actual activism antifeminism armageddon drama kings facebook censoring rape memes the world is ending oh no misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim rape culture rape jokes slacktivism straw feminists

Man-O-Philosopher Fidelbogen: Feminists want to ban Facebook rape memes because “feminists do not allow the right to exist of people who are not feminist.”

Feminist grinding men into dirt on the Internet.
Feminist grinding men into dirt on the Internet.

While we’re talking about this whole Facebook thing (see here and here if you don’t know what I’m referring to), I figured some of you might be wondering: What does the eminent Man-O-Philosopher and self-described “Counter-Feminist Agent of Change” Fidelbogen think of all this?

Well, probably none of you were wondering that, but here’s what he thinks anyway:

We are about to get proof of what we have always known anyway, which is that feminists do not allow the right to exist of people who are not feminist. That’s you and me, friend! They want to push us out off the map and even out of the universe altogether.

Ok, drinking game! One drink for each new metaphor. Off the map! Drink! Out of the universe! Drink!

They want to shut us up and grind us into the dirt.

Dirt! Drink!

They are able to lie about us because they control the narrative and the language in the first place, and whatever does not conform to that narrative, or that language, is a sitting duck.

Duck! Drink!

Ok, I think this duck here needs to cancel the drinking game on account of drunk already.

They simply WILL NOT TOLERATE any other view of reality but the one which they are propagating, and their talk about “hate speech” and “sexism” is a thin disguise for what they really wish to do. …

[W]hatever is merely critical of feminism will be targeted as hate speech, or sexism, or misogyny, or any other ugly word they might invent.

I weep for the future when I think of the long term consequences. More misandry, more lying, more slandering, more false statistics, more phony threat narratives and phony victim narratives, more false flag operations, more censorship, more thought policing, more poisoning the water between men and women,  more this, more that, and on it goes ad infinitum.

And Fidelbogen certainly knows about going on ad infinitum.

Keep your eyes upon this and prepare to do battle any way you can.

Fidelbogen chooses to do battle by sitting on his butt, typing.

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11 years ago

He talks like people who don’t want to see battered and raped women are some cartoon villain gang from the 80s.

11 years ago

Imma go out on a limb here and suggest that there are plenty of non feminist people who do NOT see rape as the god given right of men.

Anyone else here up for continuing on with tired cliches?

11 years ago

“Fidelbogen chooses to do battle by sitting on his butt, typing.”

Haha! This is what I always think whenever I see another enraged screed from some MRA. Their thought processes seem to always go along the lines of “ZOMG this feminist enrages me! I must repair to my keyboard and immediately blog my outrage and hence advance the cause of this important civil rights issue! ARRRGLE BARGLE!”

11 years ago

Erm…can someone explain to me how not allowing people to post rape threats/jokes and violent threats against women causes those people to cease to exist when a feminist views the post?

That would be an awesome super power.

11 years ago

So let’s see … I’m 100% sure my BiL couldn’t be called a feminist. I do not, however, want him to stop existing.

Also, how does “posting images of women being raped, beaten or murdered will no longer be permitted on Facebook” actually wipe out, not just the people posting them, but all non-feminists everywhere?

Don’t anyone tell Facebook it’s that powerful. Zuckerberg’s head is swollen enough already.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Nah, too cute.

I sort of think of my JohntheOtter scrawl. Not cute, but definitely frothing at the mouth at his keyboard.

11 years ago

You don’t get the FEMINIST EXTERMINATE ability until level 28. Go spit on some beta males in elevators if you need more experience.

11 years ago

But it’s a sitting duck! And I can picture him quacking angrily!

11 years ago

*kicks dirt*

Aww maaaan! All this spitting is making me mighty parched. Do I at least get some vouchers for lemonade?

Is there a cheat code? Cause I swear I’ve been stuck at level 27.38 since forever.

11 years ago

I have gotten so much laughage from reading this r/mr thread.

First, it’s kind of weird that Typhoid Blue makes a r/mr post to link to another r/mr post, almost like she’s trying to start some internal brigading. Then TB gets into a long argument with two visitors from (I think) r/againstmensrights, that is pretty epic. At one point, TB actually says these words: “I can’t offer evidence in a reddit comment for obvious reasons.” Then David’s Reddit imposter “manzboobz” starts attacking AVfM. There’s a weird conspiracy tangent about the Hansen Soap Company — anyone know the origins of that? Then someone accuses David of being frequent r/mr commenter “cannotfindWMD.”

Good times, good times.

Radical Parrot
11 years ago

I hate this level grinding. How many scented motherfucking candles do I have to produce to reach level 19? And that’s a dead level anyway. Extra hit points, slightly better saving throws, but no new class abilities… grrr.

Anyway, on the topic: Yeah, sounds about right. I’m sitting in my Straw Fortress of Straw Feminism right now, plotting the extermination of non-feminists everywhere while cackling evilly. I spend all my free time spying on hapless betas to enslave.

I guess I should be flattered that anyone thinks I have that much ambition.

11 years ago

I’ve been lurking for a while, but now I think I need to ask- where did the Scented Fucking Candles thing come from? I’ve seen you guys say it a lot.

11 years ago

I like that they think you’re so powerful and omnipresent. XD

I also found two adorable things on Reddit.


And this:

But now Buster is sleeping draped over my arms, which makes typing difficult. I guess she wants me to pay attention to her.

11 years ago

Since David isn’t an individual, but rather a bunch of cats, one of them must have decided to go to reddit to swat at misogynists like most cats swat at mouse toys.

Picture of David?

La Strega
11 years ago

Well, he’s right about one thing: We do have (more) control of the language.

I had an Aussie that loved to herd things. For a while, I seriously contemplated getting him his own little flock of ducks.

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

Awesome! Those kittens are clearly operating a robot.

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

This is getting to be an epic MRM battle: Typhon Blue against Paul Elam! Surely Elam will kick her out of AVfM for making baseless assertions that MRA commenters are secret feminists (see previous thread, 1st comment of second page for the link).
[That was a funny joke, because it won’t happen]
It almost look as if Elam wants to make MRAs disappear from the surface of the Earth! (I’m still going with the drinking game, weeeeee!)

11 years ago


Welcome 😀 And paraphrasing here, cuz I was 1) lurking then and 2) it’s been a while, but I think someone wrote this letter about how ladies only spend our money on frivilous shit like scented candles. Or as they said: SCENTED. FUCKING. CANDLES

11 years ago

OnnaStik – hi and welcome!

The Scented Fucking Candles started before I joined Manboobz, but I think it comes from some MRA numbskull ranting about how women spend all the manly menz money on trivia like Scented Fucking Candles.

Anyone who was here then got more info than that?

11 years ago

Ninjaed twice in one thread! Oh, the shame!

Radical Parrot
11 years ago


Here you go:

And welcome! Who’s got the welcome package? Included are your very own SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES!

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