While we’re talking about this whole Facebook thing (see here and here if you don’t know what I’m referring to), I figured some of you might be wondering: What does the eminent Man-O-Philosopher and self-described “Counter-Feminist Agent of Change” Fidelbogen think of all this?
Well, probably none of you were wondering that, but here’s what he thinks anyway:
We are about to get proof of what we have always known anyway, which is that feminists do not allow the right to exist of people who are not feminist. That’s you and me, friend! They want to push us out off the map and even out of the universe altogether.
Ok, drinking game! One drink for each new metaphor. Off the map! Drink! Out of the universe! Drink!
They want to shut us up and grind us into the dirt.
Dirt! Drink!
They are able to lie about us because they control the narrative and the language in the first place, and whatever does not conform to that narrative, or that language, is a sitting duck.
Duck! Drink!
Ok, I think this duck here needs to cancel the drinking game on account of drunk already.
They simply WILL NOT TOLERATE any other view of reality but the one which they are propagating, and their talk about “hate speech” and “sexism” is a thin disguise for what they really wish to do. …
[W]hatever is merely critical of feminism will be targeted as hate speech, or sexism, or misogyny, or any other ugly word they might invent.
I weep for the future when I think of the long term consequences. More misandry, more lying, more slandering, more false statistics, more phony threat narratives and phony victim narratives, more false flag operations, more censorship, more thought policing, more poisoning the water between men and women, more this, more that, and on it goes ad infinitum.
And Fidelbogen certainly knows about going on ad infinitum.
Keep your eyes upon this and prepare to do battle any way you can.
Fidelbogen chooses to do battle by sitting on his butt, typing.
Ok, here is the welcome package. http://artistryforfeminismandkittens.wordpress.com/the-official-man-boobz-complimentary-welcome-package/
I blame the pinot grigio.
@onnastik: One feMRA ranted about how women today have just come to “scented fucking candles”.
That was even weirder than I thought … and coming from a feMRA, too. Bizarre.
TB’s, on women that make the MRM mad (feminists, in the broadest sense possible):
“People who support, directly or indirectly, a movement that demonizes men with the same rhetoric used in the past against Jewish and black people”
She probably forgets that most MRAs tried to get the Vietnamese to help out the Cambodian communists to build military bases to establish a new world order. Just like Pol Pot. But hey, it’s her choice if she wants to be in the “Pol Pot communist dictator” camp.
[I can make baseless comparisons too and trivialize the suffering of millions of people too! Is this the hallmark of a social justice movement?]
Jessay did that?
Oddly, I found that on poetv.com, which makes me think that it’s secretly infested with manboozerz.
Haha, I hadn’t reread the scented candle thing since last week.
I forgot that in the Spearhead’s mind, I “ain’t a woman” because having children is something that is really unappealing to me (nothing against people who do, just not for me!).
Most troubling of all: my beloved does all the scented candle shopping, I don’t really give a crap about them. He likes to put vanilla scented stuff in the bathroom. He even asked for a scented oil diffuser for Christmas. I thought he was a man, but I’m not sure anymore given this new evidence.
Maybe I should ask for help from the gender psychologists over at the Spearhead? Should I force myself to fuel the scented candle economy? I’m afraid my world is crumbling, because gender normativity is a pillar of civilization. Because it is (science!). On the upper side, I’m not useless, even though I just passed my expiration date.
*super manly alpha happy dance*
Guys, read that legalese PDF on the scented candles thread, that’s still one of the funniest court documents I’ve read.
Wah! Consistently applied rules are misandry!!
More importantly, they’re genocide!
Seriously though, I love me some scented candles. Well, it depends on the scent, but still, yum. #manlypose
Or is it something different if you’re eradicating people over philosophical issues? Philocide?
Feminsm: because being called Phil is just awful.
Oh my giddy aunt. I’d never bothered to actually read the scented fucking candles item before, (I’d just presumed it was more of the matching bath towels nonsense). That there is one mighty fine example of Thinking. Gone. Wrong.
How does someone like that manage to catch the right bus every day?
Better the bus then actually driving on the road.
Man, I totally love level grinding at feminism, if only because it’s the only RPG where I get to wear sensible armor.
@M Dubz
😀 I level grinded my feminism yesterday. I got my brother to hang out with me, my sister, my mom, and our cousin Casey, who is a girl! He was so infected with girl cooties*! Many points for me!
*In serious, though he actually seemed to enjoy it, cuz he came to hang out with me and my sissie today 😀 Win!
Unless you’re Phil Harding.
/archaeology fangirl moment
Okay, so I’m a guy, and I have bought scented candles with my own money that I earned myself*. Does that qualify me for some kind of honorary Lady qualification, or something? I wouldn’t mind padding the ole’ resumé, and from what I hear, the ladies have all the power in the world (or so the MRA’s tell me).
*Correction: at least one of these candles was bought by someone else, possibly someone female. I hope that doesn’t diminish the value of my candle-purchasing endeavors.
@Marie- Good work. You get a SCENTED FUCKING CANDLE, good to redeem for Hit Points or 10000 gold (because hypergamy).
Does staying locked in my house all weekend and trying to write my finals count as level grinding feminism? I am writing about God as Mother metaphors in Isaiah, so that has to count for something… right…?
*hands MrFancyPants a temporary pussy pass*
*reads the terms and conditions of said pass from Maude LL with growing incredulity*
@M Dubz
XD I would say that trying to write finals counts, because ladies shouldn’t be learning (but still must support ourselves!) and also, because by writing about God who is CLEARLY MALE GUYS LIKE HE MUST BE MALE ELEVEN as mother is just like the biggestest misandry ever.
I am probalby too hyper/ wound up over here…
Speaking of handing things to Mr FancyPants, have you received your Official Manboobz Complimentary Welcome Package yet?
Kittehserf, oh thankyouverehmuch. I am indeed a recent delurker. Longtime listener, first time caller, doncha know.
Welcome 😀
@M Dubz
By being in the house all weekend, you have denied Nice GuysTM the sehks.
+100 misandry points for you
Eh, don’t worry, Mr. Fancypants. It doesn’t hurt *much* when they hook you into the ebul feminist hivemind.
@neuroticbeagle- so wait, does that mean that I get +100 points for EVERY weekend I deny men teh seeks? Because then I might be able to trade those points in for a pony…
And to address the original point, I’d rather have the sex than the pony. And even when I was having the sex, I turned my boyfriend down occasionally, just as I have been turned down for sex occasionally by people I was dating. It’s a no biggie, as long as there’s mutual communication and trust and everyone’s comfortable with the sex arrangements as they are.