![Men forced into macho straightjacked by straight women's expectations, out cruising for chicks.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/machodudes.png?resize=580%2C406&ssl=1)
So we learned the other day from that Man Going His Own Way that male violence was, like, totally the fault of evil sexy ladies. Now, from this Men’s Rights Redditor, we learn that homophobia — or at least homophobia directed at gay men — is all the fault of straight women and their desire for macho dudes. Because straight men don’t ever express any sort of hostility towards gay or effeminate men — it’s just those darn ladies!
But, huh, what about all those straight dudes who are always calling other dudes “gay” and, you know, that other word that starts with an “f?”
Well, apparently that’s just playful joshing. No harm, no foul! If anything, it shows how wonderfully tolerant of gayness these guys are. I mean, come on, if you can’t see this, you must be stupid, or something. Or so says this other Men’s Rights Redditor:
They’re just having a little fun. You’re not against fun, are you?
Thanks to the AgainstMen’sRights subreddit for pointing me to these quotes.
It was one we were playing around on last night. I’ll have a scritch around for it. Do you want a link to either of the pics, or the talk?
Oh here it is! It’s on this thread, about three pages back. MrFancyPants got it all started here.
If you can find the comment stretch… I want to give marmot Clyde his own blog post, but I always try to link back to manboobz.com because David is shelling out the big bucks for my SEO strategies. 😀
Oh yay!
Way cool, marmot Clyde gets a post! 😀
I’m curious if “women and men have equal(ish) amounts of free time” and “women watch more TV” can both be true. I’m thinking it might be the same as “women spend more money”, that is, are things like Sesame Street included? Cuz watching your kid while ze watches TV isn’t free time, but could, I suppose, be counted as a broad “yes the TV is on and a women is nearby”.
I would think, given the source, this twit has some notion of women just sitting around watching Days of Our Lives and the like, in a house that miraculously cleans itself, with self-feeding and self-cleaning children, and perfect meals for Dad when he comes in from a hard day’s grind. Except she’s such a mean meanie she doesn’t even do the cooking, because men are subhuman. Sort of Mad Men with Betty kicking Don to the kerb.*
*caveat: I’ve never watched it, I’m going on what I’ve read. 🙂
@ kittesherf
No. I am actually basing my assumptions on a community of women who spend ten or more hours a week on manboobz complaining about the male gender. One regularly posts until 4am. Does this sound like a busy life to you?
Hah, I see your 4 Am and raise you one more hour for a glorious 5 am!
I am the master race! I HAVE OUT-TIMED YOU ALL, YOU HARLOT MANBOOBS: Where is my crown of time? My sceptre of ages? My shirt with “King of Kings” embroidered upon? What’s that? I’m doing the meglomania thing again? Sorry. I’ll pipe down.
Man, Fedora, really. You started out miserly and got worse, but it’s nice to see you’ve finally stepped up to the sly, personal insults. I can’t wait until you crash and start demanding we something something with our something something for something something. Insert your own harsh words there.
So alpha.
@ argenti
Sort of. I would not count Sesamie St but I would count daytime TV as consuming media. Women have more money to spend on themselves than do men because dating , divorce and death all involve transfers from men to women. Hence men earn more from longer hours but women have the higher lung standard.
LOL so you’re sitting around timing people here, Motheaten? Sounds like you’re the one with a “busy” life. I don’t suppose it occurs to you that people might be able to do more than one thing at a time, does it?
Most of my time online is at work, and no, it doesn’t stop me getting my work done at all. It’s also a handy source of amusement to read out MRA bullshit to the MEN in my office, who either laugh at you or are appalled at anyone being so delusional, stupid and hate-filled. Oh, and I wouldn’t call the blokes I work with feminists, not by a long chalk.
Also, read for comprehension, if you’re capable of it. “Mocking misogynists” is not “complaining about men”. Plus “manboobz regular” does not equal “woman”.
I knew not taking up smoking had more benefits to it!
Actually, I appreciate the correction. I was genuinely confused for a while there. I was thinking that maybe long hours leave less time for exercise so lung standards start falling, but thankfully, that’s now moot.
Anyway, Black Fedora, how is living under an assumed name in another country with a fake passport and a lavender marriage working out for you? 🙂
dating , divorce and death all involve transfers from men to women.
dafuq? You think the clothes and shoes, and makeup are all free? You think women don’t pay their own way on dates?
You think divorce is all paid by one party?
You think when a woman dies a man just gives her money?
The trolls who constantly hang around complaining about how much time people spend on this site will always be amusing.
I think NWOslave still holds the record for most time spent here, though. IIRC, he posted for 10 hours straight with never more than half an hour between each post, and that was typical. (I counted it up because he also claimed to work 14 hours a day.)
Feddy: No. I am actually basing my assumptions on a community of women who spend ten or more hours a week on manboobz complaining about the male gender. One regularly posts until 4am. Does this sound like a busy life to you?
Might be. I notice you here at all hours.
What did I do today.
Got up, checked some manboobz while my bveloved got ready for work.
Walked her to the train. Went shopping, bought some shirts, grabbed a meal, some coffee, and read the NYT. Came home, did some spinning, read some manboobz, checked out some other parts of the web (saw a bunch of cool photos of the Powerhouse fire, read on Calif. Poppies, saw an piece by a woman being threatened with rape and murder (when not being attacked for, being, “an uggo, whom no one would rape), did some spinning, checked back on manboobz, took some photographs.
Did a couple hours of yardwork, took some more photographs. Made some supper, read some manboobz, caught up on twitter, chatted with my partners when they got home (did some more spinning, set some yarn, edited a couple of photos, boiled some spoons, saw my beloved off to bed, and came back to see you telling me that people who are seen on manboobz several hours apart were nowhere else in the interim.
So, pretty much, as usual, I was busy with diddly squat.
Then again, if you are in London, it’s what… 0430 right now…
@ pec
Yes 4.30 and I am on the train to work. You are fortunate in that you have a traditionally female life- but few men have these advantages.
I do not resent these privileges. I just say enjoy them and do not assume other men have them
Hey there, lady pecunium. Delighted to make your acquaintance.
But the dudes who spend hours on Reddit hating women, that’s totally fine. 😀
pecunium, Why are you boiling spoons?
No one pays my way. I work many jobs. So this shit is just plain offensive:
“Women have more money to spend on themselves than do men because dating , divorce and death all involve transfers from men to women. Hence men earn more from longer hours but women have the higher lung standard.”
I’ll just ignore the typo.
I don’t remember anyone giving me large sums of cash just because. What about single women? What about women who have never been married.
Your insensitivity is impressive and yet…very sad. Women die because of poverty every day. I guess you think every woman is issued a rich husband she can divorce for alimony. What the fuck is the matter with you?
Hey, look at this study from the Center for American Progress:
“Women in America are more likely to be poor than men. Over half of the 37 million Americans living in poverty today are women. And women in America are further behind than women in other countries—the gap in poverty rates between men and women is wider in America than anywhere else in the Western world. Consider the following facts:
Poverty rates are higher for women than men. In 2007,13.8 percent of females were poor compared to 11.1 percent of men.
Women are poorer than men in all racial and ethnic groups. Recent data shows that 26.5 percent of African American women are poor compared to 22.3 percent of African American men; 23.6 percent of Hispanic women are poor compared to 19.6 percent of Hispanic men; 10.7 percent of Asian women are poor compared to 9.7 percent of Asian men; and 11.6 percent of white women are poor compared to 9.4 percent of white men.
Black and Latina women face particularly high rates of poverty. Over a quarter of black women and nearly a quarter of Latina women are poor. Black and Latina women are at least twice as likely as white women to be living in poverty.
Only a quarter of all adult women (age 18 and older) with incomes below the poverty line are single mothers. Over half of all poor adult women—54 percent—are single with no dependent children.
Elderly women are far more likely to be poor than elderly men. Thirteen percent of women over 75 years old are poor compared to 6 percent of men.
Poverty rates for males and females are the same throughout childhood, but increase for women during their childbearing years and again in old age. The poverty gap between women and men widens significantly between ages 18 and 24—20.6 percent of women are poor at that age, compared to 14.0 percent of men. The gap narrows, but never closes, throughout adult life, and it more than doubles during the elderly years.”
“Traditionally female life” LOL LOL what tradition would this be? Middle-class 1950s America? Traditional female life to me suggests, just in my culture, agricultural labour supplemented by cottage industry where possible; probably annual or at least bi-annual childbirth with all the risks and undermining of health involved. Or if one’s not stuck at subsistence level, then the trades and crafts, at least that one wasn’t kept out of by the male-run guilds. None of it cushy, none of it remotely resembling sitting around eating bonbons.
Me, I have a five-hour commute to my job that pays less than minimum wage because it’s part-time, but which saves lives. I’m at home this week because we still have this thing called paid annual leave in Oz (though perhaps, being a Brit, you’re not so fucking stupid about that as the US right wingers are). So yeah, women just sit around all day doing nothing. Pardon me, I have more work to do on the jumper I’m knitting for a friend.
(You know what those are, right? Friends?)
@ Shiraz
Are you sure?
You never date? You never take advantage of quota hire? Female entitlement programmes? Chivalry?
You never see yourself marrying one day? Your parents are immortal?
As for the quote. It is meaningless unless poverty is defined.
Ever seen a homeless woman? Me neither.
Well somebody has to. Pecunium can’t rely on those wimmin to do it, they’re all sitting around
watching tellyplaying on Manboobz.