actual activism antifeminism armageddon drama kings facebook censoring rape memes the world is ending oh no misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim rape culture rape jokes slacktivism straw feminists

Man-O-Philosopher Fidelbogen: Feminists want to ban Facebook rape memes because “feminists do not allow the right to exist of people who are not feminist.”

Feminist grinding men into dirt on the Internet.
Feminist grinding men into dirt on the Internet.

While we’re talking about this whole Facebook thing (see here and here if you don’t know what I’m referring to), I figured some of you might be wondering: What does the eminent Man-O-Philosopher and self-described “Counter-Feminist Agent of Change” Fidelbogen think of all this?

Well, probably none of you were wondering that, but here’s what he thinks anyway:

We are about to get proof of what we have always known anyway, which is that feminists do not allow the right to exist of people who are not feminist. That’s you and me, friend! They want to push us out off the map and even out of the universe altogether.

Ok, drinking game! One drink for each new metaphor. Off the map! Drink! Out of the universe! Drink!

They want to shut us up and grind us into the dirt.

Dirt! Drink!

They are able to lie about us because they control the narrative and the language in the first place, and whatever does not conform to that narrative, or that language, is a sitting duck.

Duck! Drink!

Ok, I think this duck here needs to cancel the drinking game on account of drunk already.

They simply WILL NOT TOLERATE any other view of reality but the one which they are propagating, and their talk about “hate speech” and “sexism” is a thin disguise for what they really wish to do. …

[W]hatever is merely critical of feminism will be targeted as hate speech, or sexism, or misogyny, or any other ugly word they might invent.

I weep for the future when I think of the long term consequences. More misandry, more lying, more slandering, more false statistics, more phony threat narratives and phony victim narratives, more false flag operations, more censorship, more thought policing, more poisoning the water between men and women,  more this, more that, and on it goes ad infinitum.

And Fidelbogen certainly knows about going on ad infinitum.

Keep your eyes upon this and prepare to do battle any way you can.

Fidelbogen chooses to do battle by sitting on his butt, typing.

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Radical Parrot
11 years ago

Welcome to all delurkers! Hard chairs and scented fucking candles to everyone!

Also, now I totes want to create the Straw Feminist character class, probably based on D&D rules. The Feminazi could be a prestige class. Hmm, where to begin…

Straw Feminist

Alignment: Any evil.

The Lawful Evil Straw Feminist seeks to create a world where women rule and men are breeding cattle. For this purpose, she infiltrates the governments of the world and controls the weak-willed male leaders in order to shut up all the innocent menz and take away their frozen peaches.

The Neutral Evil Straw Feminist uses her pussy pass to get her way in life. She may join her Lawful Evil sisters if it suits her, but she does not have a strong calling to change the world. She is content as long as she gets to ride the cock carousel and then trap a hard-working beta into a sexless marriage just before her looks degrade.

The Chaotic Evil Straw Feminist is out for the bonbons, pure and simple. She doesn’t care how many betas she has to financially enslave by forcing them to pay child support to support her lavish lifestyle, she will get the bonbons. All the bonbons.

Tell me if I forgot something from the descriptions. Lots of technical stuff next, but I think I can pull this off.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

What about chaotic neutral?! I feel left out here! Is my love of bonbons not strong enough? Do I care too much about the means necessary to unlock the bonbon achievement?! Is chaotic neutral feminist just not a thing?!

Inquiring minds need to know!

11 years ago

“What about chaotic neutral?! ”
The chaotic neutral stawfem will be the male( obviously since women=evil) who is into feminism to get pussy..

11 years ago

@kittehserf: Yeah, that’s where it comes from. (Wow, the threads here move fast!)

@Radical Parrot: I love it so far! Do we get armor proficiency in slutwear?

11 years ago

And lawful neutral will be a male who’s in it for career (in government or education) and money.

Is my new gravatar working??

11 years ago

Marie, oh I didn’t see the suicide part. I just skimmed the bottom half since it looked repetitive.

11 years ago

More delurkers? Did everyone get their welcome package?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Talacaris — nope, you’re still purple triangles. Your strawfems seem apt though.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Whoops, now it’s working. A bit…weird, but there.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

And never mind again, the big version makes so much more sense, all I could see was a pink wig!

11 years ago

Straw Feminist Class Progression

Minimum BAB, High Will, Low Fort, High Reflex

( Evil Women are not true fighters, and will always have low fortitude. They have high wills, however, and good reflexes, both requirements to shift the blame around accordingly when traps are triggered. )

The main class features for the Straw Feminist is derived from Charisma, as it is the only thing women can ever advance, ever. And that’s the real truth.

The DC of any ability granted by a progression of Straw Feminist is derived as 10 + Ability Specific + Cha Mod (If Positive)

11 years ago

I like this set of exchange, where some dude is arguing the real point of AVfM is to “shift the overton window”.

11 years ago

@pecunium, I like how the second debate thing has an MRA denying the calls for violence in the MRM. By like I mean he’s a moron and its funny/kinda scary…

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I did not expect that to fully embed like that, I apologize.

11 years ago

Why can’t these fuckers just leave us alone? V_V Ugh.

Also, I still think it’s hilarious that she hates the word “cis.”

11 years ago

Who the hell is Cathy Brennan?

11 years ago

Did you just paste the link to the tweet, Argenti? If so, that’s kind of freaky because I’ve inspected the HTML and it looks like there’s some iframe tags where the tweet is supposed to be. I’ve never seen those tags before. And it contains #document. =S

11 years ago

auggziliary, Cathy Brennan is a very hateful transphobic radfem lawyer who is notorious for doxxing trans* women (and even trans* men) she doesn’t like.

11 years ago

Oh I’ve think I’ve actually heard about her now… Jesus what an asshole…

Radical Parrot
11 years ago

@Argenti: That’s a tough one. I’ve always imagined straw feminist as a “conniving, evil female”, so being evil just sounds right to me. Plus, tighter restrictions mean better class features! This is not set in stone, of course. If you have a good idea a to how to play a non-evil straw feminist, I’d be curious to read it.

@Fibinachi: Exactly what I was thinking. I imagine the straw feminist to be something of a low-level spellcaster, much like a bard. Her true power lies in her skills and various class features.

@OnnaStik: That’s a good one!

@Radical Parrot: What’s with the random capitalization? Have you been reading crappy MRA stuff again?

Here’s a few more ideas. Much of the following has been copy-pasted from the open game content of D&D, with a few tweaks. Soon we’ll have figured out the class features of the first level! I haven’t really thought about spells that much yet. If only work and school stuff didn’t get in the way of creating silly stuff on the internet…

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A straw feminist is proficient with all simple weapons. She is proficient in slutwear and light shields. While wearing armor type slutwear, a straw feminist can cast spells without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. However, like any other arcane spellcaster, a straw feminist using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component (most do).

Familiar: A straw feminist can obtain a familiar. Doing so takes 24 hours and uses up magical materials that cost 100 gp. A familiar is a magical beast that resembles a small animal and is unusually tough and intelligent. The creature serves as a companion and servant.

The straw feminist chooses the kind of familiar she gets, though choosing a cat is strongly encouraged. As the straw feminist advances in level, her familiar also increases in power. At 3rd level and every three levels thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th etc), the straw feminist gains Extra Familiar as a bonus feat.

Hivemind: Once per day per straw feminist level, the straw feminist can access the hivemind to produce magical effects on those around her (usually including herself, if desired). These effects include, but are not limited to, Emasculate, Sisterhood and Kill the unborn.

11 years ago

I have a confession to make. I can’t stand scented fucking candles. They can give me super bad migraines. I can’t even walk down candle aisles in stores, and I sometimes get nervous around candles I know are un-fucking-scented.

Am I not allowed to be a woman now?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

We’ve determined that unscented candles aren’t any better. I’d assume using them in case of power failure isn’t misandrist, but only women care about ambiance.

Radical Parrot — chaotic neutral includes sometimes giving men want they want in exchange for bon bons? Allowing men out of the friend zone if paid in bon bons? It appears I’m thinking straw feminists are Tom “97% of women are whores” Martin’s sort. Evil = whoring, chaotic = working for it.

And that sounds demeaning to sex workers. Sorry.

Aaliyah — yep, just pasted the link. She especially hates lesbian trans* women, and their partners, cuz all trans* women have a penis and penis = man and sex with a penis involved =/= lesbian. Trans* men (and I assume non-binaries, but never seen her acknowledge us at all) are collateral damage in her quest for gender essentialism.

11 years ago

Attacking libertarians is not going to go over well with the misters!