. I also saw a lot of them when I was doing security at the shelter in the Glendale Armory (a soldier had to be there at all times). So, I’ve not seen/known more than a couple of hundred.