While we’re talking about this whole Facebook thing (see here and here if you don’t know what I’m referring to), I figured some of you might be wondering: What does the eminent Man-O-Philosopher and self-described “Counter-Feminist Agent of Change” Fidelbogen think of all this?
Well, probably none of you were wondering that, but here’s what he thinks anyway:
We are about to get proof of what we have always known anyway, which is that feminists do not allow the right to exist of people who are not feminist. That’s you and me, friend! They want to push us out off the map and even out of the universe altogether.
Ok, drinking game! One drink for each new metaphor. Off the map! Drink! Out of the universe! Drink!
They want to shut us up and grind us into the dirt.
Dirt! Drink!
They are able to lie about us because they control the narrative and the language in the first place, and whatever does not conform to that narrative, or that language, is a sitting duck.
Duck! Drink!
Ok, I think this duck here needs to cancel the drinking game on account of drunk already.
They simply WILL NOT TOLERATE any other view of reality but the one which they are propagating, and their talk about “hate speech” and “sexism” is a thin disguise for what they really wish to do. …
[W]hatever is merely critical of feminism will be targeted as hate speech, or sexism, or misogyny, or any other ugly word they might invent.
I weep for the future when I think of the long term consequences. More misandry, more lying, more slandering, more false statistics, more phony threat narratives and phony victim narratives, more false flag operations, more censorship, more thought policing, more poisoning the water between men and women, more this, more that, and on it goes ad infinitum.
And Fidelbogen certainly knows about going on ad infinitum.
Keep your eyes upon this and prepare to do battle any way you can.
Fidelbogen chooses to do battle by sitting on his butt, typing.
@Marie- It’s actually kind of fabulous to read about a God who is smiting the enemies in one line, and nursing the people with overflowing breasts in another….
GOD I love the Bible.
Thanks Marie! I’ve been a supporter for a while, but just hadn’t been pushed over that line into commenting before. *sips coffee from We Hunted the Mammoth To Feed You mug*
A cat would be more misandric, but a pony would do.
here is a pony for you:
Say, do we get to redeem our points at the Feminist Castle Co-op? I must have squillions of Denying Nice Guys Teh Secks points by now.
Mr FancyPants – yer welcome!
I like your avatar. Reminds me of a family member’s fave symbol. 🙂
Oooh! I don’t know- I’ve never been to the Feminist Castle Co-op. 🙁 Where is it?
@neuroticbeagle- AAAAAH she is great! I will name her Gloria Steinem and never ride her without positive consent!
… that sounded dirtier than I had intended.
@M Dubz- LOL
Thanks Kittehserf. It’s called the Sol de Mayo, or Sun of May, and it’s on the flag of Argentina, and apparently represents an Incan god or something. Not exactly a kitteh, but since all kittehs derive warmth from sunbeams, perhaps I’m misandric enough to pass the state exam in the field of Elamistry.
@MrFancyPants – Totally! Kittehs and sunbeams definitely go together.
@neuroticbeagle – my guess it’s somewhere near the entrance of the castle, but not too close to the kitty gargoyle secret entrance statues.
where is the feminist castle?? I waaannnnaaa goooooooooooo!
Kittehs is that one of your cats?
No, that’s a kitty off the internet. I was just searching for sunbathing cats. 🙂
I don’t know where the castle is! I don’t think we’ve built it yet. Auggz mentioned it today (can’t remember which thread) and how it’ll cost a fair bit to make the moat and kitty statues.
What would be a good spot? In the Republic of Yorkshire Athywren mentioned before?
Manboobz Island?
Prediction: if a Feminist Castle Co-op is going to be made, Paul Elam will be blogging that ZOMG THE FEMINISTS ARE PREVENTING MENZ FROM EQUAL ACCESS TO CASTLE STONES
The furry master says it is time for bed. Nights
Niters neuroticbeagle! 🙂
MrFancyPants – and we all know that blocking access to castle stones = KILLING ALL TEH MENZ excepthosefeministmanginaswhototesdon’tcountamirite
I…wow…feminist castle…
So, um, if women did all the work, you think they’d finally admit that women can build stuff? (Note, I don’t think women should do all the work, just that it’d make Elam explode)
Kittehserf, exactly! Except I’m safe from the menz killing b/c I have scented candles, the tried-and-true totem for protection against the vampiric feminists, it seems. When the moses of feminism calls for the dreaded host to descend upon the USA and kill all the men, only those homes with scented candles outside their doors will be safe.
Heh. I said “moses of feminism”. That’s got to pop some blood vessels somewhere.
Ooh I think I found a mockup though!
::reads Mr FancyPants’ comment::
::dies laughing::
M Dubz – that’s it, we’re moving to Wales!
Vampiric feminists? *tips coffee* I’ll drink to that!
Note: I’m apparently maledict from Prachett because I pretty much always have coffee at hand…or am making coffee… like, just took sleeping pill, am seriously still drinking my coffee (which has been called both scary and deadly, apparently cafe bustelo powdered espresso mixed with the grounds is a bit much?)
Or there’s Boris, at Skipton:
Or Grumpy Cat: