While we’re talking about this whole Facebook thing (see here and here if you don’t know what I’m referring to), I figured some of you might be wondering: What does the eminent Man-O-Philosopher and self-described “Counter-Feminist Agent of Change” Fidelbogen think of all this?
Well, probably none of you were wondering that, but here’s what he thinks anyway:
We are about to get proof of what we have always known anyway, which is that feminists do not allow the right to exist of people who are not feminist. That’s you and me, friend! They want to push us out off the map and even out of the universe altogether.
Ok, drinking game! One drink for each new metaphor. Off the map! Drink! Out of the universe! Drink!
They want to shut us up and grind us into the dirt.
Dirt! Drink!
They are able to lie about us because they control the narrative and the language in the first place, and whatever does not conform to that narrative, or that language, is a sitting duck.
Duck! Drink!
Ok, I think this duck here needs to cancel the drinking game on account of drunk already.
They simply WILL NOT TOLERATE any other view of reality but the one which they are propagating, and their talk about “hate speech” and “sexism” is a thin disguise for what they really wish to do. …
[W]hatever is merely critical of feminism will be targeted as hate speech, or sexism, or misogyny, or any other ugly word they might invent.
I weep for the future when I think of the long term consequences. More misandry, more lying, more slandering, more false statistics, more phony threat narratives and phony victim narratives, more false flag operations, more censorship, more thought policing, more poisoning the water between men and women, more this, more that, and on it goes ad infinitum.
And Fidelbogen certainly knows about going on ad infinitum.
Keep your eyes upon this and prepare to do battle any way you can.
Fidelbogen chooses to do battle by sitting on his butt, typing.
Argenti – yeah, I think the vampiric feminists bit happened yesterday after the Moth-Eaten Black Beanie said something about being able to identify feminists on sight. Couple of good pics were posted, all fangs and red eyes. Can’t remember which thread it was – JudgyBitch, possibly? Maledict would fit right in there. 😀
I consider myself to be a feminist. I guarantee you that nobody seeing me would think that.
Aha, a perfect fifth-columnist!
::laughs evilly, rubs hands, twirls moustache::
Until I open my mouth and speak my mind, Kitteserf. Which I have a tendency to do now.
Dammit, I meant “Kittehserf”, not “Kitteserf”. I blame society.
Kitteh — I saw, and was very tempted to note that I do have a pair of fangs (the good kind, not the $1 plastic look absurd kind)
Also, cats!
My mother’s tolerated being brushed, tolerated being lint rolled, and then attacked my foot for, um, idfk? Like, I have a couple pinpoint blood spots, and two good sized gashes across my foot. Apparently the overlady was displeased.
Glad I reread that, apparently foor somehow snuck by autocorrect, like four, foot, floor, all words, foor is not.
Dammit young agent, you’ll just have to take Spying 101 again, you know!
You can call me Kittehs if you like. Everyone knows I know my place in this household. ::looks around anxiously to see if furry overlords require anything::
She was just keeping you off balance, Argenti! Madievil cat did the same to me yesterday. Then came and wanted MOAR PLAY after she’d swiped me.
Hey, I have real fangs, as in my canines are just long enough to look a bit fangy and have dentists ask if I want ’em shortened. I tried some of the expensive stick-in fangs many years ago but they wouldn’t stay put.
Kitteh is you mean the fangs that come with the stuff you mix together, they changed the stuff (descriptive, I know). Not sure when, but maybe the last 5 years? The new stuff is solider, seems to hold better.
And I read “young agent” as “young Argenti” XD
I think it was those fangs, can’t really remember. It would have been pushing twenty years ago I bought mine, so they’re probably a lot better now.
You can always sit Spying 101 if you want to, young Argenti! XD
Wow, this is the best welcome package I’ve gotten from any website comments section ever! (am I kitteh? *checks* YAY I am kitteh!)
And wow, that Scented Fucking Candles thing is almost batshit enough to make me sorry I asked. Not quite, though.
Yay for kitteh avatars!
PS does your nym have anything to do with Cut-me-own-throat Dibbler, perchance?
I don’t understand, don’t the MRA know that freedom of speech doesn’t include hate speech? I thought everybody knew that.
I’m new here! Hello. 🙂 and I already know all about the hard chairs and the scented candles. 😛
Wait, if we put the scented candles outside our doors how are our homes going to be scented in an appropriately womanly way? I guess we’ll just have to buy two sets, thus doubling the misandry.
RE fangs, in my younger and more overtly goth days I almost bought a pair and then it occurred to me that if the sticky stuff unstuck I might accidentally swallow one, which seemed like a bad idea.
Not American but… I’m pretty certain the US is unique in the western world in LACKING hate speech laws, so in the US, the freedom of speech does include hate speech. Right?
Only Facebook is a private website and can have any policy they like. THAT’S what so many people on the internet cannot grasp: Private websites make up their own policies. Just like, before the internet, magazines, book publishers and so on were free to make up their own policies – freedom of speech (or freedom of print) didn’t mean they were required to publish ANYTHING that was sent their way.
Dammit, I’ll never level up! I don’t have cats, I don’t like hard chairs – broke my tailbone once, so despite my fat lady arse I like a cushioned seat – and I shun scented candles; they give me headaches 🙁
The hard chairs aren’t for you..they are for the menz. If you give the menz the hard chairs and you take the cushiony ones, you can level up!
Now that I’ve read the scented fucking candles thread, I feel a bit happier saying that I hate the horrible things. Can’t stand going into one of “those” health stores or passing “that” point as we go through the Ikea shopping area. (Though I do like Ikea’s pack of mixed size candles – unscented.)
In fact I hate every single one of those scented products. Can’t walk into the ‘personal care’ aisle at the supermarket, and the cleaning products aisle is not much better. If I want scented cleaning stuff I put a few, very few, drops of essential oil into a big bottle of vinegar for cleaning at home.
(Hides vanilla candles under the sink)
I’m… I’m not alone with my hatred of scented stuff?! OMG! O.O
I’m pretty sure that if the violence and rape memes had pictures of PoC or Gay Men, there would have been a bigger outcry. But then, it’s always been ok to hit and harm women, because the type of man that does that lacks the intelligence to deal with fellow humans in any other way.
Scented candles make me sneeze. I quite like the idea of Vampiric Feminists though, sucking the stupidness out of MRA asshats 🙂
I refuse to allow anyone that excuse. It’s nothing to do with a lack of intelligence but all about control and a lack of basic human decency.
At the federal level in the US, hate speech is only banned when it presents a “clear and present danger” to individuals. That is, it’s okay legally to say general things like “all women should be kept in their place” accompanied by images of battered women, so long as the speaker isn’t saying “hey, everyone, let’s stone Suzy” while holding a rock. It’s a very thin and often stupid line. US freedom of speech laws often still follow the ideology of a “marketplace of ideas” where it is assumed that all speech is equal and simply competing for public acceptance. All hail capitalism.
Fidelbogen never considers that most reasonable human beings, whenever they’re feminist or not feminists, just don’t want to see those images. These jerks have an “either-or mindset”. In their deranged worldview – you’re either feminist or not & all “not feminist” folks enjoy images of beaten women, raped women, dead women, child abuse & otherwise-cute photos of sloths ruined forever by horrid text.
It’s like ChristoFundies who refer to detractors as “atheists” despite the fact that many of those detractors may be theists, deists & even avid churchgoers. In Fundy-Land…
Atheist = Atheist,
Normal Christian = Atheist,
Non-Christian Religion Adherent = Atheist,
Spiritual-But-Not-Religious = Atheist,
NeoPagan = Atheist,
Democratic Party = Atheist
Nothing wrong with atheism but these zealots are idiots.